By Elle_hcim08

700K 12.7K 1.9K

Hello :}}}} So this is my first story. Its my first draft so there'll be errors, it will eventually be edite... More

Forbidden Love.
18th birthday.
About Me.
Excitement to disappointment.
And school starts.
Making friends.
Too much in a day.
I need to know.
Riding shotgun.
So far, so good.
Call me Cedric.
Grumpy wolfy.
A long talk- I
A long talk- II
And training begins.
You're really something.
This moment.
Just Jared.
Weekend. - Day I
Weekend. - Day II
Reo Speedwagon.
A happy day.
Pampered Avie.
Night out.
Sunday of truth.
Hakuna Matata.
Shit happens.
Poker face.
Annual Shindig.
Be strong Avie.
Maybe someday.
EPILOGUE: Standing at the edge of the earth.

A Stranger.

14.4K 312 42
By Elle_hcim08


I composed myself to the norm before I got in and found my smiling mother waiting in the front door. For the record, she really is being more of a mother now. I walk towards her and give her a warm hug. After she hugged me, she kind of sniffed me a bit.

"Honey, you smell like a wolf" It was the first thing she noticed and I froze for awhile to come up with another excuse for that.

"Mom, I'm friends with wolves and we hanged out awhile back soo maybe thats why I smell like them" She nodded and sniffed me one more time.

"Ohh, so is this how they all smell like?" she asked and I grinned almost wanting to laugh at her reaction.

"Uhhh, no mom, they uh.. they have different scents" I tried to explain.

"Ohh, well, you smell like a man. Whos scent is it?" She was now beginning to grow more curious about the wolves.

"uhh, the alphas son. Eiffer. Well, uhh, he's the one driving me home before Ced came but now that Ced has Callie to take home, I went back to ride in his car" She furrowed her brows.

"Oh, that's kind of him. Doesn't it bother him dropping you home? I can always talk to your dad about getting you your own car" I smiled and shook my head in a no. I used to complain about not having one back in LA and I'd ask mom to talk to dad about it but now that things have changed, I'd rather ride with my wolfy.

"They don't mind mom and I'm a bit reckless and lazy to have one now. I like it better on the passengers seat" She didn't seem to buy it.

"That's quite strange, I thought you always wanted one" And well yeah like I said, it's different this time.

"Well, not anymore mom. Anyway, is Ced home already?" I asked changing the subject.

"Yes, he came 10 minutes before you, go get changed now hon and then I'll call you and Ced down when your dad arrives." I smiled excitedly for this dinner.

"Whats for dinner mom?"

"I made steak and pesto salad and for dessert I baked you a peanut butter chocolate cake" She does know how to cook, she had to learn for my own sake. Then I heard my tummy roar making me hungry.

"mmmm, YUMMY!" I went my way to my room and took a quick shower and put on my sweat pants before I sent wolfy a message.

Me: 'You home already?'

While waiting for his reply I took off my home works in my bag and started going through them. After a minute my phone vibrated.

Eiffer: 'Yupp! miss me already?' he replied and I smirked. Well I do miss him already. Either im being exaggerated or overwhelmed but I do miss him already. Call me crazy and over acting but yeah.

Me: 'Not really..' I answered back not admitting the truth.

Eiffer: 'Not good at lying pumpkin.. Had dinner already?'

The kind of feeling you get when you know that someone knows the real you, knows when you're lying and knows when you're sad and hurt or happy. Its just really over whelming.

Me: 'Nope! waiting for dad. You?'

Eiffer: 'Not yet.. I'll eat when you'll eat.'

Me: 'Thats so sweet of you wolfy but please if you're hungry, go eat and don't miss out on your dinner just because of me' Well, I don't want him to starve himself. And this is way too mushy and too overreacting for both of us but pardon the newly secret lovers guys.

Eiffer: 'Not hungry yet pumpkin so i'll just wait for you. No arguments.'

Me: 'Even when texting you still go alpha on me!!! lol' i said.

Eiffer: ^_-

Me: :-*

And so there we go again exchanging emoticons. Corny? well, yeah, maybe, but we find joy in petty things. That's just how we are. We exchanged sms while working on our homeworks and after awhile Ced came knocking on my door.

"Whats up?" I asked as I opened the door and he looked at me with his brows furrowed.

"Your mom had been yelling out your name and I've been knocking for quite awhile almost knocking your door down and you open it and ask me 'Whats up'?" he said quoting 'whats up' in the air and I was just as confused. How could I not hear them? Oh my. I think my sense of hearing have been wandering around while texting wolfy. I gave him a smile and nodded.

"I'm sorry, I was just busy with homework and lost track of what's going around" I lied and he raised his brow at me like a habit he always does when he's not convinced over anything I say and shook his head.

"You're acting totally strange you know, I think I should get Jared to get through your head and let me know what's going in it" I pat his shoulder lightly.

"You wouldn't!" Then he laughed.

"I think I will convince him if you don't tell me whats making you all strange now" I stared at him knowing I won't escape it. Should I tell him? Would he judge me? Of course he'll go against it, after all he's working for Landon which I completely forgot about.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked and he looked at me seriously.

"Do I look like a gossip monger?" Well that's true, he's never one to air out a dirty laundry so I know he won't definitely tell a single soul about it. Plus, I trust him.

"Its just that its something really big and I don't know if its safe to let anyone know." I had to make sure though and he held my shoulders.

"Didn't you say I'm like your big annoying brother? well if that's the case then you can trust me. But if right now you think its safer not for me or anyone to know then I won't force you but if you're willing to talk about it or share it then my door's always open." This is what I like about him, not being too pushy, but a motivator in a way that's positive.

"I'll tell you when I'm ready" I said just like how I said it to Enzo. When will I ever be ready to tell the truth? I've been making it a habit to lie about things. Its becoming normal to me now and I don't wanna go on like this but its just that, I don't have the courage yet.

"Cedric.. Avie.. come down now." Mom yelled and I pulled Ced and went down stairs as I ran up to my dad again. Always will be my daddy's little girl. Smiling all the way to my seat as I waited for them to settle down. My tummy is growling in hunger now as the food hits my senses. I slipped my hand on my lap and sent a message to Eiffer.

Me: 'Dinner time wolfy.. lets eat'

Eiffer: 'Lets dig in then pumpkin'.

Me; 'Eat well wolfy.. later! :-* i replied smiling.

"Hon, no mobiles, no texting over dinner please." mom said and I shoved my phone in my pocket and started eating. Later on we were all laughing and sharing stories about our day and found out mom had already started working on the garden and was able to think of new flowers to grow.

The dinner was amazing and my day is just complete. As I lay in bed and drift to sleep, I wish this happiness won't go away.


This morning at school I was off to drop my things in my locker and as I opened it up, there again was another white stemmed rose and Eiffer was instantly around me. I took time to smell the lovely rose, pulled off a petal and placed it in my book as I turned to face Eiffer who had a smirk on his face. I eyed him up and down giving my sight the pleasure to drool over his handsomness and boy was I ever satisfied! I once again indulged in his manly scent and breathed it in the air. But one thing that never slipped my eyes is the fact that his hands are in his pockets and I did not dare say anything about it, afraid that things might go a little farther once more.

"Morning pumpkin." Mornings like this with him is what I'm always looking forward to before I start the day.

"Morning wolfy." We started to walk towards my home room. I made sure this time to keep a little distance though its annoying me to but I can't risk another word from Shelby sniffing me. I wouldn't know how to lie about it again.

As we reached the door and the students were all gone, he again surprised me with a kiss on the lips but I was quick enough to stop him before he could.

"Wolfy, Shelby's gonna smell you all over me again and I don't wanna make up another lie about it." Sure I want that kiss, hell I want it bad but I really don't know what to tell Shelby if she asks again. Eiffer stepped closer as I backed away.

"1 kiss?" I shook my head.

"wolfy, no." He kept teasing and I kept declining. He now put his hand together saying 'please as he smiles at me and I can't help but return his smile.

"Im sorry wolfy. I'll give you one later." I said and he finally gave in and smiled.

"i'll be looking forward to that! Love you pumpkin" he said as he backed away and started walking off. I whistled at him and he turned around to face me with furrowed brows.

"I love you too wolfy!" I gave him a flying kiss instead. Like children we are. He smiled at me and when i was satisfied enough, I turned my heel to get inside. Luckily this time, the teacher was about to check the attendance so I rushed to my seat with Shelby eyeing me.

"What?" I asked in a teasing way and she gives me a look of confusion.

"What is it with you going to your locker and coming in late?" she asked. Oh well, I thought I won't have to make up an excuse today. I smirked.

"I walk slow.. you know that.. and I went to pee" I said not looking at her in the eye. It's not such a good thing but it's a consequence of what I chose to get myself into so I must not complain.

The class started and we were all busying ourselves with school work and I was inspired enough to get it done and zone out once again. As I looked through the window, I couldn't help but admire the sun as it shined bright. My thoughts were clouded up by Eiffer and his cute expression while he was saying please. I wonder how I managed to resist him. I laughed internally at myself as I glanced up the empty grounds of the school and saw a man dressed in all black.

I blinked and glanced at it again but it wasn't there anymore. What the hell? I thought to myself. I'm sure he was a man, tall enough and he was wearing black from head to toe, wearing a coat even. What's a man dressed for halloween doing in the school grounds. I thought to myself. I sighed as I looked out once again and shrugged it off.


At lunch break, Eiffer and Enzo weren't around in the canteen where they usually wait for us. My eyes instantly roamed around to look for him but he wasn't around. I turned to Shelby who was busy on her phone and Annie instantly ran up to Theo while Denz wrapped his arm around my shoulder and messed up my hair like he always does.

"Denz I swear I am going to kick you in the ass if you mess up my hair again!" I tried to sound annoyed as I brushed my fingers on my hair. I woke up early to keep it from sticking around my face. Denz was seemingly curious though.

"Since when did you care too much about your hair?" Yeah, Avie, since when did you care? well, since Eiffer said I was beautiful. Of course I added up effort to fix myself up. I don't know but all of a sudden i'm conscious about how my hair is. I smirked at him.

"Well, I do now." I said not wanting to elaborate more and he laughed and messed up my hair once again.

"Yeah right avie!" He yelled as I try to pull his hand away. We headed up to the big tree as Shelby was still busy with her phone.

"Where's Enzo and Eiff?" Annie asked before I did.

"The Alpha called them earlier. Didn't say why though." Denz said as I secretly brought out my phone and texted Eiffer.

Me: 'Everything alright wolfy?' I asked as we all ate. 10 minutes later my phone vibrated. That's the longest time he ever replied to me so I think it might be really serious.

Eiffer: 'yupp. tell you bout' it later love. Now, eat.^_-.

Me: 'eating now eiffy wolfy.'

Eiffer: 'good. see you later pumpkin. gtg. love you' He texted back as I smiled in satisfaction.

"What do you think is it about?" Annie asked Shelby.

"Nothing serious I hope, Enzo can't get through his phone, says their busy" Shelby said as I turned to Denz who was again playing with his phone.

"How was your party Denz?" I asked and he turned to me and smiled.

"Fun." He was too focused on his game. I sat and leaned on the tree as I started zoning out again. Its a bore without Eiffer around. I wish the bell would ring so we can get to class and get it done so i'll get the chance to see him again. Am I being obsessed? is this normal?

As I was enjoying the song I was playing. I looked through the trees and once again saw that black man in coat standing behind one, I couldn't see his face though so I blinked a couple of times thinking maybe he'll be out of sight just like awhile ago but as soon as I opened my eyes to the 4th time, he was still standing there, staring right at me?. I roamed my eyes behind me and there was nobody there, I roamed to the side with the wolves busy doing their thing and my eyes darted back at the man. He was indeed staring at me.

I pulled out my head phones as I stood up almost like I'm hypnotized and I stared at him back. Who could it be?

"You dropped your phone Avie.." Shelby said but I couldn't take my eyes off the man I was looking at so I ignored Shelby and I found my legs running towards the man. What does he need and why is he staring? my curiousity got the best of me so I ran to where he was standing. Was he following me?

As I got there he started running away from me, deep in our schools eco-friendly forest. I ran after him and tripped over a few times but not wanting to lose sight of him.

"Who are you?" I yelled at him as I came to a stop and he turned around to look at me. He was a bearded man with a trench coat, all black. he had a hat that was also black and his eyes were human. His scent was too.

"Who are you?" I asked again and he stood there still staring. He had a wrinkled fore head. His eye bags were visible. He looks like he's 40 something in age. I stepped closer and closer but he wasn't moving. He just stared at me. I was trying to penetrate something in his eyes.

There was relief, longing, agony, exhaustion and all mixed up human emotions. I don't know why but I found myself reaching up to him as if I was under a spell. He looked at me and i almost passed out when he was mumbling something under his breath. Words I couldn't hear nor understand.

"Why are you here and why are you running away from me?" I asked in frustration and when we heard a branch snapping he turned around and ran faster as I tried to catch up with him. He ran too fast and I didn't look where I was heading and tripped over a rock and fell down on my knees. When I looked up and around, the stranger wasn't around anymore. Who was that man?

The wolves scents hit me as I tried to stand up but pain shot through my ankle. Now, I twisted my ankle. Damn. I muttered to myself as Cedric hurriedly carried me up followed by Denz and the rest of the wolves.

"What the f*ck were you chasing avie?" Denz said looking around the forest. I blinked for a couple of times to snap back to reality and when I did I saw their confused, worried faces. Shelby was holding my hand while Annie and Theo were sniffing around the woods.

"Ahh.. uhh, i.. I was.. I don't know.." I was stuttering still trying to see if he was around.

"Are you okay? you look too pale.." Cedric said as I was still lost in that moment. Did that happen? What happened ?

"We gotta take you to the clinic" Shelby said looking at my ankle that was already sore. Cedric then held me tighter.

"Hold tight, I'm gonna speed up" Ced whispered and I did as he said. In a matter of minutes we were back at the school and every student stepped aside our way as Callie run up in worry.

"What happened? is she okay?" I heard her say as I was still lost in my own thoughts trying to figure out who that man is. When I was placed in the clinic, the school nurse asked them to get back to classes.

"We have to stay, we have to make sure she's okay" Shelby said not wanting to leave.

"We're not going anywhere til' we're sure she's fine" Cedric said as well in a serious tone.

"I will take care of her, I can't do that if you're all here and one of you needs to let her teachers know she won't be coming in for the next subjects and kids, please I know what i'm doing here. Now go and get to your classes. This is not a good excuse for you to ditch" The nurse was beginning to sound irritated as they all complained. Annoyed by their voices I turned to them. I was touched by how much they care about me but my ankle is in deep pain as the minutes pass by and its causing me to be more agitated.

"Guys, i'll be fine. I'll stay here." J pleaded to them though they hesitated, they gave in later on seeing as I was already sweating in pain while the school nurse was writing some slip for Shelby to give to my class.

"Don't go anywhere. Stay here." Cedric said and I nodded as they left the room.


The school nurse came to my aid and some other nurse came in and examined my ankle.

"You won't need an x-ray but i'm gonna need to twist your ankle back" I eyed him in shock.

"Will it hurt?" He nodded. Of course it would

"But it will make you feel better, its the only way." I closed my eyes and when he twisted my ankle back where it should be I screamed in pain that it echoed through the hall ways. I felt relieved after and passed out.

I woke up to a kiss on my fore head. I opened up my eyes to see Eiffers face and that was enough to make me smile. My ankle hurt a little bit but not like earlier. I see it strained and bandaged though. I looked up at Eiffer and touched his face.

"I was so worried about you pumpkin. What happened out there?" he asked in such worry.

"How'd you know?" He kissed my cheeks and pecked my lips.

"You weren't texting back and I knew something was up, I just felt something was off so I called up Denz and he told me you ran in the woods and tripped."

"Why were you running?" I tried to move my feet but it pained me so I cursed at it while Eiffer steadies me down.

"Easy pumpkin." He said carefully as he guided me so I can sit down. He placed the pillow behind me gently.

"Aren't you suppose to be with your dad?"

"I sneaked out when he wasn't looking. I just needed to come see you and make sure you're alright."

"I'm okay now, feeling better now that you're here. But won't your dad be mad? what are you up to?"

"Nah, i'll work on it later. He called me and Enzo to search on someone who trespassed in our boundary. We caught 1 but he wasn't a rogue. He claims he meant no harm and so we brought him to dad and he asked us to search about him. Turns out he has a daughter who he would want to come here." He said stroking my hair.

"Not a rogue? they want to move here?"

"Not a rogue but some pack from Ohio, we verified it and yeah he and his wife and daughter wants to move here and we just gotta do some double checking just to make sure they're no harm."

"So are you gonna let them stay?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Its up to dad pumpkin. I'm just there to do the back ground checking. Enough about it. I want to know what happened in the woods?" I choked at that not knowing what to say or how to even explain it.

"Well, I saw a stranger in black during 1st period and saw him again this lunch. He was staring at me so i went to approach him but he ran so I ran after him and I tripped." I was still in a lot of daze thinking about him because I felt he had something to do with me.

"Who is he? did you see his face?" I did, he didn't look scary or creepy, just a bit weird.

"Will you recognize him if you see him again?" I nodded. Its almost like being questioned by authorities.

"He's human wolfy. I don't know why I ran after him and why he ran away from me." He then furrowed his brows in deep thought.

"I'll ask some guys to scout the area and next time, don't approach strangers with suspicious looks okay? Most specially, don't go chasing strangers, you got me worried sick and I hate it" He spoke in his alpha tone and I reached up to cup his face and pinch his nose as I smiled at him and gave him a peck.

"Sorry wolfy. I didn't mean to worry you." I meant it and he sighed and breathed in my throat.

"As long as you're okay pumpkin," And luckily he stood up as soon as the curtain was pulled open and Cedric came in. Just in time before we got caught in another compromising position.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked in a worried tone.

"Yeah, i'm fine Ced. Just twisted my ankle." I tried to sound okay as he examined it.

"Nurse told me you'll need crutches for at least a week and thats what you get for being clumsy" He was trying to joke but in a worried tone with a touch of anger. While Eiffer stood there just looking at me.

"I'll take you home now." Cedric said and I frowned.

"No, Eiffer will and you take Callie home" I protested as he glanced at Eiffer and back at me.

"Not this time Avie, and we need to talk"

"I want Eiffer to take me home Ced and please take Callie home".

"Dont worry man, I'll take care of her" Eiffer butted in as Cedric looked at him studying his features.

"Fine then." He finally gave in and left after saying bye. The rest of the wolf gang followed through seeing as school is done and I was overwhelmed by how they actually care for me. And how worried they were. Eiffer picked me up bridal style since I didn't have crutches yet. The students again stepped aside while staring at us and I not wanting the attention, just burried my face in Eiffers neck and held tighter on to him.

When I was settled in his car, he strapped my seat belt and kissed me on the fore head once more before he ran to the drivers seat. I entwined my fingers on his free hand and kissed it.

"Seems like you'll have a girlfriend on crutches for a week" He glanced and kissed my hand this time.

"Yeah, because she's stubborn. I don't mind though" I smiled as I temporarily forgot about what happened in the woods.

"Thank you for being here wolfy" He once again kissed my hand.

"I just wish I was there with you tho. I'll try to find out who that man is but for now what matters to me is you're fine and unharmed." Then we went home in silence as I was in deep thought about what happened so Eiffer who seemed thinking deep too.

I rubbed the back of his neck to relax him a bit and he smiled once more. As soon as we reached our house, I grabbed him for a quick kiss before he went down and opened the door for me. He picked me up bridal style and we headed in the front door.

"You're gonna meet my mom" He didn't seem to mind about it.

"Yeah, think she'll like me?" That I'm not sure about but now that she's opening up to other creatures then I think she definitely will.

"I think she will".

The door instantly opened with my mom filled with worry and almost crying at my state. Of course Cedric already told her what happened.

"Mom I'm fine. I just twisted my ankle" I tried as much as I could to make her feel better about the situation.

"No that's not fine.! it could have been worse!" I gestured Eiffer to bring me to my room. When he laid me down, I think its the only time my mom noticed that I was with somebody.

"And mom this is Eiffer, the Alphas son" I said as she turned to face Eiffer and studied him for a moment while Eiffer extended his hand for a shake.

"Good afternoon Mrs.Payne" Eiffer introduced himself politely as mom grabbed his hand and smiled.

"Good afternoon and thank you for bringing my daughter home." She turned her attention to me and asked me again for the hundreth time if I'm alright.

"Is there anything you want honey?" She really didn't pay attention much to Eiffer and was just solely focused on me.

"Mom can you make me a lemonade please? like the one you used to make when I was little." She smiled and rubbed my cheek.

"Of course, I'll prepare some herbs to make your ankle heal faster too" She said and went down. Eiffer closed the door and sat on my bed side.

"Your mom isn't the way you used to describe her. She seems cool and she really cares for you like all mothers would" I smiled in agreement as I sat up and noticed he cancelled another phone call.

"Wolfy, you've been cancelling your calls. Who is it?"

"Its dad, looking for me."

"I think you should go back on your duties wolfy, I'm home safe and sound and mom is here so no need to worry anymore." I stroked his hair and he leaned closer. We kissed lightly as he stood up, kissed my fore head and went ahead. In the back of my mind I'm still wondering who that stranger was. Why didn't he say a word at all and why he ran.

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