Earth or Fursona?

By Nata_KARU

58.7K 1.3K 559

In the modern world, humans are the ones in control and live all over the planet. Living on all continents al... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Y/N L/N's Bio
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 Loona Lemon
Chapter 21
Opening 2/Season 2 start
Season 2 Preview
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 2

3K 63 9
By Nata_KARU

After several hours of rather hellish training, the evening finally came as Y/N was covered in bruises and was completely exhausted. Kumatetsu smirked as he rested the wooden sword over his shoulder.

Kumatetsu: Well you did alright on your first day.

Y/N: How is this even training? I didn't learn anything and all you did was beat me with a damn wooden sword.

Kumatetsu: Quit your whining. I seriously hate it when kids do that.

Y/N slowly got up but his body was roaring in pain as he winced a bit.

Y/N: Ow ow ow. Man, this seriously hurts.

Kumatetsu: We'll pick it up tomorrow. Said as he left. Next time you'll have to be faster.

Y/N: Whatever. Stupid jerk. Said quietly.

Kumatetsu left the room as Y/N had to limp his way back home. Aside from his training what he normally did this was by far much tougher for him. Back in his original world, he didn't have to do with any of these things as it was a rather peaceful life. Though with him being in this world, it was going to be more difficult than he can think.

Y/N 'thought': This seriously sucks. The damn jerk is practically using me as his damn hitting pole or something. Why the hell did this happen to me and why here? Ah, whatever. No sense in complaining about it now.

He tripped falling face-first onto the floor causing his bruises to scream out in pain.

Y/N: Ow ow ow ow. Oh, this is seriously the worst. Said groaning in pain. Why the hell is this like some kind of Shonin anime? Then again, this could be hell but different.

He slowly got to his feet and limped his way home. Luckily it wasn't that far as he managed to get inside the house.

Y/N: I'm home. Said entering the house.

Kyoko: Welcome home. Said as she looked at him. Oh my. What happened to you?

She ran over to him and knelt in front of him looking at him.

Kyoko: Just on earth happened? Said in a worried tone.

Y/N: Old fart Kumatetsu did this.

Kyoko: Say what?! Oh, I swear that fool doesn't listen to a darn thing I say. Anyway, let's take care of those bruises.

Y/N: I'm fine.

Kyoko slapped one of his bruises as he felt his body riddle in pain.

Y/N: Ow! That hurt!!

Kyoko: No complaining. Now let's take care of them.

She got up and pulled him into the living room. He sat down as she opened the cabinet to get the first aid kid. While he waited, Reiko snuck up behind him and hugged him.

Reiko: Y/N!

Y/N: Ow! Reiko, watch it!!

Reiko: Why?

Kyoko: Reiko, let go of your brother. Said walking back. He has bruises on his body.

Reiko looked at Y/N seeing his bruises.

Reiko: Where did you get these?

Y/N: So-called training with Kumatetsu. Now get off!

He pushed her off only to grunt again from the pain.

Y/N: Stupid old flee bag. Said in pain.

Kyoko giggled as she sat down and opened the first aid kit.

Kyoko: Now hold still. You don't want to make those bruises any worse.

Y/N: Yeah yeah.

She started to treat his bruises as he winced a bit.

Kyoko: Jeez, just how harsh was he on you?

Y/N: Not like I know. Seems like he's an old grumpy old man.

Reiko: More like a stubborn jerk.

Kyoko: Well, he means well. After all, he does owe me a favor.

Reiko: For what mom?

Kyoko: Just a little something I did to help him.

After a few moments, she finished treating his bruises putting the last bandage on Y/N's arm.

Kyoko: There. All done.

Y/N: Thanks, mom.

Kyoko: Anything for my special boy. Said gently pinching his cheek.

Y/N groaned in annoyance as he blushed slightly.

Kyoko: Reiko watch over your brother while I prepare dinner.

Reiko: Ok!

Kyoko got up and left the room leaving the two of them.

Reiko: So, you wanna go play at the park tomorrow?

Y/N: Seriously? You know that I don't want to.

Reiko: Oh come on it'll be fun!

Y/N: Yeah right.

Reiko pouted at him rather annoyed.

Reiko: You're such a party pooper.

Y/N: Yeah yeah whatever.

Reiko hated to hear this from him as she wanted to have fun playing with him. For the rest of the day, Y/N relaxed at home while Reiko clung to him not wanting to be separated from him. Of course, Jazmin was rather annoyed with her as the two of them fought over Y/N while he had a blank expression on his face. Kyoko found this rather amusing for her two daughters to be fighting over their brother. They ate dinner together with Reiko and Jazmin refusing to lose to the other over clinging to Y/N.

After dinner, Y/N went back to his room and sat down at his desk pulling out his journal. Ever since he was able to write, he wrote down everything that happened in this world. It was something that he wanted to keep with him just in case there is a way to get back home. However, the possibility of even getting home was impossible. He wrote in his journal for a bit before he stopped and closed it. He sighed as he created his head on his hand, elbow resting on his desk.

Y/N: I wonder how Ed and the others are doing. Plus, I wonder how much time has passed since that day.

Even with the five years that have gone by, he still wonders how his old friends are doing. This was only one of many things that he wondered about as he has no idea how much time has passed since he left. Five years could've passed since then, maybe more or less but the answer to that is unknown. However, this doesn't bother him as he had to focus on what was happening around him. He stayed up for a few more minutes before turning in for the night.

Morning came as life continued with Y/N starting his next day of training with Kumatetsu. Needless to say, it was utter hell for him as he tried not to get too badly hurt by him. Aside from training with him, he also started to attend a school which was a whole other challenge. Needless to say, life was going to be much more difficult. For the first few weeks of school, things seemed to go rather smoothly but that changed rather quickly as things took a rather sharp turn.

One day Y/N was with Reiko and Jazmin at the park with the two of them playing with some of the kids while Y/N was reading one of his books. As he was reading one of his books, some of the kids decided to walk up to him and take his book from him.

???: Get out of here, no fur!!

Y/N didn't say anything as he simply looked at them. There were about six of them each of different fur colors and races.

???: This is our place!! You don't belong here!

Y/N 'thought': Wow. I'm so hurt by these dumb kids. Figured that they would try to pick on me.

???: What are you gonna do? Gonna cry to your mommy?

Y/N: Are you just here to waste my time?

???: What?

???: We're to make sure you know this is our turf!!

Y/N: Yeah, right. Said getting up. Like I care if this is your turf or whatever. Then again, I don't see your name on it or anywhere for that matter.

He walked past them getting his book. However, one of the kids put his foot out in front of him causing him to fall face-first into the ground. The kids laughed at him as the one who tripped him had a smirk on his face.

???: That's what you get, furless freak. You should know your place!

Y/N got up to his feet and picked up his book.

Y/N: Are you guys done? Said looking at them. Don't you guys have something better to do instead of trying to prove something?

???: Trying to act tough? You're not so special.

Y/N: Neither are you.

This annoyed the leader of the small group.

???: Just who the heck do you think you are?

Y/N: Someone who doesn't want to waste his time with you idiots. Now leave me alone so I can read my book.

He walked away trying to find another spot to read his book. However, the leader ran up to him and punched Y/N in the face causing him to fall and drop his book.

Haha! That's what you get freak!

Way to go Aiden! Teach him a lesson!

Y/N wiped his mouth as he glared at Aiden who was smirking at him with confidence. Aiden had a wolf-like appearance with black-colored fur as he seemed to be a rather cocky kid from what Y/N could tell.

Aiden: That's what you get for ignoring what I said. Now leave if you know what's good for you.

Y/N: What for? Said annoyed. All I see is someone who is just a dumb pup who clearly needs his bottle from his mommy.

Aiden: Oh yeah? Are you trying to make me mad?

Y/N: Is it working?

Aiden: Oh you're gonna pay for that!

Aiden changed at Y/N ready to throw a punch at him. Y/N avoided his attack as he punched Aiden in the face causing him to fall back.


Are you alright?

Aiden was rather angry by this Y/N smirked at him.

Y/N: Is that all you got? That was rather pathetic.

Aiden: Oh you're on!!

Aiden quickly got up and charged at Y/N as they started to fight. The fight was even until Aiden's group joined in instantly making the fight even more difficult for Y/N. It was a six-on-one fight as Y/N had a clear disadvantage with him having not enough fighting experience and was getting a rather serious beat down. Reiko and Jazmin saw what was going on as they were utterly furious rushing to their brother's aid. As such the fight turned to three-on-six with Reiko and Jazmin easily beating down the boys. Aiden was confused by this as Y/N landed a punch on his face causing him to fall on his back. He got on his feet whipping his face as his group stood behind him all bruised.

Aiden: Y-You jerk!!

Reiko: Get out of here!!

Jazmin: Unless you want to get buried even more!

Aiden and his group hesitated before running away. Y/N collapsed onto the ground which scared both of them.

Reiko and Jazmin: Y/N!

His breathing was rather raspy as he couldn't think straight. Reiko ran over to get Kyoko while Jazmin stayed beside him.

Y/N 'thought': Damn it. Those damn brats seriously tried to kill me. I guess that was bound to happen soon. Though, it won't stop after this.

Kyoko came back with Reiko as she was shocked to see Y/N's condition. She quickly took him to the nearest hospital to get treated. At first, they didn't want to take him in but one of the doctors was more than happy to treat him. The doctor was Stava, a panda humanoid who was always willing to help anyone regardless of who they are or what they looked like. He was rather intrigued seeing Y/N for the first time as he did everything he could for him. Reiko and Jazmin were extremely worried about Y/N as was Kyoko but to a much higher degree.

As such, he had to stay in the hospital for a while to allow his injuries to heal. He lost consciousness as he was out for a couple of days. Jazmin and Reiko were really concerned as they wanted to stay with him until he woke up. Stava reassured them that he will update them as soon as he woke up which Kyoko was grateful for.

End Chapter

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Please leave a comment telling me what you think of it or a vote if you liked it.

A/N: This chapter isn't as long as how I normally write my stories but I'll try to make them at least a decent length for you guys to enjoy reading.

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