living my as a rider in paris...

Por ShotaAizawa028

335 5 1

all to the real owner not me Más


normal to again fight

186 4 1
Por ShotaAizawa028

it was a morning day for the student

ms bustier walk in to see her student ready for school

Ms bustier: class may i have your attention please

All the student turn around and look at her

Ms bustier point to the door

Y/n open the door and greet the class

Y/n: hello everyone my name is y/n sato i from kobe japan

Some class were stun to see a new study from aother country

Ms bustier: so y/n tell us more about yourself

Y/n: well i do like to tell but i kinda learn abit of frence and engilsh beford coming here yeah i know guys think i would have an accent

Then a student with a red cap and a headset on his neck saw a kuuga barlcet

Him: hey dude when did you get that from?

Y/n: oh it a gift from a friend he know that i love kamen rider

All student mind: kamen rider?

And a blonde male boy wearing a white jacket ask

Blonde boy: hey um y/n right kamen rider are those old hero that saving japan from monster since 1971?

Y/n: yep there alot of kamen rider right now and aren't you adrien agreste

Adrien nod

Y/n: nice to meet you two"look at alya" aren't the person that try to fine who ladybug identity?

Alya was suprize

Alya: woah how you know?

Y/n: i follow you

Alya: cool

After a few min of talking y/n sit next to nico

School alarm start rining that a monster

A worm appear and attack the people of paris

The people scream and shouted for ladybug and cat noir to arrived but the worm use clock up to reach the school all class soon left the classroom to find a nearby exit

A blue hair girl with a pink purse saw this and went to nearest restroom and unzip the purse to reavel a small doll by the name of tikki

Tikki: marinette i don't think that a akuma

Marinette: whatever that thing it is we need to stop it beford hurting anyone else..TIKKI SPOT ON!

Then she tranform as ladybug

Ladybug get of the restroom and found the worm

Ladybug: that one ugly akumazied-

The worm saw ladybug and about to attack but a rock throw to the worm head by cat noir

Ladybug look at cat noir

Ladybug: cat noir you know any about the that thing?

Cat noir: i not sure but we ready kick that ugly butt ready midlady?

Ladybug: yeah

But the worm use his clock up to appear behide the paris hero

Cat noir and ladybug turn around and saw the worm

Both of them: what th-

The worm kick them out of level and land on the ground

Both of the hero able land it easy but the worm appear again and grab them at the back throw ladybug and cat noir to the window that shatters in peices

Laybug able to survive without any bleed expect for cat noir that hurt his right shoulder

Cat noir: he too strong..

Ladybug: he can teleport..

Later after a fight gariel saw a live report about the worm

Gariel: i did not use the akuma on it but very werid monster

Nataile walk in

Nataile:sir we might have a problem about the monster. It a monster from japan

Gariel: monster from japan? I see..

At the fight

Ladybug ran out of breath while cat noir and got hit by the worm couple of time

People are getting worried about their hero about to die


A boy scream that make the worm look at him

The went to the boy and about to kill him

Cat noir and ladybug: NOO!


A shot hear that hit the back of the worm

Ladybug and cat noir look at the shoot at the worm to be a thick heavy armour person

???: you two ok?

Ladybug: thank you very much but who are you?

???: kabuto kamen rider kabuto

The word make a eye wide for ladybug and

Ladybug: k-ka-kamen rider how you guy are in japan?

Kabuto: i staying here for a hoilday


Cat noir: kamen rider?

Kabuto: i will explain later"stare at the worm"

Worm then speak

Worm: KABUTO!!"rush forward to him"

Ladybug and cat noir mind: it can talk?!

Kabuto filp the horn to the side

Kabuto: cast off



Ladybug:so it a extra layer so which this is the real one


The worm was push back by the armour and yet ran forward to kill kabuto

Kabuto knows about it and press the button

1 2 3

Kabuto: rider kick


Lighting flow at the belt to the horn soon to the leg

(A/N: pretent stronger is the worm and ruining to kabuto not rider kick)

Kabuto went to ladybug and cat noir to help them

Kabuto: you two ok?

Them: yeah

Kabuto:fine then

Ladybug: there is more like and what are those monster

Kabuto: i would like tell but is a safety that i won't tell you

Kabuto walk away while use clock up to find aother place to dehenshin

Later few week on saturday

Marinette in her room and watching about the news report of the fight that happen

Reporter:ladybug and cat noir was almost kill by a monster but was save by a armour beetle hero able to one kick monster to dust we thought a someone get akumazited by hawmoth that currenly became shadowmoth. We are not sure about the monster as for the hero who save ladybug and cat noir name kamen rider kabuto by a person we able to know japan have their more than our hero we not too sure

people of paris watch it and talking

Male 1: kamen rider who are they?

Famale1: japan hero i guess?-

Male2: maybe they are stronger?

Male3: no way ladybug and cat noir would stronger then them

Female2:i agree tho

Later after a while marinette thinking who are kamen rider

Tikki came out and see her

Tikki: hey marinette you ok?

Marinette: yeah i ok i just want to who are those hero from japan maybe they know about the monster

Marinette: maybe i can ask y/n about it

Tikki:you may have a ponit

Marinette: hey tikki you know any kamen rider from the past you a where about?

Tikki: no i never hear for many years

Marinette: i see..

Then she take a breath for a min and her eye widen


she grab her back rush down toward school

Marinette ran fast as she can to reach there

After 7hour of school time

Other student talking while some left
But some other went to lila about a story

Student was surpize that lila save ladybug from that monster

Student 1: so it a truth that you are the hero
Save ladybug and cat noir

Student2: soo cool lila!


Iila smiles

Lila:it not a problem-^-

Marinette and alya look at them

Alya: aother false truth?

Marinette: yep"walk over there"

Lila look at marinette

Lila: ah hello marinette how are you with this loving day

Marinette:stop with the love talk and get to the point

Lila:oh what do you mean mariette?

Marinette: that you lied being a kamen rider kabuto that save ladybug and cat noir

Lila: oh yeah i did save them why you keep saying i a lier?

Y/n:becuase kamen rider never show their identity

Lila: oh i guess i-

Y/n: stop talking if you are real kamen rider kabuto you should know your alias name

Lila: oh it easy their name um max suzie um-

Y/n: their rider name lol

Lila:oh um zakuto?-

Y/n with blank face and disapoint face

Y/n: gatack thebee drake sasword punchhopper kickhopper

Lila: oh um"sweating alot" um

Rest of the student with a disapointment face left


Y/n: serve you right never disrespect a japan legend"walk away"

Marinette mind:woah.."and she left"

Marinette went to alya

Alya:that was unexpected to know

Marinette:yeah same here but i need to know about the rider only y/n know about it


At y/n

Y/n walking down to the hall but got bumb into kagami and went japaness mode on her

Y/n: Mōshiwakearimasen!(i sorry!)

Kagami suprize that he a japaness student

Kagami:Kiwotsukete Anata wa koko de atarashīdesu ka?(be careful next time you new here?)

Y/n:Hai watashi wa koko de atarashī watashi no namae y/n (yes i new here my name y/n)

Kagami:kagami also nice kuuga berclet"left"

Kagami mind: he kinda hot..

Y/n walk out of school

Y/n mind: finally fresh air and other day as a normal rider but i still wonder how did a worm get here this place have sometime off that i not too sure one day i would stop it

Y/n feel something going on

Y/n saw a fight happen and went there fast

Y/n: oh a akumazited preson

Ladybug and cat noir punch the akumazited villian to the chest

The villian fall down and mad

Shadowmoth: why are doing get their miraculous

Villian:..SCREW IT!"turn into worm"

Dark aura appear around the worm making it evole into more darker and creepy looking

(Not my art work)

The 3:.....

Shadowmoth was shock to see a monster like akumazited with the power of worm

Shadowmoth: kill ladybug and cat noir!

The akumazited worm take the order and attack them

Ladybug is about get attack by akumazited worm but got hit by a machine beetle

Ladybug saw it and question in her thought

Ladybug: a beetle wait that beetle is'

Y/n grab the beetle while wearing the belt


He place the beetle and flip the horn to go his rider form

Kabuto: i don't have a choice..

Ladybug: your..YOUR KABUTO!
To be contiue

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