Rohan and Izumi's adventure (...

By SofiaChanco

144 0 0

These are story dialogues that I make that are constantly coming in my mind. A very light Rohan and Izumi rom... More

The Greatest
Writer speaking:
Writer speaking:
Corrections: writer
Childhood: 2
Childhood: extra ending

Lost Relative

38 0 0
By SofiaChanco

#1 Type of shouts to be written:


These are all read on how they are spelled.

11:02 am

-Izumi was asked by Rohan to buy ink because his ran out. She walk down the peaceful trail as Jugo called her from a distance...

Jugo: Oi! You!
Izumi: *looks toward Jugo* Me?
Jugo: Yeah! What's your name again?
Izumi: Kyoka Izumi :).
Jugo: Oh right! Where you of to?
Izumi: Rohan-sensei asked me to buy some supplies. What about you?
Jugo: Ah~I just came out to freshen my mind or maybe find inspiration on my next chapter, can I come?
Izumi: Oh, sure!

Jugo: So, how are you and Rohan-sensei?
Izumi: Pretty well, we're warming up with each other more than before!
Jugo: Eehh, that's pretty surprising from the fact that he kept rejecting the editors that were sent to him.
Izumi: Right? Well, I didn't leave him even if he wanted to, I just kept coming and he found out that he couldn't do anything about it.
Jugo: Heh, that's Rohan sensei to you!
Izumi: *smiles*

-Izumi and Jugo went to the store and bought the ink Rohan was asking for and walked back until...

Jugo: Pretty nice weather isn't it?
. . .
Jugo: *looks back* Izumi-kun? Izumi=kun?!

-Jugo heard rustling from his side, and so he went in the wall of tall bushes. Izumi was pulled by a strange man and was turned into a child. Izumi couldn't shout because the man's hand was covering her mouth. After a short while, Jugo found Izumi. He didn't recognize her at first, but the young lady desperately kept reaching out to him and finally called his name. With no time to waste, he took Izumi, but the man kept hold of her foot. Jugo then kicked his face and let go of Izumi and ran off...

Jugo: *gets out from the wall of bushes* We have to get out of here!
Izumi: The supplies!
Jugo: *grabs supplies, runs of while carrying Izumi* So it is you! We have to go to Rohan-sensei quick!
Izumi: *crying out of fear*

Rohan: *reading a book*
Jugo: *KNOCK KNOCK* Coming in!
Rohan: (Huh..?)
Jugo: Rohan-sensei!
Rohan: What are you doing here? *slightly irritated, confused*
Jugo: Something bad happened to Izumi-kun!

Rohan: What? *slight concerned look*
Izumi: *shows herself, crying*
Rohan: ...This child.. is her?

Jugo: Yeah, her clothes even changed for children!
Rohan: *sigh* How did this happen?

Jugo: *tells what happened*
Rohan: I see, you should have walked beside her so you can see her! You're lucky he didn't chase you. He must be weak.
Jugo: Yeah heh, sorry bout that.
Izumi: Rohan-sensei..!
Rohan: *looks at Izumi*
Izumi: *gives paper bag with the ink*
Rohan: *takes paper bag*
Izumi: *cries quietly*
Rohan: Could you stop crying?
Izumi: *tries to stop crying*
Rohan: ... *slightly amused*
Jugo: Well, guess I'll be going now, I'll let you know If anything happens.
Rohan: Yes yes, go on now.
Jugo: Ok. Izumi-kun, be careful ok? Always stick with Rohan-sensei got it?

Izumi: *nods*
Jugo: Bye! *closes door*
Izumi: *wipes tears*
Rohan: *gives a good look at Izumi, thinking that she could be a great model for his next story*
Izumi: Sensei, can I read books?
Rohan: ...Sure.
Izumi: *smiles, runs toward Rohan's book shelf and starts looking for what to read*
Rohan: *starts to draw her in his sketchpad*

-Rohan feels cautious about going to the playground to draw children, considering many people would see him being suspicious. He sees Izumi as a great opportunity for him as she's a prefect model...

12:01 nn

Izumi: *stops reading* Sensei, Im hungry.

Rohan: Me too, let's go buy food shall we?
Izumi: Yes!

Rohan: *looks at Izumi* Hold my hand, you might turn into a fetus next if you don't. *slight grin*

Izumi: That's rude, sensei! *holds Rohan's hand*
Both: *heads out to buy food*

Rohan: (Im not used to being with children, yet Izumi-kun happened to be one. I have no experience or whatsoever of taking care of children. Though, this may not be so bad, considering on how behave she is..)

Izumi: Sensei, it looks like you're not used to children.
Rohan: So..?

Izumi: Jugo-sensei kicked the man so I think a little effect went off, I can still think like an adult.

Rohan: Is that so, But I don't really see much of a difference when you're an adult. *smirks*

Izumi: That's rude, Senseeeei! >:(

Both: *arrives at Owson convenient store*

Rohan: *Takes his bread*

Izumi: I want this! *points at her favorite bread*

Rohan: Are you sure? You might not even finish it.

Izumi: But I always finish this even when I was young!

Rohan: Is that so?.. *takes her bread in the basket*

-They went back home and ate...

Izumi: *finishes her bread, sigh* Im full!

Rohan: Did the man say anything to you?

Izumi: I couldn't really understand him properly, but from what I heard he said: You look just like her; in a scary voice. *imitates scary voice*

Rohan: (Maybe missing a child?) Anything else?

Izumi: Nope! That's all I understood.

Rohan: *sketches Izumi in his sketchpad*

12:47 nn

-Izumi does what she can to help Rohan out even though she is a child...

Rohan asked her to do poses for his manga, he would tell Izumi what she would do if she was in a situation whatever he gives her. She read plenty of books and asked a lot of questions to Rohan about the ocean. Rohan didn't bother due to his will to find reality in his work, he also quite enjoyed being asked by Izumi even though he doesn't usually talk to kids in particular... He is also fond of the ocean, considering that he played a lot on the beach when he was a kid...

7:30 pm

-Rohan prepared dinner and they both ate...

Izumi: *sleepy*

Rohan: (She doesn't think of going home is she..?) Do you live alone?

Izumi: *nods*

Rohan: Hm...

Izumi: *yawn calmly*

Rohan: *sigh* Change.

Izumi: Huh?

Rohan: You'll be here for now.

Izumi: Really?! *excited*

Rohan: You said you live alone, right?

Izumi: Ohhh, but, what "change" are you talking about?

Rohan: *looks through a box* Here. *gives child sized clothes*

Izumi: Eh!? Why do you have these Rohan-sensei?
Rohan: I found them, I must have accidentally brought it when I moved here, they're mine.

Izumi: Oooh your pajamas! *looks at his pajamas in her hands, goes to bathroom to change*

8:00 pm

Rohan and Izumi both changed and went to Rohan's bedroom...

Izumi: *follows Rohan to his room* Wooh, it's so big!

Rohan: *turns a/c on*

Izumi: Am I supposed to sleep with you, sensei?

Rohan: Where else?

Izumi: *looks at Rohan's bed and gets on it*

Rohan: *turns the lights off*

Izumi: *yawns* Goodnight, sensei. *closes eyes*

Rohan: ...*sigh*... (The enemy might come at night, I just hope that I would wake up if he is here) *closes eyes*

-Before Rohan slept, he used Heavens Door on Izumi in order for her to not wake up in any kind of noise when the man comes in...

1:07 am


Rohan: *eyes open and takes g-pen immediately, listens*

*creak, creak, rustle*

Rohan: *carries Izumi, and hides inside closet, peek through small opening while using a mirror to see with an angle at choice*

Man: *obvious murderous face*

Rohan: (What does this man want with Izumi? And, how did he know where my house is? He looks like he's desperate of taking Izumi to the point that he went insane)

Man: I know your in here, come out my darling. *headed towards, the closet*

Rohan: (It must be a missing child..!)*waits for the right timing before using-* HEAVEN'S DOOR!

Man: *gasp, falls down* ?!

Rohan: Let's see *kneels down*

: His name is Yuya Kishibe...

Rohan: ...Huh...?

: Cousin to the famous manga artist of "Pink Dark Boy" Rohan Kishibe...

Rohan: But...I hardly even recognize you...You look so much different now, not to mention the last time we saw each other was just last year... Then again with Jugo.

: Yuya has an ability to turn people into young children, which was develop just months ago. Clothes of the victim automatically changes for the current age they are in. He has developed mental illness that is nearly impossible to cure by a normal person. It was from the trauma of Yuna, his daughter's sudden death. He want's her back but was unable to, it made him crazy and started kidnapping people and turning them into children. And when a desire of his was not granted, he will burry them alive.

Rohan: Yuna..? You're kidding me...

Yuya: *wakes up while being a book, stands up immediatley, grunts* HUH? WHY YOU, GIVE HER TO ME! *misses, grunts* RAAAAA *misses agin, becomes insane and hits again and again* GRRA-



Rohan: *moves further away from him*

Yuya: *continues to attempt hitting Rohan and Izumi* GAH, RAAA, KKKUU, AAAAAA- *faints, falls down to the ground*

Rohan: *kneels down and writes: *I will walk back to my home*

Yuya: *stands up, furious, shouting, but leaves Rohan's house*

Rohan: *sigh, puts Izumi back on the bed, and goes to back to sleep*

8:32 am

-Yuya went home while screaming in the night. Izumi woke up earlier than Rohan now in an older but still younger than Rohan, teenage form. What Rohan didn't know, he was also made young. Yuya didn't realize that he used his ability on him. He doesn't have to attack in order for someone to transform, he only needs skin contact. Rohan touched Yuya by grabbing him. Izumi left him for a while to regain his energy and after two hours after her, he woke up.

10:49 am

Rohan: *wakes up, gets up from bed, notices something odd*

Izumi: Good morning, Rohan-sensei :)!

Rohan: ... (My clothes..! Don't tell me..) *goes to mirror*

Izumi: *follows Rohan to the bathroom mirror*

Rohan: *stares at the mirror* I was affected too? (Even my clothes changed, not to mention Izumi-kun's clothes turned into a children's dress)

Izumi: Sensei?

Rohan: Stop calling me that, it's weird if I'm at this age.

Izumi: What should I call you then? Mmmm... Rohan-san? Rohan-senpa-

Rohan: Rohan-san is fine!

Izumi: Okkk! I made some breakfast already, I'll wait for you down stairs.

Rohan: Hey! Who told you to use my kitchen?

Izumi: *closes door, yells* Just come and eat!

Rohan: *sigh* jeez.

10:55 am

-This is the time Rohan knew that Izumi makes the best food. Yes he knows how to cook, but not as great as Izumi's. Small talk started while eating...

Izumi: How is it? *smiling*

Rohan: It's good. *slight blush*

Izumi: *looks at Rohan, smiling*

Rohan: What?

Izumi: Nothing! Hehe... *continues eating*

Rohan: Hm... *continues eating*

11:30 am

Izumi: By the way, Rohan-san. Why is this happening?

Rohan: What do you mean?

Izumi: Why are we turning into children?

Rohan: I don't know.

Izumi: You're so calm, you definitely know something!

Rohan: You're so calm all this time yourself.

Izumi: Come oon..!

Rohan: *clicks his tongue* (If I don't tell her what's happening, she won't stop being curious about it, things might get even worse if she's not aware of it...) *sigh*

Izumi: ?

Rohan: The man has an ability to turn people into younger ages, mostly children. He was my cousin.

Izumi: You cousin?

Rohan: *tells the rest*

Izumi: I see. It makes much more sense to what I understand before!

Rohan: I just decided to tell you because I knew you wouldn't stop asking about it.

Izumi: It's just not normal that's why I'm asking~ *just continues eating*

Rohan: Hmph...

12:06 nn

Rohan: *practices on sketch pad*

Izumi: You know Rohan-san, I always admired your drawings. They look so real, though Im a total novice at art!

Rohan: *looks at Izumi* (huh..)

Izumi: ^W^

Rohan: ... (You.. sounded just like-)

Jugo: Yo, Rohan-sensei-! Eh?.. Wait. You look younger!

Izumi: Hellooo!

Jugo: Oh, Izumi-kun! you've grown!

Rohan: What do you want? *annoyed face*

Jugo: I just came to check if everything's alright. 

Rohan:  *continues sketching*

Jugo: So this is what you look like when your 14~

Rohan: 17.

Jugo: Really? You look so young! How do you know that?

Rohan: None of your business.

Jugo: Heh, you haven't changed a bit.

Rohan: Hmph. *still sketching* Just go.

Jugo: Ok ok! So stubborn. Kids. *stands up from chair*

Rohan: Tch. *irritated*

Jugo: *leaves*

Izumi: You really haven't changed one bit haha~!

Rohan: *sigh*

2:19 pm

Rohan: *looks outside of window* 

Izumi: It's getting a bit colder these days isn't it?

Rohan: Yeah.


Izumi: Rohan-san, aren't you suppose to work on your next chapter?

Rohan: Oh right, Im thinking about it right now. *goes to desk*

Izumi: Haha, you act more like a human when you're young Rohan-san!

Rohan: Tch. (What's that suppose to mean) *slightly irritated*

Izumi: *watches and helps Rohan write the next chapter*

-Rohan is seeing some improvements in Izumi's stories, but he still thinks that there are better stories than the ones she tells him. But there is no doubt that he will use her stories one day...

4:25 pm

Rohan: *stomach rumbles*

Izumi: Hungry I "hear"? Haha

Rohan: Shut up.

Izumi: I'll go buy some food for us :).

Rohan: I'm coming with you.

Izumi: Really? That's pretty unusual of you..!

Rohan: Yeah, it is, now let's go.

Izumi: But you still have that same personality in you ;).

Rohan: *sigh, rolls eyes*

-They both arrived at the convenient store and bought their food and headed back...

Both: *walking back*

Izumi: I always wanted to try this, my mother always get's this one!

Rohan: *eats his bread*


Both: *stop*


Izumi: ...Rohan-san.., what was that..?

Rohan: ...



Izumi: *holds onto Rohan*


Both: *looks back*

Yuya: KSHAAAAAAA! *attempts to punch Izumi*

Rohan: *rushes in front of Izumi, blocks his attack*

Yuya: *moves back* TCH! *holds knife, runs and attempts to thrust* ROHAAAA-

Rohan: *doges his thrust, kicks him in the stomach*

Yuya: KUO- *falls on his knees*


Yuya: *turns into a complete book*

Izumi: (So this is Heaven's Door, AWSOME! And somehow terrifying..)

Rohan: *picks up Yuya's book form*

Izumi: *goes to Rohan*

Rohan: *opens book*

-Rohan and Izumi both read Yuya's book about Yuna's death. She was very smart and positive. One day she suddenly stopped eating. She has this new kind of fear that built in her. Her parents asked her why she's suddenly like this. She said in a traumatized and soft voice: I'm going to be killed by a-,She started screaming louder and louder, looking at one direction. That was all she said before Yuya saw his daughter's body hanging of the ceiling...

Izumi: !!! *terrified*

Rohan: Yuna.., I wonder what killed her... *writes: will never harm anyone with my ability and my own man power, only if necessary*

Yuya: *returns into a human, looks at young Rohan and Izumi*

Rohan: *stays alert*

Yuya: ...*clenches fists* TCH..! *leaves*

Both: *sigh of relief*

Izumi: Thank goodness..

Rohan: ...

-Rohan told Izumi that he actually liked Yuna because of the same features she has with him and is actually sad that she is now gone. Izumi is moved by the unusual emotions Rohan shows, considering that he's showing true affection to a person, especially that he's saying this to her...

Izumi: Im sorry for your loss..

Rohan: Thankyou... *stomach rumbles*

Both: *stops*

Rohan: My bread-

Izumi: *gives Rohan's bread, smiles*

Rohan: *takes bread, slight blush*

Both: *continues to eat*

5:00 pm

Both: *sighs in exhaustion*

Rohan: You should head home and rest. At least I know what to write in the next chapter.

Izumi: Glad to hear that! See you tomorrow, Rohan-san! *smiles*

Rohan: *slight blush, looks away* What ever..!

Izumi: *giggles, leaves*

Rohan: *slight smile*..

8:18 am

Izumi: *knock knock* It's Izumi, Coming in!

Rohan: You're early.

Izumi: I'm gonna be covered in snow if I don't come early, so cold! It feels like my arms are gonna fall off!

Rohan: *looks at Izumi, starts drawing*


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