Forever In Their World [Seque...

By nashlycam23

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After Jaylee Stone finds out her parents have been taken, she has no other choice but to return back to the D... More



337 9 23
By nashlycam23

Jaylee's POV

"I don't understand why I have to go." I spoke aloud as I watched Liam and Louis pack their bags full of various weapons.

"Because you're part of the team Jaylee, and being part of the team means going on business trips with us." Louis answered seriously, distracting himself with a brand new gun in his hand.

"But I don't want to do dirty work with you." I rejected as I stood near them and watched.

Louis sighed as he paused, standing up straight before he stormed over towards me with the gun in his hand, causing my body to tense up as he hovered over me.

"You never want to do anything with us. Well too bad sweetheart, cuz you're coming with us whether you like it or not!" Louis hissed as I looked down at his gun in fear, wondering if he would go out of control with it.

"I'm not going to kill anyone for some sick rivalry." I stood my ground as I looked at him firmly in the eyes, trying to act strong.

"I wasn't gonna ask you to. You're just there to guard." Louis shook his head as I swallowed.

"I'm not gonna sit and just watch you kill people!" I raised my voice as he clenched his jaw.

"Shut up Jaylee!" Louis shouted as he grabbed my hair and yanked me towards him.

I began to panic as he pressed the gun to my cheek, suddenly grabbing everyone's attention as my breathing rapidly increased.

"These aren't good people. They're wicked monsters that the government wants us to take care of. And whatever the government wants, we do. Okay? We work for him now so we do what he says. And right now, he wants us to fix up some unfinished business. So stop being a little whiny ass and suck it up. You're in on this too." Louis snapped as I clenched my jaw and angrily looked at him.

"I am no part of your violent acts. And I will not be a part of this mission. If you want me near you so that you have clarity in your mind that I haven't escaped, that's fine. But I won't stand there and watch you do it." I spoke out in anger as I shoved him off me and stared deep into his eyes.

"I should of known. You're still the same whimp I picked up a few months ago." Louis insulted as I swallowed tightly.

"I'm not a whimp, I just have a heart. But I guess you wouldn't know what that's like huh?" I spoke in defense as he clenched his jaw tightly.

"Louis let it go." Liam warned as Louis tried taking a step towards me.

"She's just trying to get in your head. We need to get going." Liam reminded as Louis bore his eyes into mine.

"Finish getting dressed and have your ass in the car in five." Louis ordered before he turned around and went back to packing.

I huffed in annoyance before I stormed into my room, hating how Louis so easily controlled everything. I swear lately he's been the biggest asshole and I can't seem to figure out how to switch it off.

I started throwing my clothes in a piled mess as I groaned in frustration. Louis had a way of screwing with my emotions and right now I couldn't seem to concentrate on one thing. I was overly stressed at this point, and the last thing I needed was to wear an outfit that fits their standards. Why can't I just be in pjs all day?

After I slipped on black jeans with a tight black halter top, I stormed out of my room in black high combat boots, ignoring all the stares that came my way.

I left the house through the wide open door, already knowing Louis wanted me to be waiting in the car. After I climbed in and started to look out the window, I began clenching my jaw as the desire to cry started to form in my mind. I hated showing weakness but I knew that I was only human and sometimes we really do need to just sit and cry after a bunch of crap happens in our life. But I've already shed enough tears, I figured I've save myself the energy. 

I followed closely behind Zayn as we all slowly approached a beat up looking house, getting flash backs of the last time we all were together doing something like this in a dangerous arena.

I couldn't help but think what we were doing was wrong, but Louis told me multiple times that these people were nothing good and they deserve what they're getting.

But who's to say I even trust Louis' words, they sort of mean nothing to me now.

Louis halted by the front door and quickly held his fist in the air as a signal to stop us, causing all of us to pause in our tracks. My heart began racing as I waited for his next signal, already knowing I didn't want to witness what was going to happen inside the building.

He then pulled out his gun before he set his hand down, briefly glancing over his shoulder to give everyone a nod. "Scout the house and shoot everyone on sight." Louis whispered as my heart started to race.

The guys nodded their heads in response before Louis opened the front door and immediately started firing his gun. The screams inside caused chills to run down my entire body as we all merged inside the house, following Louis' lead and aiming our guns at potential bystanders.

I couldn't help but flinch at every gun shot that was fired, letting me know that a life had been lost instead of protected. It killed me to be in this room and see such a crime scene, but I really had no other choice.

I swallowed hard as Louis shot a woman who was screaming in the kitchen, closing my eyes tightly and turning the other way in hopes to get that vision out of my head.

My body began to shake as I felt tears form in my eyes, wondering what that poor woman did to deserve such an outcome.

I wanted nothing more than to protect everyone rather than kill them, but it wasn't in my power to do so. I was controlled. We all were.

I just thank God that it didn't have to be me who was pulling the trigger.

"Is that everyone?" Liam asked as they all scattered around the living room, looking intense and focused.

"Did you check upstairs?" Louis asked Harry as him and Niall nodded.

"No one up there." Niall replied as I scanned around the room to see multiple bullet holes piercing through the walls.

"Well that was easy." Harry commented as he looked down at all the sprawled dead bodies.

The knots in my stomach didn't seem to unfold as I tried to look at anything but the deceased people on the floor. I exhaled before I exited out of the room while the others talked amongst themselves, not able to understand how they can be so causal and calm after what they just did.

They murdered five people like it was no big deal, and now they're just standing there conversing with each other as if it never happened. How on earth did I end up with these sociopaths and accept them as friends?

I began making my way up the stair case, hearing the wooden floors creek under my weight as I took each step slowly. I saw multiple pictures on the wall as I made my way up, feeling guilty as I realized these were the people they just murdered. What on earth did they do that pissed off the government?

They looked like such a normal family, they even had a small young boy.

I narrowed my eyebrows together as I stared at the kid, wondering where he was since I didn't see him anywhere downstairs.

I hope you're somewhere at your grandparents, because you definitely don't want to see this.

I sighed before I kept on walking, making my way towards a room as I tried to distract my mind from the trauma.

I pushed the open door just enough to make room for myself, entering inside and scanning the property.

I started to realize this room belonged to the son since it was decorated with baseballs and animals, making me feel even worse.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I stared up at the ceiling, seeing a bunch of stick on stars that reminded me of my childhood.

Just as I was about to leave, I heard a slight noise in the closet, causing my ears to perk as my head whipped to the side.

My heart began racing as I stared at the white doors, wondering if my head was messing with me or not. I decided not to take any chances as I pulled out my knife and slowly approached the closet.

My eyebrows knitted in confusion as I heard a soft whimper come from behind the closed doors, making me wonder what that noise was.

I then reached my hand towards the knob and yanked it back, only to be shocked by a young kid who was crouched down to a ball.

My eyes widened as I realized it was the young boy from the picture by the staircase, wondering how on earth he survived such an attack.

His watery eyes met mine as he began crying softly to himself, seeing me as a threat more than a sanctuary.

I then realized what I looked like as I quickly lowered my intimidating knife, easily sliding it back through my belt.

My heart felt heavy against my chest as I tucked my hair behind my ears and kept my posture calm.

"Hey... shhhh. It's okay.... I'm not gonna hurt you." I spoke softly as I lowered myself to his level.

He kept crying as he tried to scoot away from me, but he failed such an attempt since the closet wasn't that spacious.

"It's okay. I won't hurt you.... I promise. See look, no weapons." I said as I raised my hands in the air as a surrender.

He slowly stopped sobbing as he looked at me carefully, wondering if he should trust me or not.

"My name is Jaylee, what's yours?" I asked softly as a smile spread across my lips.

"C-Cameron." He whimpered as his dark brown eyes bore into mine.

"Hi Cameron. It's nice to meet you. I'm gonna get you out of here and take you somewhere you can be safe okay?" I assured him as he slowly nodded his head.

"I want my mommy." He suddenly said as my heart stung.

"Mommy can't come right now, but I'm here to take care of you okay?" I tried to say without breaking down in tears.

"How about we come out of the closet and you show me some of your toys. Would that be fun?" I asked before he nodded his head and wiped his tears away.

"Okay let's go." I smiled as I held out my hand for him to grab.

As soon as his hand held mine, I felt a sense of protection that I needed to provide for him since that was the least I could do. I gently walked him over towards the bed, careful not to scare or intimidate him.

As soon as he was about to pull out a drawer full of toys, loud footsteps approached the room, causing my heart to race as the door was pushed open.

"Geez Louis can you not walk around like an eight foot giant?!" I barked at him as he stomped towards me.

"What are you doing in here?" He asked as the kid quickly hid behind me in fear.

"Woah, who the f**k was that?!" He yelled as he pointed his gun towards me.

"Louis stop!" I screamed as the kid began crying behind me while grabbing my shirt.

"Is that a f***ing kid behind you?!" He screamed as he shifted quickly, making me wish I could knock him out for being so loud.

"Get your stupid gun out of my face!" I said back as I raised my hands in defense.

"When were you going to tell us you have a freaking child behind your back?!" Louis asked as I lowered one hand down to comfort the kid.

"Will you stop yelling?' You're scaring him!" I asked as I madly looked at him.

"Where the hell did he come from?" He asked aggressively as his grip never loosened from the gun.

"He was hiding in the closet, terrified and crying all alone while you were off shooting his family." I spoke angrily, feeling sympathy for the poor child.

"It needed to be done. There shouldn't be any survivors. It was the only rule we were given. No one gets spared." Louis stated as my eyes widened.

"Louis are you kidding me right now?! This is a child we're talking about. He is scared and afraid, he has no mom or dad anymore. Do you have any idea what that is like at such a young age?" I asked as I held the kid in my arms.

"I do know actually. And he will be just fine if I put him out of his misery." Louis said as he aimed the gun right at his head.

"Louis! No! Please! Are you crazy! He is probably only six years old!" I pleaded as the kid began crying in my arms.

"We were given the order to kill everyone in this household, including the kid. He is part of the inheritance. It's either we risk the chances of leaving him and he is traumatized and f***ed up for life, probably plotting revenge, or we put him out of his misery and get over it." Louis suggested as I felt sick to my stomach.

"Are you seriously trying to negotiate like this? You can't just kill him, he deserves to live. He deserves to be given a chance." I said as tears formed in my eyes.

"You're thinking with your feelings on this one babe. You need to understand how rules and regulations work around here. We do and say whatever the government wants. So if he says kill everyone and leave no one alive, we do exactly that." Louis informed as my heart felt like it was going to explode.

"He doesn't have to know he's here." I cried as tears now streamed down my face.

"It's better this way sweetheart. I'm doing him a favor." Louis tried to sound assuring but he was far from it.

"No! I will not let you do this. I will stay here with him until I find him somewhere safe to be. That is my mission." I spoke strongly as I held the child closer to me.

"Your mission? Come on sweetheart we aren't here to rescue people, we're here to dispose of the bad people." Louis said.

"Oh so you're a good guy now? Tell me how the hell that can even be true when you're nothing but a sick twisted monster." I spat before I heard footsteps enter into the room.

"Take her out." Louis ordered as my eyes widened once I saw Harry walk over towards me.

"No! No Harry please! You don't understand! He's just a child!" I screamed as he bent down and wrapped his arms around me, shoving the kid away from my reach.

"No! No! Please no! Let go of me! Let go of me I need to save him! I need to save him!" I screamed loudly as I began kicking and punching, trying everything I could to save the poor child.

The child began crying as Harry lifted me into his arms carelessly, keeping me in a firm hold while I struggled to break free.

"Louis give him a chance please! Do the right thing!" I cried out as I looked back to see Louis staring at me with no expression on his face.

"I am doing the right thing." Louis spoke as Harry carried me down the staircase.

I continued to scream and cry as I fought my hardest to get out of Harry's grip, but I lost all sense of feeling the second I heard a gun shot echo through the entire house.

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