Is this love? - Vikklan

By MakiNishikinooo

49.7K 1.6K 655

The more he plays with him, the more his feelings grow. But when Vikk gets teamed up with Lachlan in UHC, he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Thank you note~ <3
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 21 - Part 2 (IMPORTANT)
Chapter 22

Chapter 16

1.8K 57 22
By MakiNishikinooo

-Vikk's POV-

/Back at the Sidemen house/

"I'm gonna miss you guys.." I say, standing in front of the airport.

Simon, Ethan and Josh had helped me bring my stuff to the airport. I was heading to America, where I would be moving in with the rest of the Pack. I was happy I would get to be with Lachlan all the time know, but would miss these guys.

"Aww Vikk.. we're gonna miss you too. But you have lived with us for quite awhile, and we want you to go be with your other friends.. and you're boyfriend." Josh replies.

Simon and Ethan nod, agreeing.

"Well.. my flight is leaving soon. Gotta go. I'll defineitly visit!" I tell them, about to cry. I go up to them and give each of them a long hug.

"We'll miss you Vikk.." Ethan says, actually crying.

I turn around, suitcases in hand, and walk to my gate, tears rolling down my face. It's gonna be alright.. I get to be with the man I love. Right?

After the flight, I arrive at the airport in Florida. Yes, we were going to be living in Florida. Even if he we hadn't bought this house, Mitch, Jerome, and Lachlan were going to move in near Ryan. Florida was very warm, which would be nice. I step out of my gate, and see Mitch and Jerome.

"Hey guys!" I yell, running over to them.

"Hey Vikk! How was your flight?" Jerome asks.

"It was good! I'm just exhuasted. I got no sleep."

"Well, you can sleep when we get to the house. Let's go." Mitch says, sounding a bit angry.

"What's up with him?" I ask Jerome.

"Not sure, he's just been acting like that. We'd better go." I nod, and follow Jerome.

We arive at Mitch's car. I throw my bags in and hop into the front seat.

"So, what's the new house look like?" I ask.

"Well, it has a pool, which is awesome. I think there's seven bedrooms, a large kitchen, a gaming room, an office.. a typical house." Jerome replies.

Yea, typical.

"Sweet! Can't wait to see it.."

We arrive at the house about twenty minutes later. I get of out the car and grab my bags. The house was.. huge.

"Yea Jerome, this is a typical house. Or a fudging mansion." I say, laughing.

I approch the front door as Mitch opens it. The inside was huge! A large kitchen to the right, the living room to the left with a long couch and a flat screen TV. Further down, I see a staircase leading upstairs, some rooms to the right of it. I head upstairs.

Every door had a large banner on it. Jerome's had a diamond axe, Preston's had a cactus, Mitch's had a bow and sword, Lachlan's had a fish, Rob's had flowers, and mine had my star on it. They looked really well made.

"Your room is.. well you know which one it is." I turn around, to see Rob behind me. "Hey Rob! These banners are pretty cool." I say.

"Guess who made them..?" He asks.

"Let me guess.. judging by the style, Kerushi?" I reply. "Yep! Shes amazing, isn't she." 

(A/N: Shout out to KerushiDraws on Twitter/Instagram, she is amazing!)

After talking to Rob for a bit, I walk into my room. First of all, it was huge. There was an amazing view of the ocean. There was a desk with my computers on it. On the walls were various posters of art of me, which made me happy. The room had red walls and blue carpet. This house was insane!

Ask I'm unpacking, I hear my door open. It was none other than Lachlan. I stand up, and walk over to him, wrapping my arm around him.

"I missed you.." I say. I look up, get on on toes and give him a kiss.

"I missed you too. This house is amazing huh?"

I nod in reply.

"Let's go out to the pool." Lachlan suggets. "We can uh.. watch the sunset."

I laugh, and take his arm, dragging him out of my room and outside. I pull up two of the chairs to next to the pool. We sit down, and I take his hand.

The sunset was beautiful. It was a mix of red, pink and orange. I had never really just sat down and observed the sunset. I sat there, with my amazing boyfriend, watching as night approached. I ended up falling asleep, still holding his hand.

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