The Blue Blood Alpha

By bleu_azur

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A rejected mates, second chance, secret baby romance novel with a twist. "I, Caden Knight, Alpha of the Mysti... More

Chapter 1 - Goodbye my little mate
Chapter 2 - Positional Asphyxia
Chapter 4 - Hunger
Chapter 5 - Who's that girl?
Chapter 6 - Fangirl
Chapter 7 - Best Friends
Chapter 8 - Blood Oath
Chapter 9 - Nipples
Chapter 10 - Whipped
Chapter 11 - Mate!
Chapter 12 - Say My Name
Chapter 13 - Mating Game
Chapter 14 - Luna Lily
Chapter 15 - Love at first sight
Chapter 16 - Never Felt Freer
Chapter 17 - Always in our hearts
Chapter 18 - Mix Up
Chapter 19 - The fucking cake's been cut!
Chapter 20 - Who are you?!
Chapter 21 - Escape
Chapter 22 - I'm Sorry
Chapter 23 - Clean me mate!
Chapter 24 - Swallow
Chapter 25 - Like an Angel
Chapter 26 - Two Blue Bloods
Chapter 27 - Cousins
Chapter 28 - Rejection
Chapter 29 - Into the wild
Chapter 30 - Pregnant
Chapter 31 - Uncle Bob
Chapter 32 - Shift!
Chapter 33 - Deal with the devil
Chapter 34 - Stubborn Heart
Chapter 35 - Go to her!
Chapter 36 - Free-range eggs
Chapter 37 - I am Atlas
Chapter 38 - Bulgogi
Chapter 39 - Hold Me
Chapter 40 - Let Her Go
Chapter 41 - Not Just a Chicken
Chapter 42 - Surrogate Mate
Chapter 43 - Jin's Story
Chapter 44 - Pine Lake Pack
Chapter 45 - Surrender
Chapter 46 - Acceptance
Chapter 47 - Mated Pair
Chapter 48 - Luna Rose
Chapter 49 - The Hunt
Chapter 50 - Operation Redemption
Chapter 51 - Demons of the past
Chapter 52 - Luna Sophie
Chapter 53 - Bad Blood
Chapter 54 - Alpha Knox
Chapter 55 - Could it be?
Chapter 56 - What I would do for you!
Chapter 57 - Envy
Chapter 58 - Puzzle
Chapter 59 - The Plan

Chapter 3 - Dick Pics

1.9K 52 7
By bleu_azur

Caden emerged from his large ensuite bathroom, freshly showered & shaved, with his black locks slicked back, and a towel wrapped around his toned waist. The towel sat low on his hips, showcasing his impressive 6-pack abs, which ran down his torso towards well-defined V-shaped muscular grooves. The alpha trained hard every day and the results were evident on his ripped physique.

Standing in his room was a leggy blonde she-wolf, who was eyeing his body with an appreciative smirk on her face. She had her long platinum blonde hair tied up high, in a tight, sleek ponytail, and was twirling the end of it around her around her index finger. How did she get in here undetected?

Ava's tactical skills never failed to impress Caden, she could pick any lock and could stealthily manoeuvre herself in and out of places unnoticed. Ava reminded him more of a cat, than a wolf. Men tended to dismiss her, viewing her as the fairer sex, just another pretty she-wolf. Ava took full advantage of men misjudging her, and wielded her feminine wiles like a weapon, she would quickly have those men begging. Caden had known her since they were pups, and he never underestimated her, hence promoting her to the position of Delta and his most elite soldier. Many an eyebrow was raised when he appointed her as Delta, not many packs had female soldiers, they were considered too precious a commodity to risk losing. With the decline in werewolf births, any female of breeding age was carefully guarded.

"You're back, did you retrieve them?" Caden said, as he strode towards his walk-in wardrobe, revealing no surprise at her presence. The Alpha's quarters were large, he had the entire floor of the packhouse to himself. His floor consisted of his bedroom, personal study, private kitchen & lounge and the VIP visitor suite. Alpha Roberts was currently staying in the visitor suite, situated at the other end of the upper level. The Alpha's floor was secured with swipe card access, and his bedroom required his fingerprint to gain entry. Ava, Beta Jaxon, his stationed guards and currently Alpha Roberts were the only people to have swipe card access to this level. However, nobody but himself, could access his bedroom – he didn't even want to know how Ava managed to get around his biometric finger scanner.

"Of course I did" she said while casually tossing two mobile phones onto the Alpha's super king sized bed. Caden halted his stride and looked sharply at the phones, he moved towards the bed and seized them.

"And the photos?" He asked

"Erased, and there are no more copies."

"Good!" said the Alpha, as he effortlessly crushed the offending objects, one in each hand, and threw the destroyed fragments into his bedside bin.

There was a time when werewolf societies allowed technology amongst their pack members, but then the Luna abductions started, and the rules were necessarily strict now. Only the Alpha, Beta and Delta were permitted the use of mobile phones and laptops in any werewolf pack. TVs, radios, and landline telephones were permitted, but strictly no cameras, mobiles or any other forms of telecommunications were allowed. Accessing and engaging in social media was the ultimate crime, and punishable by death.

"What should we do with Christie?" Ava inquired

"Where is she now?" asked Caden

"Locked in her quarters, under guard. The little brat is throwing a tantrum, crying and carrying on about missing the party tonight. Clearly, she was hoping to seduce, or should I say harass, the young warriors tonight."

"Well she should have thought about that, before breaking the rules! Leave her in her room for tonight. I'll deal with her tomorrow." The foolish girl was lucky she did not attempt to get online or he would have been forced to have Ava put her down.

It turns out Christie was supplied a phone by her boyfriend from Redwood pack, so she could send him nude photos of herself, and he was apparently responding with his own dick pics – clearly the only appendage he had been thinking with! Caden knew it would be killing Christie to miss out on the party tonight, which was almost punishment enough for a girl like her, but she had gone too far this time. The Alpha let out a sigh of frustration, he would need to punish her tomorrow. What would her future mate think of her, if he ever found out? Christie would probably be rejected, and she was too young and naïve to understand the true gravity of that situation. Mystic Falls took poor conduct and security breaches seriously, and thoughtless actions like nude pics would not be tolerated.

Ava had been forced to drop her duties, and urgently visit Redwood Pack, which was a two hour drive away each way. She taught the male pup a hard lesson with her fists while apprehending his phone, she then handed the sorry boy over to the Redwood Alpha for further discipline. Ava had ensured that all photos were erased and none had been leaked, Christie's reputation was thankfully still intact, at least for now. The silly girl owed her Delta a huge debt of gratitude, but instead of begging for forgiveness, she was howling about missing the party. "I hate you so much Ava – you are not the boss of me!" Christie had screamed, when Ava had confiscated her phone and informed her she was banned from seeing her idiot boyfriend and attending tonight's party. Ava had always held high hopes for her younger cousin Christie, she even thought at one point she could train as her apprentice and that Christie would become the next female Delta. Growing up, Christie was a strong she-wolf who idolised Ava, they had been so close – more like sisters than cousins. But somewhere along the way Christie had changed, she began to resent Ava's guidance. Christie went from challenging the boys to suddenly coveting their attention in all the wrong ways. Ava didn't know what had caused Christie to change so dramatically. Ava shook her head in disappointment, she could only hope that Christie had learned her lesson this time.

"If you'll excuse me, I need to get ready for the party now, and so do you" Caden said as he entered his massive walk-in wardrobe. Only one side of the wardrobe was full of his clothing, the other half sat empty like his heart, sadly waiting to be filled by his future Luna. Ava glanced at the rows of custom-made wooden hangers, all engraved with the Mystic Falls logo, hanging empty with no garments. She remembered when Caden had designed this wardrobe, asking her advice on what a woman would require. Ava advised him to go all out for their future Luna, because every woman longed for a beautiful extensive walk-in wardrobe.

They had been young and full of excitement at the prospect of finding their mates and went overboard designing every intricate detail of the grand wardrobe. Now she regretted encouraging him to design such a lavish space, the intricately carved wood and barren shelves seemed to mock them, a visual reminder that they were both still mate-less and their pack lacked a Luna. Her heart went out to her old friend and alpha, they had a strong bond, and she felt his suffering more than anybody. Maybe she could temporarily ease his pain. "We still have time" Ava purred, as she came up behind Caden and slid her hands along his broad shoulders then down his ripped back towards his towel, she yanked the towel off letting it drop to the floor.

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