Part 4

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??: "y/n... y/n! wake up... please..."

Y/N: *your eyes flutter open* "what... where am I..."

??: "Y/N!" *He hugs you tightly* "you're finally awake."

Y/N: *you push him away* "who are you?"

??: *holds his hand up to your cheek* "don't tell me you forgot about me."

Y/N: *you push his hand away* "I don't know you."

??: "I guess I do look different then the last time you saw me."

Y/N: "I- I don't know what you're talking about."

??: "now a days I go by Dabi, but you use to call me big brother."

Y/N: "but I don't have...a big... brother..."

??: *kisses your forehead* "come on baby girl, I know you remember me."

Y/N: "Touya..."

Touya: *smiles* "I always loved hearing you say my name."

Y/N: *you throw yourself forward and hug him* "I thought you died."

Touya: *hugs you tightly* "I guess you could say a part of me did, but one thing never changed. I never stopped loving you."

Y/N: "you what..."

Touya: "I still love you. Do still love me?"

Y/N: "I... I-"

Bakugo: "let me out of here!"


Bakugo: "Y/N!"

*You hear a loud noise come from the other room*

Y/N: "what was that? What's going on?"

Touya: "come on, we need to get out of here." *Takes your hand and leads you out a door to an alley*

Y/N: "stop!" *You pull your hand away from him* "what's going on?"

Touya: "I don't have a lot of time to explain y/n."

Y/N: "tell me what's going on!"

Touya: "don't you trust me?"

Y/N: "I..." *you look back at the door* "he sounded like he-"

*He puts something over your mouth and you black out*

*you wake up and sit up on a bed in a small room*

Shadow: (Y/N!)

Y/N: "shadow!"

Shadow: (was that really him?)

Y/N: (I... think so.)

Shadow: (do you know what he wants?)

Y/N: (if I knew you would too.)

Shadow: (I guess you have a point.)

Y/N: *you start to cry* (I'm scared.)

*the door opens*

Touya: "are you awake?"

*You sit on the bed shaking*

Touya: *sits on the bed* "y/n, what's wrong?"

Y/N: *you back away from him* "don't come near me!"

Touya: "y/n..."

Y/N: *you start to crawl backwards on the bed* "don't, you did something to me."

Touya: "we needed to get out of there."

Y/N: "why? what aren't you telling- " *you fall off the bed*

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