DragonBall Variant

By XrimsonCroc

14.1K 368 275

Dragonball, we're familiar with the story. The tale of Goku and company fighting to save their world and at t... More

Yerlec's Bio
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Yerlec's Bio V2
Interlude #1: Broly
Interlude #2: The Days in Between
Episode 10
Episode 11
Interlude #3: Countdown To The Cell Games!
Episode 12
Interlude #4 Pt 1: Aftermath of The Cell Games
Interlude #4 Pt 2: Homecoming
Yerlec's Bio V3
Episode 13
Oh my Kami...

Episode 1

1.1K 29 5
By XrimsonCroc

The scene opens to a technologically advanced planet in the far corners of space,  a planet known as "Suverisk".

On the outskirts of a certain city, dubbed "City 13", a battle had just concluded, while the city inhabitants look on in awe and relief. On one side, a large group of space bandits that were looking to ransack the place and sell the technology to the highest bidder, and on the other, one lone warrior. If one were to stumble upon the beginning of the battle they would think the lone warrior would be grossly disadvantaged. Imagine the inhabitants surprise once the warrior defeated the opposition without so much as a scratch, while also keeping area damage to a minimum. The natives expressed their thanks in joyous applause, and the warrior, with nary a speck of dust on his armor, waved off the applause stating that he was just doing what he deemed was right. This warrior was the saiyan Yerlec, and his work on this planet had concluded.

Yerlec: *Activates scouter* Lord Cooler, this is Yerlec speaking. The raiders of City 13 on planet Suverisk have been successfully dealt with.

Cooler: *Intercom* Excellent work, I expected no less. Return to the mother-ship effective immediately.

Yerlec: Roger that. Yerlec out.

With his mission done and a wave farewell to the citizens of the city, Yerlec makes his way to his saiyan pod and flies back to the main ship, ready to embark on a new mission.

                                 New Experiences On A New Planet!

                                                Destination, Earth!

After a few short moments of travel, Yerlec's pod makes it to the docking bay of Cooler's mother-ship. Upon entering, he makes his way to Cooler's quarters.

Yerlec: *Kneeling* Lord Cooler.

Cooler: Yerlec stand up, it's just us in here. You can drop the formalities.

Yerlec: *Stands* Of course, father.

Cooler: *Smiles* That's more like it. Now then, how did your mission proceed?

Yerlec: It went smoothly. Civilian casualties and property damage were nil. The adversaries were slain and the sub-base in the city has been untouched.

Cooler: *Grins* Excellent work my son, keep up the good work. Now then, before you left, you had mentioned that you wished to ask me something?

Yerlec: Yes. I wish to embark on an extended expedition to a planet that has caught my interest.

Cooler(Intrigued): Oh? What planet would that be?

Yerlec: A planet known as Earth.

Cooler: Earth, I can't say I'm familiar with that planet. What about it garnered your attention my boy?

Yerlec: While it is a far off planet from our current sector, I just feel ... drawn to it. As if there's something there, calling to me. I can't put my finger on why, but I must pursue this feeling.

Cooler: Hmmm, very well. Its been quite sometime since you've been this eager about something, and if this planets catches your attention so vehemently, then I'll allow it. How long do you think you'll be gone?

Yerlec: That's ... hard to say.

Cooler: Hmmmm, in that case, take all the time you need. Give me weekly reports, immediate reports if something especially interesting or dangerous happens, and above all else, exercise caution no matter what. Nothing is more dangerous than the unknown. Are we clear?

Yerlec: Transparently so father.

Cooler: Good. You may leave as soon as you see fit.

With a nod of approval and a brief farewell to everyone, Yerlec makes way to his pod and sets coordinates for planet Earth. After a few long months of travel, he can see his destination before him. An enormous orb of greens, blues and whites; a planet known as Earth.

As he takes in the view, he hears his pod announce his imminent landing. Coming to a slow descent, he lands on an expansive grassy plain. As his saiyan pod hisses open, he steps out and gazes over the surrounding area.

Yerlec: *Turns on Scouter* Lord Cooler, this Yerlec speaking. I've successfully landed on the planet. I will proceed with my expedition.

Cooler: *Intercom* Excellent. Take care of yourself my son, and make sure you enjoy your outing all the while.

After looking around a bit, and informing Cooler of his successful landing, he journeys onward. Or at least he would have if not interrupted by a loud roar. Looking in the direction the noise came from, he scales his head upward and is met with a fairly large dinosaur.

Yerlec: Well then, aren't you quite the large specimen?

Yerlec was greeted with a loud bellow to the face, wind slightly picking up and saliva flying everywhere.

Yerlec: *Wiping off saliva* Quite. That being said, once I defeat you I should forage for some food. Months of travel tends to wane on ones appetite, even with provisions. *Sizing up the dinosaur* Hmmm, although, looking at you closer, *grin* you would make for an excellent meal if cooked right. Let's put a test to that theory shall we?

After a few short moments of slaying the beast and cooking its meat over a freshly made fire, Yerlec settles down and eats his meal as night falls over the horizon. With a hearty meal consumed, he lays back on the grass and waits for morning to greet him.

As the Yerlec awakens, he does a quick stretch before setting off again. After a while of traveling, he comes across an old, seemingly abandoned house.

Yerlec: Seems as though this structure hasn't been cared for quite some time. I'm sure no one would I mind if I took residence here. With a bit of work, this place will shape up quite well. I'll keep mind of this place, for the time being, I should locate civilization.

With that goal in mind, Yerlec flies off in search for civilization. As he does, he takes in the view from a higher vantage point, the green grass accompanied by a light blue of the occasional river bank. Quite a tranquil sight, who knows what other sights reside on this planet? As he flies above the area he notices a signal flare being fired from a nearby plateau. Intrigued, he detours towards the source to investigate. Once landing, he activates his scouter to scan the area and find out who or what shot that flare . That would prove unnecessary as he soon hears a feminine voice calling from a nearby cave entrance sealed with a cluster of boulders.

Trapped Woman(Muffled): H-hello!? Is anyone out there!? I'm trapped in here, please get me out!

Yerlec: Fret not, assistance has arrived! I'll have you freed in a moment! Step away from the entrance!

Doing as instructed, the woman takes a few paces back from the pile of boulders to let the man take care of things. After hearing confirmation from inside, Yerlec fires a low-power Ki blast, blowing apart the boulder cluster and freeing the woman trapped inside. The woman in question had fair skin, blue eyes and auburn hair. She wore a pair glasses, a pair of hoop earrings, a gold ring on her left middle finger, a white lab coat, a sleeveless, blue and red short dress with black stockings, black arm sleeves, and blue and red heel boots. Covered in dust but otherwise unharmed, the woman exits the cave to greet her savior.

Blue-Eyed Woman: O-oh, thank you so much for saving me. I was trapped for quite some time and had no idea how much longer I was gonna be in there or if help was coming, as that was my last flare.

Yerlec: You're quite welcome. But I must inquire, how did you wind up in this predicament anyhow?

Blue-Eyed Woman: Oh, well I was on my way back to my work place when I was attacked by a large dinosaur. I managed to hide out in this cave hoping it would lose interest in me after a while, but instead it got angry and started thrashing itself against the side of the cave, causing all those rocks to tumble down and trap me. At any rate I must thank you again.

Yerlec: It was no problem, it's quite fortunate I was traveling in this direction to civilization.

Blue-Eyed Woman: Oh? But the closest city is far in the opposite direction.

Yerlec: ...ah.

Blue-Eyed Woman: Perhaps I can escort you? It's the least I could do for saving me after all.

Yerlec: That would be most helpful.

Nodding in confirmation, the blue-eyed woman pulls out a ... capsule? Once pressing a button found on its top, she throws it and it explodes in a plume of smoke. The smoke quickly clears to reveal a motorcycle.

Yerlec: *To himself* How curious...

Blue-Eyed Woman: Now then, lets... oh wait. This is a one seater. Sorry, I should have brought a different capsule vehicle.

Yerlec: No need. *Starts floating* I believe I can keep up.

With a nod, the woman drives off to civilization with Yerlec easily keeping up. Within a few short minutes, a city can be seen over the horizon and soon enough, they enter. People walk by carrying about their business, coupled with the noise of vehicles zooming by give off the ambience of a thriving civilization. This was "West City".

Yerlec: This is quite the colorful city you have here. Rather busy as well, I feel as if I could get lost in the hustle and bustle.

Blue-Eyed Woman: *Giggles* Well try not to get too lost, we're almost to our destination.

Traveling a bit longer, Yerlec sees them approaching a large building dubbed "Capsule Corp" if the words on the front are any indication. Once close enough, the Blue-Eyed Woman parks her motorcycle and makes her way around back, Yerlec tailing her.

Blue-Eyed Woman: Well, here's where I work. Impressive huh?

Yerlec: It is quite the building.

Female Voice: There you are! Where have you been!?

They both turn toward the voice and see a fair skinned woman with turquoise hair and blue eyes. She wears white shorts, blue socks, a pair of red earrings, an orange wristband, white and orange shoes and a blue shirt that leaves her shoulders exposed underneath an open white coat. The woman in question seems to quite upset with the other, as she storms towards her and Yerlec.

Upset Woman: I've been trying to contact you for so long now! Why didn't you pick up 21?

21? Was that the name of this woman? Far from the strangest name Yerlec has heard while traveling the galaxy, but odd nonetheless to named after a number.

21: Sorry Miss Bulma. I ran into some dinosaur trouble out in the wastelands and must have dropped my phone amidst the chaos.

So this woman's name is Bulma. 21's boss if Yerlec had to hazard a guess.

Bulma: *Sighs* I thought I told you to careful out there, and how many times do I have to say just call me Bulma. "Miss" makes me feel ... old. *Notices Yerlec* Oh? Who's your friend here?

21: Right this is ... oh gosh! I never got your name, nor gave you mine.

Yerlec: *Soft chuckle* Its quite alright, considering the trouble you were in, its only fair it slipped your mind. Well, since I know your name is 21, thanks to Bulma here, allow me to officially introduce myself as Yerlec.

21: Yerlec. Nice to officially meet you. *Turns to Bulma* You see, I was trapped in a cave because of that dinosaur I mentioned, but Yerlec here saved me.

Bulma: Is that right? *Turns to Yerlec* In that case, thanks for saving her, and they say chivalry is dead.

Yerlec: No thanks necessary, I was just in the right place at the time. *To himself* Even if I WAS going the wrong way at the time...

21: Nonsense, there's gotta be someway I can repay you.

Yerlec: Hmmm. Well, if you could guide me around this city, that'd be greatly appreciated.

21: Of course, I'd be happy to! Let me just run inside and grab a few things really quick.

Yerlec: Take your time.

So 21 makes her way into the large building, leaving Yerlec and Bulma alone for the moment. The two stand in comfortable silence until notices something about Yerlec.

Bulma: Umm hey Yerlec?

Yerlec: Hmm?

Bulma: That thing around your waist, i-is that a tail?

Yerlec's gaze drops to his tail before slowly unfurling it, putting it on full display.

Yerlec: Indeed it is. You don't seem as surprised as I thought you'd be.

Bulma: Well, I guess you could say it's not the first time I've seen one. That and I've seen a LOT of stranger things.

Now THAT caught his attention.  "Not the first time"? Could that mean that there were other saiyans on this planet? It may be possible, if he made it here, its not outside the realm of possibility. In fact, now that he thinks about it, his father did mention a pod prior to his escaping the exploding planet Vegeta. Could it be that same pod? Before he can inquire what Bulma meant, 21 returns.

21: Sorry for the wait. Ready to go?

Yerlec: Yes I am.

21: Great! Ummm, I hope you don't mind walking a bit. Its just such a beautiful day, and I want too capitalize on that. Maybe pick up some supplies too.

Yerlec: I don't mind. Its nice to take things slow every now and again.

21: Perfect! We'll be back Miss Bul- err i mean, Bulma.

Bulma: Right, nice save. Take care you two. Also, 21. Make sure to avoid getting too much candy, you know what it does to you.

21: *Whining* But Bulma! It's sooooooo good~.

Bulma(Stern): 21.

21: *Sighs* I got it, say no more. Anyway, lets go Yerlec, I know just where to start.

So 21 and Yerlec start their journey through West City, the latter of the two taking in the sights as they go. So many buildings and stores to bear witness to. Whenever he gets his hand on some the currency of this world he needs to make a few stops. Speaking of stops, 21 has made plenty. But this current stop was a bit more ... interesting. They passed by a candy shop and 21 immediately stopped in her tracks and simply stared, as if she were in a trance. The shopkeeper working there happened to notice her out of the corner of his eye, and broke out into a nervous sweat.

Yerlec, seeing the situation at hand, shakes 21 out of her trance. Snapping back to her senses, she thanks Yerlec for bringing her back to reality and makes her way inside with Yerlec in tow. While nervous, the shopkeeper allows 21 to browse the shop, making sure to keep a keen eye on her.

Yerlec: 21, why does the shopkeeper look at you as if you're a volatile explosive?

21(Embarrassed): O-oh. Well, I just like candy a little too much is all.

Shopkeeper: A little!? You nearly ate everything here last time! Took me forever to restock! Where does it all even go!?

21(Embarrassed): *Nervous Chuckle* Yeah. Bulma says I have a problem.

Yerlec: I see. Perhaps you should dial it back a tad bit on the purchases then.

After buying a small amount of candy the duo leave the shop, much to the relief of the shop keeper.

21: Sorry about that back there Yerlec. I just can't control myself sometimes. Not just candy, but sweets of all kinds.

Yerlec: No apology needed. Though I must express my curiosity, is candy truly that good?

21: YES! It's ... wait, have you never had candy before?

Yerlec: I can't say I have. But based on your infatuation with it I'll have to assume its good.

21: Its the best!

While holding light conversation, the two fail to notice a heavily armored speeding truck heading right for them, with a multitude of police cars tailing behind.  21 was the first to notice, as she moves out the way but notices that Yerlec had yet to move. He simply stares down the oncoming truck. Once close enough, he grabs on to the bumper of the truck causing it to grind to a halt, and flips it over him, causing it to land upside-down on the other side of him with a loud CRUNCH. The driver and passenger of the truck let out a pained groan as they crawl from the wreckage, only to be cuffed by officials. The remaining officers then confront Yerlec.

Officer #1: Excuse me sir. We would like to have a quick word with you.

Yerlec: By all means.

Officer #2: We would like to thank you for stopping those criminals, they could've really injured someone at the rate they were going..

Yerlec: It was nothing, no thanks needed.

Officer# 2: You don't understand, these two have evaded the law for quite some time and amassed quite the bounty on their heads.

Yerlec(Intrigued): Bounty? I was unaware, as I'm new to these parts.

Officer #1: I see. At any rate, if you could follow us while we take these two in, we could hand you the bounty in question.

Yerlec: Ah, but I was-

21: Its ok Yerlec. With how much I've been you dragging around, a little detour is more than fair.

Nodding in confirmation, Yerlec and 21 follow the officers. Once at the Precinct Yerlec receives his bounty, and what a bounty indeed. It would seem that those people from before net him a total of 7,000,000 Zeni. What a fortuitous turn of events. After claiming his reward, both he and 21 make their way back to Capsule Corp where Bulma greeted them, or more rather 21, with a deadpan look.

Bulma: Ok, how much?

21(Confused): Huh? How much what?

Bulma: Candy. How much did you get THIS time?

21(Embarrassed): O-oh. Well I actually didn't get too much this time around, thanks to Yerlec anyway.

Bulma(Surprised): Is that right?

21: Mhmm. Oh, and he stopped a speeding truck too, he just grabbed it and sent it flying, it was amazing!

Yerlec: Quite. I even collected a bounty from it.

Bulma: Handsome, super nice and super strong? Well, aren't you a catch? Better be careful Yerlec, with traits like those the ladies will be all over you~.

Yerlec: *Chuckles* I'll keep that in mind. That being said, I should be on my way.

21: So soon? I feel as if you just got here.

Yerlec: Indeed, I found a house a fair distance off from West City that I plan on inhabiting.

21: You mean that broken up house off to the east of here?

Yerlec: Yes. With the money I gained from that bounty, I'll be able to afford renovations for it and make it more accommodating.

Bulma: But where will you stay until then?

Yerlec: Most likely? I'll sleep on the plains near the house in question.

Bulma: Not on my watch pal. Why don't you just stay here for a while? We've got the room to spare.

Yerlec: I couldn't possibly-

Bulma: Nonsense! It's no problem at all. At least until the house is done.

Yerlec: ...well, if you're so adamant about it then I thank you for the hospitality.

Bulma: Perfect! Let's head inside and get you situated. Oh, and introduce you to the family while we're at it.

Once led inside, Bulma calls out to her parents who happen to be right around the bend. Bulma's mom has a thin frame and blonde hair. She wears an orange shoulder-less shirt, tight blue jeans and light blue sandals.

Her father is a short, stocky man. His hair is very similar to that of his daughter but is bluish-gray instead of turquoise. He also has a large gray mustache. He dons a white lab coat with a blue undershirt, black pants, white socks and brown sandals. He also seems to have a small black cat perched upon his shoulder.

Once getting acquainted with her parents, Yerlec is escorted into one of the many guest rooms and left momentarily to get himself acquainted. Once done, Yerlec takes a seat on the bed and takes inventory on the events of the day. This expedition has been an odd one for Yerlec thus far. He's met with two kind and beautiful women, collected a bounty, found a possible place of residence and is temporarily taking residence in the abode of one of the aforementioned women, whom he's met not even an hour prior.

Yerlec: What an odd day this has been. I wonder what tomorrow will bring...

The saiyan survivor, Yerlec, has touched down on planet Earth with the backing of his surrogate father, Cooler. All the while he has already befriended some of the residents and was granted temporary housing. What new experiences will Yerlec go through on his expedition? What new faces will he encounter? Do other saiyans live on this planet as Bulma hinted? Find out next time on DragonBall Variant!

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