Nothing To Lose (On Hold)

De livetowrite_7

499 25 14

> A wish can be a powerful thing, and when Julie wishes she never met Sunset Curve, she changes things. Now... Mai multe

Chapter 1: A Weird Feeling
Chapter 3: Stranger on the Street
Chapter 4: Renzo
Chapter 5: Closed Doors
Chapter 6: Stranger
Chapter 7: Wake Up
Chapter 8: Off Limits
Chapter 8: Pages of Past
Not an update

Chapter 2: The Great Outside Awaits

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De livetowrite_7

Alex's POV

I was with Willie in our secret spot. Not a lot of people knew if this place, and their certainly wasn't any lifers who knew about this place. This Willie's and I's place to go to talk about whatever we wanted without fearing being heard. We go here often just to talk about anything.

"You guys really were awesome up there." Willie says. "You're a great band."

"Thanks." I say "But let's not talk about the band, this is us time."

"Yeah, you're right." Willie says. He smiles at me, looking into my eyes as I stare into his gorgeous, chocolate brown eyes. It's like everytime he looks at me, he casts a spell on me. Everytime our hands touch, I get this feeling, butterflies happily dance in my stomache with joy and excitement, and everytime we kiss i swear those butterflies could lift me up on the air and I'd be flying.

"Let's talk about us." Willie says. "Like how much I love you." He smiles, taking my hand in his. There come those happy dancing butterflies I told you about, but it's a good feeling.

"I love you too." I say back, leaning my head against his shoulder. Whenever I was with Willie, I was at an all time comfort. It was like my anxiety never existed with him. I could just sit there and be with him, just me and him and my anxiety was nowhere.

"Alex, I was actually wondering if.... maybe, I don't know if you wanted to, maybe, possibly, move in with me?" Willie asks nervously.

This was such a big step in our relationship, so I get why he'd be nervous, but lucky for him I knew exactly what my answer was.

"Of course!" I say. "I'd love to."

Me and Willie poof into the studio were me, Luke, and Reggie stayed. We basically treated that place like our home, even though our home was the Hollywood Ghost Club.

Willie helped me pack my things and I tell the new to Luke who was in the studio.

"That's great Alex." Luke says. "You won't forget about us will you?"

"Jeeze Luke, I'm going to move into Willie's room, it's not like I'm leaving the club!" I say. "Where's Reggie, I wanna tell him the news."

"Oh, you wouldn't believe it, he's on a date with a girl." Luke says. "And he says she seemed genuin."

"Now we just need to get you someone and we can go on a triple date." I say.

"Alright, well do we have everything Alex?" Willie asks.

"Yep." I nod. I turn to Luke. "I'll see you at rehearsal."

Reggie's POV

I am waiting for Lucy by the front of the club, feeling extremely nervous. What if she stood me up? What if this was just a prank? Just has I turned around to leave, forgetting about all of this, I heard a voice.

"What, I'm a minute late and you're just gonna leave?" I turn around and see Lucy walking towards me. She wore a simple white dress and black flats. She had her wavey hair down at her shoulders and her bangs were pined back.

"I uh...." I was honestly in shook that she was here, I was actually thinking she stood me up. So this date thing was really happening I guess. "I'm sorry, I thought that you maybe stood me up."

"Why would I stand you up?" She says, her warm smile greeting me. If I was being honest she was like no girl I've ever met, I actually felt comfortable around her.

"Well it's happened to me more than you think." I say.

"Well than, I'm glad then because it leaves you open for me." She smiles. "Any girl that stands you up is foolish, and I'm thankful for that."

I couldn't help but smile. I didn't feel nervous anymore.

"Come on." Lucy says, I want to show you something.

She takes my hand, and at first I froze, a little startled by the sudden grab of my hand but she smiled at me an says, "Trust me Bass Boy." There was a hint of teasing in her voice, but I liked it. Hand in hand, we poof away and we are now standing outside on the roof of the club. The stars shinned brightly and the cresent moon glowed white.

"I'm not actually supposed to leave the club..." I start.

"Relax, it's just the roof. Besides, Caleb needs his bass boy to play in his house band."

"He could just replace me." I say.

"No one could ever replace you." She says. "Yeah, they could take your spot, become the new member of the band, but they won't live up to your standards."

"I'm sure they could find someone as good as me, better even." I say. "Anyways, you seem to know everything about me, what about you?"

"Well...I'm a regular old ghost. I don't really perform for Caleb at all, I know I'm super interesting." She says with sarcasm in her voice. "But I am very intrested into stars, not like astrology with zodiacs though, I mean the actual stars." She says, gazing up at the sky. The stars twinkled in the reflection of her hazel eyes. "They're just so pretty, and the way they make constallations, they're just"

"They're actually balls of fire, so they're hot- oh wait, you mean the other cool."

Lucy giggles a little. "You like stars too?"

"Yeah, I really like sciency stuff. I was never really good at math, but I was always great at science." I say.

"Me too." Lucy says. "And math sucks, good thing we're dead so we don't have to worry about it anymore." We talk about school for a while, about all the good and bad teachers we've had. We talked about science, which was both of our favorite classes. After a while, silence fell among us because we ran out of stuff to say.

We stood there in silence for a minute, gazing at the stars.

"I'm sorry, I'm not very good at this whole dating thing." I apologize, feeling akward for not saying anything.

"No it's fine, I'm not really into that whole first date casual talk anyways." Lucy says. "Let's talk about our lives before we died."

Memeroises from my life came flashing back, memeroises I've tried to leave in the past. All the bad memeroises, none of the good. Memeroises of my parents fighting, of my father shouting at my low grade in math, paying no notice to my high scores in science. Math was the only class ever did bad in, and it was the only class my father seemed to care about.

"What was your faimly like?" She asks.

"Um....they were, they were great." It wasn't a complete lie, I considered my family to be Luke, Alex, and when we were alive, Bobby, and they were great. Bobby isn't as great anymore considering he stole our songs though.

"That's good." Lucy says. "But I can't say the same. My mom left me and my dad when he lost his job. We were in debt for awhile, but my dad always stayed positive. I thought we were gonna be fine, but then he started drinking. When things got bad, I ran away. When I was running, I got hit by a car and that's how I died."

"Wow, I'm...I'm so sorry." I say.

"Nah, don't be." Lucky says. "I had an excellent life until it started going bad, and I knew my dad loved me, it was just the alcohol. And if I didn't die I would have never met you."

Now I felt bad for baciscally lying to her. She opened up to me just like that and I lied to her. "Lucy....I um, I didn't really give you a straight answer about my faimly." I say. "Um... I was talking about my band mates, Luke and Alex, my actual blood faimly, my parents... weren't as great."

"You don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to, we did just meet after all." Lucy says.

" um it's fine." I say. "My mom was also an alcoholic, but she was trying to stop. Um, it's kinda a long complicated story. But baciscally her and my dad...they never really loved each other. They were always fighting. My mom was almost always drunk, so she didn't- she didn't ever try to stop him when he-" I couldn't find the words to finish the sentence, but I knew she understood when she took my hand.

"I'm glad you had your bandmates." She says. "It's great to have friends that are like family."

"Did you?" I ask. "Have friends that were like faimly that is?"

"I did." She smiles. "But we aren't close anymore. We kinda, went down different paths if you know what I mean."

"Are they a lifer?"

"No...he actually died before me." Lucy says, looking away. I could tell this was a sensitive topic for her, so I decided to lighten the mood.

"So, what's your opinion on Star Wars?" I ask.

"You mean those garbage movies?" She says, my soul breaking a little.

"You don't like Star Wars!?" I dramatically gasp.

"I did until they killed Hans Solo." Lucy says. "And what the heck even is a Jar Jar!? Why'd they add him!?"

"Litteraly! Like no offense Jar Jar, but I would rather have Hans Solo." I say. Lucy giggles.

"You're really passionate about this aren't you?"

"I totally am, Luke and Alex are so fed up with me."

"Well whenever you wanna talk Star Wars, I'm always open. We can try to figure out what the heck a jar jar is."

"I think it's his name, but I don't know I haven't watched the other movies, I'm too scared to see how bad they are."

"Oh they're hot garbage, but you should watch them." Lucy says. "If you wanted to, you could come over to my place and we could watch them together."

"Are you asking me out on a second date?" I ask, genuinely asking. Who knows, maybe she just wanted to watch Star Wars with another fan.

"Only if you want it to be a date Reginald." She says in a playful tone. Normally whenever someone called me Reginald, it wasn't necessarily in a good way. The only people who called me Reginald without making me feel like I did something wrong was Luke and Alex, and now Lucy was on that list.

"I...I don't know....I guess it's a date...if you even like me that is. You probably don't even like me anymore, what am I saying, I-"

"It's a date Bass Boy, I'll see you tommorow night, right here at nine thirty." She says. Before she poofs away she plants a kiss on my cheek, causing me to feel my cheeks go pink. I poof back to the studio where Luke, Alex, and I have been staying and plop down on the couch, smiling at the ceiling. I could still see the stars in her eyes.

Luke's POV

It was 10:05 and Reggie wasn't back from his date yet. He told me he'd be back at 10, so why wasn't he back yet? Did this girl prank him after all? Is he alright? I should have known that girl was gonna do something.

Just as I was about to poof out, Reggie poofs into the studio and plops down on the couch with a happy sigh. He stars up at the ceiling with a kind of smile I've never seen on him before, but he didn't look hurt. That was the good thing.

"Reggie, how was the date? Do it go well? Why are you late? Did she hurt you? You know if she hurt you you can tell me because-"

"It was amazing." Reggie says still staring at the ceiling. "We both love science, she's really into the stars."

"Like those lame zodiac signs?" I ask. Willie told Alex about astrology and now Alex won't stop telling me that I'm an Aires and what that means. Like I'm gonna let some star alignment tell me who to be.

"No!" Reggie says, shooting up, almost like he was offended I thought of the idea. "Like actual stars and constallations. And she likes Star Wars too and agrees that Jar Jar sucks."

"You haven't met the dude yet." Luke says. "You've only seen the movies that came out before we died."

"Well tomorrow I'm watching them with her." He says.

"You got a second date?" I say, trying to be enthusiastic but for some reason I felt jealous. Why did I feel jealous,I should be happy for my friend.

"Yeah, and she kissed me." Reggie says. "On the cheek."

"Oh." I say. "That's...that's great." Why couldn't I just be happy for him, why was I so jelous? I guess maybe I'm jelous he has a girlfriend and I have no one.

"Yeah, yeah it is." Reggie says. "Hey where's Alex?"

"Oh...he moved in with Willie." I say. "I'm glad you had fun on your date."

"Don't worry Luke, you'll find someone." Reggie says.

"Thanks buddy." I say. "I'm gonna go take a walk."

"Alright, see ya later." Reggie says.

I poof out of the studio and walk around the Hollywood Ghost Club. I was happy for Reggie, I truly was, but for some reason I couldn't be happy for him in the way I was supposed be. It was like part of me didn't want things to work out between them.

After a bit of mindlessly walking, I find myself by the an exit. Caleb has only ever had one rule, and that was to never leave the club. I've followed that rule for a year now, and I was growing tired of seeing the same walls over and over again. I look around to make sure know one is watching and I poof out of the club. The outside world awaits me.

And thats chapter two. Sorry it was just Hollywood Ghost Club stuff, but next chapter we're gonna get into some other stuff with Julie, Flynn, Carrie, and my OC Katie

This chapter was mostly fluff and I'm working on writting Willex for some reason I feel like I'm just really bad at writting them mainly because I never know what to do with their relationship, but I have some ideas for this that gets into Willie's back story.

So I have a Reggie backstory, and that's canon to Bright, which this isn't canon to Bright so Reggie's backstory in this story is a little different than the one I already wrote. Just thought I should clarify.

I'll try to touch on alot of backstories here.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed, thanks so much for reading, I wish you all the very best 💜
Until next time 👻

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