Taxi (Camren Oneshot)

By TobiJaurello

306 21 17

"We'll tell the moon when we're old, the greatest love story that's ever been told." This One-shot story is a... More


306 21 17
By TobiJaurello

We'll tell the moon when we're old,
The greatest love story thats never been told."

"So where to ladies?" a man with thick accent smiled.

"Charlotte street please." The raven smiled.

"Charlotte street in a few then!" The driver said happily.

"Why Charlotte?" The brunette asked confused.

"You'll know when we get there." The older one smiled as she kissed the back of the hand intertwined with hers.

"You're happy today." Camila smiled looking at a smiley Lauren.

"I get to hang out with you again, who wouldn't be?" Lauren smiled squeezing Camila's hand lovingly.

"Well except for the fact that we shouldn't be seen." Lauren chuckled.

"I'm sorry for interfering your conversation ladies, how long have you been together?" The driver smiled looking at the mirror.

"It's ok, We've been together since 2013." Camila sheepishly smiled.

"Oh! So 3 years then?" The driver said.

"Yes Sir! 3 years and counting." Camila smiled. Lauren couldn't help but smile at the sight. Camila was still her cutesy kind of goofy baby, despite the change of appearance. After a few instructions they reached the destination.

"We're here. You take care now." The sweet driver smiled as Lauren handed her the fare with a huge tip.

"It's for keeping us safe, and being accomodating." Lauren smiled.

"I wonder what Jauregui's up to, walking here in the Bronx." Camila teased Lauren as they walked.

"I'm kidnapping you and hiding you here." Lauren grinned and threw Camila over her shoulder before running inside a building.

"Put me down!" Camila squealed.

"Never!" Lauren said sas she continued to enter the building. She then slowy put Camila down as she talked with the person in the front desk while Camila sat at the mini lounge.

"Thank you Anne." Lauren smiled as Camila turned to look at Lauren. She couldn't help but admire her girlfriend, except for the fact that this Anne girl kept touching Lauren's forearm.

"Hey." Lauren greeted Camila as she felt Camila's hand snaked onto her forearm. Lauren knew what it already meant and moved away from the table.

"Hi." Camila smiled as she moved her hands from Lauren's arm to her waist, as Anne turned around giving Camila a look of disapproval.

"Here you go Elle." Anne said as she handed the key to Lauren. Lauren just nodded and walked away with Camila.

"Elle?" Camila asked confused as they walked away from the front desk.

"michELLE" Lauren winked at Camila.

"Is that your secret name? How can I be so sure you're not using that to cheat on me?" Camila teased raising an eyebrow.

"You did not just doubt me woman." Lauren laughed as they entered the elevator.

"It would make sense. Considering that front desk girl knows you, Elle." Camila continued on. Lauren turned to look at her in disbelief.

"What? It could be!" Camila exclaimed. Lauren then poked her sides as revenge.

"Babe no!" Camila giggled swatting Lauren's hand away, as if it was on cue. The elevator dinged and Lauren took Camila's hand in hers as Camila looked at Lauren confused.

"May I?" Lauren smiled making gestures for Camila to look outside the elevator.

"Lauren.." Camila trailed off as they walked of the lift.

"Happy Anniversary." Lauren smiled. The place was well decorated. Lights were hanging, there were two chairs and a table with dishes covered on top of them.

"I love you" Camila said as she lunged at Lauren capturing Lauren in a hug.

"How? You had a busy schedule!" Camila exclaimed.

"I'm never too busy for you Camz." Lauren whispered in Camila's ear. The couple ate together as they talked about their day, the tour and other stuffs. Soon enough, they were sitting on a picnic cloth as they watch the stars.

"I didn't expect this place to be this beautiful at night. The city lights, the stars. Thank you Lo." Camila smiled.

"The moon shines so bright tonight." Lauren smiled as she kissed Camila's shoulder. Camila was sitting in front of Lauren, her back placed on Lauren's front.

"You know, if the moon could talk we'd be exposed." Camila joked as she turned to face Lauren.

"The moon would be telling the greatest love story that's ever been told." Lauren smiled looking straight into Camila's eyes. Camila took the moment to place a kiss on Lauren's lips. Lauren's phone then rang, making the two pull away.

"Lauren, studio now." Ally's sad voice spoke on the other end of the line as Lauren pressed speaker. Ally hated to interrupt Camila and Lauren's time together but she had to.

"Already?" Camila sadly spoke. She then heard noises disappearing. Ally may have moved from one place to another.

"I'm sorry KC. I tried to delay it. Happy Anniversary." Ally apologized sadly, calling Camila by her initials incase someone else listens to them.

"Hey Chanch. Happy Anniversary." Dinah said on the other line. Dinah missed Camila so much but had to surpress her happiness in order to not gain attention.

"Happy Anniversary Mils." Normani said as well, smiling at the fact that Lauren was now with Camila.

"Thank you. I miss you guys." Camila spoke. The girls replied individually before passing the phone back to Ally.

"I'll be there in a few minutes. I need to take her back to the hotel." Lauren spoke up before ending the call.

"We ran out of time again tonight." Camila said looking down.

"I know, It happens like this everytime." Lauren said sadly.

"I'm sorry Camzi." she added.

"Hey, I would've celebrated it alone and far from you if you didn't pull this." Camila assured her girlfriend.

"I wanted to, I wasn't able to spend Valentine's day with you." Lauren smiled sadly.

"Lo.." Camila trailed off as Lauren stood up and offered Camila her hand.

"Come on, You need rest." Lauren beamed.

"Are you nervous?" Lauren's voice asked.

"Who wouldn't be?" Camila said squeezing Lauren's hand as they walked the pavement together.

"Don't be, They'll love you. You met them already Camz, this is nothing new." Lauren assured Camila as they walked the pavement.

"I know, but this is new. I'm not just Camila the best friend." Camila started.

"You're Camila the girlfriend. The CAM in Camren. My other half." Lauren smiled as she opened the door for Camila as they stepped inside where Michael and Clara are.

"Camila, Lauren." Michael greeted as he gave the girls a hug.

"Dad, Mom." Lauren smiled as she greeted her parents.

"Michael, Clara." Camila nervously smiled.

"Oh Camila, Mija. Call us Mami and Papi." Michael grinned.

"Come on Mila, you're not new to us." Clara smiled as she hugged Camila.

"So Mom, Dad, This is Camila.. My girlfriend." Lauren smiled wrapping her arms around the blushing Camila.

"I've always known it would come to this. Welcome to the family Camila." Clara smiled, as she and Michael pulled the girls in for a tight hug.

"I'm so happy you get to see us tonight." Clara said taking a sit, as they all followed, gathering around the table.

"Have you properly introduced Lauren to your parents Camila?" Michael asked politely.

"Not yet, We haven't talked yet." Camila smiled.

"I'm sure they'll love Lauren. I mean, Sofi already loves Lauren since the Xfactor days." Camila smiled.

"You better be presentable Lauren." Michael joked.

"Dad!" Lauren exclaimed.

"I am presentable." Lauren disagreed.

"Sure Lern, sure." Camila joked, making Clara and Michael smile.

"See? You fit right in." Lauren whisper-smiled.

"Funny how no one knows, all of our inside jokes
You know my demons by name, I know your beautiful soul, All of the secrets we keep, you know that I'll never leave."

The brunette sang softly, emotion evident in her voice. Camila always sang with her feelings out, because according to her..that's when it sounds better. As she continued the last parts, the raven looked at her from the doorframe.

"Lauren?" The younger girl said snapping the older one out of her thoughts.

"Hey, I'm sorry. You sounded so good." Lauren smiled walking inside the younger one's mini studio.

"How long were you there?" Camila shyly asked.

"From the start." Lauren smiled sitting on Camila's couch as Camila placed her guitar down and went to Lauren.

"You were not supposed to hear that you know." Camila mumbled.

"Why are you here though? I thought you couldn't come?" Camila asked.

"Am I dreaming? Are you really here in London?" she added. The raven chuckled and pull her down her lap, earning a gasp from Camila as she sat down Lauren's lap, facing her favorite pair of green-eyes.

"You're not, yes I am. I wanted to surprise you." Lauren mumbled as she buried her face in Camila's chest. Camila couldn't help but smile as she wrapped her legs around Lauren's torso. It was real. Lauren was there.

"I missed you so much." Lauren mumbled hugging Camila tightly, as Camila's fingers play with Lauren's hair.

"I missed you more, but we were together this quarantine you know." Camila giggled.

"Yes but Mendes spent more time with you." Lauren grumbled.

"He did not. He's been staying at a hotel." Camila laughed, Lauren scoffed.

"You could've told me to come over instead and we'd date in public." Lauren joked.

"And you call our fans delusional." Camila raised an eyebrow.

"What should I do? The management doesn't want us together." Lauren frowned.

"I'm glad PR with Mendes is kind of over." Lauren grinned.

"I can't take anymore pictures of you kissing him almost everywhere." Lauren complained.

"As If I didn't feel that with Lucy or Ty." Camila scoffed.

"I know. But hey, At least I've been "single" for a while now. Unlike your continuous PR, Señorita." Lauren joked.

"Please don't call me that." Camila laughed.

"You know, I'm a few clicks away from dissing those fucking haters you have." Lauren said sternly.

"Don't mind them. Mind me." Camila winks.

"So, how's life Cinderella?" Lauren winked.

"It was fine my princess." Camila giggled.

"How did you get inside though?" Camila asked confused.

"I may  or may not have pretended to be a magazine interviewer." Lauren chuckled.

"Oh my God Lauren." Camila laughed.

"Hey! At least I'm inside." Lauren laughed.

"You know, they'd ask you to get out after a few hours." Camila laughed. Lauren's eyes widened.

"They will?!" Lauren exclaimed.

"Fuck. I thought I sorted it out!" Lauren said. Camila couldn't help but laugh harder. As Lauren grumbled to herself about her so called "Perfect yet fail plan"

"Oh my Gosh babe, stop! calm down." Camila said in between laughs.

"I made sure they know you, you idiot." Camila laughed.

"Wait what?" Lauren asked confused.

"This is so embarrassing." Lauren said burrying her face in Camila's chest again.

"Wait, so he knows about us?" Lauren asked.

"Not really, but those security guys are together as well." Camila giggled.

"I forgot my phone at their station one time. They returned it to me and asked me about my lockscreen, which was you. He said we kinda look alike." Camila said, cupping Lauren's cheek as an adorable Lauren emerged from her chest.

"I told them who you are but left the girlfriend part unsaid. Imagine my surprise when they told me they're together." Camila laughed, as she leaned in and kissed Lauren's lips.

"Mhm. Why do you smell like chocolates?" Camila asked with her eyebrows raised, still cupping Lauren's cheek.

"I saw Reese's on your fridge helped myself out." Lauren smiled innocently.

Camila couldn't help but smile as she looked down at Lauren. It was her Lauren, the same Lauren she fell in love with during the Xfactor days, The same Lauren who she dated and stole her first kiss when she was young.

"Camz?" Lauren's husky voice spoke, cutting Camila out of trance.

"The song?" Lauren asked.

"It's about you of course." Camila smiled.

"So I assume it's unreleased?" Lauren giggled. Camila frowned and nodded.

"And yet, there's still so much left to unfold" Lauren sang. Camila couldn't help but feel butterflies.

"The greatest love story that's never been told." Lauren smiled.

"Why does it sound better when you sing it?" Camila giggled.

"Oh, please." Lauren scoffed.

"Thank you for coming to me." Camila said playing with Lauren's hair.

"I'm all yours now." Lauren smiled, Camila couldn't help but bite her lip and capture Lauren's lips in hers as the older one kissed her back. The kiss was tender and slow, much like their first kiss.

After years of being together, despite the change in appearance, the change in styles, despite fighting. Being with Lauren still made Camila's emotions go overboard. It was the effect Lauren had on her, eversince they've met. Knowing Lauren remains hers, all the publicity stunt she had with her old PR's are just mere dust in the winds. They might have kissed her, But it was Lauren who she belonged to. It was only Lauren she kissed tenderly, It was only Lauren whom she surrendered herself to. Lauren felt the same as well. Everything meant nothing as long as it wasn't Camila. Almost 7 years into the relationship and she still falls head over heels for the younger brunette.

"I love you." Camila smiled as she pulled away from Lauren.

"I love you more Camz." Lauren smiled pecking Camila's lips as Camila smiled and rested her forehead against Lauren's.

"You know, I should compile my unreleased songs into an album." Camila told Lauren as she stood up from Lauren.

"Hmm, I guess you could. You'd call it "Unrealeased"." Lauren suggested.

"I'll call it "Elle"." Camila teased.

"You should not, it's a secret." Lauren laughed.

"Why? It would be a nice album, All my songs about you will be compiled into one." Camila smiled as she offered Lauren a hand.

"Songs about me?" Lauren asked. Accepting Camila's offer and standing up, not letting go of Camila's hand.

"Mhmm. There are a lot of Unrealeased Camren Songs." Camila giggled.

"If I compiled then and named them "Elle" it would be easier for me to answer the questions about the album. I'd say, It's written out of love, all the songs there are raw, and real." Camila smiled.

"So are you telling me you're considering.." Lauren trailed off.

"Maybe. I think the world should know the real us." Camila smiled as she pressed a button, soon enough the song Camila was singing played. This time, it was the studio version.

"I love the song." Lauren smiled as she took Camila's other hand and started slow dancing to Camila's song.

"Never been easy, It's a new feeling I'm finding." Camila sang along while following Lauren's lead as they slow danced. This time she wrapped her arms around Lauren's neck, while Lauren held her waist and pulled her close.

"Where the hell have you been hiding?" Lauren sang along as she remembered how she asked Camila that very same line when they instanly clicked and became friends during the X-Factor.

"We'll tell the moon when we're old." Camila sang sofly

"The greatest love story that's never been told." Lauren sang as Camila tiptoed to kiss her.

Date Written: September 5, 2021
Word Count: 2520

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