Don't do that little one

By 2JuStAsImPLeGal8

40.9K 1K 413

Louis is the triplets adopted Omega brother. Louis goes to live with them when Anne sadly passes away. They w... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14

Part 10

2.3K 68 26
By 2JuStAsImPLeGal8

"The bitch." Louis muttered. Well, this is gonna be absolutely fantastic."

Marcel's POV:

"She's their ex girlfriend. She ended up being not very nice and they'd found someone else anyway." Louis butted in before any of us could answer.

"May I ask how long you were together?" Jimmy asked next. I swear to god he's gonna have Louis putting a knife in his throat if he doesn't stop with these questions. One was enough, pretty sure it was enough for all of us.

"Nearly three months, we'd prefer to not talk about it though if that's ok." Harry said.

"Yes, that's fine. So Marcel, what's this new book about?" Ok, that's a good question. What's my book about? Oh crap. C'mon brain remember.

"Oh yeah, it's about a girl who gets abducted and she keeps getting these weird memories that she doesn't remember happening in her life and a guy across the world is having the same thing happen to him, except he's not been abducted." I said after finally remembering.

"Sounds interesting. Have you read it Louis?" God, I hope he's read it.

"Yes, I have. It's a good book." 


The rest of the interview went well but Louis looked quite pissed off for the majority of it, when we got back to the room he immediately walked away from me and towards to roof. I know he won't, ya know, he just needs some time to cool off. I don't need to worry much seeing as he has his phone, which has a tracker on it, and no drug dealer or sketchy person is going to be up on that roof right now at this time of night. He also won't be able to get into any clubs, I hope. I'm going to watch tv. 

I remember when I was younger and Mum came home with Louis in her arms, we were in the lounge watching tv with Dad. I hate Dad. Anyway, we were so happy and we promised to look after him no matter what happened and now look what's going on, we broke our promise. I hate that word. Promise. It's just a lie. A big ass fucking lie. All promises get broken, I promise to look after your guinea pig, she looks completely different when you pick her up, she was brown not ginger. I promise to clean the tank, Mum does it every week. I promise I won't push you on the slide, you push them down the slide. I promise I won't tell anyone, they tell everyone the first chance they get. It's all a lie, the world's a lie, everything to exist is a lie. We tried and we tried to make everything real for him but it turned into yet another lie, like everything else. Promises got broken, hearts got broken. That stupid P word. We don't like that word. And Louis. Louis, damn I gotta find him.

I found him sitting by a wall, on the roof, smoking. Where the hell did he get those from? Doesn't matter, well it does matter, have to console little Loubear. I haven't called him that in forever. I remember him hating it when I still called him that when he was fourteen. Good times, good times. The talk went well, he ended up crying into my shoulder and falling asleep. So I took him back to bed. I told him that all those stupid promises we make never work, I told him I don't promise to look after him, I need to. I don't promise to fix everything, I need to. None of that stupid promise crap anymore, we don't like her.

Louis' POV:

I woke up back in bed, I remember Marcel telling me some wonderfully nice stuff last night that I really hope he meant. I remember crying and falling asleep on him. I also remember smoking. Oh crap, I smoked and he saw. Damn.

"Hey, Lou." Marcel casually said with a towel hanging around his hips while drying his hair with another. Oh, that's hot.

"Hi, you're not angry about the um the uh um the-"

"Smoking? No, I understand you were upset and needed a distraction. Just never do it again please." He butted in to help me out.

I nodded my head yes before going into the bathroom to get myself ready. It's a nice bathroom, black marble countertop, big shower head, ooh bar of soap. I'll be taking that thank you very much, I collect soap from hotels and holiday places. I was very tired this morning so I thought I might take a quick nap.

I woke up on a plane. Don't know how the hell Marcel got through security without waking me up but whatever. 

"Morning." I heard a voice to the side of me say.

"Haha very funny. Why are we on a plane? I thought we weren't leaving till Monday. It's Friday." I asked still absolutely baffled by the fact that he carried me through the airport with our luggage and onto the plane and didn't have to wake me up.

"Edward called, dad's coming to stay with us in New York."

"Ever since New York." - Harry Styles

Fun fact: I actually collect soap from hotels and holiday places. Never use them though cause bar soap irritates my hands.


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