Choose One

By LesbianKpop

657 48 0

Dami is a prince who lives in a castle. Her father wanted a boy but had two girls instead. The king hated the... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Final Chapter

Chapter 1

131 6 0
By LesbianKpop

King:This is the 3rd men you turned down Dami.

Dami(Scoffs):I dont like men. You have me wearing this dress that I honestly hate.

King(slaps Dami):You will respect my orders understand? You live in a castle not where those others sleep daughter.

Queen:Babe leave our prince alone. Shes a prince not a princess. Go ahead and put on your suit. She like women not men. Don't you even slap her again(leaves)

King:I'm a king! I can do whatever I want! With or without a Queen.

Queen(stops and turns around):Everyone has a weakness King. It may not be our kids nor me but I know your being something and once I found out you'll be sorry (leaves slamming the door)

I ran into my hyung room crying. He hugged me and looked at me.

Siyeon:Don't worry we will become King soon with our Queens. Don't listen to dad. Hes just jealous that's all. He doesn't even know that mom doesn't want to be with him. He makes us wear dresses and marry men and I don't like it.

Dsmi:Easy for you to say. He goes easy on you time to time.

Siyeon:Is that what you think? (Shows bruises)Hes the cause of this. I didnt want to marry a man and he abused me. Trust me he was never easy on me. He still isn't but mom tries to help its no use.

Dami:Of course father is a king and wants to follow kings rules. I hate him so much brother.

Siyeon:Let us go for a walk brother and refresh our mind.

Dami:Do have to wear these clothes?

Siyeon:We can wear whatever.

Siyeon and I put on some comfortable clothes and headed into the city. We arrived at some store and was looking around. We never had anything from here so we asked a friend to help.

Siyeon:Finally your here. We need help we never tried any of this.

Jiu:These gummy worms are good. My girlfriend love them. Also the gummy bears.

Yoohyeon(smiling):Ouuu yes babe can I have some please?

Jiu:You have 3 of each at the house.

Yoohyeon:Hm fine.

I chuckled and I turned around to see three beautiful princesses looking around.

Siyeon:Whoa... Who are they Jiu?

Jiu:My girlfriend friends Sua Handong and Gahyeon. Sua is the oldest and Gahyeon is the youngest.

Dami:How many years?

Jiu:Sua is 23 Handong 22 Gahyeon is 21.

Dami:They are beautiful.

Siyeon:I agree. They live in castle as well?

Yoohyeon:Yes they are royal as well but they also own a mansion in the city.

Dami:Brother lets get a mansion here.

Siyeon:You know father will never let us get a mansion.(looks at Sua) is there anyway to get her number?

Yoohyeon(goes to them):Sua Handong and Gahyeon come meet my boyfriend friends please. Prince Dami and Prince Siyeon.

Sua:I- I can't you know I have a huge crush on him.

Gahyeon:No thanks I rather not be hurt by another guy.

Yoohyeon:Actually there both females.

Sua:Jinja? Yes. I never liked guys anyway.

Gahyeon:Why are they not wearing dresses?

Handong:The same reason we are not let's go greet them.

Gahyeon:They might think we are siblings.

Handong:But we are not.

Yoohyeon:Come on. Siyeon Dami this is Gahyeon Handong and Sua. They are princesses from a different castle.

Siyeon and I gently got on our knees and bowed to them. We told to show respect to princesses. We stood up and I couldn't help but to stare at Gahyeon and Handong.

Dami:I apologize if I make a mistake here but are you two friends perhaps?

Gahyeon:More then friends.

Handong:She's actually my girlfriend.

Sua:They wanted one more in there relationship. I declined nicely though.

Siyeon:So your single then?

Sua:Correct. I'm just waiting to become queen Sua.

Siyeon:Your already a queen to me.

Sua:Do you have your phone on you?

Siyeon:Yes maam I do. Here you go. (Hands phone)

Sua:Make sure to text me. We Can hangout more. Just can't be caught. (Puts number in phone)

Siyeon:Of course what time approximately should we meet.

Sua:Around noon or 6:30pm. My father is a busy King. I'm out now because of my mother.

Gahyeon:We should head back before they start looking for us.


Dami:I suppose we should head back but I wanted a soda.

Siyeon:Of course I'll buy you one.

Gahyeon:Here's our number Dami. Text us? (Puts number in Dami phone)

Sua:Join us later at the castle Yoohyeon?

Yoohyeon:Of course.

(The girls leave)

Jiu:We better get going babe we have a movie to watch bye guys. Also sprite is a really good soda and root beer in my opinion. (Leaves)

Yoohyeon:Crush soda is good to. Candy is amazing as well. The gummies are so good and sw-

Jiu:Babe let's go (holds Yoohyeon hand and leaves)

Siyeon and I grabbed some candy and soda. We go into line and laid for our items and got into the car left. Before we entered the castle we hurried and ate the sweets and finishes the soda. We threw it away and hurried to put on our Prince outfit. We walked inside to fine a line of men and our father on the throne.

King:Your suppose to be in dresses not suits (slaps them) Why don't you listen to her father girls?!?! Men get out of the castle. (Watches them leave then turns to Siyeon) Your the oldest and suppose to make sure you both follow my rules but you break them (grabs Siyeon and toss her into the wall) lock them away in there room until evening.

Dami(Breaks away from the guards and grab Siyeon):Your not even a king. You'll never become a king. A king always protect a there family not injured them.

Another King:And that young sir is correct.

King:And who are you in my castle?!?!

Another King:I'm Lee King. There actual father and his is my castle. You been married to my ex wife. She was your queen but she didn't like the way you treated my sons.

Dami:So he isn't our real father?

Lee King:No son. But the rules stay the same except you can marry women instead. Only one.

Dami:I know.

Siyeon(holding waist):Then what we do about him? He tossed me against the wall. Can I press charges on him father?

Lee King:That wont be necessary. He is still King of the parks. So I have no control but until next year you both are under his control. I didn't know he already sight the contract.

Park King:So this is my castle. So Lee King get out.

Lee King:In a year I'll be back but you have no rights touching my kids. They are allowed to be who ever they want. I'll see all of you at the meeting.

Siyeon:What meeting?

Lee King: All the King Queen Princes and Princesses have a meeting. Its only for Kings and Queens but theirs children must attend to see how Kings and Queens work.

Dami:We'll be there. Come on brother let go into out rooms.

Lee King:Touch my son again and I'll kill you (leaves)

Park King:We'll see about that.

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