DEAR, LOVERBOY wilbur.soot

By l1ttlecinnamon

50.3K 1.2K 928

❝ YOU SHOULD PAY MORE ATTENTION TO LOVERBOY ❞ ➤ where y/n finds her soulmate over the interne... More

── OO1 ִֶָ
── OO2 ִֶָ
── OO3 ִֶָ
── OO4 ִֶ
── OO5 ִֶָ
── OO6 ִֶָ
── OO7 ִֶָ
── OO8 ִֶָ
── OO9 ִֶָ
── O1O ִֶָ
── O12 ִֶָ

── O11 ִֶָ

2.5K 75 61
By l1ttlecinnamon

y/n sat up, wilbur siting up with her not letting go of her waist.

"what is it? everything is okay right?"

"yeah?" y/n said hugging the stuffed frog she has in her arms tighter

wilbur looked at her concerned

what's so hard for her to say? oh wilbur i don't want to be friends anymore, oh i got a boyfriend and he's not comfortable with me hanging out with you

y/n just sighed and got up, walking to the balcony. wilbur followed closely, sad that the few minutes of her being in his arms had ended. the girl leaned on the railing and looked out.

the moonlight is really doing her justice

wilbur leaned towards the girl eager to know what she had to say

"wilbur i-" she started saying but got interrupted by her phone ringing.

"for fucks sake"

she went back inside. wilbur was about to follow her thinking that the moment was ruined and that the girl wouldn't share her precious secret with him anymore but she closed her phone and threw it on her bed and joined the boy on the balcony.

a few minutes of silent were enough for wilbur to start losing his mind. the girl was just trying to find a right way to say it. she was never good with words, and she had only confessed her feelings once, and it hadn't gone very well, leaving the girl more anxious and afraid of rejection.

where is val when you need her huh?

the girl looked at wilbur and then at the moon

"the moon is beautiful, isn't it?" the girl asked the boy hoping he would get he message and prevent herself from the awkwardness

wilbur just looked at the girl's eyes and saw the reflection of the moon


he didn't get

he didn't understand it or he rejected me without hurting my feelings

"wilbur σ'αγαπώ" confessed the girl using the very little greek she knew from the poems she had read

wilbur just looked at her confused

why the sudden change of language?

"you'll understand one day" the girl sadly smiled and left the room, leaving wilbur to sleep confused

the boy was pacing around the room, looking at all the pictures y/n had and trying to understand her. it did seem quite familiar but what was it?

"wait, is it greek?"

that's when he called him

"oh hello, what's up?" sapnap spoke from the other line, the call was on speaker since wilbur was too stressed to hold the phone to his ear

"i need you to help me with something"

"yep! what is it?"

"okay so y/n told me. something and i think it might be greek but i am not sure, and i really need to understand what she said so please translate"

"okay okay calm down and don't talk that fast, can you tell me what se said?" sapnap asked trying to help poor wilbur who was slowly loosing his mind

y/n tried to sleep, she really did, but the only thing she achieved was turning around in val's bed. val was in the living room with tommy, on a call with tubbo fucking around.

she thought about joining them but her mind was a mess and she didn't want to ruin their night, so she did the only thing she knows how to do best. she got dressed and went outside.

"hey val, im going, yeah you know" y/n told val and she just nodded. it wasn't the first time she had done it. she always goes there whenever she wants to either clear up her mind or just get away from reality

was it a bad idea? it was 2am and she's a lonely girl outside on a bench, it was destined to be a failure. but y/n wasn't scared. she has music and the moon to keep her company. she was listening to some of the songs wilbur had covered, she needed him there one way or another.

"she said, oh fuck how was it.. sa, sagapw? im not sure but please tell me you can help me nick"



"she said she loves you wilbur, y/n loves you"



wilbur ended the call and ran down the stairs

"is y/n asleep?" she asked tommy

"no she went out like a few minutes ago"

"ah fuck. she could be anywhere"

"bench down the corner" val casually said while closing ths fridge



and with that wilbur started running

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