── OO6 ִֶָ

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y/n and tommy were sitting on a bench waiting for wilbur. For some reason, the girl was extremely anxious. It could be the fact that he's really handsome and really funny, or it could be the fact that the girl has a huge crush on him, even though she wouldn't want to admit those feelings were real. If she did accept those feelings, she was setting herself up for heartbreak, rejection, something she is so afraid of that she has been avoiding since the last time. Or so she thought. She wanted to act like wilbur didn't find a liking in her to avoid getting attached.

She was basically on the verge of just getting up and leaving, but her feet didn't want to move. She wanted to meet the boy, but she was afraid of his reaction, or the first impression she would leave on him. The fact that tommy was vloging it all made her anxiety even worse.

At least she wasn't going to be alone, tommy and george were going to be there, supporting her without even knowing it. Actually, tommy was aware of the feelings both of them had. He was happy that both his best friends were finally falling in love, something he did find corny and kind of disgusting but he wouldn't dare get in the middle of them.


tommy's phone lit up

"he's here!" tommy said, getting up and preparing the camera

"AYEEEEEE HAHAHAHAHA, it won't let me zoom" said the boy, trying to get a better shot of wilbur

the girl was just standing there smiling while looking at her feet

"ayup!" said tommy and shoved the camea in wilbur's face

the boys were talking about tommy's dad while the girl was just walking behind them with one earphone in

she really wanted to talk to wilbur but something was holding her back

the brown-haired boy suddenly took off his beanie and wore it to the girl. The girl just looked up and smiled

"i noticed you seemed kinda cold, so here" he said and pinched her cheek

"thank you" she said and adjusted the beanie so she wouldn't look hideous

"you're a shy one aren't you?" he asked as they were crossing the streets to apparently visit the ducks, as tommy had said

the girl just shook her head and smirked

"i just don't like talking"

"not even when you're talking to me?" he smirked

"okay maybe i like talking just a tad bit"

the boy laughed

y/n was cuter than he had expected her to be. he just wanted to hold her and protect her from everything, not like she needed protection,wilbur knew y/n was strong, he just wanted her near him

"there's the cheeky lad" wilbur said as a duck went nuts and tommy started screaming

"you know" he leaned on the rails next to the girl

"he reminds me of me, he's just pissed at the world"

the girl giggled

"is your spirit animal a moorhen?" she asked and smiled

"yea, i'd say so"

"really?" tommy excitedly asked

"mine's a big goat!" tommy said and walked in front so he could film the two

"what's your spirit animal y/n?" tommy asked, and wilbur nodded, curious to see what the girl would say

"i don't know, a dog?"

"and why's that?"

"they are just cute and super loyal and they love cuddles and snuggles and food and they get overly excited over small things, and they love head pats and forehead kisses, and food, oh my god they adore food!" she excitedly said and smiled

"so you're basically a dog" tommy teased the girl

"yeah what about it ya big goat?" the girl barked at tommy making wilbur laugh

"fucking adorable" wilbur said and shook his head making the girl blush and laugh to hide the embarrassment


"we are nearly at the queen's, ah and she's single!" tommy shouted

"it's your time to get the girl big boy" y/n patted tommy's back

"there she is! my beloved!" tommy gasped

"that a statue tommy" wilbur said while crossing the road

"we are going to get hit by a fucking car!" wilbur said and grabbed y/n's hand pulling her close to him and walking faster

"no car has the audacity to run me over" said tommy

"ah yes, an amazing quote to put on your gravestone" y/n mumbled making wilbur laugh

wilbur didn't stop holding y/n's hand

"do you wanna give a peace to the camera?" wilbur asked as he placed y/n's hand inside his pocket and grabbed the camera, making the girl smile

"philip's dead" said tommy and advertised his channel

after that, wilbur gave the camera to y/n, getting her hand out of his pocket and intertwining their fingers

"what are you laughing at? what's funny?" wilbur asked while the girl was filming him, zoomed right on his face

"the toes!" said tommy while looking through the camera

"tommy you got bird shit on your jacket" wilbur pointed out

will took a photo of y/n laughing at tommy


"what if i pushed you in?" tommy asked wilbut while walking on the bridge

"you wouldn't"

"oh i fucking will"

y/n was leaning on the bridge looking down. wilbur went behind her and fake pushed her, making her scream. he immediately grabbed her waist and started laughing

"sorry, i had to"

"that was amazing content thank you will"

"i almost had a fucking heart attack you bastard"y/n turned around and punched wilbur in the chest. wilbur was still holding onto y/n

"ah love the nicknames you have for me" wilbur laughed


"so you actually want to fight ksi? like it wasn't a joke?"y/n asked tommy

"yeah we just need to work out how big he is and how girthy he is"

"what do you mean?!" wilbur asked

"he's a heavyweight boxer tommy!"

"okay but-"

" what are you suggesting?"

"let's go to the one man that knows ksi's girth"

"and who might that be?"


DEAR, LOVERBOY wilbur.sootTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang