Real LoveπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸŒΉπŸ’

By Carolina4240

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Tania lives at St. Louis, MO with her foster parents after being in and out of the system since she was born. More



38 3 0
By Carolina4240

I woke up on the Thursday morning as I pressed the snooze button, got up out of the bed, made them up and went to the bathroom. When I'm finished doing my morning hygiene, I went to my room as I sprayed my love box, put on my bra and panties set, lotion my body, put on my deodorant and put on my blue jeans and grey sweater with the brown belt on in.

Tamika's outfit

I put on my socks and brown boots, put on my hair into the bun, sprayed myself, put on my earrings, grabs my things and went to the kitchen as I saw my mom reading the news paper while the TV is on KMOV 4.

Like I said before, it's ain't shit on but news and some little kids shows early in the morning. I told my mom good morning as I went to the kitchen and heats up the Jimmy Dean brand sausage, eggs and cheese English muffin while I'm fixing me some coffee in my travel size coffee mugs.

When the breakfast sandwich is finished, I took them out and sat down on the breakfast bar as I let them cool down some before I gets ready to leave since my car got enough gas for the next 3 days because I'm taking my car with me to work on Saturday.

I'll stopped by the gas station on my way home so that I'll have enough for next week. When I'm finished eating my breakfast sandwich, I grabbed my things, told my mom bye and heading out of the door on the cold Thursday morning.

At least it's ain't extremely cold where I had to heat my car up while I'm eating my breakfast even though it's burns up the gas. I unlocked the car door, got in, put on my seatbelt, turn on the car, turn the heat on and drove off with no music playing because it's early in the morning where a lot of people still be asleep.

I'm at the media center drawing since I already ate breakfast before I gets here. Yes, I decided to come to school today since I heard that Dominique got expelled for beating the hell out of me yesterday over Brandy.

I may sees her anywhere else like the mall or whatever but at least I won't have to deal with her short temper for the rest of the school year. As for my dad, he going to come and picked me up at 6 PM tomorrow evening since I'll be at his house for the whole weekend to meet my family from my dad's side including my grandma.

So I'm going to pack up either tonight before I goes to bed or tomorrow since I comes home from school around 3:30 PM anyways. I hope that my dad's wife and his stepdaughter don't look at me in the wrong way because I've been humiliated by girls that are smaller than me due to my weights.

Good thing about school is that Aleah and Tamika always got my back since day one. Like the time when some Hispanic girl screamed at me for talking to her boyfriend like I slept with him or something.

So Aleah told that crazy ass Mexican girl to leave me alone where they spend about 15 minutes going back and forth until Coach Anthony came back from his little bathroom break. I got to admit, I'm glad that white man wasn't gone that long because it's would be the fight at the gym class where somebody be screaming "WorldStar" along with takes out their phone so that they can post it on Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook or whatever.

I know when did that shit happens, we was in sophomore at the time when he was going to take us to the tracks field since it's was a warm April that day. If it's wasn't for them 2 girls that I've been known since 7th grades, I don't know what the hell I'm going to do same thing goes to Rayvon since nobody loves me like he do.

I continue drawing the picture until it's time for me to get to my 1st block as I put my art stuff away and left the media center. I know Rayvon was trying to find me but can't because he usually sees me the first thing in the morning.

I'm in the bathroom taking a piss since nobody ain't in  here but me and the white girl who in the stall next to mind probably changing her pads and tampons. I'm still pissed off about what happens yesterday because Dominique with her crazy ass beats the dog shit out of Tania over Brandy since she got expelled.

I mean, it's not her fault that her little homegirl got kicked out for beating Mrs. O'Rourke ass last week since she'll be gone for a while. It's bad enough that she pushed me and rudely told me to move yesterday morning but taking her anger out on other people including Tania it's way worse because I heard that she threatened to kill her right in front of everybody in the office including her foster mom.

Good thing that I won't have to deal with her crazy ass  that much even though I'll see her at the mall or whatever. As for Tania, I'm glad that she wasn't seriously hurt because she would be at the hospital fighting for her life.

When I'm finished using the bathroom, I flushed the toilet and washed my hands before I get out of the bathroom since I've been in there long enough.

All 5 of us is at the cafeteria eating lunch since it's just started about 5 minutes ago. I know you asking me what I got for lunch, I got the pizza Lunchables today. I was going to eat this for snacks  while the pot roast is  still cooking but I decided to eat it for lunch.

Don't worry, I still got some Takis left since it's the family size bag anyways. While I'm eating the lunch, I asked Tania about her biological father since she just met him last weekend.
"What's time does your dad will come and pick you up?", I asked as I take an sip of the juice.
"Around 6 PM", She said as she takes an bite of the ham sandwich.

I'm pretty sure that she still going to be in foster care system since it's not like he moved in with her dad or anything where she has to go to another school. I hope that her biological father is able to at least get the joint custody of her because he tried to find Tania the whole time that he was on parole but she either be in the different foster parents or her no count ass mom didn't let him see her.

More I hear about how selfish her mom is, I'm glad that I never met her and in the safer home because she would look at me like I'm some kind of hookers out in the street somewhere.

Kisha, Rayvon, Tamika, Tania and I continue talking about the random things until it's time for us to go back to our 4th block as I threw my trash away and left the cafeteria since I got to use the bathroom real quick.

School just let out about 30 minutes ago since I went to my warm house and put on something simple which is my grey sweatpants and blue spaghetti strapped shirt.

Kisha's outfit

Now, I'm in the living room eating the Chewy Chip Ahoy cookies while I'm watching the reruns of SpongeBob since that shit is still running. My mom is cooking something simple tonight which is the hamburger helper with cresset rolls.

So I took the ground beef out of the freezer this morning before I went to school. That meals don't take no longer than 30 minutes because I know that my mom doesn't really feel like cooking. As soon they showing one SpongeBob episode where Mr. Krab with his greedy ass obsessed with the stupid penny that SpongeBob found at the middle of the streets, I took out the notebook and start doing my homework since it's after 4PM and I'm not waiting until tonight to do it.

I'm in the bathroom doing my nightly hygiene after I ate dinner which is I cooked some chicken parmesan and some garlic bread. Yes, I does cook around too since I cooked the whole meals including the spaghetti.

When I'm finished taking an shower, I dried off, washed my face, brush my teeth and got out of the bathroom as I went to my room, sprayed my lovebox, put on my pink boy shorts, lotion my body and put on my black pajama set.

Tania's pajamas

I put on my deodorant, sprayed myself and sat down on the bed as I started writing the pomes about family. I did packed my bags earlier today before I started cooking dinner tonight even though my dad will come and get me around 6PM tomorrow evening.

At least I got that shit out of the way so I won't have to do it after school tomorrow. I might watch TV for a couple of hours before I leave but the only thing I need to do is put my personal things in the overnight bag including shampoo because I'll be washing my hair while I'm at my biological dad's house.

I continue writing pomes until it's time for me to go to bed as I put my notebook and pen up, laid down, turn the lamp off and went to sleep since the alarm clock is on the same time as I normally gets up.

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