How Not To Summon A Shadow Mo...

By HiroPendragon

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Y/N Haruyuki is an ordinary human who is mysteriously transported to the world of his favorite MMORPG, Cross... More

Origin: Y/N Ashborn
Prologue: Beginning of the End
Chapter 1: Welcome to Cross Reverie
Chapter 2: Let's Go to Faltra City
Chapter 3: Celestine Baudelaire
Chapter 5: The Strongest Newcomer

Chapter 4: Torture (not really) the Naughty Cat

7.7K 226 169
By HiroPendragon

3rd Person P.O.V.

Arrived at their room, Y/N placed Rem on the bed and stood in front of the pantherian girl. Seeing Rem was not in the mood to talk, Y/N made the first move and began asking her questions.

Y/N: Tell me, Rem. Why did the head of the Mage's Association come all the way out to see you?

Rem: ...I can't say.

Y/N: And you asking me to lend you my power while hiding things from me?

Rem: ...That is true, but... Even so, I do not want to talk about it.

Y/N: And the reason for it? Would this secret of yours be something that would be disadvantageous for me?

Rem: ...No... If I say it, then you will leave me as well...

Rem said looked down on the ground with her eyes full of despair. When Y/N saw Rem's eyes, it remind him of the past when he tried to commit suicide which failed thanks to his brother.


Rem: At the moment, you can choose between me or Shera... That's why I'm scared. If you learn my secret, then you may distance yourself from me.

Y/N: (We're alike. Rem must experience the same thing as I did. When people knew my identity, the "Cursed Child", they always shunned me.)

As much as Y/N wants to tell Rem to trust him, he out of all people knew she won't believe him. After all, they're like two sides in the same coin.

Y/N: (As much I hate doing this thing, this is the only choice I have...)

Suddenly, Y/N placed his hands on Rem's shoulders and pushed her down on the bed. Rem tried to shake him off but found it impossible since Y/N's Strength stats were far above hers.

Y/N: If you still refuse to talk, then it seems like torture will be necessary after all.

However, Y/N doesn't expect the next words to come out of Rem's mouth.

Rem: A-Are you planning... to disgrace me?

Y/N: (...Pardon?)

It took a moment before Y/N finally realized what he was doing. He just pinned down a girl without a warning. It's true Y/N plan on torturing Rem but not in this way.

Y/N: (This is not what I meant by that!?)

Y/N then looked down at Rem and saw she was trembling. Her eyes were shut tight with tears were glistening in the corners of her eyes.

Y/N: (And I'm not feel bad for her. But damn, she was cute!)

Since he went this far, Y/N can't just back up and said it was a prank. That will sully his pride as a Shadow Monarch and Y/N Haruyuki. 

Made up his mind, Y/N started to look around Rem and try to find any of her weak spots. Then, Y/N's eyes landed on Rem's ears that were trembling, as if they were trying to hide in her hair.

Y/N: (Usually cats like it when their ear being rub. I wonder if it is the same for Rem? Well, here goes nothing!)

Y/N then reached out and grabbed Rem's silky panther ears.

Rem: ...Mm!?

When Y/N touched Rem's ear, her face turns even redder in a second. Y/N then continue to sliding his fingers from the base to the edges of her ears which made Rem's body twisted. 

Rem: ...C-Could you please... stop that?

Y/N: If you want me to stop, then tell me your secret.

Rem: I can't do that!?

Y/N: You leave me with no choice, then.

Gently grasping her ears, Y/N began rubbing them, and once again, Rem's body twitched in response.

Rem: No!!!

Y/N: Although you keep saying no, it seems like your body says yes.

Rem: That's not... true!

Y/N then changed his plan and started tracing circles around Rem's fur, just barely on the verge of touching it. In response, Rem's body kept twitching.

Rem: ...D-Don't... If you rub... that place... Not behind the ears...!

Rem's calm and collected attitude then broke down and was replaced with exhilarated and aroused. Seeing this, Y/N had to suppress the huge bulge around his pants while continue to "torture" Rem.

Y/N: Now, are you going to tell me your secret?

Rem: ...I... I won't say it...

Y/N: You're pretty stubborn, aren't you? In that case, I'll do this.

Y/N used the tips of his fingers and started scratching behind the base of Rem's ears which work very well. Rem kept twitching, her body seems like it was jumping in shock as her slender white fingers grasped the bed.

Y/N: This is your last chance, tell me your secret or else...

Rem: ...No...

She mustered all of her power and replied. Y/N sighed and get near Rem's left ear. Once his lips were an inch from her ear, Y/N then slowly blowing in her ears.


Y/N: (Alright, that should do it.)

True to his words, Rem looked at him with glistening eyes while trying to catch her ragged breath. Her face was crimson red with tears poured from the corners of her eyes; her back was arched, and she gripped the sheets of the bed with her fingertips.

Rem: ...Hah... Hah... Y/N...

Y/N: Do you feel like talking now?

Rem: ...Yes... I can't do this anymore... Something this... too embarrassing...

Y/N: (I swear this girl was too cute!!)

Rem: Are you... saying you'll accept me, then? That no matter what... you won't run away?

Y/N: Rem... Just leave it to me. No matter what circumstances you have, I will accept it all. Even if the world was against you, this Shadow Monarch will do everything in his power to protect you! Rest assured.

As he said this, he opened his mouth and wrapped it around Rem's ear, experienced the softness with every part of Rem's fluffy ear in his mouth; his teeth, his lips, and his tongue.

Y/N: (This may turn into a habit...)

At the sudden attack, Rem's small body convulsed and buckled under the multiple stimulations. She started to scream in pleasure which can be heard from below.

Rem: NYAHAAAA!!! It's overflowing me!!!

After few seconds, Rem stopped screaming and collapsed on the bed. Y/N took his lips off of her and propped himself up with his elbows.

Rem: Uhu...*Hic*...

Y/N began to worry when Rem started to sob.

Y/N: (Crap! I get carried away and just went with the flow!)

Y/N: Are you hurt anywhere?

Rem: ...No... I'm just happy... said you would accept me...n-no matter my circumstances... And would protect me... No one has ever said that to me...

Y/N released a relieved sigh. When Rem's breathing calmed down, Y/N offers her a cup of water.

Rem: ...Thanks...

Supporting her back, Y/N helped sit Rem upright and handed her the cup.

Y/N: You're welcome. 

Holding the cup in both hands, Rem sated her thirst before exhaled deeply.

Rem: ...Phew.

Y/N: Are you done already?

She nodded in response and handed Y/N the cup. Y/N then put the cup on the small table beside the bed and sat back next to Rem. 

Y/N: So, care to explain your circumstances to me?

Rem: ...Inside of my body... is sealed the soul of the Demon Lord, Krebskulm.

Y/N: What!?

Y/N looked at Rem with a shocked expression. After all, Krebskulm wasn't a name that Y/N was unfamiliar with. Krebskulsm is the name of the most powerful boss in Cross Reverie after all.

Rem: ...My ultimate goal is to defeat the Demon Lord Krebskulm that lies within me and extinguish her soul...

Y/N: ...I understand. That explains the conversation with Celes, then, it seems fair to assume the Demon Lord Mr.Krab will be released when you die.

Rem's eyes widen in surprise at Y/N.

Y/N: On top of that, there's presently no way to extract her soul aside from your death. If they did have the means to extract her, they'd surround you with the full military might of the world, pull her out, and defeat her. Also, it seems like no one in this town except Celes has any idea, and that goes the same for the underlings from the Mage's Association, too. Did I get anything wrong?

Rem: ...No. You're correct. The soul will be released when I die.

Y/N: Hmm... Did your mother carry the soul of the Demon Lord Krebskulm as well?


Rem nodded her head in confirmation.

Y/N: (So that means the soul of Krebskulm is hereditary. From mother to daughter... What a cruel fate. Making one girl bear the burden of the fate of the entire world by herself was just too cruel.)

Y/N: ...Then, I'll lend you my power. I don't care who this Mr.Krab Demon Lord is, I'll use everything in my power to defeat it and free you from your fate whether you like it or not!

Rem: ...Huh?

Y/N: As much I want to defeat this demon lord, some research will be required to find a method of pulling her out of you.

Once again, tears were pouring from Rem's face even harder than before.

Y/N: What did I do this time!?

Rem: ...Th-This is... the first time... someone didn't... leave me... Wahhhh!

Y/N smiled and pulled Rem closer to his chest. Rem then broke down and bury her head into Y/N's chest, sobbing and weeping while Y/N soothed her down by patted her on the back of her head.

Y/N: You did a good job, Rem. Don't worry, everything will be fine now. I'll never leave your side. I promise you.

Rem nodded and snuggled into his chest furthermore, felt safe for the first time in her life.


Time Skip

Currently, Y/N walked through the street of Faltra City after he left the inn. Of course, he made sure to put Rem on the bed after she tired herself from crying. 

Y/N: (I'm used to be alone. Both in-game and in real life, I've always played solo. I always thought that meddled with someone else life is bothersome. What was the point of being a hero? What was the point of saving someone?)

Then, an image of Rem's smiled face surfaced in Y/N's mind which caused him to smile.

Y/N: (I finally found what I've been looking for. This isn't an issue of duty or important-sounding reasons. I want to protect Rem, and that's what I've decided.)

When Y/N sat down on the wooden chair in the middle of the park or something like that, suddenly a voice sounded like it was trying to pick a fight called for him.

???: Hey, Necromancer!

Y/N rolled his eyes in annoyance as he recognized the owner of the voice. Reluctantly, Y/N looked at his left and frowned when he was approached by Galluk and his colleague's from the Mage's Association.

Y/N: (What a pain. That's Celes Guard... What was his name again? Galick Gun? No, that was Vegeta's move. Ah, I don't care anymore! Why should I remember his name!?)

Y/N: ...What do you want now, Garlic?

Galluk: You don't have any manners, do you! My name is Galluk! Calling someone the likes of me, who serves under the head of the Mage's Association, a "Garlic" is pretty damn rude, don't you all think!?

Galluk's Underlings: That's right! That's right!

Y/N: (Not only is this guy a pain in the ass, now he's drunk, too? What a pain. What a pain. What a pain. What a pain.)

Galluk: Ever since I first saw you, I never liked you! Not your attitude toward Lady Celes, and not your attitude toward Lady Rem, either! Everything you do lacks respect!

Y/N: ...Is that so? I keep that in mind. So, can you go now? I'm trying to enjoy my "private" time, here if you can't see. 

Galluk gritted his teeth in frustration before sneered an unpleasant smile. He then took a diamond-shaped crystal out of his robes and smashed the crystal on the ground.

Galluk: Hahaha! This is the end of your rudeness! After this, you'll be begging me to spare your life! Behold! The most powerful Summon! Breath hot enough to melt steel! Scales that can repel any blade! A massive body with destructive power hidden inside of it! Come forth, Salamander!

Arising from the shattered pieces appeared a lizard, wreathed in flickering flames and clad in scales that were in the shape of flames. It's bigger than a lion but smaller than an elephant.

Salamander: GUAHHHHH!!!!


Galluk's Underling #1: Galluk! You're using a Summon in the city! 

Galluk: Shut up! This is a level 30 Salamander. If you apologize now, I'll let you off with a few burns... Though, it might be too powerful and kill a wretched Necromancer like you anyway!

Galluk said with a crooked grin. Y/N snickered and muttered something unheard by Galluk and his underlings.

Y/N: Weak...

Galluk: What's wrong, Necromancer!? Are you scared after witnessing my almighty Summon!

Y/N let out a confident smile as he raised his voice.

Y/N: I said your Summon is weak. I can't help but feel bad for the Summon.

Galluk: You and your arrogant attitude! I'll wipe that smile from your face! Do it, Salamander! Put that Necromancer in his place!

Reacting to Galluk's command, Salamander used <<Heat Breath>>, produce a stream of fire from its mouth and belches a blaze of fire at the Shadow Monarch who just stood still in his place, and let the attack hit him.

Galluk: Hahaha! How do you like that, Necromancer! Learned your lesson!? Burn! BURN!!!

He shouted from the top of his lungs, thinking that he already won. However, he was shocked when he saw Y/N walks out of the flames unscathed.

Y/N: Is that all that lizard got? Disappointing... Though, he makes a nice addition to my soldiers.

Galluk: Wh-What is this? Why are you still alive?

Frustrated, Galluk turned to the rest of his group.

Galluk: H-Hey! Send out your Summons!

Galluk's Underling #1: Um... But, won't we get punished for summoning them in the middle of town—

Galluk: It's fine! I'll take responsibility for it, so hurry up! Hurry up and do it!

In response to his fervor, Galluk's allies threw their crystals on the ground, and summon their Summons which were a group of ice bears. 

Y/N looked at the Summons with an uninterested look before grin when something caught his eyes. It was probably the leader of the group judging by visible scratch marks on his left eye, a thin flaming strip of hair along with his head and back, and a large X-shaped scar on his chest.

Y/N: (Interesting... They will make a fine addition in my Shadow soldiers.)

Galluk: You will regret having defied the Mage's Association!


Galluk: Hahaha! What's wrong!? Cat got your tongue? But you're the one who made this happen, you know! If you had just known your place from the beginning, you wouldn't have to die here!

Y/N: ...Don't expect any mercy from me. Come forth, my soldiers.

Responding to Y/N's words, soldiers clad in black armor soundlessly appeared from his shadow and stood behind him. Galluk and his group were shocked when they saw shadow soldiers emerged from the group. 

Y/N: Since this is our first battle, let's make it showy!

Galluk: Die, Necromancer! Summons destroyed him and whatever is that shadow thing!

Galluk gritted his teeth and commanded his Summons. Both the Summons and Shadow Soldiers then rushed and start fighting each other. Every time the Summons destroyed the Shadow Soldier, it reformed into its original shape shocking the group of Mage's Associate.

Galluk's Underling #1: What was that power!?

Galluk's Underling #2: I never heard anything like that!

Galluk: Don't falter now! It's just a group of shadow monsters, that's all! Wh-What are you all doing!? This is our chance! W-We can beat him! Kill him!

Slowly and steadily, the ice bear's number dropped and leave only the leader of the group and the Salamander.

Y/N: It was way too weak... I'm bored. Igris, finish them.

Igris then appeared from Y/N's shadow and bowed his head then shot forward toward the Alpha Ice Bear and Salamander.

Igris easily dodged the Salamander's fire breath before unsheathed his long sword and with one swing of his sword, he decapitated the Salamander.

One down, one more to go.

Igris then rushed at the Alpha Ice Bear and skillfully dodged a torrent of attacks from the Alpha while swung his long sword from tendons, claws, paws, and legs. Bit by bit, the Alpha's flesh was being cut off.

Galluk: No... This has to be a dream... There's no way I'm lost to this Necromancer...

Igris jumped from building to the building then launched his final attack. He swung his long sword and decapitated the Alpha's head just like he did with the Salamander.

Before the Alpha's head hit the ground, Igris snatched it from the air and pick the Salamander's head along the way. The knight then approached Y/N and kneeled before the Monarch. He then placed the bear's head in front of Y/N's feet, as if offering a trophy to the king.

Y/N: You've done well, Igris. The same goes for the rest of Shadow Soldiers.

While Y/N praised his Shadows, Galluk sank to the ground, unable to stand up any longer while his robed companions were in a miserable state. Some were crying, some letting out strange voices, some were venting their anger at Galluk, and some were just plain dazed.

Galluk: De... Destroyed... They were all destroyed... by a group of shadow soldiers?

Y/N smirked before he turned to the dead Summons and opened his mouth.

Y/N: Arise.

From the Alpha, Salamander, and Ice Bears shadows, a large black mass rose inside then changed into a monster cloak in shadow scaring the Mage's Association furthermore. 

Y/N: Nice. 

Y/N smiled in satisfaction before extracted all his Shadows back inside his shadow. As Y/N went to leave, unexpectedly, Galluk called out to him.

Galluk: Wh-who... Just who are you!? This can't be... Something like this... can't be...

Y/N stopped and turned to look at the group of Mage's Association. Covered in a cloak of shadows, fear ran through the group of robed underlings from the Mage's Association.

Y/N: I am Y/N Ashborn, a Shadow Monarch from another world.

To Be Continued

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