She's Mistreated|| K. Bakugo...

By DekuandKacchan99

389K 9.9K 10.6K

Y/N is the daughter of the villain Dabi, and is determined to move past her father's expectations. She runs a... More

{*} ~ Character Backgrounds ~
{1} ~ The League's Night Out ~
{2} ~ Daddy's Little Girl ~
{3} ~ Little Flame Runs Away ~
{4} ~ Deku ~
{5} ~ UA and the Exam ~
{6} ~ Class 1-A ~
{7} ~ Hero Costumes My Hero ~
{8} ~ Midoriya Vs. Bakugo ~
{9} ~ The Bus Ride and the USJ ~
{10} ~ Training for the Sports Festival ~
{11} ~ The UA Sports Festival ~
{12} ~ The Calvary Battle ~
{13} ~ Midoriya Vs. Shinsou ~
{14} ~ Y/N Vs. Tokoyami ~
{15} ~ Bakugo Vs. Uraraka ~
{16} ~ Todoroki's Tragic Backstory ~
{17} ~ Midoriya Vs. Todoroki ~
{18} ~ Iida Vs. Shiozaki ~
{19} ~ Bakugo Vs. Y/N ~
{20}~ Todoroki Vs. Bakugo ~
{21} ~ One Sided ~
{22} ~ F-friend? ~
{23} ~ Choosing Hero Names ~
{24} ~ Leaving for Internships ~
{25} ~ Hosu City Up in Flames ~
{26} ~ Stain ~
{27} ~ The Aftereffects ~
{28} ~ What the hell was that ? ~
{29} ~ Taking it Slow ~
{30} ~ Practical Partners ~
{31} ~ Team Midoriya and Bakugo ~
{32} ~ Shopping with 1-A ~
{33} ~ We meet again little one ~
{34} ~ What is Love ? ~
{35} ~ Freestyle Swimming with 1-A ~
{36} ~ Summer Camp Fun ~
{37} ~ A Test of Courage ~
{38} ~ The Midoriya's are Heroes ~
{39} ~ No matter the Cost ~
{40} ~ Protect Katsuki Bakugo ~
{41} ~ Touya Todoroki ~
{42} ~ Operation rescue Katsuki Bakugo ~
{43} ~ All Might Vs. AFO ~
{44} ~ Trust ~
{45} ~ It's Over ! ~
{46} ~ She's Mistreated ~
{47} ~ A Villian's Daughter ~
{48} ~ Phoenix Flame-Burn ~
{49} ~ Provisional Licenes Exam ~
{50} ~ Shindo Vs. Y/N ~
{51} ~ Shishikura Vs . Bakugo ~
{52} ~ Protect and Save ~
{53} ~ Katsuki Knows ~
{54} ~ Izuku Midoriya Vs. Katsuki Bakugo ~
{55} ~ House Arrests ~
{56} ~ Mirio Togata ~
{57} ~ I Love You ~
{58} ~ Overhaul the Young Leader ~
{59} ~ Work Studies ~
{60} ~ Phoenix, Red Riot, Suneater, and Fat ~
{61} ~ Future Heroes Red and Pheonix ~
{62} ~ Night Eye, Ryukyu, and Fat ~
{63} ~ Top Secret Mission ~
{64} ~ Tamaki Amajiki Suneater ~
{65} ~ Eijiro Kirishima Red Riot ~
{66} ~Y/N Midoriya-Todoroki Pheonix ~
{67} ~ Mirio Togata Lemillion ~
{68} ~ Izuku Midoriya Deku ~
{70} ~ Goodbye Sir Nighteye ~
{69} ~ Eri the Cursed Child ~
{71} ~ Pheonix's Flaming Heart ~
{72} ~ Fish Turd Delinquents ~
{73} ~ Dynamight's Advice ~
{74} ~ Remember to Smile ~
{75} ~ Katsuki Kills the Drums ~
{76} ~ Eri visits UA ~
{77} ~ Mission Make Eri Smile ~
{78} ~ Surprise Guests ~
{79} ~ This is not a drill ~
{80} ~ Dinner Invitation ~
{81} ~ Making Amends ~
{82 } ~ Hitoshi Shinsou ~
{83} ~ Shinsou's start line ~
{84} ~ Shinsou has Moves ! ~
{85} ~ Class A plus Shinsou Win!!! ~
~ A/N ~
{86} ~ Brother's of Darkness ~
{87} ~ Always looking ahead ~
{88} ~ Start talking you damn nerd! ~
{89} ~ Half of Sho's Strength ~
{90} ~ Sho's Exceptional Abilities ~
{91} ~ Surpassing the Limits ~
{92} ~ Our Bakugo ~
{93} ~ Become the #1 Hero ~
~ A/N ~
{94} ~ Blackwhip ~
{95} ~ A New Power ~
{96} ~ Congratulations Katsu and Sho ~
{97} ~ Merry Christmas Firefly ~
{98} ~ Off to Endeavor 's Agency ~
{99} ~ One Thing ~
{100} ~ Hellish Todoroki Family ~
{101} ~ Monster ~
{102} ~ Dying of Laughter Part 1 ~
{103} ~ Dying of Laughter Part 2 ~
{104} ~ Happy New Year ~
{105} ~ Cheers to New Beginnings ~
~ A/N ~
{106} ~ 2nd Year Ships ~
{107} ~ Heroes Assemble ~
{108} ~ Chargebolt's Heart ~
{109} ~ Keigo Takami ~
{110} ~ Heroes Never Give Up ! ~
{112} ~ Awakened ~
{113} ~ We meet again little one Pt.2 ~
{114} ~ Disaster Awaits ~
{115} ~ One Last Time ~
{116} ~ Protect The Ones You Love ~
{117} ~ Turn this anger into Power ~
{118} ~ Katsuki Bakugo : Rising Pt.1 ~
{119} ~ Katsuki Bakugo:Rising Pt. 2 ~
~ A/N ~

{111} ~ Reinforcements ~

361 18 3
By DekuandKacchan99

TW ~ ⚠️ Warning this chapter contains spoilers from season six read at your own risk! You've been warned ! ⚠️


~~💥 ~~ 💥 ~~ 💥 ~~ 💥 ~~

Tsukuyomi's POV ~

I finally reached the villa and left Fat behind in the woods. I'm flying up the stairs as fast as I can when I spot Hawks and Y/n's father up ahead.

Faster Dark Shadow.

"He's going to attack him! Not if I can stop him! Hawks !"I yelled as I kicked his hand away just in time as I threw my cloak over Hawks.

"I got him, he's bad Fumikage."Dark Shadow said.

"How bad?'I asked.

"His back is a nightmare, his wings are gone!"Dark Shadow said in horror.

"You're a UA rookie, you must be joking, they dragged students out to fill their ranks? Well take a good look your pal here killed Twice and stabbed him in the back with one of his big feathers. Twice was just trying to save his friends. Well, what are you here to do? come to rescue him? You still think that's the right thing these pros you admire play dirtier than me. Better learn that now before you waste your life worshiping them."Dabi said to me.

He must have a good reason for why he killed him.

He's still a hero to me.

"Tokoyami?"Hawks said quietly.

"Villain, I'm only concerned for my mentor."I said to him.

"You're brainwashed just like that stubborn daughter of mine. Do you know where she is? If you don't want to tell me that's fine I'm still going to burn you to ashes."He said with an evil smile on his face as he shot his flames at me.

No room, I can't dodge much.

"Sorry Fumikage."Dark Shadow said apologetically.

The light of flames is forcing Dark Shadow to retreat.

I need to get away quickly and get Hawks medical attention.

"He's still running his mouth?"Hawks said.

"Think about it, you barbequed birds who do you think really needs rescuing because it's not you."He said.

"Your orders?"I said.

"He couldn't finish me before because he was too busy talking and he's doing the same thing again but his powers may have some drawbacks so he's throwing us off guard to stall for time. The flames he just shot were a lot weaker than the last ones which means he can't fire in rapid succession anymore.We go now!"Hawks said to me.

"Dark Shadow."I said.

"Brace yourself, no, I'm too weak."She said.

"Hawks hey are you okay.He's still breathing the impact. I must have knocked him out, my apologies."I said.

"Mt. Lady block that passage to the underground!"A pro said.

"Rodger!"She said.

"This is good. There's far less light here, try dark fallen angel."I said as I picked Hawks up into my arms.

"I thought it might go down this way, so I saved power by making my last two shots weaker, say goodbye!"He said from above.

"Dark Shadow!"I said, preparing for takeoff.

This doesn't look good .

I'm all alone and in need of assistance.


Your POV ~

You and Katsuki run through
the woods towards the villa where Edgeshot's team was assigned to attack at the beginning of the raid.

"Dynamight we're getting close."You said as you felt the vibrations in your armlets getting stronger.

"Phoenix, look up there!"He said as he spotted flames spreading on the second floor.

Blue flames.

My father's here.

"I thought it might go down this way, so I saved power by making my last two shots weaker, say goodbye!"A voice said from the second floor.

"Dark Shadow."A voice said on the first floor.

I know that voice.

Tokoyami's here, too?

"Dynamight, I'll fight him! You go tend to Hawks!"You yelled as you rode your flames up the stairs.

"Support again? Dammit!"He yelled as he flew towards the others.

"Phoenix tail whip!"You yelled as you created a whip out of your flames.

"Well well well, if it isn't my little flame."Dabi said with a wicked smile.

"Get away from him father!"You yelled, gritting your teeth.

"Birdboy? What the hell are you doing here?"Katsuki yelled.

"I came to protect my mentor!"He said.

"And you brought Reinforcements I see."He said with a smirk as he spotted Katsuki a few feet away.

"Hell yeah, she did! Go ahead and try to her you bastard I'll kill you!"Katsuki yelled.

"You people are all the same and have the audacity to call yourselves heroes like him? You hypocrites!"He yelled.

"We are heroes, and Hawks is an amazing pro that's saved many lives."Tokoyami yelled.

"He's a murder and nothing more he killed Twice like it was nothing."Dabi said.

"You sound upset. So what's with the smile you lunatic?"Hawks said weakly.

"Hawks, you're hurt badly , safe your strength."You said sadly.

"Shut your mouth traitor ! You're being rude. It's not possible for me to cry. My tear ducts are burnt shut. Do you know what you've done? His quirk was invaluable. He made my dream feel possible! I'm more than just a little upset. I'm consumed by my sorrow!"Dabi said as he lit himself on fire.

"Phoenix Wings!"You said as you lit your arms on fire and swung at your dad.

"What's your deal? I researched the league.
Found background info on everybody except for you and Shigiraki. Tell me. Who are you?"Hawks demanded.

"Looks like he didn't hear me, go on and tell him little flame."Dabi said.

"He's Touya Todoroki, the oldest of the Todoroki family."You said.

"Now where were we, oh yeah, I remember see you Hawks! At the end of the day, your death means nothing!"Dabi said as he directed his flames at Hawks .

"Pheonix Tears!"You yelled as you punched your dad right in the cheek before you made a run for it!

"Nice left hook you got there Phoenix."He said as he wiped the blood off his cheek.

"Thanks now, tell me why did you do that to Hawks?"You said.

"Because I'm mourning the death of my friend."He said.

"I'm sorry for your loss, but this isn't healthy. "You said.

"I don't give a damn if it's healthy or not."He said.

"Is there anything you give a damn about?"You said.

"Yes, there are some things I give a damn about you and Hawks, too."He said.

"I'm your daughter, so of course you care about me, but why Hawks?"You said.

"Hawks and I have spent a lot of time working together, and I ended up falling in love with him along the way."He said with a blush.

Cute! It's been awhile since I seen my dad smile like that.

He's in love with Hawks?

A forbidden love.

A hero and a villian.

"Oh father, that's wonderful, but look what you've done you're just like Endeavor."You said in disgust.

"No you're wrong I'm nothing like that bastard father of mine!"He yelled.

"Oh but you are you've burned me, yourself, Hawks, and your family. You burn everything when will it end father?"You said with tears in your (e/c) eyes.

"I'll end when I get my revenge!"He said with a wicked smile.

"And when will that be?"You asked.

"Later on in this raid we'll see each other again soon! The truth will be revealed once and for all!"Dabi yelled.

"We'll see about that goodbye father!"You yelled as you ran towards the others.

I wonder what he's got planned ?

I can't worry about it now, I still have a job to do.

"Tokoyami, are you two okay?"You said.

"I'm fine. He's knocked out, but he's still breathing."He said.

"That's great. Do you think you can handle getting him out of here by yourself?"You asked .

"Yes Fat's in the forest. I'll take Hawks to him he'll know what to do! Thank you for coming to our rescue, you two!"He said with a smile.

"You're welcome, birdboy ! Pheonix, we better head back before Burnin realizes we're missing."Katsuki said.

"You're right, let's go Dynamight! We'll see you again after the raid, Tsukuyomi!"You yelled with a wave.

You and Katsuki fly as fast as you can back to Jaku City.

"Firefly, are you okay?"Katsuki asked.

"No, but I will be once this raid is over."You said.

"On the bright side you looked hot back there fighting your father."He said with a wink.

"Aww, thanks Katsuki."You said with a smile.

Father, I know you're hurting.

And even a villain can be saved.

Jaku City

The streets are crowded by the civilians you and the others helped evacuate as Burnin ordered. The two of you make it back just in time to blend in with the crowd as the neighbor huddled together with Burnin at the front of the chaos she created.

"We're fighting to protect you, this whole neighborhood can become a battlefield. Please tell us if you know if anyone has limited mobility or if you haven't been able to contact someone who might not know what's going on!"Burnin said.

"Everyone in the police vans move your asses!"Katsuki yelled as he joined Todoroki's side to protect the civilians as they loaded onto the vans.

"Thanks for your help young man, here have a chocolate bun."An old lady said as she held a sweet dessert in her hand toward Katsuki.

"Are you crazy! I'm working here!"Katsuki yelled at the old lady's gesture.

"She's just being nice Katsuki, you should take it, it's a token of her gratitude. "You said as you placed a hand on Katsuki's shoulder.

"If you're so desperate for dessert why don't you eat it yourself!"He yelled as he turned his back on her.

"Here I insist young man, it's the least I can do to thank you for helping us evacuate. "She said with a smile as she placed it in his hand.

"He can't even be nice to an old lady, can he? Gosh, you know how to pick them don't you Y/n?"Uraraka teased.

"That's my Katsuki, and you're right about that Uraraka. " You laughed as you watched their encounter.

"Yeah, sure fine I'll take it, oh, and thank you for the dessert,"Katsuki said bashfully as he took a bite and handed it to you.

"You're welcome, and young man don't lose that pretty girlfriend of yours you hear me? She's a keeper!"She said with a smile.

"Don't you worry ma'am I won't ever let her go never. "He said as he looked right at you waiting for you to take a bite of the chocolate bun.

"That handsome boyfriend of yours is a good one sweet pea, don't lose him you hear me ?He's a keeper!"She said before getting on the van.

"He is and don't you worry about that I'll never let him go ever. And thank you it's delicious!"You said with a smile as you bite into the chocolate bun and looked at Katsuki.

Both POV's ~

That's my Firecracker.

That's my Firefly

The love of my life .

The love of my life.

Till death due us part.

Till death due us part.

I fucking love you Katsuki Bakugo.

I fucking love you too Y/n Todoroki .

You're my one and only Katsuki.

You're my one and only Y/n.


Your POV ~

You and Katsuki's sweet moment is interrupted by your communicators.

*Beep. Beep.

"Anima here the fifth ward has been cleared!"Koda said.

"Hey hey it looks like we'll be done after this last group heads out!"Najire said.

"We should check nursing homes and apartment buildings one more time. It's the best way to be sure that no citizen has been left behind."Iida said.

"Remain calm. There's no need to panic!
You can wait in the shelter inside the city until we know it's safe to return!"Burnin said as all of you walked across the street.

"If anyone's feeling sick please don't hesitate to..."Deku started.


He's frozen just like he was during our joint training match against Class 1-B.

Something's wrong with OFA again.

I'll have to snap him out of it again, just like I did back then I'll slap him.


Third person POV ~

Reinforcements arrived and saved Hawks. Y/n fought her father and won and Tokoyami rushes Hawks to first - aide. Y/n and Katsuki made it back in time to help the others evacuate the citizens of Jaku City.

Our heroes are helping the citizens cross the streets, when Deku stops walking frozen still in the streets.

What's wrong with Deku?

Will the heroes save everyone in Jaku City?

Will have to wait and see.

Till next time!

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