+* A Paladin and The Monarch*...

By Crystal_RoseYt9716

141 1 0

This story is a hunk x reader since all my beautiful rosebuds have decided on a hunk x reader since he needs... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter one

81 1 0
By Crystal_RoseYt9716

+* I miss my home...I miss my family...I miss my friends...I don't want to be here anymore...if you're wondering what I'm talking about...I'll explain I'm a prisoner of the Galra I was taken from my planet it was a beautiful planet filled with beautiful plants, mystical animals, and a whole kingdom I was part of the royal family...

 The Monarch Family I didn't really like being a part of the royal family it was so much work and I didn't think I would be a good ruler but now I can't rule my kingdom since it's been destroyed by Zarkon I've been his little guinea pig being experimented on almost every day....please someone save me...*+

Hunks Pov

I was looking through some of the castle records seeing all kinds of things that princess Allura has been through but one caught my eye it was a video of Allura and a h/c (hair color)haired girl that I've never seen before, The video showed Allura and the girl doing each others hair I smiled at how happy they both looked. 

Then it showed Allura asking the girl a question to the h/c haired girl stood up and stood there for a couple of seconds and tilted my head about why she was standing but then my eyes widened in shock beautiful f/c (favorite color) monarch wings unfolded from her back 

"Hunk!" I snapped out of my shocked stage and hid the video and turned around to see Allura and the rest of the gang staring at me, " U-uh hey g-guys what's up" I said sheepishly sweating a bit from Allura's angered expression, "What were you looking at!" Allura yelled I swallowed a lump in my throat and started to sweat a bit more, " w-well I was b-bored and..started looking at the castle's records.." I trailed off a bit seeing Alluras expression get even angrier 

She started to walk toward me with clenched fists I got nervous that I stumbled back and accidentally started playing the video I was watching I covered my face with my arms scared she was going to hit me but when I uncovered my face I saw Allura with a face of sorrow I looked up at the screen to see Allura playing with the h/c haired girl both of them so happy and cheerful 

Coran came up to the princess and led her back to her room she didn't say a word everyone looked at me, "What I didn't think she'd be mad at me for going through the castle records" I said holding my hands up in defense 

Shiro shook his head and walked out of the room with Keith, pidge, and lance came over to me and looked at the picture we stood there for a couple of minutes until lance said something completely stupid 

" Damn she's hot " Lance said with a smirk pidge smacked lance in the head cause him to yelp out I chuckled and lance was looking at pidge with a grumpy expression while pidge had a face of accomplishment, "Do you think she's Altean?" I asked, "She can't possibly be Altean she doesn't have any Altean marks like Allura and Coran" Lance butted in

 Pidge and I looked closely at the girl and lance was right she doesn't have any Altean markings "He's right!, but Hunk when we came in she, had something on her back from what we could see, what was it?"

I started to sweat I don't know if I should tell them because they might think I'm crazy or they'll accidentally talk about it in front of it Allura then she'd kill me, "O-oh that! it was j-just a part of her dress!" I chuckled nervously 

They looked at me with an' I don't believe you face ' I rubbed the back of my neck and backed away slowly heading towards my room once I was in my room I started wondering who that girl is "was she Allura's friend?" "Was she Allura's adopted sister?" 

I sighed in defeat and laid on my bed I closed my eyes to try and rest a bit but my attempt of rest was interrupted by the castles alarms I quickly got in my armor struggling a bit but once I got all my armor on I ran to the control room when I got there everyone was there 

"Paladins our castles scanners have picked up signs of a Galra prison ship " Allura exclaimed looking at all of us with a serious look, " I want some of you to go take a look and see if you can gather information the rest will be on the lookout " 

"Pidge, Shiro, and Hunk go see if you can gather information Keith and Lance you two will be on lookout duty " I heard a groan come from Lance and a grumble come from Keith. Shiro turned and looked at us with a serious look

"You heard the princess now to your lions " We all nodded and head for our lions When I got to my lion I immediately jumped in and felt nervous but for some reason, I had a good feeling about this mission  

We all flew out our hangers and quickly went to the location where Allura found the Galra ship on the castles scanners and once we got there the scanners were right there was a Galra prison ship 

" Alright, the plan is we get in, see if we can find some useful information on what Zarkon's planning, while we can free the prisoners from the ship once we're done we go back to the castle, " Shiro said through our helmet communicators. 

We all looked at each other on our screens and nodded Shiro and I then parked our lions near the ship and put our particle barriers up Pidge landed near us and we entered the green lion since the green lion is the only lion with an invisible cloaking system since pidge installed it in the green lion

"Alright Pidge take us in slowly" Shiro said placing a hand on Pidges shoulder she nodded and started to move to a cliff near the Galra ship we landed the green lion on the cliff which is above the galra ship we exited the green lion and jetpacked under the ship without being seen (thanks to Keith and Lance being on lookout)

Shiro used his galra arm to cut a hole big enough to fit all of us Shiro went first and told us the hall was clear then Pidge and I went inside we landed on our feet and started to look around the galra ship there were fewer guards than usual galra prison ships

"Hold on something's not right here, wouldn't there be more guards protecting this ship?" I asked nervously they looked at Me and seem to understand my statement 

"Hunk's right stay alert this may be a decoy ship but we should split up, Hunk you help prisoners escape Pidge and I will go see what kind of information we can find on what Zarkon is up to" Shiro said I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded 

"Alright Pidge with me, I'll contact you if we have trouble" Shiro said starting to walk away with Pidge I took a deep breath and headed toward the prisoner area.

Hello my little rosebuds here you go as promised your Hunk x reader! I hope you like it ill make sure to try and update but enjoy this first chapter, bye my little rosebuds!

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