Kenshi, The Spirit Swordsman

By gogeta0702

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An OC X Date A Live X Sword Art Online fanfiction After Westcott's death, everything has returned to normal... More

Quick Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 16

307 5 0
By gogeta0702

-ALfheim, Neutral Territory, Legrue Corridor; 01/21/20XX-

Right now, the five of us are in the cave. Thanks to Kirito's magic, we can see more clearly in here.

Leafa: Night-vision magic? I guess Spriggans are for something.

Kenshi: Of course they are.

Kirito: But even so, it's kinda hurt to hear that.

Leafa giggles.

Leafa: But you should learn any magic you can. You're only good at glamours though.

Kirito: Glamours?

Leafa; Projecting illusions. It's not that useful in combat, though. Well, lame Spriggan magic might be the difference between life and death.

Kirito: Thanks for the comment that I don't need.

Later, while on our way, me and those two are trying to memorize all the words for magic spells. Or at least Kirito and Kenshi are trying to. Undine's magic spells is kinda easy to learn if you ask me.

Leafa: Don't just memorize words by rote. Learn what the words of power mean, and recall them by associating them with the magic's effects.

Kirito: I never thought I'd have to memorize something like English words in a game.

Itsuki: Just so you know, the higher-ranked spells have around 20 words.

Kenshi: Oh well, I'll stick to being a pure fighter...

Kirito: Same.

Itsuki: Stop complaining, you two!

Leafa: Wait, I got a message. Sorry. Hold on.

Shin: Sure.

Leafa: Recon again? I'm sure it's nothing, but...

She opened the message and read it out loud.

Leafa: "It was just like I thought. Be careful, S"

She confused.

Leafa: What's this? "S"? Sa... Shi... Su...

Itsuki: What's wrong?

Leafa: Oh, nothing.

Yui: Daddy, incoming signatures.

Kirito: Monsters?

Yui: No, players! Lots of them. Twelve.

Itsuki: Twelve, huh? I've got a bad feeling. Let's hide and let them pass.

Kenshi: Where?

Itsuki: Leave that to me.

She pulled us in a wall. She casted a spell and a magical wall appears in front of us.

Itsuki: Talk as softly as you can. If you're too loud, it'll break the spell. And I'm talking to you, Kenshi.

Kenshi: ...Inhale... Exhale....

Yui: They'll be in view soon.

I don't see any players but I can see something.

Shin: What is that?

Leafa: They're not visible yet, are they?

Shin: It isn't a player. A bat, maybe? It's red and small.

Hearing this, Itsuki look at the direction that I'm looking at. Then she suddenly jump out of the hiding spot.

Kirito: What's wrong?

Itsuki: That's a high-level tracing searcher! We have to destroy it!

Itsuki casted a spell as she makes some fireballs and shoot at it, killed it.

Leafa: Does that mean...?

Itsuki: Yes. We have to run, now!

Kenshi: Can't we just hide agai- Ouch!

She grabbed his wrist tightly and start running. We ran after them.

Leafa: The enemy knows we blew up their tracer. We won't be able to fool them.

Itsuki: And that was a fire-element familiar. Which means the approaching party...

Shin: Salamanders...

Leafa: But what would a group of Salamanders be doing here?

Kirito: It's a lake...

As we're running, we've reached the lake that has a town on it.

Shin: Looks like we'll make it.

Itsuki: Don't drop your guard and fall in.

Suddenly, a ground-wall appears in front of the door, blocks us from getting in.

Itsuki: Shoot!

Kirito attacked the wall with his sword. It didn't work.

Leafa: That won't work.

Kirito: Then say so sooner.

Leafa: It's your fault for being impatient.

When we reached close to the wall, Kenshi quickly took his wrist out from Itsuki's hand.

Kenshi: Why did you that?! It hurts!

Itsuki: Well, I thought you would be so slow so I helped you. You have to thank me for saving your butt instead of yelling at me!

Shin: Okay. Stop this, you two. This isn't the time for this.

Kenshi/Itsuki: Hm!

I sighed. Even we're in the game, they're still don't get along at all. Or maybe only Kenshi since he doesn't know about Itsuki.

Leafa: This is an earth-magic barrier, so physically attacks can't break it.

Kirito: Can we jump in the lake?

Leafa: Nope. Supposedly, there are extremely high-level monsters in the water. Fighting without an Undine backing you up would be suicidal. Sure, we have an Undine here but there are five of us here. I don't think he can help all of us at once.

Kenshi: Then fighting is our only option.

Leafa: It's our only option, but it might be a bit risky. The fact they can use such high-level earth magic, means they've teamed up with mages that powerful.

Itsuki: Okay then. I'll fight with you.

She said as she draw out her two-handed axe from her back.

Leafa: Oh yeah, that's right. Itsuki is really a strong player. As far as I know, she's the only Sylph that can use powerful fire magic, stronger than any Salamanders. Not only that, Itsuki has an auto-regenerates thanks to her fire magic too. I don't know about the others but to me, she is the strongest player I know.

Kenshi: ...... Okay. That's kinda OP.

Itsuki: Feels lucky because I'm your "friend"?

Kenshi: For some reason, I don't think so but whatever. Leafa, Shin, it's not like I don't trust you two's skill with sword, but could you two back us up from here on out? I want you two behind us, focusing on healing. That way, we can fight without worries.

I nodded as me and Leafa jumped back. I trust them so I believe they can do it.

Kenshi: Are you guys ready?

Kirito: I'm more than ready!

Itsuki: This is going to be a good time to warm up.

They started to attack. They attacked three shield users but they blocked their attacked. The mages behind them shoot fireballs at them and made a big exploded. Since Itsuki's HP has auto-regenerates so she tanks for Kenshi and Kirito, but that doesn't fully protected them. Her HP is at the red zone.

Kenshi: Holy cow! Are you okay?!

Itsuki: You're seriously worrying about me? What a surprise. But you should worry about yourself. I have my regenerate skill, remember?

Kenshi: I know, but still...

Itsuki's HP is slowly regenerate while Kenshi and Kirito's HP are in the yellow zone. Me and Leafa healed them and they instantly continue their attack. They managed to defeat one of the three shield users. Those shied users's HP were decrease but full again thanks to those mages. And again, they were being hit by fireballs and we healed them again as they keep fighting. Itsuki is struggling even though she's very strong but even her can't keep up like this.

Leafa: Enough, guys! If we lose, it'll just mean a few extra hours of flying! Let's just give up!

Kenshi: Sorry but give up isn't in my dictionary.

Leafa: Huh?

Itsuki: Whatever you say, he won't give up like that.

Leafa: ...

Just then, I heard what Kenshi said.

Kenshi: Now then, let's beat the heck out of those guys, Yoshinon.

Kirito doesn't understand what's that mean but not Itsuki and me, and we know exactly what's he going to do.

Itsuki: Kirito, fall back!

Kirito: Huh? Why?

Itsuki: Just do what I said!

Itsuki returned to us, after that is Kirito.

Shin: This is our only chance!

Kirito: Chance?

Itsuki: Use all the mana we have left to somehow block the next magic attack!

Leafa: B-But that won't help.

Itsuki: Trust me.

Leafa: ... Got it.

Leafa the created a barrier to protect Kenshi from those mages. Kirito, Itsuki and me used all of our mana to buff and heal him.

Shin: Do it, Kenshi!

Kenshi casted a spell as he created an illusion of himself as a monster.

Yes, me and Itsuki knew exactly what that monster is. A big white puppet-like with wolf-and-rabbit appearance, a round red eyes, big sharp teeth.

Leafa: Is that you, Kenshi?

He growled. He then ran up to them and use his claw to kill them. The other players started to scared.

Salamander: Idiots! Don't break formation! It just looks scary and has a long reach!

Kenshi not only use his claw but he's also use his teeth to eat them.

Salamander: E-Explosion magic!

The mages chant the spell. But before they could fire, Kenshi used the lake water to create lots of icicles and shot at them. It killed multiple players. He sprints towards them.

Salamander: Retreat! Retreat!

They tried to run away but didn't work because Kenshi used his ice power to freeze all the Salamanders's legs. He catched up with them and ate all of them. Only one's left. Kenshi pinned him down with his right feet. He's about to eat him until Leafa stops him.

Leafa: Stop! Kenshi, let that one live!

Kenshi heard this so he let go of him.

Yui: My Uncle is so cool!

Itsuki points her axe near the Mage's neck.

Itsuki: Okay, why don't you explain who sent you here?

Mage: K-Kill me if you want!

Itsuki: Welp, I tried.

She raised her axe.

Kenshi: Man, did I go on a rampage!

Kenshi, now is normal again, walked next to the mage.

Kenshi: So I see you won't cooperate with us. I can understand about it but what if I say this...

He opens his rewards menu and shows it to him.

Kenshi: These are the items and Yuld I won in this battle. If you answer our questions, these will be yours!

Mage: ... All of them?

Kenshi: All of them.

And then they laughed.

Itsuki rolled her eyes.

Itsuki: Men.

Leafa: They don't know how to be subtle, do they?

Kirito: Should we ignore that?

Kirito talked to me.

Shin: Yes. Yes, we should.

* * *

Mage: Earlier this evening, G-Takusu... The mage squad's leader, I mean... He texted that I should meet him here. When I logged in, he said he would be hunting two players with twelve. I thought it was bullying, but he said the targets defeated Kagemune, so it made sense.

Kenshi: Who's Kagemune?

Mage: The leader of a lancer squad. He's famous for hunting Sylphs. But he got wiped out in battle yesterday and fled home. You did that, right?

Kenshi: Ooohhh, that guy.

Leafa: So why did this G-Takusu guy come after us?

Mage: I hear it's an order from higher up... Something about you hindering the plan.

Itsuki: What plan?

Mage: They wouldn't tell a bottom feeder like me, but it seems it's something big. When I logged in today, I saw a huge number of troops heading north.

Leafa: North... They plan to clear the World Tree?

Mage: No way. The army would need at least ancient-weapon-class gear...which is what we've been saving for. That's all I know. You weren't lying about what you said earlier, were you?

Kenshi: Well, I did promise you anyway.

After the trade, the mage thank him and walked away.

Leafa: Hey, that monster that was rampaging before... That was you, right?

Kenshi: Yep. It felt so good when you're a monster that has special abilities.

Leafa: Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask, how can you use those ice things like that? It looks like magic but it wasn't magic...

Kenshi: Who knows? Anything can happen in this game.

Yui: You're so cool when you were chomping on them like that.

Kenshi: I know right? Man, it was a fun experience.

Itsuki: So, what did they taste like?

Kenshi: The texture and flavor of nearly burnt grilled beef.

Itsuki: Okay. You can stop right there.

He smirked. He turned around and grab Itsuki's hand then sucks her finger. Her face turned red more than a tomato.

Itsuki: Y...Y...Y... You damn pervert!

She punched him in the gut, hard.

* * *

Right now, we are inside the town.

Leafa: So this is Legrue?

Kenshi: Do you have to punch me that hard?

He said while he's still holding his stomach.

Itsuki: That was your fault.

She said while blushing.

Yui: Seriously.

Kenshi: Jeez. I just wanted to lighten up the mood, that's all.

Itsuki: Do that again and I'll turn your face into ashes.

Kenshi: I would like to see you try.

Oh brother.

Kirito: Note to self: Never mess with a girl that is not your girlfriend.

He muttered. To tell the truth, I know how's Kenshi feel. I did receive several punches from her before.

Kirito: By the way, didn't you get a message before those Salamanders attacked us?

Leafa: Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

She opened her menu and checked on her friend.

Leafa: What's with Recon? Did he fall asleep?

Shin: Why don't you try to reach him on the other side?

Leafa: Okay, I'll log out for a second and check in with him... Wait here for me. Take care of my body, Itsuki.

Itsuki: ?

Leafa: Watch him so he doesn't do anything to my body. I want to make sure.

Itsuki: Don't worry. I'll keep my eyes on him.

She glanced at Kenshi. He sighed.

After that, Leafa logged out on a bench. We sat next to her.

Kenshi: Hey, Itsuki.

Itsuki: What? I'm not allow you to do anything to Leafa's body.

Kenshi: Wha- No! I just want to ask you a question.

Itsuki: Okay. Then ask.

Kenshi: Itsuki,... those fire magics of yours......aren't exactly magics, are they?

Itsuki: Oh. And what's your point?

Kenshi: I know someone in real life who can use those "magic" exactly like that, and I don't think it's a confidence.......

Wait, did he know?

Kirito: ???

Itsuki: ..... Heh. I guess you've f-

Suddenly, Leafa logged in.

Leafa: We have to go!

Kirito: Welcome back, Leafa.

Yui: Welcome back.

Leafa: Guys, I'm sorry. I have to take care of something right away. It seems I don't have time to explain. And I probably might not be able to return here...

Kenshi: Then you can explain on the way. We have to walk out of here anyway, right?

Leafa: All right.

We made our way towards to the exit as we keep running.

Leafa: In 40 minutes, past Butterfly Valley, the Sylph and Cait Sith leaders will start a conference.

Shin: I see. Can I ask some questions?

Leafa: Go ahead.

Shin: How do the Salamanders benefit from attacking the Sylph and Cait Sith leaders?

Leafa: First of all, they can interfere with the alliance forming. The Cait Sith wouldn't tolerate their leader being killed because of a leak from the Sylph.

Kenshi: Yeah.

Leafa: War could break out between the Cait Siths and Sylphs. And if you take out a territory's leader, you get 30 percent of its money, can occupy its towns for 10 days, and freely levy taxes.

Kirito: Didn't know you can do that.

Leafa: Look, guys... This is a Sylph problem, so there's no reason for you to come with me. If we go, we probably won't make it back alive. And we'd have to start over from Sylvain again.

She stopped running. That makes us stopped as well.

Leafa: No, it's even possible that if you want to reach the top of the World Tree, you guys might be better off working with the Salamanders. If they pull this off, they'll be perfectly positioned to try to clear the World Tree. As Spriggans and an Undine, they might hire you as mercenaries. So even if you kill me here, I won't have any complaints.

The four of us just staring at her before Kenshi spoke.

Kenshi: In the end, it's a game, so anything goes. If you want to kill, you kill. If you want to steal, you steal. I've met more people than I care to who think that way. In a way, it's true. But it's not true. There are things you have to protect because it is a virtual world. I learned that from someone important to me. If you give in to your urges here, the price is that it changes your personality in real life. The player and the character are one. Leafa, we're your friends. No matter what the reason, attacking someone for my own benefit is something I'd never do.

He said with a smile on his face.

Leafa: Kenshi...

Kenshi: And I'm not the only one who's thinking like that.

Leafa looked at all of us as we're smiling to her. She started to has tears on her eyes.

Leafa: ...Thank you,... everyone.

Kenshi: We're good now, right? If it is then we have to go now. We're wasting time.

Kirito: You're right. Yui, lead the way!

Yui: Roger that!

Kenshi: All right. Payback time!

He picked Itsuki up in bride style. At the same time, Kirito grabbed Leafa's hand.

Itsuki: Woa- Hey!

Kenshi: Hold on tight.

Just like that, the three of us started to running passed the tunnel like Sonic when he used boost. As we're running, I saw Kirito is following behind as I'm following behind Kenshi. Itsuki's face is hiding in his chest while she's screaming since he just suddenly ran so fast like that.

Kenshi: I see it! The exit!

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