Release Me

By Cassideejustine

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Viera is like an other average girl who lives in the out skirts of home.One day she gets tired of listening t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5

2.6K 55 27
By Cassideejustine

Chapter 5

It’s been three weeks since I’ve gotten here. Although I still don’t want to be here; I’ve become quite good friends with Selene and Bobbie with the exception of Gavril. Ever since the night he dragged me away from Bobbie he’s been keeping his distance from me and I’m thank full that he has. I don’t even understand why he made such a big deal over me talking to him. All we were doing was talking. If I didn’t know better I would almost say he looked jealous. But he couldn’t be he thought I was just a little toy he could have wrapped around his pale little finger.

 He had really scared me that night; he brought up memories that I had kept hidden for so long only to resurface again. When he was touching me it was so hard to resist the temptation of him creasing the length of my body, I told myself over and over to not give in to him but I couldn’t help it. He made my body feel the need to only want more of him and my mind repulsed itself for it.

It had felt so good, until he had touched the one thing that would break me completely. It was like I could see and feel my nightmare coming to life and replaying in my mind. The night was pitching black only lit by a street light towards the end of the deserted sidewalk. My older brother and I were finishing up shopping for our parent’s charismas presents. The next thing I knew there were men surrounding us, who now that I remember back to it, looked like the same deathly pale as Gavril and everyone else here. They started asking my brother these odd questions about some job he had to complete and if he didn’t complete it in the next week they would have to take away another loved one. Even thinking about it now gave me the hebegebes.

There was a loud noise that startled me out of my trance down memory lane. I slid out of bed and exited the room.

I followed the sound as it led me to the kitchen. There I found Selene standing in front of the stove. She chocked her head around sending a smile my way before I even made it all the way to the kitchen.

“Hi Selene” I say as I send my own smile back to her.

“How are you doing sweetie?”

“I’m doing alright.” I lie looking down at my hands tangled together as I take a seat at the bar that’s faced behind her. “You?” I asked back.

“I’m doing well.” She said.

 She turned to look at me while flipping a pancake threw the air and back in the pan. “I hope you like pancakes; I figured you’ve had enough take out to last you a life time and wanted some real food.”

“Although I can’t even remember the last time I cooked it’s been so long.” She said looking down sadly at the pan sitting on the blazing warm stove.

I watched her as she stood with her back towards me staking the mountain of pancakes on a plate before turning to me with the plate in her hands centered directly in front of her. I gave her a curious look letting one of my eyebrows go up in question when she quickly put the plate in front of me and moved away with her special vampire speed so that she stood with her back to me once again.

“Selene, what’s wrong?” I ask drowning out the e at the end of her name.

“Nothing” She responded a little too quickly. She began to fidget with her shirt stealthily before turning back my way. Her cheeks reddened as she placed her hands in front of her shirt.

Another smiled found its way on my face realizing Selene was trying to hide her messy shirt that was covered in flour and other unknown ingredients.

“Selene it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”I told her unable to remove my smile. “If it makes you feel better I can’t cook without setting the house on fire.”

“Well it doesn’t really. Let’s see if their worth eating.” She mumbled with a small smile while grabbing a fork and started to dig in to the pancake. But I beat her to it pulling the plate closer towards me.

“Hey! You should make your own instead of eating mine.” I whined snatching the fork out of her hand and taking the first bite. Her mouth fell into an o shape in shock but quickly recovered with a bright smile knowing I was teasing her. We both giggled uncontrollably.

It’s been such a long time since I could laugh freely and be myself. It’s been such a long time since I’ve had friends even under the circumstances of being held hostage. It was like a foreign language to me. All I’ve ever had was my family but my parents were never there for me. They were always worrying and caring for my Keaton, my older brother. Even though I never felt like I belong to the same family I still loved Keaton. He was the closest friend I had even through high school. I did have a few friends along with my brother’s friends but I always felt that he asked them to be my so I never got to close to them.

I took a few pancakes and set them on a plate that Selene had behind the bar and patted the seat next to me, indicating her to come eat with me. She smiled and sat next to me in response.

As she began to eat I let my curiosity wonder. I’ve never asked nor have they told me of how they get their daily dosage of blood. Although I know Selene is a vampire I can’t picture her drinking or killing a human. She just seems to kind hearted to do something so inhuman. But that’s exactly what she was inhuman.

Selene ate her pancakes slowly as if she were trying to savor the sweetness of them. Unlike me who was scarfing them down leaving me with a sticky syrup covered mouth. I hadn’t had such a good breakfast like this in years I thought to myself. I was always ether in a rush and didn’t have time to make any or no one bothered to make anything at all.

“Thanks for the pancakes Selene, they were really good.” I told her as I hopped off the stool and washed my plate before putting it in the dishwasher.

“Don’t worry about it, I enjoyed cooking it for you.” She said as she finished off her plate.

“So what should we do today?” I asked her.

“Hmm.” She hummed to herself. “We could go shopping I know your tiered of wearing my clothes all the time.”

“And I know you’re suffocating in this big old house to; you need so fresh air in you.”She finished before I could responded to tell her I didn’t need any she grabbed my arm and lightly dragged me to get ready.

When Selene was done getting ready she had me dressed and ready to go in under ten minutes it was amazing. She was dressed with her white blond hair in a messy pony and a classy skirt and one size to big tattered band shirt. While she forced me to wear another one of her frilly dresses that clung to my waist making me feel just a bit exposed.

We headed out to the mall in the sleek midnight blue 1970’s Corvette that she said she’d wanted to take out for a while now.

Cruising down the high way I found the perfect station playing all the classic mid eighties rock after searching for a good five minutes. I made myself comfortable sinking in to the seat with the cool air blowing on my face, I let out a satisfied sigh. Neither of us talked, it wasn’t an awkward silence but it was peaceful one. In a way I found it calming, a break from reality.

It took us a good two hours before we finally made it to our destination. I never really noticed how far out in the middle of nowhere they lived.

The mall was one of the biggest malls I’ve ever seen. It had out ranged the little outlet that was twenty minutes out of town back home.

We shopped for everything from head to toe. Although I repeatedly refused for her to buy me anything she kept picking out all sorts of clothing, shoes and accessories. But I have to admit her choice on clothes and such were to die for, and in the end she bought them all.

After shopping for a few of hours we decided to take a break and head to the food court for some lunch.

“You are going to look hot in these new clothes.” Selene said while setting down the bags of clothes into a chair next to me.

I gave her a bashful smile and moved my hand to my face to get the bangs out of my eyes.

 “Well it’s all thanks to you, you picked them all out.”

“Oh, you’re being modest and you know it,” She stopped giving me a wide smile “now what do you want to eat, my treat of course?”

“In that case I’ll have that, that and that.” I said gesturing to all the different food options. I honestly didn’t really care I was just glad to be having some girl time for once.

“Now don’t tempt me because I will go over there and buy just about everything and you know it.”

There was no doubt in my mind that she wouldn’t after all the clothes she had just bought me.

“Ha, I know trust me. I’ll just have some Chinese that sounds pretty good.”

“Okay dokay, I’ll be right back then.” She said as she took the rest of the bags from my hands and sat them on the table. “Wait here” I did as she said while she went to go get the food.

I absentmindedly stared off at the dozens of people surrounding the food court. There was a couple holding hands over the table and playing footsy underneath the table shamelessly. I felt like I was invading their intimate moment so I drifted my gaze to off a group of kids telling their mother what they wanted to eat all at once. She pushed her hands up and down through the air trying to shush them; although she was trying to get them to calm down she was still smiling happily.

As I looked closely I noticed a small girl hiding behind what I’m guessing was her mom. The little girl couldn’t be any older than three of four with her thumb in her mouth as the other hand clung tightly on the edge of her mother’s shirt. I found myself smiling at how vulnerable and cute she was.

I looked up from her and saw a tall man with short brown hair on his tip toes slowly creeping up from behind her. He quickened his pace as he got near hear. He held out his hands when he was about a foot away and swept her up into his arms. The little girl was alarmed at first but her frown quickly formed into a wide grin around her thumb when she turned her head to face him. She took her thumb out of her mouth and wrapped her tiny arms around his neck for a welcoming hug.

If only my family could be even half as close as they were I would have been glad. But we weren’t, even before my brother as gone we weren’t close at all. They would ether go to work or sit on the couch all day and left us with our business.

I turned away from the happily family and looked for Selene. I found her facing my way with a small smile as she was waiting for the food to be ready. I smiled back at her and dropped my gaze towards the people behind her.

While looking through the crowds of people my heart quickened when I saw the back of a vaguely familiar head. The man had the same blonde hair that was an exactly one shade darker than my own. And beyond the hair the same ragged shaped scar curved from the shape of his head and stopped at the end of his hair line.

I shot up from my seat leaving all the bags of clothes behind me. I pushed past the wide vast of people blocking my way, muttering a sorry when some gave me dirty looks. I could hear Selene yelling my name from behind me but I kept going.

I was so close but someone blocked my way losing sight of my target. I quickly dodged the man and looked for the familiar blonde hair once again. I found him walking in to the entrance of Dillard’s. I quickened my pace and caught up with him. When I was by his side I yanked his elbow to get him to stop and walked in front of him.

I looked up at the unfamiliar face of a man with wide brown eyes and an opened mouth due to shocked of a complete stranger stopping him. It felt like my heart dropped and weighed over a hundred pounds making it hard to breathe.

I move away from the stranger not giving him any explanation for stopping him and made a complete circle taking in the area of the store. I knew I had seen him; he had the scar, the same scar as he did. I knew it was him. My hopes of finding him vanished in a seconded.

I could hear Selene’s voice getting closer by the second as I moved deeper into the department store. I didn’t want her to see me torn and on the verge of tears. I looked down at my feet as I walked keeping my head down from walking bystanders.

When I looked up again I was about twenty feet away from the double doors that led to the parking lot. I saw one of the doors open by a man with blonde hair. I took a few steps closer to the doors to get a closer look at him. And then I noticed the same scar right as he walked out of the store. He stopped suddenly holding the door open and looked back, locking same vivid green eyes with mine. I refused to lose eye contact afraid he would disappear. He looked away first and turned back to the door and walking out, adding more distance between us. Before my brain even had time to process what was going on I was running at full speed towards the doors.

I pushed open the doors with more force than necessary as I screamed the name that had been stuck under my tongue for over two years now. I opened the second set of doors as I made me way out side. The wind was harsh blowing my hair wildly in all different directions with a slight chill to it giving me goose bumps along my bear arms.

I saw him cross the street not taking a second look back to see if I was following. But I was, I had to reach him I would not lose him a second time.

I ran across the street not bothering to look for cars. “Keaton!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. I had no clue if he could hear me or not due to the high speed wind. He didn’t look back once again as I called his name. I walked farther along the street trying to get closer to him. But with each step I took he took another, making it impossible to reach him.

I heard the doors open behind me as Selene’s voice filled my ears, screaming my name. I stopped knowing I wouldn’t reach my brother. I turned so I could make my way back towards her but as I did I came into a line with a brutally red colored car. I tried to move away from it but it was like everything was moving in slow motion, feet glued to the ground, piercing loud scream that caused my ears to ring and the car moving closer every millisecond. I heard another scream that came from Selene indicating the one before was my own distressed scream. I saw her move trying to reach me before the car did, but she wasn’t fast enough. The moment she was a foot away I felt my body fall back to the cold cement road as the car rammed me to the ground.

I tried to fight the blackness that was drawing me to near unconsciousness but every second it seemed more inviting, giving me a chance to break away from the pain that was coursing through my body. I felt hot tears escaping my eyes as I closed them and gave in to the darkness.


Hello fellow wattpaders, i am making some changes to Release Me (plot wise) just to make the story flow better, but i will be updating soon. So just wait patiently:) 

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