Poles Apart

By Vishiya

830 211 13

Anika is a police officer who holds justice above law and relationships. Recently for this same reason, she... More

Author Note for Poles Apart
Scene of Surprise
Cross Wires
Let the game begin
A Cup of Latte and Investigation
Task in Hand
Being Us
New Additions
A Twist in Interest
Author's Note
Our Rights, Other's Wrongs
Biggest Mistakes
Plan in Action-1
Plan in Action-2
Past Mistakes
Discussion to Debate
New Clue
Waiting Game
The Gut Feeling
Packed and Parceled
Control and Confession
Whatever It Takes
The Half-Brothers
What It Took
My Take
Night of February the 24th
Night of February the 24th- Part 2

Past Blunders

15 4 0
By Vishiya

A distant scream, a loud moan, a gunshot, and blood.
     She ran. She ran away from the blood but stared around with growing horror. All the walls were covered with blood. Her hands reached her mouth and she noticed blood there too. Bewildered, she forced them away. The blood dripped slowly down her fingers to her elbows, not even a single drop going towards the ground. Miniatures of her mother raised from each drop in her hands in thousands all saying something.  Screaming something.
     What? She thought but the answer came anyway.
     'Murder! Murder!' they shouted in unison. I tried to flick the blood off my hands but it only seemed to grow. 'Murderer! You kill! MURDERER!'

Sana found herself awake again the second time this week with a clean sheen of sweat covering her body. I brushed the hair out of my face and took quicker but light breaths with my eyes closed regaining the last bits of my sanity. A dream. A peculiar and repetitive dream but all the same just a dream. The exercise worked, and my heartbeat slowed to a normal pace. I pressed my face into the pillow and groaned. The worst part of the dream? The miniatures of my mother accusing me. It's nuts. Totally.
     Is it?
     Not really coz I think my mother assumes I killed Nathan. Her suspicious glances on my side, jumpiness around me, and the clean closet. Of course the clean closet. She must've seen his bracelet, my bloody jersey, and of course the damned gun. Leave my mom, if I'd seen them in someone's bedroom I too would assume that they have murdered someone. And the evidence is too thin, other than mine and Selena's statements, which can be lies. I sighed and pressed my forehead wishing my headache wouldn't come today.
     My eyes roamed around the room and rested on my diary. I just want to tell her everything. But she wouldn't listen, she's too deep in her assumption. I crawled towards the edge of the bed and outstretched my hand, straining to reach the diary without getting out of the warmth of the bed. The fine edges of it teased my fingers but didn't come into my hand. Groaning I got out, the linoleum floor cool under my warm feet, sending shivers up my spine.
     I trudged towards it and plopped down at the table. If I write I'll know how to tackle this thing and then recount the events to her perfectly. Maybe the nightmares would stop too. I opened the diary and began to write.
     After ten minutes of continuous watching the wall aimlessly, only the date written on the plain paper I picked up the pen again. Here we go...

The night party. All were happy that our school won two championships in a day and hence we students decided to party our way in the night. The venue was fixed, the camp was set up and illegal booze flowed freely. I and Selena were content with our lemon and soda, some of the boys were determined to get themselves drunk blind. Girls were giving them tough competition in that matter.
     I watched as a group of guys, along with Rose from our group were giggling and laughing at their meaningless babble that only they seemed to understand. I nudged Selena and nodded towards Nathan Samuels, a lean yet muscular boy of the same grade as us but in a different section who came in, socializing with some girls. Selena like others had a huge crush on him.
     'Shut up.' She hissed, staring at him with satisfaction. 'He was beautiful in his jersey.' I fake gagged earning a slap on the arm. 'He was!' She argued and I nodded. 'Good. I'll just come.'
     She got up from the wood we were sitting on and made her way towards him, gulping down some champagne on the way. Liquid luck. I put my empty glass down and saw her poking his shoulder.
     'Congratulations!' My mind Selena spoke.
     'Of course.' He would say grinning so broad that I could count all his teeth. 'You know that's what I do, win over.' Nathan's voice in my head was cartoonish and I giggled like a drunk. At the same time, Selena's laughter reached my eyes and I smiled.
     The night passed at a lazy pace, she stuck at his arm and occasionally made sure I was still alive. I glanced around interested and made up some mock conversations in my head for some time and then went to count stars. Parties are boring. They are, and unorganized and littering parties by kids like this one were the worst. No one knows what to do next. As if reading my mind Jonathan clapped gaining the attention of all, well, most of all.
     'LET'S TAKE A PICTURE!' He roared above ongoing murmurs and everyone cheered.  Not everyone, Thomas was watching, like he always is.  In the past, he was just his easy-going self with me like he is with everyone until I told him I wasn't interested in him one fine valentine's day.  Well, I mean he's cute, but the way he stares at me is creepy.  Even now, his drunken eyes stared at me.
     People began running around into positions.  The next second Selena was at my side, tugging my arm towards the group of underage drunks forming a line for photographs. Confusion floated above their heads and I sighed irritably.
     'Can't I just skip?'
     'Nope.' She answered and thrust me on another side of Nathan who beamed at me.
     'Captain. Howdy?' His voice was the exact opposite of the one in my head. It was breaking showing the hints of the voice he'd have as an adult and I smiled.
     'Little too sober for a party, what about you?'
     'Little too sober to be drunk.' He and Selena giggled like it was the best joke of the year and not willing to hurt her I chuckled enough loudly to be heard by them.
     'Gather round, gather- not there you idiot!'  He shouted at Tom.  'Here!'  He piled him in the row before me, the back of Thomas's head rubbing against my jersey.  Jonathan's yells sobered some of the drunks and finally after ten minutes of hustle-bustle we all huddled for a photo. The cups were given to the hands of captains, me and Nathan, and his arm was one around my and Selena's shoulder each. I smiled at him and the photo was clicked.
     The crowd skirted away faster than it formed and I ducked from under his hand.
     'Nice bracelet.' I remarked watching it keenly.
     'You can keep it. Winning gift.' Not hearing my feeble protests he thrust it around my wrist and I smiled looking at it. It was cold against my skin and comfortably heavy.
     'Thank you so much.' I whispered.
     'Not a problem.' He grinned.
     'Shift of party.' J cried. 'We're gonna hit Kyle's house!' They roared making my ears ring and everyone as if put in a fast motion picture cleared out towards his house. I and Selena caught each other's eye and in that split-second decision stayed back together.

     'You girls not comin'?'  Selena shook her head at Nathan and gave him a good hug.

     'We're good here Luv, you carry on with the others.'  She faked a British accent so stupidly that I giggled loudly and he grinned at her.

     'Whatever you say darling'' he murmured and bent over with his again fake air kisses, winked at me, and left with the rowdy crowd ahead.

     'Seems like someone's gonna get a new boyfriend.'  She nudged me hard in my ribs sighing after him dreamily.

     'He's fit.'  She murmured downing ice soda.

     'Pervert.'  She scowled but it was lined with the red rising in her cheeks.  I tittered for a long time after that listening to her ramble making her look like a ripe tomato at the end.

I blinked from my stupor when I heard high voices and saw two silhouettes beside me.  I felt a cold rock pressing to my cheek and turned to lie down on my back.  Stars twinkled above me with the night in their background.  I removed my contacts and slipped them into their case and blinked away the water in my eyes.  Violet eyes...ugh, I'm so weird.  I sometimes feel like I'm a vampire.  Wow, Vampire with Violet eyes would be such a fucking fit.  I watched the north star blinking at me and opened and closed my eyes along with it.  We don't get to see many stars in the city.  The pollution clouds cover them all.  But here being an outskirt clearing the stars are clear.  Maybe I belong to some other planet in there where most of the aliens have violet eyes.  I might've been the only alien there with near-human tendencies so they sent me here to spy on humans.  

     I sat up excited by the theory.  Wow, and maybe they are watching over me.  Maybe the twinkling star isn't the Polaris but them winking down at me from our planet.

     That's such an insane story.

     Shush, don't interrupt.

     And maybe I have some powers?  What would it be though?  Hypnotism with my violet eyes?

     I giggled and felt being watched.  I dropped my head from the sky and to the two silhouettes before me.  They were watching me.  One was Selena but who was the other?  I remember only us two beings here before I fell asleep.  I glanced at my digital watch and saw it was 11:35 pm.

     'I think she's awake.'  A man's voice, Nathan's voice spoke from the silhouette on my left with a noticeable slur in its tone.  Ah man, he got ass drunk.

     'Yup she is.'  Sel piped, still sober.  Thank god.  'Nathan came by to check on us just after you fell asleep.'  I nodded stifling a yawn.  The cloud above us passed making moonlight illuminate the area and I noticed their proximity for the first time.  Nathan's hand was dangling uselessly near her breasts intentional or not I don't know and she was just an inch shy of sitting in his lap.  She positively beamed and I looked away ashamed of gawking at them.  If I wasn't there maybe they'd even fuck.

     I stood up and stretched my limbs and mentally prepared myself to look at her without giggling suggestively.

     'I'll take a little walk and come.  Be right back.'

     'Okay.'  She blushed at my wink and cleared her throat.

     'Take your time.'  He slurred and I bit my cheek to not make a sound while I walked away from there.

Selena admired his sharp features in the little available moonlight and appreciated Sana understanding the situation and walking away.  Sana always knew what made her happy.  Sana was the best friend she had in this whole world.  He tugged her arm and she obliged and settled herself in his lap.  Until yesterday he was the dream many girls including her had and here she is tonight in his embrace.  She felt lucky.  His eyes were alert unlike his drunk senses and they moved slowly on my face making me feel hot in all the right places.  And then they snapped to my lips and I wet them nervously letting my teeth clamp on my bottom one.  His hand left hot trails on my arm and finally settled on cupping my cheek, his thumb rubbing my lips and easing my lip out of its misery.  The next second our eyes locked and we got lost in a searing kiss I wished wouldn't end.  His lips moved on mine mercilessly and I held on to him for more.  When we came up for breath I felt him grow under my thigh.  He ground against me slowly his lips traveling to my neck and his fingers pushing down the strap of my top.  It felt like heaven.  A desperate one at that, but still heaven.

     A moan escaped my throat and I gripped his broad shoulders.  I always knew he was attracted to me.  I felt wetness around my stiff nipple and his teeth tugged at each in turns making me whine.  I watched him dazed as the next bite between my breasts sent a jolt of pleasure and then my brain screamed.

     He's drunk!

     I blinked and everything seem to snap back into place.  We were partying.  He got drunk and now he's here.  I should feel happy right?  But...I wet my lips again and shivered when he blew on the bite that was now turning purple.  For all, I know this could be a drunk mistake for him.  

     And it'd be more than easy to move on to next when he's sober.

     When I felt the pressure increase against me I gripped his shoulders and heaved myself up, adjusting my top to its original place.

     'What?'  He slurred confused.

     'I...we better stop.'  Without his arms around me, I felt cold and a fleeting thought of returning to him and losing my v-card to the boy of my dreams occurred but it went right away.  Who am I kidding?  This is stupid.

     And dangerous.

     'Oh come on.'  He croaked in a thick voice.  'I know you are attracted to me and you know I am too.  It's nothing wrong.  I'll make you feel good.'

     'But Nathan-' his lips were on mine again and he made me lie back down on the prickly ground and I felt my pants going down, his hand groping my clit.

     'You'll enjoy this baby.'  I noticed his drunk and lusty eyes now, so in contrast to his clear and sharp eyes.  One of his fingers plunged into me and I screamed.

Sana halted in her tracks when she heard a scream.  Was it a scream?

     Yes, a scream of pleasure might be.  You never know coz you are a sulky tight ass.

     I rolled my eyes and continued walking, but towards the direction, I came from.  It could be a scream of pleasure but I want to make sure.

     By walking in on them naked?

     Er...not really.  I'll just glimpse and leave.

     I reached the clearing where they both were in a tangle of limbs, him on top of her.  I turned away immediately.  Uff, she's safe.

     'Sana.'  I turned around again when I heard her voice, scared and desperate.  But what is...'Get him off me.  Don't want- move away.'  Then I saw she was trying to push him and he was speaking something drunkenly.  He's forcing her?!

What happened next?  I leaned back in my chair straining it to its limit.  It's a blur to me what followed.  I only remember her calling me again and-

I overcame with a fit of rage I never experienced before.  My body was shaking with adrenaline and-

what happened then?  I picked up my phone and called Selena.

     'What?'  She groaned in a sleepy voice and I heard a ruffle of blanket on the line.  Should I ask her?  She just woke up.  'Speak idiot.'

     'Selena, tell me what happened that night after I saw you both.'  I heard a sharp intake of breath and then nothing.  I wondered if she was off the call but my screen kept ticking the seconds.

     'You seemed dangerous.'  Her voice swiveled lightly and I heard her taking another deep breath.  'It felt like it wasn't even you like it was someone else.'

     'Go on.'  I prodded.

     More rustle and her voice reached my ears loud and clear.  'You turned and stared at us both for a whole minute and then-

     Selena watched as Sana peeled Nathan right off her and threw him near her feet.  She was paralyzed with fear not even caring to cover herself.  Sana's eyes were burning with anger, her violet eyes alight with loathing she never knew was possible.  Sana kicked him in the stomach and I watched in terror.  What if she kills him?  Selena got up and tripped immediately due to her pants.  She hastily pulled them up and when she glanced around Nathan was on top of Sana growling and brandishing a knife in the same way he showed off the trophy earlier.  Again, terror gripped her like a snake but for Sana this time.  He's drunk and dangerous.  She knows he is, he just almost forced her.  What if he kills her?  She wanted to run and help Sana as she helped her but her feet wouldn't move.

     'Bitch couldn't keep to herself without disturbing.'  I heard a groan and saw her t-shirt suddenly begin to soak with something.  What color is it?  Maybe it was sweat.  I squinted but the night wouldn't let me see.  And then the glint of his knife pressed against her breast caught my eyes.  Blood!  Oh god, it's blood!  Blood, blood!  She's going to die!

     Stop fucking panicking and do something then!

     I skirted around and found abandoned beer bottles under the tree.  I picked one tentatively and walked toward him.  

     Don't you go killing him?

     I won't.

     'Stop!  You didn't!'  I shouted into the phone and she chuckled.

     'Yes, yes I didn't listen idiot.'

     Selena walked to him and punched his shoulder as hard as her hand would allow and he turned.  She showed the bottle and brought it down towards his head, stopping just an inch shy of his head.  But he was already shrieking and cursing in fright and taking the chance Sana kicked him right in his balls.  Sana winced as her chest ached where his knife cut into her flesh and when her pained eyes turned to him she quieted him with a knock.  He sprawled forward and fell on Sana making her mewl in pain.  Sana pushed his limp body away from her and Selena helped her to her feet.

     'Are you okay?'  She asked with terrified eyes.

     'I'll live.'  Sana leaned to her side clutching her wound and pushed her forward.  'We need to leave.  Now.'

     'But he-'

     'He'll be conscious in a minute.  Let's go.'  Selena nodded.  She trusted Sana to do the right thing and so she followed her down to their bike and with feeble protests managed to bandage the cut with the minimum supplies they had.

     'Alright.'  I murmured.  So that's what happened next.  I remembered the way he hurt me but forgot how the fight began.  So here it is.

     'Yup.  Meet you later.'

     'Sure.'  We got off the call after goodbyes and I looked at my diary.  It was full of the night.  I also remember deciding to tell my mom the next day but the school was full of rumors that he didn't return home last night.  That settled it.  We went up there again but there was nothing but the fresh ground.  

     And two days after the incident, Nathan Samuels was declared missing.  We couldn't tell mom coz we knew We. Were. Screwed.

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