Ripper's Journey II: The Son...

De Evastarunit73

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After the death of the ultimasaurus ripper blue delta echo and charlie are now free to roam the world and one... Mais

A New Home
A Bond
Happy Wife Happy Life Part 1: Our Future
Happy Wife Happy Life Part 2: The Child
Parenthood Part 1
Parenthood Part 2: First Hunt
The Ravagers
Tyrants Of California
Collision Course
Monsters Of The Night
The Beast That Lives Within
Dominion (Epilogue)

Under The Moonlight

1.1K 13 12
De Evastarunit73

Deep in the forest of Sierra Nevada lies a bunch of dinosaurs although usually there were only herbivores there

The moon was bright and was the only thing illuminating the night in the forest

The forest was peaceful and quiet as there wasn't really any danger for the past few weeks since the dinosaurs came here and turned it into a temporary home

That is until this night

A bunch of fast moving dinosaurs are running through the forest frantically as if they were being chased by something

These were a group of ten gallimimus one of Isla nublar's fastest creatures, they had long necks a thin body thin legs for running and a short tail

Because of the fact there haven't been any predators for the past few weeks it was a shock to them that they were being hunted by something, they just couldn't determine what it was that was hunting them

They kept running, not even looking back to check what was chasing them, all they knew was that if they didn't get away they will be torn apart

They then hear an ominous hissing sound from the forest followed by another and another and this only scared the gallimumus even more

One of the gallimumus, specifically the one in the tail end of the group wasnt keeping up with the others very well

The one who was barely keeping up wanted to find out what it was that was chasing them so he looked behind himself and what he saw haunted him and he wished he never had looked back


Two white eyes glowing in the darkness, it was like a horror movie, or a nightmare, at least that's what people always think of when they see something unnatural in the dark

The gallimumus kept on running, he didn't want to look back after seeing those eyes, he was now more frightened than ever

The hissing started sounding less ominous and more threatening, it's as if whatever was chasing them was taunting them as well

The gallimumus was breathing heavily not letting himself get caught by whatever the hell was hunting him that night

But unfortunately for him, that night would be his last


suddenly out of nowhere, a creature rammed the gallimumus from the side as he fell over

The gallimumus was breathing heavily as he tried to get up but then he felt a sickle claw slam into his right leg

The gallimumus squealed in pain as it started flailing, trying to run away but it couldn't and there they were

He saw two white eyes stare down at him and he heard even more hissing, even more of those creatures started to make their way towards the helpless dinosaur

The creature that pinned him down started to growl and saliva from its mouth fell into the ground and apart from the eyes the one thing the gallimumus saw was the creature's razor sharp teeth

This forest for the past few weeks has been peaceful, it was practically a heaven for herbivores to relax in

But now it finally gets it's taste at danger


Owen was already awake and was in the living room like usual and he sat on the couch

He picked up a remote nearby and opened up his television to watch something while he waits for everyone else to wake up

While the tv was turned on Owen started skipping through channels since usually he only watched news channels since he wanted to know where the escaped dinosaurs have been ever since they escaped the Lockwood manor

Even if Owen wants to know about where the dinosaurs are he hasn't had a clear vision on what he and the others should do once they actually decide to go out and find them, he's not even sure if they are going to do that anyway

But Owen at this moment wasn't really that worried for the dinosaurs, because sure they needed to be taken to a place where they can live without harming people but at the same time Owen got what he wanted, blue was back with him and so was his squad, what more could he ask for?

And then while skipping through channels Owen finally stopped when he saw the Lockwood manor on one of the channels

A male newscaster then started talking

"The Lockwood manor has been under investigation ever since the dinosaur outbreak that happened a few weeks ago with multiple species escaping the manor and heading out into California" the newscaster said

Owen was actually surprised they were only now investigating the manor since it's been weeks since the dinosaurs escaped from it

"There have been reports of dinosaurs such as tyrannosaurus carnotaurus allosaurus baryonyx suchomimus and metriacanthosaurus escaping, all of which are extremely dangerous predators that could cause major issues for people, some places have even issued that people shouldn't go into the forests anymore just in case they might run into one of these predators" the newscaster continued

Owen was actually surprised that suchomimus and metriacanthosaurus were on the list of dinosaurs that mills' men caught while on nublar especially for the fact of how lethal suchomimus are

"There have also been reports that the
prototype hybrid known as the indoraptor escaped from this manor and is now roaming the forests of California, we aren't sure if the indoraptor is still alive but ever since the footage of it fighting two
carnotaurus was revealed people and more importantly InGen themselves have been trying to locate where it went and if it is a danger to humans" the newscaster said

Owen smirked as he knew that he was going to do his best in order to hide ripper from them, because if they catch him he could be killed and with Owen now trusting him he couldn't let that happen, especially since ripper has a relationship with blue

And to Owen, unless he was agitated ripper wasn't really a danger to humans unless he seriously wanted a person to die, because if he truly was a danger to humans then he would have killed Owen by now but since he didn't Owen knew he could trust ripper


Delta felt dizzy tired and felt like she couldn't move too well and she was lying on the ground

She opened her eyes and saw something or maybe someone

It was blue and she was staring at delta but what surprised delta the most was the look on blue's face

She glared at her sister and she was growling, delta was wondering what was going on, what was she angry?

Delta tried to get up but a foot then stomped on her head as she fell to the ground once more

She was breathing heavily and could make out who it was that was stepping in her head

It was ripper

He had a sadistic smile on his face and was hissing at delta

Blue then started walking towards delta as she was struggling to try and get away from ripper but his foot still had her pinned to the ground

When blue finally got in front of delta she spoke

"Why did I ever trust you?" Blue asked in a harsh tone

Delta was confused

"Blue, sis, what are you talking about?" Delta asked

Blue narrowed her eyes and slapped delta over the left side of her face

"You said you would change yet you never did! And because of it charlie died!" Blue shouted

Wait, charlie died? That happened before but ever since delta was brought back so was charlie so why did she say he was dead?

"Blue, he's alive, we both saw him-" delta was cut off when ripper roared at her

"Alive?! Yeah right! Because of your arrogance we lost our brother again and this time I'm not defending you anymore, I'm sick of you" blue said

A tear went down delta's face as she started to cry, her worst fear was losing her family but most importantly losing blue's trust

"What did I do?" Delta asked as she sobbed

and then a familiar voice was heard as stomping was being heard as well and it was coming from nearby

"Exactly delta, what did you do?" It was Alice, she was giggling and delta was now more scared than before

"Let go of me please! I'll make it up to you guys! Whatever I did-" delta was cut off again as she heard coughing

"Oh delta" a male voice said and what delta saw shocked her

There was a raptor breathing heavily and was walking towards delta and it was limping while doing it

"If only you could have been a better sister" it was charlie, his face was burned, his ribs were exposed, his tail was bent and his legs were torn straight down to the bone

Delta could only cry as she saw her little brother, his green skin was gone, replaced with burns and scratches and he was shaking while being there

"You only have yourself to blame here delta, because you weren't good enough to save charlie" Alice said as she cackled

Delta then felt ripper's foot leave her but then she felt a claw digging into her neck

"Maybe we should have gotten rid of you, then we wouldn't have any problems, because all you do is drag us down" it was echo and his voice was deeper than usual

"Guys please, stop! I don't know what I did but I swear I can make it right just give me a chance!" Delta shouted

"What about charlie?! Did you give him a chance?! You practically tortured him!" Echo shouted

Delta couldn't believe that, her torturing charlie? Sure she never liked Charlie's child like behavior but she still loved him as her brother

"It's only right for a monster like you to be put down, and now's as good a time as any to get it over with" ripper said

A void opened up beneath her and down it was mason the mosasaurus with his mouth opened

"No! Please! Blue I'm your sister!" Delta said

"You're not my sister, you're a monster who I never should have called my sister, now feed her to mason!" Blue shouted as echo threw her into the void and she fell into Mason's mouth


delta screamed as she woke up and breathed heavily, that nightmare reminded her not only of Charlie's death, but also of Alice and how arrogant she was to trust her and that was one of the reasons charlie died

Blue was standing near delta and her eyes widened and she rushed towards her sister

"Delta? What's wrong?" Blue asked softly

Delta quickly got up and looked at her sister

"B-blue? Where's charlie? I'm sorry about what I did, but please just don't hurt me!" Delta shouted, she wasn't sure whether or not that was a nightmare or it was real

Blue had an awkward look on her face because she was confused in what her sister was saying

"What do you mean? Delta are you okay?" Blue asked in a concerned tone

"Okay? I just saw charlie with a bunch of burns on his body you think I'm okay?!" Delta shouted

Blue shivered a bit and was even more confused, what was she talking about?

Charlie then came over as he heard what was going on

"Um delta? You okay there?" Charlie asked

Delta looked at charlie and he didn't have any burns or injuries, he was fine and his green skin was still there

Delta sighed

"Sorry, I must have had a nightmare" delta said softly

"What was it about?" Blue asked

"Don't ask me, ever" delta quickly responded

Blue only answered with a simple nod and walked away from delta and over to ripper and charlie walked over to echo who was on the far side of the fence again

Delta looked around and what caught her eye was ripper sitting near blue and they started whispering to each other

"Hey um, so about this boyfriend thing?" Ripper asked

"Don't worry it's fine by me, because at this point you already are my boyfriend" blue whispered with a smile

Ripper's heart was beating fast as she said that and he gulped

"I-i um well......since when exactly?" Ripper giggled nervously

"Since you confessed to me I already wanted to be your girlfriend, I just didn't have the courage to say so until now" blue said softly

Ripper felt uncomfortable, because sure he loved her but he never expected her to act like this towards him, because ever since he confessed his love to blue she has been acting a bit different

Different as in she's been a bit weird like calling ripper by the nickname of 'rip' something she has never called him before in the past and sleeping on his arm and she didn't even move her head away once until she woke up

It's like she's a completely different raptor than she was before ripper confessed his love to her

Ripper then heard the door of the backyard open as Owen came into the backyard with a bunch of meat to feed them with

Everybody except for echo went to Owen and now Owen getting worried for echo

"What's been going on with him?" Owen asked

"I'm not sure but ever since he argued with delta he hasn't spoken to any of us but me" charlie explained

"Did he say anything?" Owen asked

"All he said was that he wanted a bit of alone time to himself that's all" charlie replied

Owen put the meat on the ground for ripper blue delta and charlie to eat but then after that he walked over to echo who was sitting and wasn't speaking

"Hey echo, you need to eat you know?" Owen said as he got closer

"Ugh, just leave the meat there and leave me alone" echo said quickly

Owen was surprised echo was acting like this, he has never acted this aggressive before towards him

Owen sighed and did what echo asked him to do and left the meat there for him to eat

After that Owen walked back to he others while they were eating

"So how'd it go?" Blue asked

Owen sighed and spoke to blue and the others about what was going on with echo

"I'm honestly not sure what's going on with him, all I know is he wants to be left alone for now" Owen said

Blue frowned because she was worried her family might be split because of the argument delta and echo had but she still held out hope that it wouldn't

Owen then looked over to ripper

"Hey um, can I ask you to do something?" Owen asked politely

Ripper swallowed a small chunk of meat before speaking

"What is it that you want me to do?" Ripper asked

"Eh, well I'm asking you to take Maisie out for a walk" Owen replied

Ripper froze, he wasn't sure on how to handle this situation knowing the girl probably has nightmares about him killing her

"Bad idea, it's probably going to be one of the worst ideas that's ever been conceived" ripper said as he continued eating

Owen raised an eyebrow

"Look, I'm only doing this because I want her to get used to you, if that doesn't happen she'll have nightmares for the rest of her life, and I don't want that, I want her to trust you like I trusted you" Owen replied

Ripper then placed his right hand on his face and sighed

"Okay fine, but if she gets traumatized I'm blaming you" ripper responded

"I can live with that" Owen said as he went back into the house to get Maisie

Ripper was now walking around trying to think of the best way he can get Maisie to stop fearing him and actually trust him like Owen did

"It's going to be hard to talk to her, sure it was easy to talk with Owen since I'm pretty sure he wasn't afraid of me but considering the fact I almost killed Maisie I'm not sure if this is gonna work or not" ripper thought


"Are you serious?!" Claire shouted

Owen was covering his ears meanwhile Franklin groaned

"Claire, you didn't need to shout" Franklin said

Owen removed his hands from his ears and started explaining everything so that Claire can understand

"Okay I know it might be a stretch but-" Owen was cut off

"A stretch? You call that a stretch? That's putting it very generously" Claire replied

Owen was wondering why Claire was acting like this, because wasn't she the one who convinced Owen to talk to ripper?

"Claire, you sound like me now, and weren't you the one who wanted me to talk to ripper?" Owen asked

"Yes because you weren't afraid of him, but Maisie has been attacked and was nearly killed by ripper and she's just a child! You think it'll be easy for her to spend time with him?" Claire asked

"You do realize that not only are we stopping Maisie from actually getting to know ripper but if we stop this now her nightmares might not go away" Owen replied

Claire had to think this through, because if this were to work then they need to find a way to get Maisie to spend time with ripper without her immediately running away as soon as she sees him

"Alright we'll do it, but I want to be there as well just to calm her down, just in case if she freaks out once she sees ripper" Claire said

"Alright" Owen replied


Claire and Maisie were on the porch of the house sitting on a bench while they waited for Owen and while they were waiting rex was sitting near them

Owen then walked to the back of the fence where the door was and he was opening it to let ripper out and ripper was already in front of the door patiently waiting and his arms were crossed

"You really think this is a good idea?" Ripper asked softly

"Well again, it's better than her having nightmares forever" Owen replied

"I guess you have a point" ripper said as he walked out of the fence

Meanwhile with Claire and Maisie they were discussing what they were going to do and Maisie was very curious on where they were going

"Oh, we're just going to take a stroll that's it" Claire said trying her best not to mention ripper

"Oh, okay then" Maisie said as she was waiting for Owen

Rex yawned and despite him being a wolf he wasn't that active mostly due to the fact there weren't any dinosaurs who came by here which meant he didn't really have to do much

Owen then walked over to the porch with ripper slowly following from behind him

"Alright, let's go" Owen called out

Maisie and Claire got off the bench and walked onto the grass and Maisie didn't notice ripper at first

But when she did she immediately gasped as she saw him with Owen

Ripper looked at Owen and started to question whether or not this was a good idea

"You still sure this is good for her?" Ripper asked

"Hey cut me some slack, at least I'm trying to help her" Owen replied

"Yeah, about that, you didn't tell her about the part where she had to face the dino who almost killed her" ripper said

Owen sighed and Claire was holding Maisie and was trying to calm her down as she kept looking at ripper

Ripper didn't want to hurt her, he was beyond that now, but he still questioned Owen's idea because this could either work or Maisie will be traumatized for the rest of her life

"It's okay sweetie I'm here" Claire reassured Maisie and they started walking towards ripper and Owen

"Okay, I say we go near the forest but make sure you guys don't stray away too much, there are foxes here" Owen said

They then started walking around the field and Maisie kept her eyes on ripper, she did not want to take her eyes off of him even for a second just in case if he attacked

Claire was holding Maisie's left hand to give make her feel like she's safe but for Maisie there was no safety with ripper around

She remembered the teeth he bared at her, the claws that wanted to take her life, and that roar that has haunted her for weeks

Ripper noticed how scared she was, it reminded him of how Luna was scared when he last saw her, she was so innocent, so kind, he couldn't believe that Henry had audacity to hurt somebody as kind as her

As they kept walking ripper needed to assure Maisie that she was safe and he needed to talk to her at least once

"Listen, I know you think I'm a monster but if I wanted you dead, then you'd be dead but look at you, I haven't even scratched you once ever since I got here, I don't want to hurt you because I don't want to be reminded of what I was back then, I hope you understand" ripper said in a caring almost fatherly tone

Maisie was actually surprised that this creature that tried to kill her was actually acting as if he cared for her on a personal level

Maisie still feared him yes, but was started to develop trust for him, she started to think he actually was good deep down

"See? What I tell ya?" Owen asked

"Don't celebrate too early Owen, we're not sure yet" Claire replied

While they were walking something was rustling a bunch of bushes nearby and they stopped

Owen knew they were foxes around here but he wasn't scared, after all with a genetically modified hybrid on his side what does he need to fear from a simple fox that even his own dog could take care of?

Oh, if Owen only knew the truth of what was rustling those bushes much earlier

Suddenly two white eyes glowed in the bush and hissing was heard and also breathing

"Owen, t-thats not a fox is it?" Claire asked

"I've never seen foxes with glowing eyes before so I guess not" Owen quicky responded

The hissing quickly turned into growling as the creature lunged at Owen and tried to bite him

But then ripper swiped it away with his right arm and the creature was slapped into the ground nearby

"You've got to be pulling my leg" ripper thought as he saw something that he recognized but never thought would have followed him all the way here

A troodon

Yes, the creature that hunted him and blue down a few weeks ago, ripper now remembered what those notes said about these things not letting go of their target and now he was convinced these things came here just to get revenge on him and blue

"The hell is that thing?!" Owen shouted while standing near Claire to protect Maisie

"It's a troodon, me and blue encountered these guys before, and I get the sense that they followed us all the way here" ripper explained

"And why is that?" Owen asked

"Probably because of the fact me and blue took down half of their pack" ripper said awkwardly

The troodon roared and then four more eyes appeared in the distance as two more troodons came out of the forest

"You will not get out of this alive, because after what you did to our pack, to our alpha! We will tear you and that blue striped one to shreds!" The first troodon roared

Ripper was surprised these things actually could talk and unlike the ultimasaurus they spoke perfect English instead of broken sentences

Ripper stood up to his full height then roared at the troodons but they roared back and started to run towards him

One of them rammed ripper's left leg and another one rammed the right leg and the one who appeared first climbed into his back

Owen didn't know what to do since he didn't bring a gun along with him to fight the troodons but he had faith in ripper, after all he was part of the reason these things have half of a pack now

Ripper then used his hands and pulled the two troodons ramming his legs and he pulled them by the tail and threw them away as they fell to the ground

He then tried to bite the one on his back by turning his head but it was no use he couldn't reach the troodon

Suddenly ripper let out a roar but it wasn't for intimidation, but a call for help

And blue heard it

The door of the fence was open and blue immediately ran out leaving her siblings confused

"What's up with her?" Charlie asked

Blue started running to where ripper was, fearing he was in danger she ran as fast as possible

Ripper kept calling out to her and she kept running and then she saw ripper and she didn't believe it but a troodon was attacking him, it was attached to his back and was biting him

Blue then made a turn to the left and positioned herself on the left side of ripper and she charged towards the battle

She jumped and bit on the troodon's neck and landed nearby as she slammed the troodon to the ground and pinned it down with her sickle claw and bit it's neck and killed it

Blue turned over to see ripper

"Are you okay?" Blue asked

"I'm fine, and I just found out how relentless these things can be, they followed us all the way here probably so they can avenge their pack" ripper replied

Blue was confused, why would they come all the way here just for that? They know how powerful ripper and her are why'd they just come here knowing that? One thing blue did know was these things aren't going away until they are dead

"Owen, get Claire and Maisie back to the house, me and blue will take care of this-" ripper was cut off as a troodon rammed Owen from the left side and hissed at Maisie

"Get away from her!" Claire shouted

The troodon opened it's jaw but just as it did that

Ripper bit onto its tail right before it snapped at Maisie and Claire and he dragged it towards him and the troodon was now in his grasp

Ripper let go of the troodon and pinned it to the ground with his foot

"Don't try and hurt them, unless you have a death wish" ripper said as he growled at the troodon

"Why do you care about them? They are beneath you!" The troodon shouted

"I don't give a crap if you say that, if they care for me then that's enough for me to start caring about them" ripper hissed as he chomped onto the neck of the troodon killing it

Maisie was both scared because she was nearly killed by a troodon but she was also relieved, ripper really had changed, because if he didn't he would have let the troodon kill her but did he?

No he didn't, he wanted to protect her, it was like the night when they met never happened, she actually felt safe now with ripper

The last troodon then got up and hissed at ripper

"When the pack finds out, they'll come for you eventually" the troodon said

Blue smirked

"Then what if they don't find out?" Blue asked smugly as she bit on the troodon's left hand and ripper used his claws and slashed the neck of the troodon and slammed it on the ground

"So much for the threat he made" blue laughed slightly

Claire looked at the troodons and found them to be a bit odd, she has seen troodons before, or at least files because Simon Masrani did have plans to have troodons at Jurassic world

But they did not look like this, these troodons looked like they stepped straight out of a horror movie, their lifeless white eyes are what caught her attention the most, where did they come from?

Owen got up while ripper and blue went over to him Claire and Maisie

"Are you guys alright?" Ripper asked softly

"We're fine.......thank you" Maisie said smiling faintly

Ripper knew that Maisie trusted him now, because after this, after he just saved her, he knew that now she could trust him

"Alright let's get back to the house, but first we need to take one of these things, we need to find out what they are made of, because I think they aren't normal troodons" Claire suggested

Ripper nodded and picked up one of the troodons with his arms

"And what about the others?" Ripper asked

"You can have them for lunch" Owen said


Owen Claire Zia and Franklin were in front of the house and Maisie was in her room and they started examining the dead troodon

"What did you say it's name was again?" Franklin asked

"Troodon, it's name means wounding tooth, and it came from the Cretaceous period" Zia replied as she examined the dinosaur

Zia then took blood samples and put them into a vial for further study later on

"Interesting, tell me did InGen ever make these things?" Zia asked

Claire shook her head

"While Mr. Masrani was planning on putting them into the park he was unsure about it, and he never went through with it so it's definitely not from nublar" Claire replied

If it's not from nublar then what? Who made them? And for what purpose?

Why would anybody make these things and give them traits that make them follow their target wherever they go?

InGen never made a creature like that, their creatures were made as attractions, not weapons for war, but these things probably were made for war

Meanwhile in the backyard, ripper and blue started explaining to the others what happened and what exactly the troodons are

"So like, these guys followed you all the way from an abandoned facility in the middle of nowhere to here?" Charlie asked

"In a nutshell, yes" blue replied

"What did you guys do to piss them off so much?" Charlie asked

Blue and ripper gave awkward stares to each other

"Well you see.........we kinda killed half of their pack" ripper said

Charlie blinked as he was trying to process the situation

"No wonder they followed you guys all the way here" charlie replied

"Yeah, but hey they're not that dangerous" blue said

Echo was still in the far side of the fence sitting down and he was still silent

Blue looked over to him and she was beginning to worry for him, she thought that maybe he might not trust any of them anymore and blue didn't want that, she wanted her family to stay together, she just got them back and doesn't want to lose them again

Blue walked over to echo and tried her best to not get noticed by her brother but she stopped when echo spoke

"I know you're there blue, I have a nose you know?" Echo asked

Blue then walked over to her brother and sat down next to him

"Echo, what's wrong? You haven't spoken to us since yesterday, what's happening to you?" Blue asked concerned for her brother

Echo turned his head over to his sister to face her

"Listen blue, I've been under a lot of stress lately ever since me and delta had that argument, it's just that even if he's alive now I can't shake the night when charlie died out of my head, especially since I was there when it happened" echo explained

Blue knew how much charlie meant to him, he was practically the sibling he bonded the most with, sure he loved every single one of his siblings but charlie truly was the one he bonded with the most

Which made it even more painful when he had to watch charlie die in front of him

Blue put her right hand in echo's left shoulder

"Echo, you don't have to be like this, stop blaming delta for what happened, it was my fault too, I was the one who really did say yes when Alice asked us to join her" blue said trying to comfort echo

But it's like echo really couldn't let go of the past

"And it's not like delta was the first one to agree with her, and what exactly did she do beforehand? Didn't she try to kill you blue? Just to show how strong she was?" Echo asked in an angry tone

Blue wasn't liking how her brother was acting, it's as if the rage that came after Charlie's death was still in him somehow

Blue then sighed and simply just hugged her brother and echo's eyes widened as he was not expecting that

"Echo, delta's our sister whether you like it or not, and she's still our family and she's your family too, I just don't want our family to be torn apart so please, stop hating her, it was just a mistake echo, she still loves you as her brother just like I always will" blue said softly as she let go of her brother and walked away

Echo started thinking that what blue said was right, maybe he should stop hating delta after all she is his sister and one of the only family members he has

Echo took a breath and a small tear fell down his left eye but he brushed it off quickly so nobody could see it

Owen then suddenly opened the door and went into the fence again and called out for ripper and blue

"Hey! Guys can you come over here?" Owen asked as ripper and blue walked over to him

"Yes what is it?" Ripper asked

"Where did you guys find those troodons? Like where did you see them?" Owen asked

"Well we saw a facility in the forest, and there was a name of a company on it but I forgot what it was" ripper replied

Owen was wondering, considering the fact there hasn't been any evidence to suggest that InGen cloned these troodons is it possible they have a rival company that's trying to make their own dinosaurs on mainland?

But Owen also wanted to tell ripper and blue something else

"Hey um can you come out here since I need to talk about something private, I don't want the others to know about it" Owen whispered

Ripper and blue were confused but trusted Owen so they stepped out of the fence and followed Owen onto the front of the house where Zia was examining the troodon

"So you want to talk more about the troodons again?" Blue asked

Owen shook his head

"Actually no but, I have a plan for you two tonight" Owen replied with a smirk

Ripper was wondering if he was going to send them to hunt down the other troodons or not but he was still confused on what Owen was thinking

Claire then walked over to Owen while talking to ripper and blue

"What plan?" Ripper asked, eager to find out what Owen was talking about

"Well since Owen told me about the fact you and blue are in love, we decided to give you guys a dating plan for tonight" Claire replied

Ripper's jaw dropped open as he was in shock, a date? With blue? He hasn't even learned any dating tips yet

"Wait, so you want us to have a date tonight?" Blue asked

"Like Claire said, you two are in love, it's only fitting that you have your first date now don't ya agree ripper? Uh ripper?" Owen asked awkwardly as ripper's mouth was still open while he tried to process what he just heard

"Um, ahem! Earth to ripper?" Blue said as she shook ripper's right arm

Ripper finally shook his head and gulped as he breathed

"Eh, I guess it can work but-" ripper was cut off

Owen clapped his hands

"Great then, you can start as soon as I say so" Owen said as he and Claire walked away

Ripper barely expected this to happen because sure he loved blue but he didn't imagine him going on a date with her and yet here he was

"He didn't even let me finish" ripper said in an unimpressed tone


It was nighttime now and Owen and Claire were done eating dinner and Claire was cleaning the dishes in the kitchen while Owen went over to the back door of the fence and opened it

Owen then walked over to ripper and blue who were waiting near the door

Owen gestured for them to walk out of the fence

"I'm not sure if I'm ready for this" ripper whispered

"It'll be fine, don't worry" blue assured him

Delta looked over to ripper and her sister who were walking towards the door, but why? Why were they going out at a time like this? When it's already nighttime?

Delta walked over to them to find out what was going on because even if she tries her best to hide it, she doesn't trust ripper

The main reason for this is because ripper looks so much like Alice, it's either they're related or are apart of the same species and sometimes when delta looks at ripper, he sees Alice and that's why she doesn't trust him

"Wait hold on, where you going?" Delta asked with her arms crossed

Owen needed to think of something quick before delta starts asking for more questions

"Well considering the fact they know troodons so well I decided that they would patrol the area just in case if there are more" Owen lied

Delta found it odd that they only decided to patrol now, because wouldn't it be easier to patrol in the day when it's clear?

"Then why at night?" Delta asked narrowing her eyes

Ripper cleared his throat

"Because they come out a lot more during the night" ripper responded

Delta rolled her eyes

"Fine, but if my sister gets hurt I'm blaming you" delta scoffed as she walked away

Owen breathed

"Well with that over with, how's about we start your date?" Owen whispered as ripper and blue stepped out of the fence

"So what exactly do we do on a date?" Ripper asked

"Just walked around or talk to each other, just please don't get in trouble or cause a fight" Owen said

"We won't" blue smiled

Ripper and blue finally started their date as they started to walk around the field

The moon was full tonight and was illuminating the darkness of the forest

Ripper looked up into the skies and saw stars, he's always wondered what they actually are

"Hey blue?" Ripper asked

"Hmm?" Blue turned her head over to him

"What are stars? Like really what are they?" Ripper asked

"I'm honestly not sure, but all I know is they usually come out in night" blue replied

This is what ripper wanted, not to live in a room filled with walls and darkness, this is what he wanted, to see the world for what it truly was

"Oh Luna, striker, I wish you were here to see this" Ripper thought thinking about how he could have had his siblings see the beauty that is the night sky

They then turned over to the lake to sit down and relax for the moment, sure the night was a bit cold but that didn't stop ripper from admiring the outside world

All the stars in the sky, all the trees in the forest, this is exactly what ripper hoped for, he wanted to get out to have an adventure for so long, and now he has it, but there was one problem

Ripper frowned all of a sudden, it's as if all his happy thoughts just went away

"Ripper? Are you okay?" Blue asked

Ripper had everything he wanted, or did he? There was something that was left out but what was it?

"Ripper?" Blue asked again

"I wanted this, I wanted to see the outside world, to experience what's it's like to have an adventure" ripper stated

"Which of course you finally did experience" blue replied

"But..........I just wished that maybe just maybe, Luna and striker would have been here to see this, along with Nicole and Ajax, it's just not fair" ripper said as he got sadder

Henry practically took everything from ripper, his childhood, his innocence, his friends, his brother, his sister, everything and yet even after that he still had somebody to fight for


The night when they met ripper just saw her as somebody in his way, he never treated her like an actual person just a obstacle, nothing else but now after everything that's happened to him and blue, he changed

He didn't just see blue as an obstacle anymore, but rather he felt like he had a genuine purpose in life, not as a weapon or a murderer, but as a protector, blue's protector, he would do almost anything just to keep her safe, and it's because of all the people he's lost, he doesn't want that again and because of it that's why he began to like blue so much

It's because she was the first person since Luna to actually care for him, she took care of him when he was injured, she was there for him when he was sad, ever since they were friends she was always on his side no matter what had happened during the Lockwood manor, to them it doesn't matter anymore

Blue was looking at the lake as she was relaxed and ripper looked at blue

She was beautiful

The light of the moon reflected off her and made her look even more beautiful than before, ripper started to think, what would have happened had he not fought blue that night? Would they be friends much earlier?

Ripper regretted ever hurting her, because he just saw her as an object not a living being just a problem he needed to get rid of but now he sees her for who she truly is

A caring raptor, even after he attacked her again and threatened to kill her she still took care of him, and he has been thankful ever since

Ripper leaned over to blue, and he started to stroke blue's head with his left arm

Blue turned over and grinned at ripper and rubbed her nose onto his and then suddenly she got up and ran

Ripper was startled by this why did she run?

"Hey rip, you coming or what?" Blue called out

Ripper smiled

"You bet I am" ripper said as he got up and ran with blue

They ran on the field and ripper had never felt this happy ever since he confessed his love to blue

Blue then nudged ripper's right arm and giggled and ripper giggled as well

They kept running around the field but made sure not to go into the trees just in case if there were still troodons stalking them

Blue was running past ripper and started to slow down as ripper did as well and finally they came at a full stop right back near the lake

Blue turned around to face ripper who was smiling, and unlike his smile when he killed Ken Wheatley at the Lockwood manor, this one was pure it wasn't out of enjoyment of killing somebody but out of his love for blue

Blue then walked over to ripper and stood in front of him

"I really wish this is how we could have started, maybe we could have been friends instead" ripper said

"So do I" blue replied

Ripper stared into blue's amber colored eyes, he thought they were as beautiful as she was

Ripper then leaned over to blue until he was just a few inches away from blue's face

"May I?" Ripper asked smiling

"Why of course rip, you may" blue said softly

They then started rubbing their faces, for dinosaurs this was a sign of love for them

"I love you, I really do" ripper whispered

"I second that" blue smiled as both of them reeled back from each other

Ripper, a creature who was made for military purposes, trained to listen to a gun that chooses his targets for him, a creature who once had a hatred for all humans, he never thought he'd ever find true love in this world, but now he proved himself wrong

"I'm sorry I truly am" ripper said

"Sorry for what?" Blue asked

"Sorry that I ever hurt somebody as kind caring and as beautiful as you are" ripper said in a soft tone

Blue always saw hybrids as monsters with no remorse, this is mainly due to what Alice did and her encounter with the scorpios rexes, but ripper is not like them, unlike them ripper was only seen as a monster by people who never knew him but really he never was, he was just tortured and made into a monster by the people who hurt him

"And to think I saw you as such a bad raptor, it's funny to think about how I tried to kill you yet here I am now, in love with the exact same guy I tried to kill" blue said

"Sometimes life is unpredictable, but you really have to accept reality because sure it can be disappointing at times but there are times when something amazing comes out of it" ripper replied

"Like you?" Blue smiled

Ripper blinked

"Did you have to ask?" Ripper responded

"Remember when I asked you earlier about how I wanted to be your girlfriend?" Blue asked

Ripper's eyes widened, but now he was ready for this, he loved her and what better way to express his love for her than this?

"Um yeah" ripper said quickly

"Why don't we make it official?" Blue grinned

Ripper's heart was beating fast again but he calmed himself down and took a breath

"Look blue, I um......I just.........I wish" ripper kept messing up his words, he was unsure on how to respond

"What is it? You can tell me" blue said softly

Ripper closed his eyes and smiled just like when he confessed to blue

"I say we do, it's better than me trying to avoid it even if deep down I want to be with you for the rest of my life" ripper finally said it, he finally accepted blue's idea for them starting an official relationship

"Then it's official, our relationship starts here" blue said confidently

Ripper smiled, he never thought he'd end up here, that he'd actually end up finding love, all he wanted before was to kill humans and make them pay while also wanting to kill Henry but now he has a new purpose

To protect blue and give her all the happiness she deserves

Owen then walked over as he was watching from a far distance earlier

"So, it worked out?" Owen asked

"Yes, in fact we are officially in a Relationship now" blue announced

"Good, then we'll tell the others, well whenever you'd like to tell them" Owen said

"How's about we tell them maybe tomorrow or something" ripper suggested

"Works for me, now you two love birds get some sleep" Owen replied as they went back to the fence

The walked back into the backyard while Owen closed the door behind them

"Um, what was going on there?" Charlie asked

"What do you mean charles?" ripper asked

"I heard giggling while you two were out there" charlie said

Ripper gulped

"Oh that? We were just laughing because of jokes, I mean you know how funny they can be" blue replied

Charlie nodded and after that he walked away and laid down on the grass and started to sleep

"We should get some rest" ripper suggested

"Agreed" blue responded

Blue laid down on the grass and ripper also did afterwards and before they slept they took one last look at each other and smiled and after that they closed their eyes and slept

But not everybody was asleep at that moment

"You may have fooled them ripper, but you're not fooling me, once they find out what you really are I'll be the first one to tear you apart" delta thought as unlike her sister she only saw ripper as a liar and manipulator just like Alice

Author's Notes: ah yes the troodons have returned! So yeah I really wanted them to come back in the sequel and they may even come back later on and I actually had to change the title three different times until I settled on this one and also ripper and blue finally get a scene where they express their love for each other alone, and this is kinda like the "can you feel the love tonight" scene in lion king which it actually was inspired by


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