Cursed to the Bone

By daniwoof

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Eighteen-year-old witch, Vera Tate, attends a magic university where she meets vampire prince Lucien Lacroix... More

1. Twig Life
2. A Warm Welcome
3. Charlatans
4. Spells Fired
5. The Needle of Your Eye
6. Out for a Swim
7. The bad thing about flowers...
8. That Which Remains
9. The Center of a Storm
10. An Unfortunate Assignment
11. Becoming Friends
12. Under the Fang
13. Curious Eyes
14. Spirited Away
15. Staying Alive
16. The Epitome of Discretion
17. A Study in Control
18. Fair Game
19. Mirror, Mirror, on the wall...
20. The Cost
21. A Startling Realization
22. He's a Keeper
23. Anchors Away
24. Detention
25. Winter Blues
26. Besties
27. Reckless Abandon
28. Run away, little girl!
29. What it means to suffer...
30. Something Wicked
31. Mind over Matter
32. Mums the Word
33. The Fiery Skipper
34. Cats and Bags
35. Journalistic Instinct
36. Smitten
38. Trial and Error
39. An Enemy Appears
40. When it rains...
41. Dancing with Devils
42. The Value of Friendship
43. The Pioneer Program
44. The Eyes Have It
45. The Real Threat
46. Guilty Conscience
47. No Meddling Zone
48. In Good Company
49. Special Delivery
50. Dream River
51. Unbidden Memories
52. Like a Butterfly
53. Double Trouble
54. To Bend the Knee
55. The Trial of Trust
56. Misery?
57. Being Strong
58. Quicksand
59. Killer Instinct
60. Dangerous Curiosity
61. Sharing a Secret
62. The Only Choice
Book Two Status:
Changes Update: 12/11/21

37. Rigged

107 25 48
By daniwoof

Once the bulk of students returned from break, Tedric Halsey assigned me the dubious honor of doling out exam schedules. It terrified me. Given that my name was back in the rumor mill, I decided I would hurry through it and retreat to my bed for a lengthy nap. I didn't bother knocking and hand-delivering the schedules. No way. I moved fast, ignoring those who were awake to see me. For the most part, those I passed gave me wide-berth. There were whispers, of course, but nothing outwardly derisive. Not until I got to the fourth floor.

The fourth floor was comprised entirely of the senior class, and it was there that some choice words were slung about with the hostility of a bunch of mean-spirited children. One boy, in particular, had the audacity to call me a Grave Robber. I laughed, earning a sneer, but how couldn't I? The insult was silly. But the way they looked at me like I took something that wasn't mine to take infuriated me. As if it had been my choice! Stalking the halls, I crammed letters into mail-chutes and ignored the cruel jabs and stares of passing seniors.

As I moved on to the next, the door opened and someone pushed me into the room. I almost lashed out until I came face-to-face with Rayna Suarez, who looked at me with a pitying stare and stepped around me. Allowing rage to guide me, I glared back. What did she want? To rub my situation in my face? To hurt me? She'd certainly be in for a surprise if that were the case.


Never in my wildest dreams did I expect her to offer a tissue. I eyed the box like a foreign object and lifted my stare to hers.

Rayna pursed her lips. "You look like you need a good cry."

I tilt my head back and smirked. There was no way I was about to cry in front of Rayna. "What is this? Pity?"

"I'd say you deserve some pity, you brat."

Brat? I bit out half a laugh and declined the tissue before fishing out the exam schedule for her dorm. I could appreciate this honest version of herself—even if she had ulterior motives. "This isn't going to win you a story."

"In case you missed it, the story's out. Besides, you're not the only hated witch to grace these halls. They've loathed me since my sophomore year."

I handed her the envelope. "Why's that?"

Rayna ripped the thing open and unfolded the schedules. "Because I write for the school paper and I'm shrewd." She snickered. "I outed a secret society and its entire list of members—past and present."

"Do you intend to become a journalist when you leave here?"

"Yep. I have just enough warding and dueling talent to be a journalist and to do it safely. One day, I'll work for The Origin Review."

Maybe it was because of my sister and our seedy history, but I hated journalists. But this one—Rayna—I may have misjudged. My shoulders sagged. It was annoying to see her so defeated. "It's funny, after declaring you'd be there to witness the end, that you'd quit now."

Rayna cocked her head to the side, her eyes sharpened. "Well, what's the point? Like I said, the story is out."

"Is it?" I stepped backward and twisted the knob. "See you around."

Rayna reached for me. "Wait—"

I didn't linger to answer any questions she might have had. I left her room and continued my route, feeling a smidge better than I did before. Hopefully, encouraging a journo wouldn't backfire.

The week was chaotic with exam schedules being so sporadic, and by the time my exam day came around I was a bundle of nerves. Naomi and I sat in the seating area of our dorm, chatting about some student who managed to set themselves on fire the day prior, when Blake exited her bedroom. She approached, her arms stretched over her head and a green apple in hand.

Blake and I had yet to mend our strained friendship. We didn't talk so much anymore. When we did, it was awkward small-talk, and most of the time she was only speaking with Naomi.

"When are your exams?" Blake asked, taking a bite of her crisp apple. She sucked her cheeks in, like it was sour, but chewed through it.

"Tomorrow," Naomi said.

I flicked my stare to the wall clock. "Mine's today. In half-an-hour, actually."

"Ah," Blake said, or tried to, with her mouth full. She swallowed. "Who with and what room?"

"Sakura Ishida. Room fourteen. Why?"

"Well," Blake said, approaching the door. "Each professor has different tests and sometimes they're recycled. I was curious if you'd have the same one I did, but I have a feeling you won't."

"What was yours?" Naomi asked, bouncing her legs.

"Don't worry—freshmen exams are easy." Blake waved. "Mine was to find an exit in a small dungeon about the size of the cafeteria."

Interesting. My stomach tightened anxiously as I wondered what my exam would hold. With any luck, it would be just as simple.

"Good luck. I'm heading out to study. I have a couple days left until it's my turn."


Blake left with a smile, the door clicking shut at her exit.

"See? She's already back to normal."

"I don't know," I said, twisting the ends of my ponytail. "Still feels strained."

"I'm sure she just feels silly for being mad. Give her a chance."

"Maybe you're right." I jerked my thumb to the door. "I think I'll head over though. I can't stand to wait any longer."

"Good luck!"

"Thanks, Nomi. See you in a bit."

Grabbing my coat, I pulled it on and exited the dorm, skirting down the hall as I tugged my hood over my head. I stepped outside into heavy rain, standing at the top of the steps. I breathed in. It smelled fresh and earthy, but it hit. Hard. Better hurry. My hand wrapped around the rail as I started down with extra vigilance, watching my feet like a hawk. I was so focused I didn't notice the figure approaching until I heard rain bouncing off polyester.

A hand waved in front of my face. "Hey, Vera."

Taking the final step down. I found Nix sporting a polka-dot coat. The smile was impossible to stop. "Nice jacket."

"Naomi borrowed mine the other day," he said, scratching his nose with an embarrassed grin. "So, I borrowed hers. Headed to your exam?"


"I just finished mine. It's a no-brainer."

That was nice to hear. I shrugged and pulled my hood higher over my head. "Blake says they're all different."

"I'm sure it'll be no trouble for you." Nix jerked a thumb toward the building. "Need a walking buddy?"


We entered the left building. I eyed the room numbers as we went, not sure which one, exactly, was fourteen. It wasn't one of the rooms I usually had classes in, either.

"How are you?" Nix asked timidly.

"Fine, considering. You?"

"Good." He exhaled a deep breath. "No one's giving you a hard time?"

"Surprisingly, only the seniors."

"Jerks," Nix muttered, tilting his head to the side until his neck cracked. "Don't worry about them. If they hurt you, make sure you report them."

"Yes, mother."

Nix laughed. "I hate you sometimes."

"The feeling's mutual, but . . ." I avoided his gaze. "I'm glad we're friends."

"Whoa." Nix bumped my shoulder. "Who are you and what did you do with Vee?"

"Shut up."

"Ah, much better."

I stopped and pointed at a doorway. "This is my stop. Thanks for the company."

"Sure thing. Good luck." With a final wave, Nix spun around and returned the way we'd come.

The professor wasn't in yet, but there were eight other students spread about, none of them sitting next to anyone. I took a seat in the front row beside the window. It wasn't that I didn't like or trust my peers, but I figured I'd play it safe in case anyone had any lasting thoughts on my marital status.

The windows and curtains were drawn open, allowing the wet air to clear out the stale classroom smell. I didn't mind it until a decent breeze swept in, strong enough to send the papers scattering.

I was torn between collecting them and letting them be when Sakura Ishida walked in—I could tell by the click of her lacquered sandals. Glancing back, I watched as she made a sweeping gesture and the papers stacked themselves into her hand. Neat trick. She slapped the papers on a boy's desk.

"Pass these out."

The boy stood, wordlessly, and moved about the room in an odd order. They must have been marked with names. Something about the way he confidently passed them out impressed me. I could maybe name two people in the room.

"You may wait for your scheduled exam time or begin now. Activate them by applying a dot of magic to the seal. If you wish to forfeit, remember to use the hand-sign of awakening."

Awakening? Then we were taking Spirits exams. Easy!

Finally, the boy set a piece of paper on my desk. My name was scrawled at the top in a bubbly script. That was cute. If I had pictured Professor Ishida's handwriting, it would have been sharp and serious. I examined the black circle of lines that surrounded a series of complex runes. I couldn't understand some of them—not that it mattered.

I glanced around as my peers activated their own exams. They swung forward onto their desks in a state of semi-unconsciousness. Neat. Turning to my exam, I took a deep breath and flattened my hand on the circle. As I activated it, magic twisted around me, sweeping over my skin with a feathery touch before the floor vanished from under me. My heart thundered as I landed on stones, nearly falling.

That didn't feel like a spiritual plane. It was physical. Judging by the way the seal reacted, I was almost fully confident I'd been relocated. The pitch-black space smelled faintly of mold. Gross. The constant drip of water echoed nearby, and had me wondering how big the space really was.

I circled in place and weighed my limited options. I could attempt a Relocation spell of my own, but there was no guarantee that the exams weren't warded against it. If I failed, my blood would be near-frozen and I'd still be trapped. I shook my head. That wouldn't do.

First things first, I needed to see. Light flared at my fingertips as I cast the spell. The space was roughly the size of a classroom, with four walls and no doors or windows. A ward took up the center of one wall, the lines painted in white and the symbols inside unfinished and jumbled like I was supposed to move it into order.

The moment I stepped closer, a cranking noise blared within the walls and pipes rattled before a jet of water poured from directly above. I stumbled out of the way, a little disoriented, and grabbed the wall where the ward was. I noticed two things. First, the lines of the ward took to a glow. Second, the water had nowhere to drain.

The exam was timed. Great.I straightened up and dismissed the light as I scanned the symbols. A terrible,creeping thought came upon me as I realized how out of my depth I was, and try as I did to deny it, I couldn't. The exam was rigged against me and the water was already at my ankles.

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