[2] 𝘷𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘢 𝘴𝘢𝘭𝘷𝘢...

By -laheyswifey

178K 3.8K 1.1K

Valeria has now moved away from mystic falls in hope to find a new life in New Orleans. After a recent loss s... More



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By -laheyswifey

I walked and walked far away. Far enough to get to an empty road and compel someone to drive me to New Orleans. My first instinct was to escape. There was a pain inside me I was afraid of letting out. I knew if I did it would be horrible.

I couldn't think about my brother being dead and then disappeared from the other side on the same day. Kol was also gone. He had let me down. Or I did. I had no idea any more. I was disappointed on myself I did everything in my power and I still let them down.

I still failed.

I didn't know what to do. Just go to New Orleans and act like nothing happened was the only idea I came up with. Which was the worst one I could ever think of.

When I stepped foot at the entrance of the compound I could smell the blood. There must've been a huge fight going on. I shook everything that had been in my mind the past couple house back pulling myself together. I took a deep breath and I walked in seeing vampires bleeding and bitten by ware wolves. Some were weak and some were dead.

I just looked around trying to find Klaus or Hayley. It wasn't long after when Davina walked in. When she stepped in she turned around to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Thank god you're here" I stood still tapping the girls shoulder. I try not to go into to much thought about the hug. Anything or anyone who comforted me right now would just make it worse and I was holding up pretty good.

The girl pulled away looking at Cami and Marcel attending the vampires.

"Cami?" Davina walks to them and sees Marcel all beat up " Oh god, what happened?"

I walked closer to them making my presence known. Marcel looked at me confused and shocked that I was there. Our last call had ended on Damon telling me Enzo was dead. He never thought I'd be home this soon.

"Val? I wasn't expecting you this soon" Marcel said out of breath I could tell he had gotten bit.

"Look around. You guys need me, big time" I walked closer inspecting his bite. They had no idea I could siphon ware wolf bites. But by the look of every vampire I didn't have he choice.

"Marcel..." Davina spoke softly worried.

"It's okay! I gave as good as I got. But, we need Klaus' blood to heal" Marcel stated. Where even was Klaus. If he wasn't here he was somewhere bad. The better question was. Where was Hayley.

Davina looked around panicked not knowing what to do. When I noticed this I felt bad. If I couldn't help back in mystic falls I could help here and make sure everyone made it out tonight alive.

"Wait Marcel stay still" I said taking Marcels hand. He looked at me confused on what I was trying to do. I put my hand up to the bite beginning to siphon it. They all watched amused at what I could do. When I looked around i saw all the bites I would have to siphon.

When I was done I removed my hand off him. "How does it feel now?"

"Valeria Salvatore you continue to amaze me! Now can you do it with the rest of my guys?" Marcel said obviously in a better condition now.

"Wouldn't that be to much magic? It can overwhelm you" Davina stated clearly disagreeing with Marcel.

"I got it. I know how to control it"I reassured to the worried girl. I knew it was a bad idea to handle all this magic while I was in the middle of almost having a break down, but I needed to distract myself in some way.

I walked to diego him being the one that looked in the baddest shape. I put his head up making him look at me then I set my hand on his bite.

"See where acting as the alpha male gets you" I teased the vampire while I siphoned the ware wolf bite. When he was more conscious and able to talk he chuckled at my comment.

"Never thought you'd be the one saving me. Wouldn't want to get your shoes dirty" Diego teased back.

"I've taken down plenty of people in these heels, don't underestimate me now, I just took away a fatal ware wolf bite" I took my hand away making him bring his hand up to his neck only to find it healed. He looked up to me shocked. I just rose my brows and continued to the rest.

While I got a few vampires healed and Marcel got them blood he walked up to me making sure I was okay.

"Hey you alright?"

"Holding up just fine. This is the last one" I said while still siphoning.

"V I know when you're not okay. You're avoiding something what's wrong?" Marcel looked me directly in the eye. I knew he could see right through me, but I couldn't let him.

"Where's Hayley" I said taking a step away from the vampire, standing in front of Marcel waiting for him to respond.

"I..." by the look in marcels face I could already tell something really bad must've happened with Hayley. Which just made me worry more.

"Marcel where is Hayley!" I raised my voice.

When I didn't get a response I stormed to her room taking something that belonged to her. Then rushed quickly to the study taking a map of the French quarter from one of the shelves. Marcel followed me through the compound shouting my name out. I ignored him, all I could think of was I couldn't let any one else die. I had lost so many people the last few weeks. I couldn't take it.

I set the things down and began to do a locator spell. Usually when I did them this way I got images of where they were but this time it was nothing. The spell didn't even begin. It was like she was no more. When i figured what was wrong I looked down taking a deep breath while Marcel watched waiting for an answer.

"V what's wrong?" Marcel placed his hand on my arm.

"She's uh....I can't.... I can't find her. She's gone" I stated. Marcel looked down. Even if Hayley was a complete stranger to us, over these past few months she had become one of us.

"It's not fair. Everyone keeps dying and......" I paused clearing my throat. "She deserved to live. She deserved everything she was getting. Her family. Her kid. Now she's gone, all she wanted was to have her little girl"

When I said this I figured there might be another possibility. I quickly went to klaus' desk opening it and taking one of the vials in there that was filled with blood.

"What are you doing?" Marcel questioned watching me.

"There's a possibility that the baby is still alive. I'm going to make sure that baby lives even if I have to kill every witch in this city" I poured the blood out on the map starting another locator spell. When the blood started moving it stopped at the cemetery.

I quickly took my keys and ran out to my car. Marcel had given up on going after me. He knew what ever was wrong with me I needed to deal with it alone with out people around me. Which I was when this was all over. Or not depending on what terms the supernaturals were in.

I just drove and drove until I arrived to the cemetery. I could feel the witches somewhere doing a spell but I felt something stronger. A more powerful source. The baby.

I walked and walked trying to find something but there was nothing. I felt frustration. Every second I spent was every second the baby was closer to her death. Hayley was already dead I couldn't let her die. I owed it to Hayley to give her child the life she wanted.

I kept walking when I felt a familiar vibe. It was klaus and Elijah they were close. I followed the feeling and found them inside a tomb clearly also frustrated.

"Valeria what are you doing here?" Elijah asked he was clearly all beaten up just like klaus.

"To send these witches all back to hell" I stated confidently crossing my arms.

"We've been trying to all night Val there's nothing here!" Klaus said frustrated.

"We've passed through here twice already. We're running out of time" Elijah punches the wall in anger making me flinch. Both were frustrated and angry. I knew Elijah was completely broken. I could feel it. He had grown to like Hayley a lot.

"Then we move faster" a voice came from behind us. A familiar one. I turned around immediately looking at hayley. I was shocked to see her. I could have swore she was dead. Either I did my spell wrong or she was cloaked.

I felt something off about her. Something was different. I quickly took her hand trying to see if she wasn't some type of illusion. When I did i found out something else. She wasn't a wolf any more she was a hybrid.

"How are you here?" Elijah questioned also shocked to see her.

"I woke up in the church. I felt this hunger... I knew what I needed. I can feel her. She's here. I can feel my baby" Hayley said weakly.

I turned around to the two brothers still holding Hayleys hand.

"She's in transition. She died with the baby's blood in her system" I informed to them.

"Which means she has to drink the blood of the child if she is to survive" Elijah stated completely mortified in the situation Hayley was in.

"I don't care about me. I'm gonna go find our daughter" Hayley walks out with the three of us following. I could feel the magic running through my system. All the magic I siphoned from the bites ready to be used.

We all walked through the cemetery following Hayley who could feel the baby. She had broken the illusion Elijah and Klaus had tried to break. All she could feel was the hunger to drink the blood from her baby.

When we turned to the corner we saw three witches. Two brunettes and a red headed one. Which was a familiar face from 1919. She was holding up a knife about to stab it into the baby.

"No!!!" Hayley shouts making the three witches look up. When the red headed spotted me her eyes widened about to put her hand up in defense.

I walked forward giving her a warning look.

"We've already had this fight Genevieve we all saw how it turned out last time, so I suggest you surrender"

Elijah picks up an urn and lobs it at the witches, which slams against Genevieve's hand and knocks the athame onto the ground. The three run toward them, so Monique and Abigail hold each other's hands and channel the ancestors' power to throw them backwards while Genevieve goes to find the athame

"You fools! To come against us in our place of power in our strongest hour? You don't face three, you face us all!" Monique and Abigail put their hands up holding us all back.

This is when I knew it was time to use all the magic I had inside me. I managed to get out of the Magic's hold putting both of my hands out just allowing the magic to get out. It felt liberating. Like I was letting all my feelings pour out at once. The witches flew to the wall while their link to the ancestors broke.

Hayley finds Genevieve picking up the athame, and starts to fist-fight her to keep her from using it against the baby. She once again knocks the knife out of her hand and into the ground

Hayley knocks Genevieve down and runs toward the baby, but Genevieve casts a pain infliction spell on Hayley, which makes her fall onto her knees. Meanwhile, Monique and Abigail were still on the wall but I could feel the ancestors trying to fight me.

Klaus notices this knowing I wouldn't be able to hold them down much longer. Klaus sees a wrought iron fence, and breaks off one of the spikes. He throws it forcefully toward Abigail, which impales her through the stomach and kills her, breaking the connection that she and Monique had to the ancestors

With the little magic I had left I used it to take it all out on killing Monique. Her eyes began to bleed, her nose bled too and she started coughing out blood until she dropped dead to the ground. When she did I dropped my hands out catching my breath. Klaus looked back at me with an amused look of approval.

When I turned I saw Genevieve on the ground barely conscious. I walked to her setting her up so she could see me. I could see her eyes had fear in them. We didn't exactly get along back then. There was a big rivalry.

"I told you it wouldn't end good" i taunted smiling at her. I let her go and followed behind Klaus as he had fled with the baby.


Klaus was already at the compound he was in the baby's nursery looking at her with bright eyes. I stood in the door frame watching him just admiring his daughter. It made me feel a second of joy. I've hadn't had many happy moments this past year but this was the happiest thing that has ever happened.

When Klaus felt my presence he looked up at me. I shot him a smile stepping forward towards the crib watching the baby lay there moving around.

"She's beautiful" I said holding her small hand with my finger. I never realized on what I was missing out on. A family of my own. I had always wished of it but it was impossible to even have now.

Klaus had walked out the room while I watched the baby. There was something off about him too. I just knew it. But everything seemed to off on everyone these days. I still hadn't processed the death of my brother and I didn't plan on it. There were bigger problems.

A while later Hayley had walked in. I walked out wanting to give her some time alone with her baby before she had to feed on her own baby which was cruel. I sat down in Hayley's room while Elijah and Klaus argued back and forth on how to protect the family.

I knew Hayley was listening to all of it. It was hard to hear I felt bad. I was willing to do everything in my power to help them.

Hayley then suddenly appears at the doorway with the baby it her arms.

"My parents thought they could protect me. But, in the end, they were slaughtered, and I spent my childhood alone and unloved" Hayley looks down at the bay trying to hold back tears. "I made a promise, to my baby, and to myself, that she would not grow up like I did. That she would grow up safe, and loved. And yet, here she is, on her first day in this world, with a grandmother who is bent on sacrificing her..."

Hayley began to stutter going into tears "And a-a mother who has to drink the blood of her own baby to survive transitioning into a hybrid. And I'm the one who loves her the most"

Elijah, Klaus and I just listened with sad expressions. It was unfair everything we were going through, nothing was fair.

"I think the only thing to do is... send her away... while we stay behind and clean up the mess that we've made" Hayley proposes making all three of us snap up.

"No! This is insane. You heard Genevieve-- so long as she lives, that baby will be hunted" Elijah disagrees.

Klaus stood up joining Hayley and the baby. "Not if no one knows she lives"

"What is it that you intend to do brother?"

"What ever it takes"klaus replies with a smirk looking directly at me. I gave him a small nod letting him know I was in.


It was finally time for Hayley to say goodbye to her baby. We had come to terms she would be sent away while we stayed here and made it safe again. I was with Hayley in the nursery while she tried to get in every moment possible by her baby's side. I was just staying for support.

"Thanks for fighting for her today. I'm happy to know that she has someone like you to be in her corner backing her up" Hayley spoke up.

"I'm willing to do it. I'm not giving up until this family is one whole again. Whatever it takes" I told Hayley.

Elijah then walked in with some of the bags packed for the baby.

"I need to bring something else hold on" Hayley excused her self walking to her room leaving Elijah and I.

I just tried to ignore playing with the baby. I knew if I held her it would just make me break down into tears. Elijah turned around noticing I hadn't held the baby once. Even thought he knew I wanted to.

"I'm sure Hayley would allow you to hold her" Elijah picked the baby up handing her to me. I took her not having a choice. I settled her down in my arms rocking her back and forth. Holding a baby makes you feel a warm ness in you. A joy you never thought you could have.

That's how I felt. But my emotions were all over the place. Anger, fear, sadness, betrayal and more were all haunting me in my head. And just as I anticipated my eyes watered. I tried my best to hold them back as Elijah noticed this.

"What's going on with you" he questions.

I looked up from the baby to him. I stayed quiet for a moment knowing if I explained I would burst down into tears.

"I don't think this is a conversation we should have while I'm holding a baby" I said looking back at Hayley who walked back in setting a letter down in one of the baby's bags. Hayley heard what I said taking the baby from me then looked at me just as Elijah did waiting for me to fess up.

"My brother he is....dead" I said coldly holding back my emotions as hard as I could. Hayley and Elijah's expression dropped.

"You fought with us out there the whole day acting as if nothing happened? Valeria I..." Elijah couldn't say no more watching me bite my lip holding my tears back. He tried to put his hands out about to embrace me into a hug, but I stopped him.

"I'm fine. I'm totally fine" I lied through my teeth.

Just as Elijah and Hayley looked at me with sad faces Klaus walked in.

"You have a visitor" he informed me gesturing me to follow him.

I looked back at Hayley and Elijah giving them a small smile for their concern towards me before I left the room with Klaus. I followed him to the entrance of the compound spotting my brother there.

"I knew you would be here. This is we're you run to" Stefan said walking towards me.

"I couldn't do it Stefan" my voice finally breaks making klaus turn to me with complete confusion on what was going on.

"I know. I know. I had to make sure you were okay though" Stefan rushed to me holding me in his arms. "We have to get him back Val. We're not abandoning him. You can't just act as if nothing happened"

"I know Stefan but I just can't okay. I need a break from all the death. I deserve a break!" I got out his hold letting my tears out.

"What are you talking about?" Klaus questioned completely confused.

"Our brother he's dead" stefan replied making klaus snap his gaze to me.

"And we will fix that okay but right now I need a break. I have better things to attend Stefan"

"What better things could be more important than our brother?!" I looked back at klaus reassuring it was okay for me to tell. He gave me a small nod reassuring.

"Today instead of death. We brought something beautiful to our lives. Someone who deserves to start her life with joy and safety. After I've made sure of that then I can attend to my brother. But I am tired of failing every time I try to bring someone back" I said making Stefan look down in guilt.

I understood he wanted Damon back so did I. But I was tired of breaking my self little by little every time I attempted at it. I deserved a break for all of that and focus on something new. I turned around gesturing Stefan to follow me. The three of us walked up to the nursery spotting Hayley holding her while Elijah gathered the baby's things.

Elijah looked up to Stefan and gave his brother a face. Klaus just nodded letting him know it was okay.

"Meet the newest member of the Mikaelson family" I told Stefan as he watching Hayley and the baby with a shocked face. "I'm fighting for that little girl first then I will get Damon back. I'm not giving up Stefan I'm just asking for a break"

Stefan nodded understanding my reasoning. As he was about to leave Klaus stopped him.

"I'm sorry but I can't let you leave with out erasing your memories about the child. You know for safety measures" klaus stood in front of Stefan.

"Of course. Yea go on" Stefan allowed klaus to compel him.

After they all left to attend their rolls I walked to my room sitting down on the floor. I had no idea what to do next. Where to start or how to move on. I just knew that this wasn't the end. It was the beginning of something worse.

I had a gut feeling the worse had yet to come.

A/n- ahhh omggg I'm soooo excited for next season!!!! I promise I won't disappoint at all.

I have an amazing plan for Val I'm just so excited I can't wait for you guys to read. I'm posting the intro in a while.

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