GATE: Thus the TNI Fought The...

By VarouKnight

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A mysterious structure appeared in the center of Ginza, and from that structure spawns out an army of another... More

Chapter I: The Battle of Gajah Mada Island
Chapter II: At Another World
Chapter III: The Company of Warrior Bunnies
Chapter IV: Meeting with the High Elves
Chapter V: Ending the Volralden-High Elves Conflict
Chapter VI: The Big Plan
Chapter VII: The Imperial Capital (Part I)
Chapter VII: The Imperial Capital (Part II)
Chapter VII: The Imperial Capital (Part III)
Chapter VIII: Operation Diponegoro
Chapter IX: The Conquest Begins
Chapter X: The Fall of Fauro City
Chapter XI: The Chaos of Aseria
Chapter XII: A Bitter Decision
Chapter XIII: Diplomatic Mission to Sadera (Part I)
Chapter XIII: Diplomatic Mission to Sadera (Part II)
Chapter XIV: Threat of the Dead
Chapter XV: A Pleasant Discovery?
Chapter XVI: Saving the Town
Chapter XVII: The Norug Massacre
Chapter XVIII: Visiting the Capital (Part I)
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Chapter XVIII: Visiting the Capital (Part II)
Chapter XIX: The Saderan Civil War
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Chapter XXI: Evil's End (Part I)

Chapter XX: The Queen Hero

562 26 17
By VarouKnight

July 2nd, 20XX. Somewhere outside Telta.

Rustling on a nearby treeline, just a mile away from Telta City. A man with Black Ops gear showed his head from the bushes, with night visions strapped to his eyes. The man observes the defenses made in the surrounding City.

"They placed another layer of fortifications outside of Telta." Said the man. "It appears despite them being ignorant and egoistic on using modern weapons, they made sure they were prepared. Well, on the feudalism side."

"Well, they are Zolzal's men." Said another man as he showed up from the first man's side. "Say, where's the Major and Captain Y?"

"Right here, Captain S." Said another approached.

There comes another two from behind. Wearing the same thing.

"Captain Y, Major U." Said the man. "What's our next move?"

"We'll infiltrate the city soon, Lieutenant I." Said Major U. "We'll move out in 10 minutes."

Captain Y and Major U left the two soldiers. Captain S(Supriyadi), and Lieutenant I ( Iqbal).

"Hey, think the Voglia Queen is as hot as she's rumored?" Asked S.

"You fuck." I retorted back. "We're on a freaking mission!! With the freaking legend!! Have some decency!"

"Shut up." Said S. "I was just joking."

10 minutes passed, the Black Ops team moved to infiltrate the city. It was an easy ordeal, since the soldiers satisfied themselves with whores and booze, as it grants them the way to enter. They sneaked through the gate defense, and just went inside the city. After a short while, they got themselves an abandoned house. About the two-story-tall house.

"We'll wait here." Said Major U. "We'll set up a base of operations here. We'll move out tomorrow."

After setting up a base of operations, Lieutenant I, or Iqbal leaned upon the cold wall of the abandoned room. While all the way, still wearing his gear. Well, not with the Night Vision goggles.

Sun came up, and Iqbal woke up. He took his rifle and went into the second floor, where Major Ucok has been taking watch.

"Major U. Go and rest." He said. "I'll take it from here."

"Thanks." Said Major U. "I'll be awake in the afternoon."

Major Ucok left Iqbal all alone while taking the watch from one of the windows there. He looked vigilantly towards the surrounding, not wanting their location to be discovered.

Just then, Iqbal felt a presence. Just right behind him. He readied his pistol with a silencer, ready to shoot. He turned around quickly but found nothing.

He wanted to shrug it off, but it doesn't feel right. Someone is here, he knows so. Then, he heard a tapping noise. At first, he suspected it was something. But then, the tapping had a pattern. A certain interval of time pause makes it clear. Iqbal then stood up and readied his gun. Just then, he noticed movements from the ground floor. His comrades woke up, sensing the same presence.

Iqbal puts up his Night Vision goggles and illuminates the dark spots and corners. He then saw it and took the shot. A scream of agony was heard, it was a direct hit to its body.

The rest rushed to his aid and aimed right at the figure. The figure was half pig and half men.

"Who are you?" Iqbal asked.

But the pig figure just sat still in agony. Not answering. Major Ucok walked towards the pig figure and dragged the figure to the open. Major Ucok started to beat the figure, beating the living crap out of him.

"S-shtop! Please!" Said the figure.

"Then fucking tell us who you are." Said, Major U.

"Okay-okay. Please, stop it." Said the figure.

The figure spouts everything he knew. The Haryo Clan sent him, but only he was sent to do the job. They heard that there's a mysterious group infiltrating the city, in which the Haryo Clan sent him. They were the mysterious group. If the Haryo Clan were to know about this, means the clan had much to offer as a clandestine group.

"What's your name?!" Shouted Major U.

"I-I'm Bouro! Please! Don't kill me!"

"Very well then, Bouro. We will let you live if you take us to Tyuule." Said Major U. "Take us to her, then we will let you live. Is that understood?"

Bouro nodded viciously, he was in deep pain. After all, Iqbal shot him in the leg.

"Good. Heal him, we need him alive." Said the Major.

The major left with a satisfied smirk. Leaving Iqbal, Supriyadi, and Yuda.

"I'll patch him up." Said Yuda. "You guys go back to your post."

Iqbal went ahead to the nearby window, as it is his post. While Major Ucok went downstairs to hit the sack, Yuda went to treat Bouro's wound.

"Say, Lieutenant I." Said Yuda. "What's your drive to be a Kopassus?"

Iqbal took a glance and turned his gaze back to the outside.

"Being a soldier is my dream. Patriotism is what drives me. I care less about money, all I want is to serve the Republic." Said Iqbal. "What's yours?"

"Well, not as impressive as yours." Said Yuda snickered. "Mine's was to make my father proud, in which I already am."

"Well, isn't that nice?" Said Iqbal. "You made your parents proud."

"Say, what's your opinion regarding the state?" Asked Yuda.

Iqbal's eyebrows were raised, as he was intrigued with the question.

"What is this, some kind of work Inquiry?" Asked Iqbal.

"You could say that." Said Yuda. "Me? I'm just curious is all."

"Well, as a soldier, I follow the will of the people." Said Iqbal. "But as a fellow citizen of Indonesia, I deeply support the President. I believe he could take us to glory."

"Well, isn't that interesting?" Said Yuda. "I had the same thinking as you did. Guess we're a lot in common than we thought."

Then, a scuffle happened in the alleyway right in front of the house. There's a group of "soldiers" about to rape a woman. From the looks of it, she's a young widow. How did he know that? She had a kid with her. A little boy. Just about 4 to 5 years old.

"Don't do it." Said Yuda. "Don't even bother. We're on a mission, don't mess this up."

Iqbal knew that all too well, and was forced to watch from afar. Disgusted by how they treated the woman and her child, the child was being beaten while the mother is being grouped up. All that in the middle of the day. What makes it worse, is that more soldiers in the vicinity came to watch, and some participated. Iqbal grinds his teeth hard and balled his fist.

Fucking lowlifes.

She was being done hard, no rest for her. When one was released inside her, another took its place. They even took advantage of her behind, even her mouth. It may seem tempting to some, but doing so to a woman without her consent is disgusting. When they were done, the woman was covered in bruises and sperm, while the boy was covered with blood, lying unconscious on the ground.


At Night.

The group prepared themselves to continue their mission. This time, with the "support" of Bouro. The group left the building and followed Bouro. Though they were being "assisted", the group held firm their guns, tightly to their chest. They can't be too careful, especially facing another clandestine group.

After walking for a while, they arrive near the mansion. Where Zolzal took residence. He would have take residence in the Imperial Capital once more, but due to his paranoia, he remained hidden in Telta.

"Take my hand. I'll take you inside." Said Bouro.

They were skeptical at first, but they complied. In just a few moments, dark shrouds began to circles them. Then suddenly, they were in a room. A fancy-looking one to note, which they assume they're inside the mansion already.

"We must wait here for a moment. For all our sake, be patient." Said Bouro.

"Why is that?" Asked Yuda.

Just then, they heard their answer.

Moaning was heard from the other side of the wall to their side.

"Ahh~ yes! Harder~!"

(AN: I can't believe I just wrote that shit lol.)

"There's your answer." Said Bouro. "Queen Tyuule is at the moment, pleasing the foolish prince, Zolzal. It'll take at least another hour or two for him to finish. By that time, Tyuule will have her free time."

"Do enjoy yourself while we wait." Said Bouro. "I for once, imagine myself to fuck her bunny cunt until she passed out. He he he."

While disgusted by Bouro's behavior, the group waited patiently. It was lucky enough that the room was not illuminated by any sort of light sources.

30 minutes have passed, they kept ongoing. It's getting wilder. To the fact that both sides began to moan louder. This, in a way, terrified Iqbal. He has his own Voglia lover, and by the judge of it, she'll probably have the same intensity and stamina on having sex.

"Hey, I." Said Supriyadi. "You might want to prepare yourself. You might die when you two lovebirds fucking."

"Shut the fuck up!" Said Iqbal annoyed.

Supriyadi gave a satisfying, yet annoying smirk.

They waited, and about another hour, they stopped. A minute before, a loud moan was heard. It's as if she screamed with pleasure. Then, another 10 minutes later, footsteps were heard, heading their way. Luckily, the sounds kept going past them, until the sound cannot be heard anymore.

"We are clear." Said Bouro. "Let us enter before any more interruption came."

The group followed Bouro outside, and the squad stopped right at the entrance. Just as Bouro was about to open it, Major Ucok stopped him.

"Weapons free. Be cautious." He commanded.

The rest nodded in understanding, as they did what he order. Just then, Bouro knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Asked the woman.

"It is I," Bouro said. "I bear bad news."

Just as he said that the squad took the lead and barged into the room. Tyuule was surprised and shocked to see the squad, and immediately went on the offensive. She took a dagger from the nearby table and lunges towards Major Ucok. She swung her dagger, but Major Ucok predicted this and dodged.

"Lieutenant I, take her down. I'll kill her if I faced her." Said Major Ucok.

Iqbal nodded understood and took his place while draws out his combat knife. Tyuule saw this, and bounced towards the wall, and bounced back towards Iqbal. She swung her dagger, but hers was blocked by Iqbal's combat knife. It's now a melee match. The squad would've just shot her, but the mission clearly state that Tyuule was not to be harmed badly.

Tyuule kept on her attacks, but Iqbal always dodges it with ease. Well, it was thanks to his constant close combat training with the Voglia company. Not just him, everyone took combat practice with the girls. The results of the said training improved the reaction time of soldiers.

Tyuule swung one of her legs, but Iqbal managed to block it. Iqbal pushed her leg, and this time, it was his turn to attack.

Out of all that practiced with the girls, Iqbal was the most improved. His skills of combat sharpened, to the point where his on par with Myra, who was considered as the strongest out of the Voglia and rumored to be stronger than the Voglia Queen.

Iqbal lunges at her, with speed as fast as a Bunny Warrior. Which in turn, surprises Tyuule big time. He swung his combat knife, but it's blocked by Tyuule's dagger. Just as she thought that was it, Iqbal continues to amaze her. Why? His raw power nearly overwhelmed her. Not even the strongest Saderan Legionaries have the strength as he is, which puts her on edge as she struggles to hold it with both of her hands.

She sent a kick, only to be grabbed by Iqbal's vacant arm. With that chance, Iqbal kicks her gut from the side. She was sent flying and hits the wall, she spits out mucus from the impact as she fell to the bed below her. Just as she was about to recover, Iqbal pinned her to the bed as he sat on her with a knife on her throat. Iqbal's face was surprised because he swore he saw that Tyuule just had a little, yet seemingly unnoticeable blush. Iqbal shrugs it off by deducing that it has to be with the fact that she just had sex.

"Go on. Just kill me already." Said Tyuule as she keeps struggling to get off Iqbal's grip.

"We are not here to kill you, Queen Tyuule." Said Major Ucok. "We're here to talk to you."

"Is it?" Asked Tyuule rhetorically. "Judging by how beaten up Bouro is, I take it you 'talked' him to betray me."

"Our purpose here is genuine, had you not attack first." Said Major Ucok. "Calm down. My men there will let you go if you do."

Just as Major Ucok said that Tyuule stopped resisting. With that, Iqbal jumped off her.

Tyuule recovers and rubs her throat.

"So, what do you want?" Asked Tyuule.

"Maybe if we sit down first." Said Major Ucok. "After all, it is common courtesy."


The two sides sat across. With Iqbal and the rest guarding. Supriyadi with the door, Yuda with the windows, and Iqbal with the two.

"So, what is it that you want of us? And who are you?" Asked Tyuule.

"Ever heard 'Indonesians'? That's who we are." Said Major Ucok. "As for what we want, it's simple. We want you to work for us."

Tyuule's eyebrows raised by surprise. After all this time, she finally met the famed "Indonesians" and their "Republic".

"So, you're the Indonesians." Said Tyuule. "I'm surprised. I didn't expect to meet you so soon. But I did expect it. Since a little birdie tells me that Telta is yours. And we took it while you were busy conquering half of the Continent."

"So, what makes you think we would join you? Me and the Hairou Clan." Asked Tyuule.

"It's simple really. Join us, or join the rest to die in a firing squad." Said Major Ucok. "I'm going to tell you this. We're about to commence an attack soon. A massive one to the note, along with the Japanese. The moment we strike is the moment where you will fall. Your talents are remarkable, in which case, my nation has put their interest upon. A talent such as your clan is useful, which is why we want you."

"Is that so?" Said Tyuule. "Well, I don't mind dying, if it means I get to achieve my goal."

"And that goal is to destroy the Saderan Empire. Isn't that right?" Said Major Ucok. "You're a disgraced queen of the Voglia. You still can be, why waste your life for an act of single revenge?"

"Because I want to. I want to see the. crumble. For my the suffering that my sisters have gone through." Said Tyuule.

"You will. But not at the cost of your lives." Said Major Ucok. "Your people are now free as they can be. And you could still be their Queen."

"Why should I? And why should they accept me?" Said Tyuule. "They all saw me as traitors, the one who abandoned them. I doubt they will accept me back."

"That's where you're wrong." Said Major Ucok. "You can still return, and be accepted. We guarantee that."

"What makes you sure of that?" She asked.

"Let's just say, all Voglia knows the truth about you," Iqbal added. "Your sacrifice, your pain. They know it all."

"Really...? You mean it..?" Said Tyuule as her voice cracked.

"Yes." Said Iqbal.

Iqbal then took out his phone and showed her something, footage. What he showed her was a statue of Tyuule, being built by her people, along with some Indonesian architects supervising. While it was being made, below her statue was an inscription in Saderan.

"Queen Tyuule. The Queen Hero of Voglia."

Then the footage shows her small interviews about her from the Voglia. They said a pretty similar answer, that they understand her sacrifice. Her courage and her will. And what's best, it's was not scripted propaganda. All these things showed were real, though, some Voglia is indifferent.

A single droplet of tears running down her face. She began to tear up, as somehow she was relieved. Iqbal, like a gentleman as he is, reached for his pocket and took out a handkerchief as he passed it to her.

Tyuule looked at him, was noticeably blush and took his handkerchief, and began wiping her tears.

"You're alright now?" Asked Major Ucok.

"Yes. Thank you so much." Said Tyuule.

"So, can you stop the suicidal acts?" Asked Major Ucok. "There are people who waited for you."

"Even if I say yes. If I recall correctly, your nation is a Republic?" Asked Tyuule. "How is that going to work adding a Royalty to the stage of a Republic governance?"

"Do not worry about that, Queen Tyuule," Yuda added. "As for that, the Voglia and the rest of the conquered kingdoms of Sadera will be incorporated into The Majelis Agung Raja Sultan or simply MARS Indonesia. (The Grand Assembly of the Kings and Sultans.) As well as the Forum Silaturahmi Keratonan Nusantara, or the FSKN. (Friendship Forum of Royalty of Nusantara)."

(AN: if anyone outside of Indonesia asks if these are a real thing. Yes, it's a real deal. How does it work? Well, there are district kingdoms that acted as cultural organizations, and few acted as both cultural and governance organizations. Like the Royal House of Yogyakarta, which received the title of Special Province of Yogyakarta that spans a considerable chunk of land in the Middle Java, which is a separate province of itself, in which the Royal House governs autonomously, yet still a subordinate organization towards the state. If anyone gets it, I congratulate you. Also, mention all keratonan along with the power they hold over an area. The first and most keratonan mentioned wins. The winner gets to tell what happens next in the book. To the point, I'm willing to do NSFW. You heard it. I'm doing it. Just killing characters and LGBTQ+ is out of the question, rest I'm good. Not that I hate them, I just can't since I'm straight. So I can't visualize it. I'll announce the winner later, and requests will be from private messages.). 

"In other words. You join us, you'll be a Queen with autonomous rights. But still a subordinate entity towards the state." Said Major Ucok. "So, you're in or what?"

With just a simple nod, Tyuule agrees.

"Very well then. Welcome to the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, Queen Tyuule." Said Major Ucok.

"And now since you are our alli-" Just as Major Ucok was about to complete his words, he was cut off.

"Hold on a second here! You're missing me out here! What makes you think the Haryo Clan would cooperate with you?" Said Bouro.

"Oh, about that..." Said Major Ucok as he signals his right hand with the other on his back.

Iqbal drew out a handgun and aimed it right at Bouro's head point-blank.

"You have no choice but to join us, you scum." Said Major Ucok. "At this very moment, your fellow clan members are being 'persuaded' by our comrades. In which they placed themselves in Italica, Sadera, and Voglia. Trust me, you will join us, or your brains will be splattered all over the floor."

"Tch! You won't dare!" Said Bouro.

Just with that, Iqbal pushed the barrel of his gun towards Bouro's head as it nudges the head.

"Don't test us. He will shoot you if you do." Said Major Ucok. "So, you inclined to join us or what?"

Bouro gritted his teeth but eventually nodded in agreement.

"Good. As for your service, we will gladly overlook your overindulgence in women." Said Major Ucok. "As long as you do your job, and are loyal to us, you can do what you want with the girls. That said, we even provide you will prostitutes, as long you provide your utmost service."

"Understood. I won't let you down." Said Bouro. "Though, I have a question."

"Shoot away." Said the Major.

"Are you here just to contact us? Or you have an ulterior motive?" Asked Bouro. "As of now, you're in a good position to assassinate Zorzal."

"As much as it is convenient, it is not within our target objective of the moment." Said Major. "With that said, our job here is done. We'll see you again soon."

Just as Major was about to stand, Tyuule called.

"Wait! How can I contact you?" She asked. 

"You can't. WE contact you." Said Major Ucok. "Just sit tight and wait for our call."

Major Ucok stood up, as well as Tyuule.

"We'll be looking forward to working with you, Queen Tyuule." Said Major Ucok as he extends his hand.

"Me too, whoever you are." Said Tyuule as she shook his hand.

Bouro approached them as he is to "teleport" them. But just as he's about to, Tyuule called.

"Hey, you there! Wait!" She said.

She approached them, as she was referring to Iqbal.

"This is your handkerchief, is it not?" She asked.

"Yes, it is." Said Iqbal.  "You keep it."

"Well, thank you for that. But it would be rude for me to not return the favor. But what should I do?" Said Tyuule.

"It is fine, you don't need to force yourself." Said Iqbal.

"Oh, but I insist. It would be rude of me not to. After all, I am the Queen of Voglia." Said Tyuule. "Maybe this would suffice for now."

Just as she finishes, and just before Iqbal could do anything. She did something, quite unexpected. Just then, she suddenly pecks Iqbal right in the lips. Iqbal of course was surprised by this and walks back surprised. He was flustered under the single black cloth mask, but she could tell he was flustered. She giggles, and smiled.

"Looks like you got yourself a Harem, I." Said Supriyadi teasing.

"I will shoot you right in the ass, S!" Said Iqbal a bit annoyed by his best friend.

"Enough. We're going." Said Major Ucok.

"Goodbye now! I'll see you soon!" Said Tyuule as she give Iqbal a kiss-bye. 

Then shadow surrounds them once more, engulfed them, and teleports them away. Tyuule walked towards the window, it was a full moon that night. She smiled, as she looks at the handkerchief and sniffs it.

I'll see you soon, my knight in shining armor, Whoever you may be.

(AN: Sorry if this is bad, didn't have the time to think something better. I hope it satisfies you all.)

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