
By Victowrite1999

2.5K 122 163

Ariel and Allison thought moving to Beacon Hills would just be a short stop for them. Seeing as their family... More

The beginning of the end
No rest
Family Matters
Lakehouse madness
Wishing Well
Amar es Perder
Into It
Night and Day
Time of Death
No Time to Waste
A Promise to The Dead
Smoke and Mirrors
Creatures of the Night
Please Read
Answering some questions
You need to learn Star Wars references Scott
Ariel and Scott
Ariel and Mr. Stilinski
No Going Back...
Civil War
Young & Beautiful
Alternate ending
Hey !


41 3 6
By Victowrite1999

    "Soo you think she can possibly be a banshee ?" I ask following after Lydia in school. "Tracy suffers from night terrors and I'm concerned she's like me." Lydia says while Ariel nods. "Hmm well have you flat out asked her if she's discovered a dead body, heard voices around her ?" I ask while we both open our lockers at the same time. "We're on the same wavelength." I tell her raising my brows before giggling. "I'm going to help her figure it out." Lydia says while I nod. "That would be good and if she is like you no one better to help her out than you." I say while I pull out my schedule. "I only have four classes this semester. I say looking at my subjects. "How ?" Lydia asks while I look up to her. "I took extra courses over the summer while I was training in Romania, so I'll graduate early but I'll still walk with the senior class, to also add I'll be a sophomore in college." I say while my best friend just looks at me. "Wow you're smarter than me." She says while I shrug. "We're equally brainiacs, I just choose to get school done a lot quicker." I say shutting my locker getting my art notebook out before shutting my locker. My phone vibrates in my back pocket and I pull it out seeing it's a group text from Scott and Stiles. "We'll duty calls I have to meet Stiles and Scott in the locker room." I say while Lydia nods waving before walking in the opposite direction for class. Walking into the boys locker room I see Theo as well and I raise a brow. "Why is here ?" I ask standing next to Stiles. "Theo is here to explain how he got bitten and why he wants to join our pack." Stiles says with a sarcastic smile and i furrow my brows looking at Theo. "Okay." I say with a blank face while I stand back against the wall.

Tuning out Theo I listen to his story watching his micro expressions on his face and I narrow my eyes. Stiles catching me looks at me in question while I look over to Scott before looking back over to Theo. "You believe what he's saying ?" I ask Scott who looks at me nodding. "As a werewolf you can tell by their heartbeat if someone is being truthful or not, we don't know exactly how long he's been a werewolf. He can just be a really good liar." I say while Stiles agrees. "I'm sorry you feel that way I know you're both just trying to look out for your pack and your Alpha, but I'm being honest about what I'm saying." Theo says looking directly at me while I give him a cynical smile. "We'll see." I reply before walking away and out of the locker room.

A whole hour passes before I'm walking down the hall seeing Mason and Liam at Liams locker and I stop looking down at what he has on raising a brow. "Liam nice pants." I say causing him to jump looking past Mason to me. "I was wearing jeans earlier but this girl put gum in my seat this is all I have." Liam says while I laugh. "You must have pissed the girl off bad for her to do that." I say before Liam tells Mason to go watch the soccer team practice. Leaving me and Liam alone I look at him before shaking my head laughing. A locker slams and I jump seeing a girl look over to Liam with a glare. "Look are you still angry for what happened ?" Liam asks and I bite my lip nervous for my little beta while the girl smiles. "I'm not angry, I'm vengeful." She says locking her lock on her locker before walking up the stairs. "Yikes." I say while Liam lays his head against the locker. "She really hates you but anyways you have a good day I have to get to art class." I say hitting his shoulder lightly while he nods feeling defeated. Walking off I walk down the hall in silence before I feel myself get pulled into a classroom. "What the hell Scott !" I ask before he pulls me into a kiss. "Now I can't stay mad at you." I say smiling into the kiss before giving him a quick kiss again before pulling away. "Why don't you trust Theo ?" Scott asks looking at me while I shrug. "It's just a feeling." I say while Scott looks at me. "What kind of feeling ?" Scott asks pulling me to him. "The kind of feeling that can tilt the scale into the bad." I say and Scott stops rubbing his hands up and down my back looking at me. "That bad huh ? Well I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now, but I'll be cautious around him." Scott says while I nod smiling at him. "You're so good all the time, you always see the good in people and it's something I've always admired about you." I say wrapping my hands around his neck. "Yeah ?" Scott questions while I nod. "Yeah, but be careful, I have a feeling the bad is only just beginning." I say looking up to him.

Theo stands down the hall listening in on Scott and Ariel's conversation. He can't have her interfering with the plan, he'll drive them both apart if he has to, all of them to get to Scott McCall.

After School Ariel invites all the pack over for an after first day of senior year dinner. She's been in the kitchen cooking since she got home from school and she just finished bringing out the Steaks from the grill before the front doorbell rings. Setting down the plates of steaks she rushes to the door opening it seeing Scott, Stiles, and Liam. "Come in I'm almost finished the girls should be here soon, I also packed away your dad and mom a dinner plate." I say looking at Scott and Stiles who smile at me. Coming in they see the arrangements of different types of foods and they all look back at Ariel who mixes the salad up before setting it aside. "What ?" She asks taking off her Apron while the boys Smile. "Can I marry her instead of you ?" Liam asks and Scott blushes before shooting his Beta a sharp look. "Okay you guys get situated in the Den, football is already on if you prefer Lacrosse well cry about it because none of it is on I looked." I say setting out drinks before I hear the doorbell ring. Opening the door I see the girls and I usher them in. "Sorry boys ! Let's eat." I say while we all get plates sitting down together we talk about our day talking and laughing and I can't help but enjoy the moment. Happy I have such amazing friends and an even more amazing boyfriend.

After our dinner they help me clean up and Stiles and Liam head out leaving just Scott. "Here take this to your mom at the hospital, and here's some snacks for her to." I say handing Scott a Tupperware box containing steak, baked potato with all the condiments, mixed vegetables, with a slice of apple pie. And some snacks. "Make sure she eats it please and I'll see you when I see you." I say kissing him in the lips quickly while ushering him out the door. "Go before everything gets cold." I say while he gives me his puppy dog eyes. "Yes you can come back over after you get the food dropped off to your mom." I say while he smiles bending down to kiss my cheek before leaving to Stiles jeep. Waving at the guys, I watch them leave before I shut my door. The girls leave not long after and I finish up the kitchen before I hear another ring of my doorbell. Smiling thinking it's Scott I walk over to the door with a smirk on my face. "Scott you know you don't have to ring, the door bell." I finish once I recognize it's not Scott but Theo. "I think you and I need to have a little chat." Theo says smiling and I glare before slamming the door in his face but he catches the door pushing me back,  shutting the door behind him. "You're gonna tell Scott, I can be trusted, that I should be in the pack, and you're going to put all you're trust in me." He says getting closer to her while she backs up reaching under her kitchen island before pulling out a gun aiming it at his head. "You see I don't bend easily, I don't trust just anyone it's how I was trained, Scott's already putting his trust in you why do you need mine ?" I say unfaltering keeping the gun pointed between his eyes. "You're Scott's girlfriend, soulmate, literally, I didn't know werewolves could have those but here you are, if you start putting these ideas in his head, of not being able to put his trust in me, I don't need that to happen. If you don't start trusting me, I will fill his head with lies so bad he'll never trust you again, and if that doesn't work I'll just kill you myself." Theo says while my hand grows shaky with my gun in my hand, and tears fill my eyes before I smirk. "You're bluffing." I say while my face grows neutral again  and my hand grows steady. "Are you sure about that ?" He asks before going around my gun sinking his claws into my Abdomen. Gasping in pain I drop my gun while he grabs me helping me to the ground digging in deeper. "I know you can heal fast but I coated my claws in a poison that's harmful to your kind, teardrop flowers and moonstone dust, hopefully you won't be dead when Scott comes back, I need him broken to bend to my will and what better way than to kill you." Theo says taking out his claws and I fall back head hitting the kitchen floor softly while Theo walks out of the house. Laying there for a moment I sigh before sitting up. "Jokes on you asshat, I take an immunity for it." I say to myself while I take off my shirt and see the wounds slowly healing. Cleaning up the mess, I throw the shirt away before cleaning up my stomach. The wounds healed now, I smile before going upstairs to shower and slip on pajamas. Hearing the door open and close I head out of the den to see Scott whose looking at me confused. "Why do I smell your blood ?" Scott asks and I smile. "I was doing the dishes and I sliced my hand on the kitchen knife on accident, I'm okay though." I say while he just looks at me before nodding. "I need help with AP biology , I have a test tomorrow to see if I stay in the class or not, and I know how smart you are can you help me ?" He asks and I nod grabbing his hand before tugging him up the stairs. "I'd be happy to." I tell him putting the conversation with Theo and I in the back of my mind for now.

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