I loved you too

By xbakuxdekux

786 22 22

As a child you meet a sad boy (Shoto Todoroki) at the park that ran away from home. The two of you played tog... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Shoto Ending Part 1

Part 3

123 3 4
By xbakuxdekux

*One month later*

Inko: "do you two need anything?"

Deku: "no thanks mom, we're just hanging out." *Shuts his bedroom door*

Y/N: "so how does it feel too finally be out?"

Deku: "it feels good... but scary too."

Y/N: "did you tell your mom?"

Deku: "yeah, she was pretty shocked, but supportive."

Y/N: "how did Bakugo's parents take it?"

Deku: "his mom is scary. She started yelling. At first I thought she was angry about us but then I realized she was upset because I spent the night at his house last week and she thought we had been fooling around."

Y/N: "well, were you?"

Deku: *starts to turn red* "I- I don't want to talk about..."

Y/N: *laughing* "sorry I asked."

Deku: "what about you and Todoroki?"

Y/N: "there isn't really much to tell."

Shadow: "she's lying."

Y/N: "shadow!"

Shadow: "you don't like hiding things from your friends."

Deku: "yeah, tell me, don't hide anything!"

Y/N: "ok fine. When he walks me to the train station, he holds my hand and we've made out a couple times, but he's never actually called me his girlfriend."

Deku: "you're totally his girlfriend."

Shadow: "that's what I told her, but she wouldn't believe me."

Deku: "y/n you need to listen to him more."

Y/N: *you roll your eyes* "both of you stop, this is serious. What do I do? Just ask him if I'm his girlfriend or wait, and see?"

Shadow: "be strait forward. You tend to be a pretty bold person."

Y/N: "I know that, but when I'm with him I get all jittery and nervous."

Deku: "ooOoh, you love him!"

Y/N: "it's been a month! I think love is a little too strong of a word in this case."

Shadow: "well technically you two never broke up the first time so it's been about 9 years."

Deku: "wait 9 years?"

Shadow: "Shoto was y/n's first boyfriend and kiss."

Y/N: "shadow!"

Deku: "what! Why didn't you tell me that?"

Y/N: "because it was a long time ago and I already told you he was my first boyfriend."

Deku: "but not your first kiss!"

Y/N: "it was just a kiss I don't get why it's such a big deal..."

Deku: "are you kidding me! A first kiss is a big deal."

Y/N: "we were little kids. It happened at the playground, next to the slide."

Deku: "you should take him to that park!"

Y/N: "what?"

Deku: "yeah, you guys can go back to the place you had your first kiss then maybe he'll get all caught up in the romance of it and call you, his girlfriend."

Y/N: "you really think that'll work?"

Deku: "yes!" *Hands you your phone* "call him now!"

*You call Shoto with Deku intensely watching*

Shoto: "hello?"

Y/N: "hey it's me. do you want to hang out later?"

Shoto: "of course! Do you want me to come pick you up?"

Y/N: "I'm at Deku's place. Could you pick me up here?"

Shoto: "sure, I'll be there in an hour."

Y/N: "ok see you then." *Hangs up*

Deku: "this is happening! But you can't go looking like that."

Y/N: "what's wrong with my outfit."

Deku: "you want him to call you his girlfriend for the first time while wearing sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt."

Y/N: "these are my comfy clothes! Plus, I wasn't planning on seeing him today."

Deku: "come with me."

*The two of you walk into the living room*

Deku: "mom, do you think you have any old clothes y/n could borrow."

Inko: "I think I might on the top shelves in my closet. Come with me."

*You follow her to her room*

Inko: "so why does she need clothes?"

Deku: "she has a date in an hour and she's getting picked up here!"

Inko: "oh how cute!" *Pulls two boxes down from the closet shelves* "here you guys can use anything in these boxes."

Deku: "thanks mom!" *picks up a box and walks into his room*

Y/N: "thank you." *You pick up the other box and follow him*

Deku: "ok, what are we looking for?"

Y/N: "well I'm taking him to a park so no dresses. If I climb on something I don't want him to see my underwear."

Deku: "good point! So probably pants or it's almost summer we could do shorts."

Y/N: "pants please."

Deku: *looks at you and narrows his eyes* "you're wearing shorts."

Y/N: "what! Why?"

Deku: "I'm trying to get you out of your comfort zone y/n!"

Y/N: "I like my comfort zone! It's comfy!"

Deku: *holds up a pair of short* "put them on!"

*20 minutes later*

*Knock knock*

Y/N: *you start to panic* "oh my gosh he's early!"

Shadow: "you look great. Don't panic."

Y/N: "I'm not panicking!"

Shadow: "I know you're lying."

Deku: "relax." *Opens his bedroom door* "Kacchan!"

Bakugo: *hands Deku a small bag* "I think I got the right stuff. Everything matched the pictures you sent me."

Deku: "great you want to stay and help me."

Bakugo: "makeup isn't really my thing."

Y/N: "makeup? I hardly wear any."

Deku: "tonight is important!"

Bakugo: "what's happening tonight?"

Deku: "Todoroki is gonna call her his girlfriend for the first time!"

Bakugo: "the first time? Hasn't it been a month already?"

Y/N: "I'm working on it!"

Deku: "alright, let's get started!"

Y/N: "do you know what you're doing?"

Deku: "oh come on, how hard could it be to follow a video."

Inko: *opens the bedroom door and peaks her head in* "um guys Todoroki is here for- oh my goodness!"

Y/N: "is it bad?"

Inko: "it's definitely different."

Deku: "all the videos made it look so easy!"

Shadow: "I told you guys this wasn't going to look good."

Bakugo: "well you didn't offer to help so can it!"

Inko: "boys! Go distract him for a few minutes I'll take care of this."

Shadow: "do I have to go as well."

Y/N: "no! you stay here. I don't want you to say anything about this to him."

Shadow: "very well." *Sits on the bed next to you*

Inko: *waves the boys away with her hand* "go on. I need some time to fix this."

Deku: *grabs Bakugo's hand* "alright we're going."

Bakugo: "but I don't want to talk to him."

Deku: *whispers in his ear*

Bakugo: *turns red* "alright fine." *Walks out of the room* "hey! Icy-hot..."

Inko: *places her hand under your chin* "why did you let them do this to you?"

Y/N: "they didn't really give me a choice."

Inko: "well I think I'm just gonna take it all off and start over."

Y/N: "is it going to take long?"

Inko: "don't worry I know what I'm doing so it won't take too long. So, what's so important about tonight?"

Y/N: "Deku is trying to help me get him to call me his girlfriend."

Inko: "aren't you?"

Y/N: "I think I am, he holds my hand and kisses me sometimes, but he's never called me it before."

Inko: "close your eyes for me. Well, it sounds like you're his girlfriend, why does it matter if he calls you it?"

Y/N: "I guess it doesn't matter that much. It would just be nice to hear it once tho."

Inko: "alright I'm just about done."


Y/N: "I think that's my queue."

Shadow: "I can handle him."

Y/N: "oh no you're not! I don't want you butting in at all tonight, so go away for a bit."

Shadow: "as you wish sister."

*you walk into the living room*

Y/N: "everything ok out here?"

Shoto: "everything is fine we're just- wow! You look beautiful."

Y/N: *you start to blush a little and tuck your hair behind your ear* "are you ready to go?"

Shoto: "yes! Let's go." *Holds your hand and walks toward the door*

Y/N: "bye guys."

Deku: "bye!" *Mouths good luck*

Bakugo: "good riddance."

Deku: "why can't you be nice for two minutes!"

Bakugo: "who cares they're leaving." *Grabs on to Deku* "Now, about what you said earlier."

Deku: "wait! I didn't mean right now!"

Y/N: *you walk out the door and close it* "well I think they're gonna have a good time tonight."

Shoto: *brings you hand to his lips* "we are too." *Kisses your hand*

Y/N: *you turn red and look away* "could we go by my place first; I want to grab my purse."

Shoto: "sure, let's go."

Mama: "sweetie your home! Why do you have makeup on."

Y/N: "I'm on a date. I just came to grab my bag."

Mama: "a date! With Shoto?"

Y/N: "yeah he's waiting right outside so I got to hurry." *You rush to your room and grab your purse and head back to the front door*

Mama: "oh it's so good to see you again!"

Shoto: *awkwardly shakes her hand and glances at you* "good to see you too ma'am."

Mama: "oh no need to be so formal." *Pulls him in for a hug* "you can call me mama."

Y/N: "OK! I think it's time for us to go!" *Grabs Shoto's hand and pull him away from mama* "I'll be back later." *Pushes Shoto out the door*

Shoto: "I like your mom, she's nice."

Y/N: "and embarrassing..."

Shoto: *laughs* "I guess I could see that. So, what do you want to do?"

Y/N: "why don't we just walk for a bit."

Shoto: "is something on your mind?"

Y/N: "no, I just prefer to walk over driving."

Shoto: "ok, where are we going?"

Y/N: "let's just wonder around and see where it takes us."

*1 hour later (the sun has gone down) *

Y/N: "hey look it's the park! Let's walk through it."

Shoto: "umm ok." *Looks at you a little confused*

Y/N: *you walk up a few steps of the jungle gym* "come on let's go to the top."

Shoto: "are you sure? It looks pretty high."

Y/N: *you reach your hand out to him* "you're not still scared of heights, are you?"

Shoto: *takes your hand* "of course not, as long as your hold my hand I can do anything."

*The two of you climb to the top and lean against the railing next to the slide*

Y/N: "so do you remember this place?"

Shoto: *holds his hand up to your cheek* "of course I do." *Kisses you* "you pushed me down that slide and I feel on my face."

Y/N: *you look down over the edge* "Do you remember anything else?"

Shoto: *puts his hand under your chin and lifts your head to meet his gaze* "of course I do. I told you here that I would love you forever."

Y/N: "do you... still love me?"

Shoto: "I really do. You're the same amazing person that I knew as a kid."

Y/N: "Shoto..."

Shoto: "Y/N..." *kisses you* "I love you."

Y/N: "I love you too."

*Ring ring*

Y/N: "hello?"

Deku: "Y/N!"

Y/N: "what time is it?"

Deku: "it's 7 am, were you still sleeping?"

Y/N: "yes because it's Saturday and I like to sleep in like a normal person."

Deku: "oh sorry... how'd it go last night?"

Y/N: "you're not gonna let me go back to sleep, are you?"

Deku: "nope, tell me everything. Did he call you, his girlfriend?"

Y/N: "no, he said something better."

Deku: "what could be better than him calling you, his girlfriend. That was the whole point of yesterday!"

Y/N: "he said he loves me!"

Deku: "he said... he loves you."

Y/N: *you start to blush* "yeah he did."

Deku: "well I guess that confirms you are his girlfriend."

Y/N: "I think I does."

Deku: "I'll talk to later ok."

Y/N: "alright bye." *You hang up and go back to bed*

Bakugo: "so did it work?"

Deku: "sort of."

Bakugo: "what does that mean?"

Deku: "she's definitely his girlfriend only her didn't call her his girlfriend. He told her he loves her."

Bakugo: "yeah i guess that confirms it."

Deku: *scouts closer to him* "so... do you love anyone?"

Bakugo: "yes."

Deku: "really?"

Bakugo: "yeah, myself."

Deku: "oh..."

Bakugo: *grabs Deku and pulls him on to his lap* "and you idiot."

Deku: *starts to cry* "i love you too."

Bakugo: "you're not gonna cry every time i say that are you?"

Deku: "no... i make no promises."

Bakugo: *hugs him tightly* "you idiot."

Mama: "y/n are you awake?"

Y/N: "hhmmm... what's with everyone waking me up today!"

Mama: "there's something here for you."

Y/N: "what is it?"

Mama: "it's in the kitchen, get dresses and come see."

Y/N: "fine." *you get dressed and walk into the kitchen* "this better be- " *you see a bouquet of orange tulips on the counter* "where did these come from?"

Mama: "I don't know. *Smiles at you* "why don't you read the card."

Y/N: *you walk over and pull the card out*

Card: "dear y/n, I hope you still love flower, and that orange is your favorite color. I had a wonderful time with you last night. I love you


Y/N: "I can't believe he remembered."

Mama: "are they from Shoto? What does the card say?"

Y/N: "they are. When we were little, he gave me an orange tulip and asked me to be his girlfriend."

Mama: "it's been a long-time sense someone sent you flowers."

Y/N: "yeah, but at least this time I know how they're from. Did you ever find out who use to send me flowers?"

Mama: "at first I always thought someone was sending them because that's what people do after someone dies but they were always addressed to you and after we sold the house, they stopped coming so it couldn't have been a family member or a friend."

Shadow: "maybe it was the person that pulled her out of the car?"

Mama: "I guess it could have been. He did send you some when you were in the hospital."

Y/N: "I wish I could have met him and thanked him... I always enjoyed getting those flowers, I loved how the pansies had multiple colors."

The next day

*knock knock*

Y/N: *you open the front door* "what are you doing here?"

Shoto: "avoiding my dad."

Endeavor: "SHOTO!"

Shoto: "can I hide out here for a bit?"

Y/N: "sure, come in."

Shoto: *walks inside* "where's your mom?"

Y/N: "she got called into work. That usually happens on Sundays."

*bang bang*

Shoto: "crap! That's probably my dad."

Y/N: "go hide in my room. I'll get ride of him."

Shoto: "ok." (My hero...)

Y/N: *you open the front door* "can I help you?"

Endeavor: "I know he's here."

Y/N: "sorry you just missed him. He just stopped by for a quick kiss and to say hi."

Endeavor: "which way did he go?"

Y/N: "down the street."

Endeavor: *runs down the street* "Shoto! You can't hide forever."

Y/N: *you walk into your room* "he's gone."

Shoto: *hugs you* "thank you. how'd you get rid of him?"

Y/N: "I just told him you stopped by to say hi and get a quick kiss."

Shoto: "you think I could get that kiss?"

*you give him a kiss*

Shoto: *holds you close* "maybe it could be a little longer then that." *kisses you*

*the two of you sit on your bed*

Shoto: "come here." *pulls you on to his lap and continues to kiss you*

Y/N: "um, maybe... we should..."

Shoto: "lock the door?"

Y/N: *you look away from him* "or... maybe..."

Shoto: "is something wrong?"

Y/N: "well, it's just... I've never."

Shoto: *pushes you down on the bed* "we can stop if you want."

Y/N: "no... just be gentle."

Shoto: "I will."

*you lay on back staring at the ceiling*

Shoto: "are you ok?"

Y/N: "I think so."

Shoto: "are you tired or do you want some water?"

Y/N: "water would be nice."

Shoto: "ok I'll be right back." *puts his pants on a goes to the kitchen* "here."

Y/N: *you sit up and take the glass* "thanks."

Shoto: *sits next to you on the bed* " Are you sure your ok?"

Y/N: "yeah, I just feel... different."

Shoto: "like a bad different?"

Y/N: "No! Just different."

Shoto: *tucks your hair behind your ear and kisses you* "I love you."

Y/N: "I love you too."

*Monday morning*

*Knock knock*

Y/N: *you open your bedroom door* "what are you doing here?"

Shoto: "your mom let me in." *walks into your room* "are you ready to go."

Y/N: *you start kicking dirty clothes under your bed* "just about. Why don't you go wait in the living room."

Shoto: "I would but your mom is out there, and she was trying to hug me again."

Y/N: "oh..."

Shoto: *walks over to your dresser and looks at the mirror above it* "wow you have a lot of stuff on here."

Y/N: "oh yeah, I usually tuck my favorite pictures into the frame. Sometimes I write messages on the glass, so I don't forget stuff."

Shoto: "you still have these pictures?"

Y/N: *you look over at him* "yeah, I missed seeing you guys after everything, so I kept them."

Shoto: *tucks the pictures back into the frame* "is this your dad?"

Y/N: "yep, that picture was taken a few days before he passed away."

Shoto: "do you miss him?"

Y/N: "everyday... but it's gotten easier..."

Shoto: *hugs you* "I'm sorry for asking. I didn't want to make you upset."

Y/N: "I know." *You inhale deeply and exhale* "We should go. Don't want to miss the bus to camp."

Shoto: "yeah, let's go."

Iida: "everyone on the bus we don't want to get behind schedule."

*You sit down in the bus next to Shoto*

Y/N: "I can feel them staring at me."

Shoto: *peaks behind the seat and sees Momo and some of the other girls staring* "let them stare." *Kisses you* "how cares what they think."

Aizawa: "Todoroki! I'm not gonna tolerate behavior like that this trip."

Shoto: "sorry..."

Aizawa: "y/n how about you switch seats with Deku. They seem to be having the same problem."

Bakugo: "not gonna happen!"

Aizawa: "unless you would like to sit next to Todoroki, Bakugo?"

Bakugo: *pushes Deku* "you heard him, move it nerd."

*You switch seats with Deku*

Y/N: "hey... ready for a fun bus ride."

Bakugo: "not likely."

Y/N: "I brought some cards; we could play a game."


Y/N: "I would never! Besides, it's go-fish how would I cheat at that?"

Shadow: (he has a 3 and a queen)

Y/N: "do you have a 3?"

Bakugo: *throws the cards down on the seat* "alright where is he?"

Y/N: "whoever could you be talking about?"

Bakugo: "your dam shadow! I know he's telling what cards I have!"

Shadow: *appears in the seat behind Bakugo* "ask if he has a queen."

Bakugo: "I knew it!"

Y/N: "do you have a queen?"

Bakugo: "that's it get over here you little shit!"

Y/N: "hey leave him alone! You're gonna make him upset."

Shadow: *eyes turn red* "yeah and we wouldn't want that."

*You get off the bus and start to make your way through the woods*

Shadow: "I can't believe he ran off without us."

Y/N: "don't remind me! let's just try to avoid those things and get to the camp."

Shadow: "that might be easier said than done. Look over there."

Y/N: *you carefully peak around a tree* "that's Momo and some of the girl."

Shadow: "are those not the things you're trying to avoid."

Y/N: "you know what I meant!"

*You hear a noise behind you*

Shadow: *grabs you and pulls you out of the way* "y/n watch out!"

Y/N: "woah that tree almost hit us."

Momo: "y/n are you alright?"

Y/N: "yeah, I'm fine."

Uraraka: "AH!"

Y/N: "shadow grab her!" *Shadow grabs Uraraka and moves here away from the monster*

Momo: "here take this!" *Hands you a rope* "run that way and we'll wrap it around it's legs to knock it off balance."

Y/N: *you take the rope and help her wrap it around the monster's legs* "shadow help me pull!" *you pull the rope and the monster falls to the ground* "alright we did it! Hey, great work!"

Momo: "just because we helped each other doesn't mean we're friends." *Walks away*

Shadow: "can I take care of her now?"

Y/N: "no! just because we don't get along doesn't mean you can do something to her."

Shadow: "what do you think I'm going to do?"

Y/N: "honestly I have no clue. Once when you asked me if you could 'take care of someone' you dangled then over the edge of a building and another time all you did was tie their shoes laces together."

Shadow: "what's your point..."

Y/N: "I'm just saying when you say take care of someone it's got a pretty wide range."

Shadow: "fine... I won't do anything to her."

Y/N: "good. Now let's get back to trying to get to camp."

Shadow: "alright stay behind me. I'll go ahead a little way and keep an eye out for any more of those monsters."

*3 hours later*

Y/N: "finally! We made it to the camp!" *Flops down on the ground*

Pixie-bob: "wow! You two go here quickly!"

Y/N: *you lift your head up* "stealth is our specialty."

Pixie-bob: "is it really? What's your name?"

Y/N: "I'm Y/N L/N and this is shadow."

Shadow: "hello."

Pixie-bob: "could you tell me more about your quirk and what kind of hero you want to be?""

Y/N: "yeah, I was hoping to specialize in stealth and rescue. My shadow doesn't make noise when he moves around so he can sneak up on people easily. Sense we can communicate telepathically I thought it would be helpful in hostage situations and stuff."

Pixie-bob: "can you communicate with other people?"

Y/N: "no, just shadow."

Pixie-bob: "and what if he was to get hurt?"

Y/N: "well if I get hurt it affects him. Once when I was younger, I broke my arm and he kept complaining that he could move his arm."

Pixie-bob: "interesting..."

*a few hours later*

Shoto: "hey, you're already here!"

Y/N: "no thanks to you!"

Shadow: "you left us behind!"

Shoto: "I'm sorry, I thought you guys were right behind me."

Y/N: *you turn around and cross your arms* "well we weren't."

Shoto: *wraps his arms around you* "come on, don't be mad at me, please."

Y/N: *you push him off you* "you left me alone in a forest filled with those monster things! The only way I was able to get here so easily was because I had shadow to help me!"

Shoto: "I knew shadow wasn't gonna let anything happen to you."

Y/N: "save it!" *Walks away*

Deku: "you guys good?"

Shoto: "she's mad because I left her in the woods."

Deku: "wouldn't you be upset if she left you behind?"

Shoto: "I guess so."

Shadow: "you should apologize again. She'll break down and forgive you."

Shoto: "thanks shadow. y/n come here!"

Deku: "yeah know you give away a lot of her secrets."

Shadow: "I just want her to be happy. She's had a lot of sadness in her life."

Deku: "you mean her dad?"

Shadow: "yes... her emotional state affects me as well. If she isn't feeling well, I can't be here."

Deku: "like you can't manifest?"

Shadow: "I... like being around people. I don't always understand others because I can't hear their thoughts like I can with y/n, but I want to have friends too."

Deku: "well I'll be your friend."

Shadow: "really?"

Deku: "sure!"

Shadow: "thank you. Deku... please stay y/n's friend as well."

Deku: "of course!"

Bakugo: "hey extra! What's your deal?"

Y/N: "he just left me alone in the woods and expects me to forgive him just like that!"

Bakugo: "He knew you'd be fine. That's why he wasn't worried."

Y/N: "what?"

Bakugo: "he knows you can take care of yourself and that you have someone that'll keep you safe when he can't."

Y/N: "he still left me behind..."

Bakugo: "hey! Do you really think he'd leave you behind on purpose?"

Shoto: "y/n!" *runs up to you and hugs you* "I'm really sorry. Can you forgive me?"

Y/N: "of course I can."

Shoto: *kisses you* "great, now come with me."

Y/N: *you smile at him and take his hand* "ok."

Deku: *comes up behind Bakugo and hugs him from behind* "that was nice of you."

Bakugo: "yeah, so?"

Deku: "it just doesn't seem like something you'd usually do for someone else."

Bakugo: *turns around to face him* "she's... your friend. So I don't like to see her upset cause I know it'll upset you."

Deku: *kisses him* "are you sure it doesn't have to do with anything else?"

Bakugo: *avoids eye contact* "no."

Shadow: "so are all the girls staying in the same room?"

Y/N: "yeah... I'm nervous."

Shadow: "I know."

Y/N: "I really want them to like me."

Shadow: "why?"

Y/N: "I don't know... maybe because these are the people, I'm going to be in class with form the next 3 years. Or because all of my friends are guys now and I miss hanging out with other girl."

Shadow: "Deku's mom seems to like you."

Y/N: "I meant girls my own age."

Shadow: "I know, I'm just trying to give you a positive side to this."

Y/N: *sigh* "thank you for trying." *You stop in front of the door* "well here we are."

Shadow: "you can do this sister. I believe in you!"

Y/N: *you push open the door and walk inside with shadow following behind you*

*The girls turn and look at you*

Y/N: *you walk to the empty bed at the back of the room* (they're all staring at me.)

Shadow: (do not worry I won't let anything happen to you.)

Momo: "hey! You can't have him in here."

Y/N: "what?"

Momo: "your shadow! It's a boy, right?"

Y/N: "well he's a shadow so I guess he doesn't really have a gender."

Jiro: "but you call him brother and refer to it as he and him."

Y/N: "I mean my mom called him my brother my whole life so that's- "

Momo: "so he is a boy."

Y/N: "sure fine! He's a boy ok."

Momo: "boy can't be in here."

Y/N: "he's a part of me he can't just leave. Besides he's not gonna do anything to anyone."

Momo: "and how do we know that."

Y/N: "because he wouldn't hurt my friends!" *You start to tear up a bit* "And I would really like it if we could at least try to be friend."

Momo: "if he doesn't leave then I'm going to Mr. Aizawa."

Y/N: *sigh* "ok... shadow it's time to go away for now."

Shadow: "I understand" *disappears*(I'm here if you need me)

Y/N: (I know)

*you wake up in the middle of the night to a scream*

Uraraka: "AAHH! Get him off me!"

Y/N: "shadow! Let go of her!"

Shadow: *let's go of her arm* "she was trying to put something in your bed."

Uraraka: "I was not!"

Shadow: "then explain what's in your hand!"

Uraraka: *puts her hands in her pockets* "I don't have anything in my hands."

Shadow: *eyes turn red* "then tell me why you were standing over y/n's bed! If I'm not mistaken your bed is on the other side of the room!"

Uraraka: "I don't have to explain anything to you! You're not even a real person."

Y/N: "STOP! shadow please go away."

Shadow: "I don't want to."

Y/N: "I said go away."

Shadow: "fine."

Y/N: *you stand up from your bed* "I'm a 'real' person care to explain to me why you were standing over my bed."

Uraraka: *turns around and walks back over to her bed*

*The next morning*

Shadow: *shakes you gently* "y/n wake up. The rest of the girls just left."

Y/N: "dang it, I'm gonna be late!" *You hop out bed and get dressed and run out the door*

*You get outside and see everyone eating breakfast*

Aizawa: "y/n can I speak to you please?"

Y/N: "sure but I need to make sure I eat something before we start training today other wise, I'm gonna pass out."

Aizawa: "alright grab some food and meet me at that table over there please."

Y/N: "ok!" *You grab some food and head toward the table*

Shoto: "y/n! come sit with us."

Y/N : "sorry I have to talk to Aizawa."

Shoto: "is everything ok?"

Y/N: "everything is fine."

Deku: "come sit with us when your done then."

Aizawa: "y/n over here please."

Y/N: *you sit at the table across from Aizawa* "is everything ok?"

Aizawa: "some of the girls have complained about you and your shadow. Could he join us as well?"

Shadow: *appears next to you* "yes."

Aizawa: "excellent. I heard there was an incident last night. Could you please explain what happened."

Shadow: "the other girls have been making y/n feel bad lately and I don't trust them. So, after they fell asleep, I sat at the end of y/n's bed to make sure she was ok and I saw on of the girls trying to put something in her bed."

Aizawa: "did you see what it was?"

shadow: "it was small. I assumed it was a bug."

Aizawa: "thank you. y/n, is it true the rest of the girls have been mistreating you?"

Y/N: "well..." *you look down* "some of them have been saying things to me and the others don't talk to me much at all."

Aizawa: "I'll take care of it."

Y/N: "please don't! I know what they're doing isn't right, but sometimes someone else getting involved will just make things worse. If things start to escalate, I will tell you but until then please just leave it alone."

Aizawa: "very well. You can have your shadow in the room with you if it makes you more comfortable."

Y/N: "thank you."

Y/N: "I'm gonna go grab some more food. Why don't you go sit with the guys."

Shadow: "very well."

Shoto: "hey what was that about?"

Shadow: "people are complaining about us."

Deku: "what are they complaining about?"

Shadow: "I caught one of the girls trying to put something in y/n's bed last night."

Shoto: "what!"

Bakugo: "they're not gonna get away with that!"

Y/N: "why did you tell them."

Shadow: "they asked."

Shoto: "were you not gonna tell me?"

Deku: "why wouldn't you tell us?"

Y/N: "because... they're not worth it. Yes, I would like to be friends with them. Maybe one day we can, so I'm not going to stoop to their level."

Bakugo: "you might not but I will!" *Stands up from the table*

Y/N: *you reach over the table and grab his arm* "please don't. it'll just make things worse."

Bakugo: "fine, but if they do anything else... you're not stopping me."

*You go to help clean up breakfast leaving shadow at the table*

Shoto: "do you think I could talk to you for a few minutes."

Shadow: "sure."

Shoto: "ok let's go over there."

*The two of them walk away from the others*

Shadow: "is something wrong?"

Shoto: "I was wanting to ask y/n about this-"

Shadow: "you do know that whatever you say to me she's gonna know right?"

Shoto: "I know, I just didn't know how to ask her this and I didn't want to make her upset."

Shadow: "what is it?"

Shoto: "what happened to your dad?"

Shadow: "it was a car crash. It happened about 4 years ago. We were driving home, and another car hit the driver side of the car. The car caught fire, Mom was able to get out but the impact from the other car knocked y/n and dad unconscious."

Shoto: "how did she get out?"

Shadow: "mom said someone walking down the street stopped to help. He climbed into the car but was only able to save y/n before the car exploded."

Y/N: "you could have just asked me."

Shoto: *turns around* "Y/N!"

Y/N: "why did you think you couldn't ask me?"

Shoto: "I'm sorry, I didn't want to bring up any bad memories."

Y/N: "talking about my dad brings up happy memories too. Like when he taught me how to ride a bike or when he use to take me sledding in the winter. Next time just ask me ok."

Shoto: "ok."

Pixie-bob: "y/n we have something planned for the two of you."

Y/N: "ok. What is it?"

Pixie-bob: "I want you to try and see through your shadow eyes."

Y/N: "do you really think I can do that?"

Pixie-bob: "your shadow is a part of you, like an extension of yourself. So theoretically you should be able to."

Y/N: "I guess I never thought of it like that. I always thought of him as another person I guess."

Shadow: "am I not?"

Pixie-bob: "you can still be your own person. But the two of you have a special bond that allows you to know what each other is thinking and feeling."

Y/N: "so how is this going to work?"

Pixie-bob: "shadow I want you to go and find something that y/n with recognize very easily and when you find it close your eyes and tell her that you're ready."

Shadow: "ok." *Wakes away*

Pixie-bob: "let's go somewhere a little quieter. You'll need to concentrate for this."

*the two of you walk away from the others*

Pixie-bob: "this should work. Now sit on the ground facing me, almost like you're meditating."

*you sit on the ground and cross your legs*

Pixie-bob: "is he ready?"

Y/N: "yes!"

Pixie-bob: "alright, I want you to close your eyes. Now concentrate on shadow and your bond with him. Now, tell him to let you see through him."

Y/N: *you open your eyes* "like a command?"

Pixie-bob: "yes, but keep your eyes closed."

Y/N: "ok." *You close your eye* (shadow! Let me see through your eyes!)

*an image starts to form*

Pixie-bob: "what do you see?"

Y/N: "it's blurry... wait it's... shoto! I can see him!"

Pixie-bob: "tell me what he's doing."

Y/N: "he's... sitting in a tub of water. I can see his lips moving but I can't hear what he's saying."

Pixie-bob: "tell shadow to let you hear!"

Y/N: (let me hear.)

Shoto: "what are you doing?"

Shadow: "it's part of y/n's training. She can see you right now I think."

Shoto: "really?"

Y/N: (I can't see him anymore, but I can hear him.)

Shadow: "she said she can't see you anymore, but she can hear you."

Shoto: "could I tell her something?"

Shadow: "of course, just nothing to weird please."

Shoto: "I love you baby."

Shadow: "she loves you too."

Shoto: "can I tell her something else?"

Shadow: "make it quick I don't think- " *disappears and reappears next to you*

Y/N: "woah! That took a lot of energy."

Pixie-bob: "keep pushing yourself and you'll get stronger. Shadow go find someone else to talk to and this time try to see and hear at the same time."

*After a long day of training*

Shoto: "hey baby." *Hugs you and kisses your cheek* "how are you?"

Y/N: *you hug him tightly* "I'm fine."

Shoto: "Deku said when a girl says she's fine she's not really fine."

Y/N: "really I'm fine just tired."

Shoto: "where's shadow?"

Y/N: "like I said I'm tired."

Shoto: "do you need to get something to eat? I'm sure if we ask, we can get you a snack or something."

Y/N: "really I'll be fine. I'll just make sure to eat extra at dinner tonight."

Shoto: "are you sure you'll be ok for the test of courage tonight?"

Y/N: "I promise everything is going to be fine."

*Just before the test of courage*

Uraraka: "hey y/n?"

Shadow: "don't come near her."

Y/N: "it's fine. What can I do for you?"

Jiro: "we wanted to apologies to you for how we've been treating you."

Y/N: "really?"

Uraraka: "yeah, Momo wants to apologies too."

Jiro: "come on we'll show you where she is."

Y/N: "ok." *You follow them around back of one of the buildings* "why is she over here?"

Jiro: "she wanted to have some privacy."

Shadow: (something isn't right.)

Y/N: (everything is fine.)

Jiro: "she's right around here."

Y/N: "ok thanks" *you walk around the corner and find Shoto kissing Momo* "Shoto..."

*5 minutes earlier*

Shoto: "what do you want?"

Momo: "I just wanted to talk to you."

Shoto: "well I'm here now talk."

Momo: "I've missed you darling." *Takes a few steps toward him*

Shoto: "don't call me that!"

Momo: "but..."

Shoto: "I'm not doing this with you." *Turns to walk away*

Momo: *grabs his hand* "wait, don't you miss me?"

Shoto: "no I really don't. I'm with y/n now so please leave me- "

Momo: *pulls Shoto in and kisses him*

Shoto: *pulls away from her* "Y/N! please let me- "

Shadow: *Pushes Shoto to the ground* "don't bother!"

*you run off crying*

Shadow: *places his foot on top of Shoto's chest* "how could you do this to her! You said you loved her!"

Shoto: "I do love her!"

Shadow: *eyes turn red* "DON'T LIE TO ME! I can feel her heart breaking right now! I know exactly what's going through her head! She's think:

"how could he do this to me? I thought he loved me..."

Shoto: "please! Just let me explain everything!"

Shadow: "DON'T BOTHER!" *Takes his foot off his chest* "you don't deserve to- Y/N!"

Shoto: "what's wrong?"

Shadow: *lifts his hand to his forehead* "she's- she's- I don't feel good." *disappears*

Shoto: "shadow!"

Y/N: *running into the woods crying* (how could he do this to. I thought he loved me.) "WHY! WHY! WHY!"

*you bump in to a tree and drop to your knees* "why would he do this? Why her? What does she have that I don't? why am I not good enough!"

*you look up and see smoke* "is there a fire?" *Cough cough*

Shadow: *kneels next to you* "Y/N... I think you're going to... you need to get up and get out of the smoke."

Y/N: "no! I... I can't go back there."

Shadow: "you don't have to go back... we just ... we need to... we..." *disappears*

Y/N: *your vision starts to get blurry, and you fall over* "I can't do it anymore..."

??: "y/n..." *you feel someone's hand on your cheek* "is that... really you?" *Picks you up*

Y/N: *your breathing starts to get heavy* "who... are you?"

??: "a friend. Don't worry, I'm gonna take care of you know. Hey, we're taking this one too."

!!: "is she on the list?"

??: "she's on mine."

!!: "very well."

*You pass out*

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