Pampered Avie.

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Dad came home early upon hearing about my little accident. Mom prepared me all my favorite meals and Cedric had been standing guard and had been busy making calls to whoever. With the help of my mom, I managed to get changed and dad carried me down stairs for dinner. It feels quite nice to be taken cared of. I'm being pampered like a child and its over whelming.

"So would you like to tell us why you were chasing a stranger?" Dad asked and I looked at him recalling the stranger I ran after.

"He was staring at me so I walked up to him and he ran away from me. My curiousity got the best of me." This time he looked at Cedric.

"Did you get any information about this stranger?"

"From what I've gathered there's tons of strangers in and out of the city. In the school grounds, I bribed the security to hand me a copy of the CCTV and will work on it tomorrow. There's no visitor in the log book listed so the stranger might have sneaked his way in" I cautiously listened at the same time my curiosity got deeper as to who he is.

"That's covered then. We'll figure out soon and for you young lady, you have to tone down your curiosity and when you feel like somethings off or see this stranger again or any other person suspiciously lurking around, you let me or Cedric know right away. You understand?" My dad wasn't being the sweet dad, he was being the vampire father like.

"Yes dad" I knew I had to if things like this happens again.

"If this stranger is following you around then we all have to be extra careful. I'll let Landon know about this." But I didn't want to bother him with all his troubles down the kingdom so I looked up at him and held his hand.

"Dad he doesn't need to know. Besides, the stranger didn't harm me. I was the one who injured myself and I'm sure that Landon is busy with more important things." I pleaded wanting him to understand.

"Okay I'll let it slip this time but you have to promise me that you won't go wandering around alone." He looked at Ced as well to tell him to be more watchful over me.

"He could be imposing danger and we have to watch out for that" He added making a note that this could be a serious matter.

"I promise dad. I'll be careful" I had to assure him just so he won't worry too much.

After dinner, mom asked me to stay for awhile so she can replace the bandage and put some herbs in it for it to heal a bit faster. Moments after dinner, my crutches have been delivered and thats only when it dawned at me that I'll be walking with it for awhile.

Mom was carefully taking off my foot bandage and placed some of her herbal stuff that smelled disgusting.

"Eeww mom, what is that?" I couldn't help but cover my nose.

"Honey, it's a mix of my herbal plants and it will make your ankle heal faster. A week of crutches can be lessened in 3 days so don't complain." She was being such a lovely mom lately, she massaged my foot lightly with her soft light hands and washed it after and replaced it with a new one.

"The aplhas son is a nice young man. Are your wolf friends all boys?" I know by the way she speaks that she's trying to fetch information about me hanging out with guys. She used to tell me when I was younger that I have to be careful making friends with guys.

"Yeah, he is mom. And nope, they're not all guys.. I have 2 girlfriends and they're just as nice." She smiled not asking more as she asked Ced to bring me to my room.

He settled me down and pulled up my sheets and covered me as he pulled up my chair and sat down with his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped together.

FORBIDDEN LOVE - BOOK I (2012)Where stories live. Discover now