Are You Ready, Freddy? (Sucky...

By kirisobaa

165 2 0

Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria was your average pizzeria, filled to the brim with laughing, shrieking children, pi... More

Let's Get Some Things Straight.
Chapter 2
Not a Chapter, Just a Snappy Announcement
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

39 0 0
By kirisobaa

July 19, 1999

It was a normal day at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, and by normal, I mean full of life, screaming yelling kids, and the strong - yet strangely pleasant - near tangible smell of pizza hiding in places no one exactly knew. A Saturday afternoon, it was, and the pizzeria was overflowing with children aged two to forty-five; yes, we consider the double digits "children", there a malfunction with that? (A/N: When I said 'we', I was talking about both narrator and author [both me, btw. Got a malfunction with that?])

Anyway, the main attractions sure were getting worked up. Although having to perform silly songs on repeat 24/7 would definitely put anyone's hair up in knots. You could tell by the way they were glitching out their voice boxes every now and then. "W-w-welcome to F-f-f-freddy's Pizzeri-i-i-ia!" Bonnie would say. "Hi k-k-k-kids! Let-t-t's eat!" Chica would tell the kids, and so on and so forth. The children, however, paid no heed to the flaws and continued loving them endlessly. Now, where was I going with this?

Ah, yes.

The same Saturday afternoon, it was a little girl's birthday. Her name, was, surprisingly, Bonny. She had impeccable speech for a nine-year old, however, she was a quiet child. Why she chose one of the loudest places on earth to go to for her birthday, I do not know. Children and parents of children thought she was a queer child, styled in such a way that she looked more like a porcelain doll, rather than a ruddy feminine figure. And, of course, her hair. Shoulder-length and flat-ironed straight for the annual celebration, it had been treated ever so elaborately that it were as if she were getting married, instead of celebrating her birthday. Plus, the rebel-like locks were LILAC-COLOURED. Bonny constantly had to tell strangers that it was a natural colour, however, no one believed her. Why would they? In their minds, she was a stupid, naive, little liar of a child.

The young girl was also wearing a violet beanie, which covered most of the odd-coloured locks, and sadly, ruined the whole look. Sad for her parents, wonderful for Bonny. 'They always did like to spoil me dumb,' she thought, her bright green eyes sparking with interest when she caught sight of Bonnie. That may sound ridiculous, but remember that Bonn-IE was the animatronic, and Bonn-Y was the little girl. Yes, Bonny was infatuated with the purple bunny, and for some strange reason, bore a striking resemblance to him. Some kids whom she didn't know would come up to her occasionally and mock her appearance, saying things like, "Hi Bonnie! Can you sing a song for me?" Or, "I thought you were a boy, Bon-bon!"

Bonny always got them back, fortunately. "How did you know my name was Bonny? Sure, I can sing! And, clearly, I'm a girl."


It was also another girl's birthday. Her name was Sandra, and she was turning three. This is not the girl I want to talk about, though. See, Sandra had a sister, older than her by seven years, and her name was Katrina. Katrina and Bonny were like sisters to each other, Kat (as Bonny liked to call her), roleplaying as the older sibling and Bon-bon (as Katrina liked to call her), as the younger. Neither, however, knew that the other was in the Pizzeria at the same moment.

"Katty-Kat!" Sandra yelled out loud suddenly. And when I say loud, I mean loud enough to make the animatronics themselves stop playing their merry tunes and watch the tot curiously. "KATTY-KAT! Heeding! Heeding! Com ot!" Sandra yelled again. The baby pointed to a darkened corner. A slight growling noise came from the space. Parents suddenly became jittery, remembering the bite of '87. Most parents there went to the Pizzeria as children; many witnessed the bite themselves. Suddenly, a 10-year old came out of the corner. She had knee-length, fiery red hair braided at the back of her head that swished wildly as she sashayed towards the table the tot was at. Picking her up, the girl murmured, a warm twinkle in her amber eyes,"Yarr, lass... Ye wern't s'pposed t' look fer yer old matey yit, ya simpleton." Most of the parents sighed in relief; they had somehow convinced themselves that Foxy had reactivated and was out to get them, like that unlucky girl who had been bitten way back in 1987.

Foxy. Now, who, you ask, is Foxy?

Foxy the Pirate Fox was loved by many children, the parents however were always nervous around him. He was an awesome captain to have, a good friend, too. Sadly, the bite of '87 occurred, and Foxy and Pirate's Cove were put out of order. I know you're curious, but I can say no more.


After her 'surprise' appearance, the girl, who we now know is Katrina, sat down in a random seat and fiddled with the straw in her non-alcoholic rum. She wrinkled her nose in playful disgust, and dropped the straw, obviously bored with nothing much to do, in her opinion. Suddenly, an employee walked over to her. Staring blankly at him she asked in her awkwardly natural pirate-y accent, "Whad'dya want, mate?" The employee looked surprised to hear her accent, but recovered and questioned, "Are you apart of this birthday party, kid? Cause you're at their table."


Katrina looked behind her to see a group of young children surrounding a specific someone, a specific someone with lilac-coloured hair...

"Neh," she said to the employee, carelessly waving a tanned hand in his face, "but th' lass wid th' purple knots is me mate." Obviously, the employee couldn't understand her wording, so Kat repeated. "Th' lass wid th' purple knots- the BIRTHDAY LASS!" She suddenly exploded, earning stares from a few people, including the said 'birthday lass'.


Smiling, Bonny recognized the easily-angered pirate voice of her choice-sister, and got up out of her seat, ignoring the fact that she had just deserted everyone at the table. "Hello, Kat," She whispered in the redhead's ear, causing her to jump in surprise. A few moments was all it took for Katrina to be physically and mentally excited. "Lass!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around the petite girl's neck, "Happy birthday! I'm sorry fer not bein' able t' show up as expected." Throwing her own arm around Kat's shoulders, Bonny said, "I don't blame you. It is, after all, your birth-sister's birthday."

Chuckling, Katrina let go slowly of Bonny's neck, and motioned over to the five or so other children waiting at the other end of the table. "Ye'd best be gettin' back t' yer crew, lass, they seem quite un-flattered tha' yer hangin' round wid this scruffy low-life." Chuckling her own unique chuckle as well, Bonny walked back over to her guests, but not before gesturing for the supposed 'low-life' to join them. As Kat was walking over to the group of children, Bonny smiled.

"If you were a scruffy low-life, why would I be asking you to join us?"


"Buh-bye! See ya soon! See you at school, Martha!" Bonny said, waving goodbye to her guests. The only ones left were herself and Katrina. When Bonny was done waving off her guests, she noticed Kat wasn't beside her anymore. Looking around a tad, she finally found her sitting on the centre stage, admiring the looming animatronic closest to her, which just happened to be Bonnie. Bonny skipped over to her friend and sat down beside her, in a way so that she was right under the bunny animatronic. Kat noticed this and chuckled again. "Ye sure 'ave taken a mighty fine likin' t' tha' robot," She mentioned, sliding over on her butt towards the only other person in the room. Bonny blushed at that. 'She noticed???' The lilac-haired girl thought, embarrassed.

Katrina noticed Bonny blushing as well and let out a loud, hearty sailor laugh. Bonny felt embarrassed again and buried her face in her arms. "Aww, 'tis alright, lass." The comforting voice of her 'eldest sister' stopped her embarrassment. Taking her head out of her arms' grasp, she giggled. "It was a bit embarrassing, though." Katrina put her arm around Bonny's shoulders. "Like I said, ''tis alright, lass'. Everyone gits kiddie crushes nowadays. Heck even yer ol' mate has 'un."

That last sentence made Bonny's jaw drop dead to the floor. "Really?" She asked with interest. "Really," Kat muttered, staring down the hallway Pirate's Cove was hanging about. When Bonny looked to where Katrina was looking she gasped and clasped her hands over her mouth, jumping in disgust, surprise, excitement, and joy.

"FOXY!" The young girl yelled. "You like Foxy!" Now, the poor girl sitting, or rather, standing, beside her had her hands pressed to her ears in pain. "Shut!" Kat yelled in pain, "Quiet, lass! It's still op'nin' hours!" Bonny however, didn't 'shut' or 'quiet'. She kept on screaming, "KAT LIKES FOXY! FOXY! FOXY! YOU LIKE FOXY! WHAT?!"


Katrina's ears were sensitive. VERY sensitive. So when Bonny started screaming about her 'kiddie crush', her ears felt tortured. Writhing on the floor wasn't helping, either. Subconsciously, she checked to see if anyone was around, and when she noticed that no one was in the pizzeria anymore, except for a few employees and the girls' parents (of course), she screamed as loud as she could. No, scratch that. She screamed the almost exact same scream Foxy screamed before killing the night guard. Wait, what? Excuse me. Ignore that last bit. NOW.

Once Kat screamed, Bonny clutched her head in pain, as well as the few employees in the room. Katrina's scream lasted a good three minutes. Once it was over, the employees scrambled to the exit, too scared of the inhuman sound that came from the ten-year old to remember to shoo them and their parents out of the Pizzeria. When Bonny was brought back to reality from the world of pain she was previously in, she stomped over to her redheaded friend, ready to yell at her to even up the match. When she saw Katrina on the floor still pained from her own outburst as well as Bonny's, however, she suddenly remembered that her choice-sister's ears were as sensitive as a fox's. Kneeling down to help calm Kat down, she accidentally, not purposely, knocked off her beanie. The rest of the employees, to check what all the ruckus was, had gasped when they looked at the purple-haired girl's head. Swivelling in anxiety, two purple rabbit ears poked through her hair. The remaining employees didn't bother shooing them out of the restaurant. They had flown out the doors themselves.


"I'm sorry," Bonny whispered softly; she didn't want to injure her friend's ears more than she already had. Katrina was still on the ground, eyes shut, mouth open in an inaudible scream of pain. Stroking her rabbit ears in an effort to calm herself down, the lilac-locked girl thought about things that would help her friend.

'A slap to the face? No...' She thought.
'Fanning her face? Probably not,' She thought again.
'The silly pirate fox? Maybe... Just maybe...'

Half carrying, half dragging Kat over to a chair, she set her down and went to go get some earmuffs from her bag. Earmuffs, how positively RANDOM. They were necessary, however. Noises right now, to Katrina, anyway, would sound loud as a freight train on speakers. "Aha," Bonny mumbled, after successfully pulling a pair out from the sack slung over her shoulder. The girl liked to come prepared, no doubt.

Carefully placing them over Katrina's ears, once placed, Kat opened her eyes, wrinkled her nose, and glared frighteningly at Bonny's face. "What?" The purple-haired girl said snobbishly, one of her bunny ears twitching in annoyance, "Not grateful for the earmuffs?" "Oh, I be grateful fer 'em," The redhead sneered. "Is just tha' ye nearly made me ears fall off them quarters!" Katrina could now raise her voice; the sound had been muffled by the earmuffs. "Ah ah ah," Bonny smirked, "Touch me and those 'muffs come flying off your head." "Ye be a sick dipstick," Katrina mumbled coldly, unhappy that she had lost the fight.

Returning to her usual, quiet self, Bonny asked, "What should we do?" Being the explorer she was, Katrina leapt to her feet and yelled, "TREASURE HUNT!!!" "Oy," Bonny grumbled, and followed her friend through the halls. She had to, or else the redhead would become lost. Bonny wouldn't get lost because she knew the place like the back of her hand. Her father was the manager of the Pizzeria, after all.

"Alright, alright," Bonny smiled, twisting and turning down the hallways with slight amusement, "Where do you wanna go?" At that Katrina stopped completely in her tracks, causing Bonny to bump into her back. "Pirate's Cove..." The girl trailed off. "Wait, where?" Bonny asked, because she hadn't quite heard her request. "Pirate's Cove..." The redhead repeated, a little louder that time. "Alrighty," The lilac-locked girl giggled, but then the bell in the Pizzeria went off.


"Darn," Katrina moaned, kicking over a loose pebble on the sidewalk. "I was lookin' forward t' tha' treasure hunt, too, lass," Bonny nodded her head. "Me too, strangely," She told Kat. "Stupid bell an' its stupid nine o' clock timer," Kat grumbled. Placing a light hand on the older girl's shoulder, she replied plainly. "Hey, the Pizzeria is open tomorrow, until midnight, if you didn't know, we can explore then." At that, Katrina cheered up instantly. "Why, that'd be mighty fine! I can git Chichi, Gold, an' 'Capt'n' to come rallyin' 'round, s'well." Bonny laughed. "It's a date, then," She giggled out, pointing an imaginary gun at Kat's chest and shooting it. "Righty-ho, mate," Katrina smirked. The walk home was filled with quite a lot of chatter. (Oh, and don't worry about Katrina's parents, they said that the girl could stay at Bonny's house).

"So, you still crushing on that broken-down fox?"


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