Sakura Urameshi: Chapter Blac...

By Rosentic_xo

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Sakura took a step back and raised her energy shield. "Who's there?" she called sharply. The only response... More

1. It Wasn't A Dream
2. Spirit Trial
3. Kintsugi
4. When Worlds Collide
5. Elemental Sites
6. Power Sphere
7. Last Chance At Victory
8. You're In My Territory
9. Taboo
10. Battle of Wits
11. Divine Justice
12. Eyes Always Watching
14. Out of the Shadows
15. No Control
16. Into the Storm
17. Truth and Lies
18. Divided We Fall
19. Too Late
20. Obsession
21. Road to War
22. No Way Out
23. Unhinged
24. Don't Be Afraid
25. I Don't Believe It
26. Goblin City
27. I'll Show You Everything (Part 1)
28. I'll Show You (Part 2): The Safe Zone
29. I'll Show You (Part 3): Bloodshed
30. I'll Show You (Part 4): Monster
31. Game Over
32. Bonus Round
33. Your Fault
34. Arrival
35. Kurama's Fury
36. I'm Here
37. Spirit Detective Showdown
38. Lucky Seven
39. Whatever the Cost
40. What Lies Beneath
41: Seikoki
42: Vengeance
43. The Atavism
44. Power Unleashed
45. It Ends Here
46. Running Out of Time
47. Listen To Me
48. It's Over
49. Into the Light
50. The Road Ahead
Author's Note
Bonus Chapter: Every Step of the Way
Sneak Preview - Book 4: Three Kings

13. Heart of Darkness

236 13 33
By Rosentic_xo

Haruki slunk back out of the way and leaned up against the wall. Using Technique Binary to its maximum effect was going to require meticulous concentration and precise control.

"Good luck, Ghost," Sensui smiled down at him.

Haruki smiled back. "The old man's lessons have eventually proved of some use,"

Closing his eyes, Haruki summoned the power flowing through his body and directed it outwards. The building was only metres away.

So close...

In seconds, his projected consciousness had slipped inside the hospital. Haruki's projection surveyed the area. He'd ended up somewhere near the basement, as he'd hoped. Somewhere nice and close to the hospital's power supply, but not near the girl he was targeting.

Mr Sensui said to keep her busy. Of course, it'll be much easier once I've taken the light...

The quickest way to do that, was to become one with the darkness itself.


With ice in her heart, Sakura eyed the cloud of insects that hovered between her and the door. They seemed to be almost daring her to try and run. Around her, the infected were moaning and shivering.

There seemed little point to destroy the insects and attempt to pry the door open. The lights were out, the power was blown, and the territory was making communication difficult inside the hospital and impossible outside it.

Yusuke told me to contact the others. But these damn insects are everywhere and Yusuke needs me here...

Sakura stared at the insects in her way, knowing she only had a few seconds to make a choice, and her options were severely limited. Either she could shoot a blast and hope it would take out the door along with the insects, or run and try to find a different way out. Neither was ideal...

Think, Sakura. Think! What's the smartest thing you can do right now?

Then, the answer came to her.

Turn the power back on, and you can get out long enough to contact Kurama!

It was the best option of a bad list. If she could find the generator, a healthy dose of her energy would probably be enough to restart it for a few minutes at least.

"Spirit Blast!"

Sakura's energy orbs vaporised all the insects in front of her. Then she whirled around and sprinted up the staircase. She might not be able to see the psychics, but her tsunagu training should be able to lead her to an inanimate object. She was sure of it.

Just find somewhere quiet, somewhere those insects can't get to you, and use every ounce of energy to find that power source!


As Yusuke and Genkai ran upstairs, Kido pushed forward on the ground floor, keeping his eyes out for anyone. The halls seemed to be empty, but soon he spotted someone coming out of a door.

"Nurse!" Without thinking, Kido hurried over and steered the nurse back into the room she'd been exiting.

"Please, sir. I'll scream!"

Kido looked her dead in the eye. He was running on pure adrenaline. "Listen to me. There's a criminal posing here as a doctor. You need to help me find him, maybe a doctor you don't recognise!"

The nurse stared at him in fear. She seemed lost for words.

"What's going on?!" A new voice enquired sternly.


Where are you, Sakura?

His initial task complete, Haruki had left the basement and headed straight for the top floor. With the lights out, there were plenty of shadows to speed up his journey, and now his projection was zipping around in search of his target. So far, there was no sign of Sakura, but Haruki knew she wouldn't be able to escape the building thanks to the blackout.

Nearly three months since he'd laid eyes on her. Three months since he'd gotten a glance. Surely she would've been training since the tournament closed. Maybe she'd let her midnight black hair grow out. Perhaps she would be in another alluring combat outfit...

The thought was tantalising. Even if Sensui had ordered him not to stray from the plan or extract her secrets, he was still going savour every moment he had. And no matter what, he needed to avoid the Spirit Detective at all costs.

One last look around. She's definitely not here. Probably trying to find a way out on the lower floors...

Haruki melted back into the shadows and began the journey downstairs. He'd search every inch of this place.


Kido turned around to see a young doctor striding into the room. "Why are you harassing my staff?!"

"Doctor Kamiya!" the nurse said frantically. "I don't know what he's talking about!"

Kamiya looked through his glasses at Kido with a frown. "Leave before I call security!"

"You don't get it!" Kido said urgently. "Go ahead, call security. There's someone in this hospital pretending to be a doctor. Everyone here is at risk!"

Silence filled the room. The doctor stared back at Kido with a stunned expression.

"Believe me!" Kido's voice was rising with panic. "He's already shot up two of my friends with some kind of infection. This guy is a serious danger to the whole hospital!"

Kamiya took a deep breath and nodded. "I take all threats seriously, young man. You can let the nurse go now,"

Kido jumped. He'd totally forgotten he was still holding her.

"Come on," Kamiya beckoned to Kido. "I know every doctor in this hospital. If there is a fake, I'll find him,"

Kido breathed a sigh of relief. He'd found someone to help them search. Now their chances of survival had gone up. First, he'd try to contact Sakura...

Kamiya began to lead the teen out of his office. "You might want to call the police, nurse," he called over his shoulder

"Yes, but why are you here, sir?" the nurse stammered. "I thought you had the late night shift?"

At that moment, Kido knew the horrific truth and time froze. With a gasp, he turned his furious eyes towards Kamiya, but it was too late. Kido caught a glimpse of the evil grin on the Doctor's face as he made a stabbing motion.

The next thing Kido knew, he was on the ground. His whole body had gone numb, refusing to move a single inch. The nurse cried out, but Kamiya was upon her instantly.

"Shut up!"

From the corner of his eye, Kido saw Kamiya make another slashing motion. A fountain of blood sprayed across the room and the nurse fell to the floor without another sound.

Kamiya laughed quietly and took a few steps towards Kido, who couldn't say or do a thing. Panic and fear seized him. Everything inside him was screaming, but his body wouldn't obey.

"What is it?" Kamiya knelt beside the boy with a sneer. "Can't move? Well, that's because I severed your spinal cord. Medical school perk. I know exactly where to cut you with my psychic scalpel,"

There was a faint glow to Kamiya's hands. "How tragic. In my own office, a strange boy kills a nurse and then slits his own wrist,"

Grinning at Kido's desperate face, he leaned in close and delicately sliced away. Kido felt the blood gushing from his wrist.

Kura...Urameshi... be careful...

"Nobody will stand in the way of our goals," Kamiya hissed in Kido's ear. "Especially not you!"


Amazingly, Sakura's muted reply floated into his head just as another nurse came through the door. She took one look at the horrific scene: an unconscious nurse soaked in blood, a teenage boy lying unresponsive with severe bleeding, and Doctor Kamiya leaning over them both.

She took a step backwards and shrieked.


Far above on the second floor, Yusuke heard the commotion and changed directions. That was his cue.


Sakura made it to the top of the stairs and looked around. The lights were out here as well. The hallways seemed to be deserted, and so far she couldn't sense any insects in the area. But that could change very quickly.

There was a supply closet within reach. It was the best bet. Sakura ducked inside and closed the door behind her. The insects wouldn't get in here easily.

Sakura sat down on the floor and closed her eyes. Focus. You can do this. You have to!

Her heart was still pounding from the mad dash up the staircase, and she took a moment to try and compose herself. Panicking would likely impede any use of her powers.

Now... tsunagu, show me where the generator is!

With huge effort, the void in Sakura's mind began to swirl, and it showed her exactly where she needed to go. At the end of the hall, there was a service staircase of some kind. A fire exit, maybe. Either way, it led to the basement where the emergency power supply was, ready and waiting to be charged up.

Sakura got up with a look of determination. After checking that the coast was clear, she slipped out and began running down the hall towards the staircase.


Sakura skidded to a halt with one hand on the doorknob. It was faint and scratchy, but she knew who was speaking to her immediately.


No reply.

Kido? What's going on?!

Just then, an almighty scream for help echoed throughout the hallway, followed by a familiar and ominous buzzing.

Sakura looked up. A huge swarm of insects was headed for her, far more than she'd dealt with downstairs.


Kamiya looked at the new witness with annoyance. It was time for a change of diagnosis.

"Doctor, I..." The nurse seemed to be choking on her own words. "What's happened?!"

Kamiya pointed at her. "Don't just stand there, nurse. Call the cops! That man who just took off, do you think you could describe him?"

She stared at him.

"Pull it together!" Kamiya snapped. "Someone is impersonating a doctor. Now call the police!"

The nurse took a shaky step backwards. "Right!"


Botan slapped another insect away in disgust. "Ugh! I'm sure it's gotten worse since we came. I need one of those zapper porch lights!"

"What are you talking about?" Kuwabara asked irritably. "What's worse?"

Kurama drew slightly closer to Kuwabara. "The insects of Demon World. You can't see them,"

"We just have to say my powers are gone, every hour!" Kuwabara grumbled.

Kaito pushed his glasses up his nose and observed the cloud of pests. "Botan's right. They've doubled from yesterday,"

"It's the tunnel," Kurama explained. "It's expanding at an extraordinarily fast rate,"

Botan paused from swatting the bugs long enough to reply. "I'm probably teasing you because I'm jealous, Kuwabara. Being blind seems perfect right now,"

They continued down the street in search of their friends. Kurama was scanning for signs of Sakura, but so far they'd come up blank.

He told himself it was probably nothing to worry about. With the interference and the likely distance between them, it made sense that communication was difficult.

She's not alone, either. With Yusuke, Kido, Yana and Genkai around she should be safe.

Even so, he'd feel much better when he was by her side.

Kuwabara looked around, then pulled Kurama closer for a quiet word. "Hey, buddy. Is that bad guy still on our trail?"

"No," Kurama gave him a reassuring smile. "Whoever it was, he left us a few blocks back,"

Everyone else stopped walking. "Why would they suddenly stop?" Botan wondered out loud.

Kurama paused. Now that the spy had departed, they could at last speak freely. "Perhaps they've chosen to focus all of their power on Yusuke's group?"

"Urameshi?" Kuwabara looked worried.

Kurama nodded. He hadn't wanted to entertain the thought, but it was certainly something they had to consider, and quickly.

"Strategically, you would never close an option unless you've made a decisive strike," Kaito reasoned. "If they've left us, Yusuke's group is probably under attack, or at least they will be very soon"

Kurama mulled over the possibility. It was the most logical explanation, but surely he'd know if Sakura was in danger? Wouldn't she have communicated? Wouldn't he have sensed it?

"Relax, Genkai's with them," Botan said cheerfully. "They won't get into trouble,"

And just then, a police car flew by with sirens wailing. The group watched in silence.

"That was bad timing," Botan admitted.


Sakura's voice filled Kurama's head, amidst the interference. He could only make out a few words, but they told him plenty.

Please...quickly...under attack!

The fear in his flower's tone made Kurama's blood run cold. It must have shown on his face, because Botan jumped on his silence immediately.

"Kurama, what's the matter?"

He looked up. "Kura just spoke to me. It was distorted, but from the sounds of things they need us immediately,"

"We better stop wasting minutes," Kuwabara was ready for action, powers or not. "Let's find Urameshi!"

All four of them took off at a run.


In a moment of panic, Sakura pressed her back against the wall. Should she run after the cry for help, or stick to her current plan and get the electricity back on?

She had to make a decision, and she had to do it now.

Yusuke told me to contact the others, and to do that I need to restore the power. If I run after that voice, I'll probably expend too much energy destroying the insects, then I can't get the power back on. If I'm stung, then I'm not helping anybody.

The choice was made. Never taking her eyes off the insects, Sakura reached behind her, opened the door and jumped into the stairs with a second to spare. The door slammed behind her, and she heard the hail of insects slamming against it.

Kurama, please come quickly. The hospital is under attack!

A quick glance down showed there were three levels to the basement. Sakura didn't waste a single second. She raced down the stairs two at a time, never noticing the odd shadow trailing after her.


Sensui smiled at Haruki's meditative form before turning back to gaze up at the red sky. A perfect metaphor to symbolise the hellfire he was about to unleash on those humans. Perfect timing, as well. He felt the newcomer arrive on the roof as planned.

"I pulled back, like you said," the young boy reported.

Sensui grinned. "Splendid work, Sea Man. They all seem so simple, don't they?"

"Should I take one out?" Sniper asked.

"Not yet," Sensui replied. "I've staged an interesting test at the Doctor's expense. I want to see what happens when Yusuke's group battles a fellow human to the death,"

Sea Man had noticed that there was one more person on the rooftop. Haruki, sitting quietly nearby with his whole body in the midst of intense concentration. The sight was unsettling.

"Mr Sensui," Sea Man hesitated. "What's Ghost up to?"

At last, Sensui turned around. "He's giving Sakura a test of her own,"

"Yusuke's sister?" Sea Man looked surprised. "What do you mean?"

Sensui gazed at Haruki with relish. "The tunnel has provided Ghost with formidable powers. What you're witnessing is a manifestation of Technique Binary, one of his new abilities,"

Even Sniper looked interested. "What does that do?"

"The name alone is a clue. Duplication. But Ghost is combining that power with some...previous childhood training. By duplicating and projecting his consciousness, he's able to merge with the shadows. Fluidity, speed, undetectable ki. It's quite remarkable, don't you think?"

Sea Man looked back at his colleague with wide eyes. All this time with the group, Haruki had kept to himself. Constantly holed up in that secret den of his. Nobody knew for sure what he was up to. Sensui had merely told them he was preparing their defences. Whatever powers Ghost was hiding, this wasn't what he expected.

Just then, Haruki's ki vibrated with excitement. Instead of concern, Sensui's smile grew wider, and he began to laugh.

"Looks like he's found his target,"

Even with his eyes shut, Haruki had a victorious look on his face. Now that he'd located her, the game could truly begin.


Yusuke ran down one flight of stairs and along the hallway they'd left Kido in when he caught sight of the crowd. They were huddled at the entrance to someone's office, and from the distressed muttering, they were looking at a highly disturbing scene.

Yusuke began edging his way through. He didn't know what he was going to find, but he knew the scream had to be related to the psychic responsible for this territory.

"No, Kido!"

Nothing could've prepared him for what he saw. Kido, sprawled motionless on the floor and surrounded by six doctors. Blood was pulsing out of his wrist and starting to congeal.

One of the doctors got to his feet and addressed Yusuke directly. "So, you knew this boy?"

"What do you mean, knew?" Yusuke had noticed his use of past tense.

"Apparently a crazy man with a scalpel came in and attacked your friend and a nurse," another explained gravely.

"We've taken the girl to surgery," his colleague added. "But this one can't even blink for us. We think it's the shock,"

Yusuke gritted his teeth. A room full of stupid white do I tell who did it? Or if he's even here?

He darted his eyes around the room. None of the doctors seemed to jump out as the obvious perpetrator. If Kido was out of it, then obviously Sakura was the next best choice to figure it out. But would she be able to hear him with the distance and interference?

It was still worth a try. Kura, get your ass here now!

Yusuke...I'm trying...power on...! ...Right there!

Yusuke's heart sank. He could barely understand her. Damn it, I shouldn't have told her to go off on her own!

"Get me a neuro specialist," the most senior doctor ordered. "And put out an alert for a man pretending to practice here!"

"Yes, sir!"

Yusuke sighed a little in frustration. If Sakura didn't get here soon, he was on his own. "So he's not a doctor from this hospital..."

No, Urameshi. Kido was struggling to stay conscious. You're wrong. He's here!

"Kido, don't be lazy!" Yusuke knelt beside Kido. "Tell me who he is!"

One of the doctors placed a hand on Yusuke's back. "He's pretty shaken up. He won't be able to speak for a while,"

Across the room, Kamiya was watching the scene with smug delight. Idiots. It's not the shock that keeps him quiet. I paralysed him.

Without anything from Kido, Yusuke relented. "Fine, take your time. This is too dangerous for you anyway," he made a move to stand. "I'll get Kura and find him myself,"

Kido's heart skipped a beat. Had he been able to, the anguished howl inside him would've echoed around the entire building. He had to stop Yusuke from leaving, at least until Sakura arrived. There had to be a way... something, anything!

That's it!

Yusuke paused. He could feel the energy shift, the sudden cold, the instant paralysis of his whole body. Kido's territory... he's got my shadow. I can't move!

He quickly glanced down. "Why? Why don't you want me to go yet?" Kido wouldn't do this without a good reason. "Unless..."

That's right. He's here. Kido thought desperately. He had maybe a minute until he passed out. But how do I tell you which one?


Down five flights of stairs, and one to go. Sakura reached the bottom and tried to get her bearings. Three grey doors with locks on them. Two had numbers on them, but the third was labelled with a yellow warning sign: HIGH VOLTAGE ELECTRICITY. AUTHORISED PERSONNEL ONLY.

Great advice, but desperate times called for desperate measures. Sakura was preparing to kick the door in when another frantic voice spoke to her.

Kura! Get... here now!

It was her brother, and through the interference, Sakura could infer that he was asking her to come find him.

Yusuke?! I'm trying to get the power back on. When that's done, I'll be right there!

With no way of knowing how much he heard, Sakura raised her foot again and slammed it into the door. The lock was loosened. Sakura put her shoulder against the door and shoved against it. No luck.

BANG! Just one more kick, and she was in. Sakura coughed at the dust that had been swirled around and blinked. The emergency power supply in the room was on, revealing the ancient generator in a pool of dull amber light.

Sakura quickly crossed the room and knelt beside it. One look at it told her that this was no accident. Someone had overloaded the circuit, causing the outage.

Was it the Doctor? Or someone else?

Sakura glanced around. Whoever it was, they were gone. There was definitely nobody here. It was time to get to work.

Sakura gently placed her hand on the generator. She needed to be cautious. Too much, and the whole thing might blow up. Not to mention that she'd need to conserve enough spirit energy to fight her way outside again. In fact, there was a chance that more of those psychics might be waiting for her to try and escape the building.

One thing at a time, Sakura. Get the power back on.

Slowly, carefully, she channelled her energy. With a groan, the machine began whirring to life. Another light flickered on in the room.

It's working!

Sakura couldn't allow herself to celebrate just yet. One light wasn't going to get the doors open. Energy flowed from her hands into the generator. After a few minutes, the machine was moving without Sakura's help, and the entire hallway outside was flooded with light.

That should be enough to get the doors open again.

Sakura got to her feet. She felt drained, but triumphant. About a quarter of her energy had gone into that, but she still had enough for a few double blasts and maybe one more Reflection Shield...

"Found you,"

Sakura was so startled that she lost her balance while spinning around. What was that voice? It sounded strange and distorted. Certainly not one that she recognised.


The sound of breaking glass made Sakura look up. The lightbulb above her head shattered and the room went pitch black. A second later, she heard the heavy door slamming shut, and the click of a lock.

Sakura took a step back and raised her energy shield. "Who's there?" she called sharply.

The only response was that same distorted laughter in the darkness. "Wouldn't you like to know...?"

Something cold brushed past Sakura. She gasped and jumped away, not knowing what to do. The door was locked. She wasn't at full power, and something was hovering in the shadows about to strike.

She couldn't see anything in the darkness. Normally, that wouldn't be a problem, but there was definitely someone else in the room, and Sakura couldn't sense their ki or anything else. Without a clear signal, she had nothing to lock onto and therefore no way to evade a surprise attack.

This is not good!


Kido must mean that the killer doc is in here. But who? Damn it, where's Kura when you need her?

Unable to move, Yusuke looked back at Kido. "Keep going..." he urged.

"That'll have to wait, son," one of the doctors said gently. "We need to move him to x-ray,"

He reached for Kido, who promptly froze him in place as well.

No you don't. Not yet! I have to tell him somehow!

Kido had only ever tried this once with Genkai. It would cost him all the energy he had left, possibly his life, but if it meant Yusuke and the others stopped this monster, then that was a price Kido was willing to pay...

Gasps were heard around the room. Kido's hand twitched ever so slightly, and his shadow started moving on its own. His shadow finger began dragging through the pool of blood.

"But that doesn't make any sense!" the doctor cried.

Yusuke understood all at once. He's writing a name... Ka... mi... ya... Kamiya.

All eyes in the room went to the owner of that name.

"I'm guessing that's you?!" Yusuke snarled.

With another slashing motion Kamiya quickly slit the throats of the five other doctors, killing them instantly. With nobody else except him and the Spirit Detective, Kamiya's evil smile fixed onto Yusuke.

"I get so tired of operating on eggshells," he simpered.

Kamiya leapt at Yusuke with his psychic scalpel swinging. Yusuke jumped back, missing the attack by a hair.

That was cutting it close. Kido's just blacked out.

The doctor straightened up. There was nothing on his face but malice. "I was instructed to play the friendly Doctor Kamiya for a little longer. But now that you have come along, Yusuke Urameshi, the plans will just have to quicken,"

"So, Yusuke is a household name?" the boy glared while standing up. Suddenly he was immensely glad that Sakura hadn't shown up. He knew she could fend off the insects, but this freak was another story.

"Yes, it is. At least in the house that I hang around in," Kamiya's evil smile widened. "We're rather fond of sakura flowers, too,"

Yusuke's heart skipped a beat. "What do you mean by that?!"

"Use your imagination," Kamiya laughed. "Dark Angel says you come to awaken us from our sweetest dreams,"

Yusuke clenched his fists. Kura...


"As much as I'm rooting for humanity's survival, you've got to respect a good villain," Koenma was leaning forward on his desk, staring at the screen. "Psychic scalpel, virus bugs, he's stacked,"

Jorge shook his head. "I'm a purist. Heroes all the way!"

"Koenma sir?" Ayame had just entered the room with a file in her hands. "I have the report you asked for. We've done a depth analysis around the manifesting tunnel centrepoint. The tunnel is indeed placed several hundred metres below the surface. There's an intricate cave system underneath the city. It'll take some time to pinpoint it's exact location,"

Koenma looked grim. "Well done, Ayame. Keep me posted,"

Ayame left, and Jorge looked reproachfully at Koenma. "Do you like her more than me?"

"My ogre puppy," Koenma looked him dead in the eye. "Have you done one useful thing since this threat began?"

"Well, uh..."

"Exactly," Koenma's tone made it clear that the subject was closed. "You're for comic relief and drink serving. Ayame and Botan are the pros,"

Jorge pouted. "At least I haven't forgotten about Miss Sakura!"

Koenma gasped. The screen had split, showing both twins. On one side, Yusuke stared down Doctor Kamiya. On the other side, Sakura was recharging the burned out generator. She'd just finished when the lightbulb in the room she was in smashed to pieces. The door slammed shut, the lock turned, and Sakura was left in darkness.

"The lights are out again!?" Koenma squawked. "Don't just stand there, Ogre! Put it on the night vision setting!"

Jorge frantically pressed a few buttons. "Just a moment sir!"

Once the night vision was on, they saw Sakura backing away, looking around for whoever had ambushed her, but Koenma and Jorge couldn't make out a thing either. Neither of them knew what to say or do. It seemed Sakura would be fighting blind.

"It must be another one of those psychics!" Koenma moaned. "And we don't have a clue which one, or what powers they might have!"

"Uh, Koenma sir?" Jorge asked hesitantly. "If Miss Sakura can't see or sense her opponent, how can she fight them?"

Koenma's heart sank. "She can't,"


I've been patient, Sakura. Haruki gazed at the teenage girl through the haze of black. I've waited so long for this moment, to see you again.

The sight was intoxicating. Sakura's ki signal was stronger than it had been when she left Hanging Neck Island. Haruki could tell she'd been training, just as he had. Her toned body was proof enough, even without her power level.

Though she wasn't wearing the same combat outfit he'd so admired in the tournament, he could see the outline of her slim, athletic figure. Her hair had grown, now bouncing around her shoulder blades.

Haruki was so close he could almost reach out and touch Sakura with his projection. But would that allow her to deduce his identity somehow?

Impossible. You won't know it's me until Mr Sensui wants you to, Sakura. But that doesn't mean I can't make the first move...

Haruki's shadow fingers stretched forth, ghosting Sakura's cheek. The sensation passed through the projection back to Haruki himself. It was like a jolt of electricity, and he shivered in delight. Even though it wasn't his real hands, her skin felt like silk under his touch.

Sakura recoiled with a small shriek. "Who's there?! Who are you?!" She was looking in all directions, trying to locate him.

Haruki smiled to himself. She had no idea, and never would as long as he was using this technique. With no energy signal to speak of, and his voice contorted, Sakura was absolutely powerless against him. If it were up to him, he would've extracted answers from her already. But Sensui had ordered him not to.

"I'm just here to keep you entertained, Miss Urameshi," His distorted words bounced around the stone room in an eerie echo.

He's disguising his voice somehow.

A small flame appeared in the palm of Sakura's hand, illuminating her face. She looked nervous, but Haruki was more interested in the features thrown into relief by the tongue of fire.

Her milky white skin, her long lashes, everything about her was further proof that she was not human. Especially the eyes. Those luscious brown eyes, searching the room for him, even if she didn't know it.

What are you, Sakura Urameshi? What secrets are you hiding?

It was too bad she'd never answer his burning questions in these circumstances. His patience would have to endure a little longer. But he was most certainly going to savour this time. Without disobeying Sensui's orders, of course.

"I'm going to ask again," Sakura said in a shaking voice. "Who are you?"

"An intriguing question," Haruki whispered in her ear. "But the game is far more important,"

Sakura flinched. "What game?" she demanded, only to hear another disembodied laugh that sent shivers down her spine.

"I haven't come up with a name yet," the voice said thoughtfully. "Maybe you can help me think of one. Cat and Mouse? Hide and Seek? What sounds good to you?"

Sakura held out the flame in her hand, hoping to catch a glimpse of whoever had her trapped in here, but there was still nothing.

"I don't know," she said fiercely. "Maybe you should explain the rules to me first. I don't want to make a hasty decision,"

Whoever he is, he likes the sound of his own voice. Keep him talking and try to get an opening. You can't fight without seeing, or at least sensing his energy.

"The rules are simple," the mystery voice chuckled. "As you've probably worked out, the lights are gone, the door is locked, and you have no way of sensing where I am. How are you going to get out in time to help your brother before the Doctor kills him and everyone else in this territory?"

So, this was all about keeping them separated? Sakura stayed very still and tried to calm her breathing. She should've known something like this would happen.

"I don't know who you are, but Yusuke isn't going to be taken down so easily. And neither will I,"

"Well, that's exactly what I expected you to say," the voice replied. "But I wonder, how do you plan to escape this room when you can't see me, and therefore can't stop me?"

The voice was behind her. Sakura turned around quickly and sent her attack flying.


There was a loud bang. The room lit up in a magenta hue for a split second, and Sakura strained to get a look around. She caught a glimpse of a shadowy figure zipping out of sight, and her heart froze in fear.

Was that just a trick of the light? It looked like the shadows themselves were moving!

The mystery voice gave another terrifying laugh, as if he knew what she was thinking, "Nice try, Sakura. But I'm afraid it didn't work," he sneered. "Ready for the next round?"

Sakura clenched her fists. "Always,"

The door was maddeningly close, but it was locked. Without a light, how could she reach it, let alone open it when there was a crazy psychic somewhere in the room?

I have to get out of here! I have to help Yusuke!

Just then, the generator sputtered, and fell silent. Sakura's stomach dropped. The time she'd bought had run out.

"Would you look at that?" the voice was back in her ear. Sakura could almost feel him drooling with anticipation. "Seems your efforts to restore the power haven't lasted very long," He chuckled softly. "But that's alright. It just means we get to play a little longer. I'm going to enjoy this..."

Sakura thought she might be sick.


Puu led Keiko and Shizuru through the automatic doors and into the hospital. Keiko gasped at the sight. Shizuru's awareness told her that something was wrong, but that was obvious to anyone with eyes. Everywhere they looked, there was nothing but unconscious bodies strewn about. Neither Keiko nor Shizuru could see or feel any sign of life, and the power seemed to be out completely.

"All these sick people..." Keiko looked fearfully at her friend. "But where are the doctors?"

Shizuru balled up her fists. "I feel it. We've walked into something,"

"Even the medical staff is unconscious," Keiko hurried over to an unresponsive nurse, but recoiled when she realised the other obvious symptom on display. "What's wrong with her skin?!"

Shizuru took hold of Keiko's wrist and pulled her over to the door. "I don't know, but it's definitely not good. I'm not so sure we should be hanging around here, Keiko!"

"But Puu must think Yusuke is here..."

Shizuru paused. The automatic doors that had opened so smoothly a few seconds before didn't budge. Not even when she pressed the buzzer to exit.

"Puu!" The little soul beast started shrieking again. He sank his claws into Keiko's sleeve and tugged at her, as if warning them of danger.

"What is it, Puu?"

Keiko didn't see anything, but Shizuru did. Those terrifying little insects headed straight for them, syringes out and ready to infect all in their path.

The uneasy feeling that had plagued Shizuru since the moment they'd started following Puu was giving way to panic. She lunged forward and smacked them away from Keiko, who looked utterly bewildered.

"The insects," Shizuru explained quickly. "I saw them outside but I didn't tell you. These ones are attacking!"

Keiko stared at her with a blank expression. "How come I can't see anything?"

There was no time to answer. Shizuru could already see another swarm making their merry way over.

She grabbed Keiko's hand and pulled her along. "Just run!"


Doctor Kamiya was surrounded by his insects, showing them off affectionately. "This is definitely my favourite power," he purred. "I can infect everyone within my territory with a disease of my own psychic creation,"

Yusuke didn't dare move a muscle. Kamiya took the boy's silence as permission to continue.

"I changed these demon insects to be my carriers," he explained with a hideous grin. "The weaker the victim's energy, the faster the disease can spread. Your friends will last thirty minutes. And then...I'll get to watch them die!"

White-hot anger exploded inside Yusuke. "You're gonna regret saying that one!"

He launched himself at Kamiya. The first thing to break was the psychic's glasses, and then Yusuke began attacking him with wild abandon.

"I'll write an advice book for bad guys!" Yusuke shouted in between blows. "It's called Don't Piss Me Off!"


A monstrous punch from the Spirit Detective sent Kamiya flying through a nearby door with blood splattering around for good measure.

"I learned from Kido about you psychics," Yusuke spat contemptuously. "Your powers fade when you're asleep. So go to bed,"

"No time to sleep," Kamiya snickered. "I'm working a double shift!"

Against all odds, Kamiya leapt to his feet as though nothing had happened. And laughing like a maniac, he ran off down another hallway.

"Let's see if you can catch me!" he taunted. "Hopefully before I catch up to a certain flower..."

Yusuke's blood turned to ice. "Damn it..."

He sprinted after his enemy. The fight needed to end right here, right now. Though he was running at full speed, Kamiya somehow managed to stay several metres ahead. But Yusuke didn't pause. Wherever Sakura might be in the hospital, there was no way he could let this psychopath anywhere near her...

Yusuke paused about a second before slamming directly into the wall. A dead end. This was as far as anyone could go, but where was Kamiya?

Yusuke took a few steps back the way he'd come when a voice rang out.

"Pronounced DEAD!"

Kamiya dropped from where he'd been hiding, wedged between a light fixture and the air vent on the ceiling. He slashed at Yusuke with his psychic scalpel, but the boy dodged. The ferocity of the failed attack was evident, as the shockwaves sliced all the way to the other end of the hall.

Yusuke landed on his feet, but Kamiya was coming for him again. The battle was on. Yusuke ducked and wove around the doctor, evading every hit. He threw himself to the ground and attempted to kick Kamiya's legs out from under him, but the psychic was ready. He pivoted, and as Yusuke got up for another hit, Kamiya struck. Yusuke felt the psychic scalpel draw blood from his face, but didn't let up.


Yusuke took advantage of the attack to grab Kamiya's arm with his left hand and simultaneously sink his powerful right hook into the man's stomach. He followed up with a spin kick, hard enough that Kamiya ended up on the floor while coughing up blood.

But the victory only lasted a second. Almost immediately, the Doctor was grinning up at the boy again.

"You can't win,"

Yusuke glared at him. Something wasn't right. "Super strength and endurance? You're not built like a normal human, Doc,"

"Yet another one of my medical talents," Kamiya bragged. "I can manipulate my body's chemistry to tweak my performance. Pumping adrenaline makes me stronger, and cutting off my analiptic chemicals makes me incapable of feeling pain,"

Kamiya laughed. He obviously thought Yusuke would panic, but the Spirit Detective flashed a cocky smile back at him.

"I wish you would've told me that earlier, MD. Here I've been going easy on you because I thought you were a human. But now I can bring out something special and not feel so bad,"

It was time to bring out his signature weapon. If he didn't take this freak down, the infected would die.

"Go ahead," Kamiya's hand was already beginning to glow. "I'll bring out mine as well!"

Without hesitation, Yusuke aimed and fired. Kamiya's severed left arm fell to the floor amid torrents of blood.


Outside, Kurama's group didn't miss the sight of the energy blast smashing through the window and soaring high into the air.

"Urameshi's Spirit Gun!" Kuwabara gasped. He'd recognise that attack anywhere.

Kurama felt a dangerous calm settle over him. "Well Kaito, you were correct. Yusuke's team is definitely in a fight," he turned his gaze onto the large building at the end of the street where the blast had originated from. "What do you say we check ourselves into the hospital?"

If Yusuke was under attack, odds are that his precious flower was also fighting for survival as well. Kurama knew they didn't have a moment to waste. Now that they were closer, he needed to try and contact Sakura.

Kura, it's me. If you can hear this, we've arrived at the hospital. Where are you?

To his surprise, a clear reply came almost instantly.

Kurama?! Help Yusuke first. He's in trouble.

She sounded dazed, disoriented. Before Sakura's sentence was even marginally complete, Kurama had already begun the final sprint ahead of the others.

Hold on, my love. I'm coming for you.


Sakura leaned up against the stone wall. At least he couldn't come at her from behind if she stayed here, but she needed to think of a plan, and quickly.

Whoever this guy is, I don't think he's very strong physically. Why else would he hide in the shadows where I can't get a hit on him?

"You're one of them, aren't you?" Sakura whispered. "One of the eight psychics trying to open the tunnel to Demon World,"

The invisible enemy laughed. "So you know about that? I shouldn't be surprised,"

"I don't suppose you'd be willing to tell me who's behind this?" Sakura was desperate to keep him talking, anything to buy some time. "Or which one you are, for that matter?"

There was an eerie silence. "I wonder if you can figure that out for yourself. Perhaps a demonstration of my power would help?"

Out of nowhere, a crackling sphere of energy came flying towards her. Sakura threw herself aside and the wall she'd been leaning against took the brunt of the attack.

"Looks like I missed," the enemy snickered. "Most people couldn't dodge that. I'm impressed,"

Coughing and choking on the dust, Sakura glared into the darkness. "Ok, ok. You've made your point!"

"Somehow, I doubt that,"

A second energy blast proved far too quick for Sakura, and she was flung across the room. She landed painfully, striking her head against something hard and sharp. Warm blood trickled down her face.

Sakura shook her head a few times against the dizziness. "Reflection Shield!"

Her barrier exploded around her, but the psychic only laughed harder. "You really think that pitiful shield is going to be enough?"

"That depends on how I use it," Sakura snapped back, but she knew they were all in big trouble.

Think of something, Sakura! You have to keep fighting. Yusuke needs you!

Sakura went to get up, only to fall straight back down again. Her head was throbbing and spinning worse than ever. What in the world was she going to do against this invisible enemy?

I have to get up... I have to...!

Kura, it's me. If you can hear this, we've arrived at the hospital. Where are you?

Sakura closed her eyes. Was that really him, or just wishful thinking? Kurama?! Help Yusuke first. He's in trouble!

Hold on, my love. I'm coming for you.

A third blast jolted Sakura back to reality, but not because it made contact with her. Instead, the orb bounced harmlessly off the shield and back into the shadows. There was a roar of pain, and Sakura realised something.

Did that attack just hit him? Does that mean he has some sort of physical body, one that can be damaged?

That possibility cleared her mind, and another revelation slammed into Sakura. Kurama... I'm sure I heard him. But there was no interference just then. Why?

The only difference in the situation was the defence she'd just used. Her eyes widened.

My Reflection Shield? Could that be it?

Sakura could already hear her assailant coming back for more.

"That's more like it, Sakura. That's what I've been waiting for!"

His words turned her stomach, but there was little time to think. She only had one shot to get this right. If Yusuke was fighting the Doctor, she was going to have to conserve her remaining energy in order to help him once she escaped the basement.

How do I get out of here without using too much energy? And with the power out, I can't see anything and recharging the generator is close to suicidal either way... wait, that's it!


Kamiya landed on the floor. Despite some initial shock, he didn't seem overly concerned about the prospect of losing a limb. He used his remaining arm to steady himself and smirked up at Yusuke from the ground.

"The famous Spirit Gun..."

Yusuke was ready to shoot a second time. "That was a warning shot, for the human inside you. Next time I won't miss,"

"You're as dangerous as Dark Angel said," Kamiya laughed. "But I have one more talent to show you," He picked up his dismembered arm from the floor. "It's simple. Anything I cut, I can stitch back into place,"

Yusuke watched in stunned disbelief as Kamiya positioned the arm and swiped his fingers along the laceration, completely reattaching it in an instant. It was as if no amputation had taken place at all.

Kamiya flexed the arm, testing its capabilities. "I think it's time for a dissection!"

This fight wasn't over. Not by a long shot.


A.N. Next Chapter: Backup arrives at the hospital. Sakura takes a huge gamble in order to escape, and Yusuke is forced into an impossible decision.

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