Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I hesitated before looking around the room trying to find something to occupy my time and with living in such an expensive looking house you would think he have at least one thing to entertain myself with. I had found a laptop but I couldn’t even start it up because it was password protected. Around thirty minutes later I finally gave up and decided to take a nap. Who knows I just might need it because I have no idea what’s going to be planned for later.

I lay in bed for about two hours not being able to fall asleep even once. Gavril hasn’t come by once and neither had Selene nor anyone for that matter. Not being able to stand staying in this quite room any longer, I slid out of bed and headed towards the door but when I tried to open it-it didn’t budge. I moved the handle, wiggling it from side to side and trying to pull it open towards me but instead brought me closer to the door.

Seeing as Gavril so kindly locked me in, I tried another tactic. Pounding my fist on the door I started to yell “Gavril let me outta here, you lame crazed vampire!” I stopped and put my ear to the door to see if anyone was coming to my rescue. Not hearing anyone I started pounding on the door once again.

“Let me out of here, I know you cane here me. You must have some sort of vampire super hearing ability!” I screamed out in frustration. I let out a strangled sigh before pounding my fist once along the door and then once again.

Giving up I rested my forehead along the door. I heard hard footsteps coming hopefully my way. I quickly moved from the door and rushed to the bed, sitting cross legged and putting on my most angelic face.

I listened as the key rattled the door open and in walked Gavril. I plastered a smile on my face as he turned and looked at me while he closed the door behind him. He looked very annoyed and also a bit pissed off. I almost regretted my little fit of door banging and screaming but then I remembered he kidnapped me, and smiled even bigger.

“Is there a reason why you’re trying to break down my door?” he asked.

“Maybe, is there reason why you’ve taken me hostage? I questioned back.

“Not really, no.”

“Well then I think you should let me go.”I stated as I watched him drop eye contact and move to the window, removing the curtains.

“I don’t really care what you think.” He sounded so cold and heartless; I didn’t know how to respond.

I moved me gaze away from him and turned to look at the closed door. I don’t remember seeing him lock it I thought. I quietly got off the bed before moving towards the door. Turning the handle I found it unlocked. I thrashed the door open, running down the pale green hallway. I saw a grand stair case leading an open living room. I was half way down stairs when Gavril spoke.

“I don’t know why you run. You know I’ll catch you.” I turned around to look at him, he didn’t move. We both knew he was right I couldn’t escape, he would always catch me but I didn’t want to admit it. I turned back running my way down the rest of the stairs while he walked the steps slowly at his own pace.

I ran through the living room and into the next hallway searching for a way out but it felt like the house just kept growing: getting bigger and bigger with no way of escaping. I was to busy of choosing which way to go that I collided with a stone wall, falling backwards I looked up to see a young man who looked about seventeen with light brown hair that fell just below his eyebrows. He had forest green eyes almost like mine but also like Gavril’s they drifted into another color, a calm shade of yellow instead of brown.

“Hi there cutie,” he said slyly looking me up and down and then back up again, his eyes lingering on my face in confusion for a brief moment before looking behind me as he said “Running away I see.”

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