Masked 🎭✔️

By UncagedSparrow

363 39 63

She doesn't know who he is and neither does he know her. The purpose of this anonymity? To be free of judgeme... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 11

13 3 4
By UncagedSparrow

Hey you guys! We're continuing with the story through Edmond's eyes. I sincerely hope things get better for the both of them soon enough.

I care about my readers so I must you guys holding up? Hang in there, okay? I love y'all!

Happy reading!😁❤️

Cole had finally come back after a trip that he thought would kill him. 5 weeks! It had been 5 weeks. Pretending not to be too excited, he headed home in a cab and grabbed his burner the minute he reached home.

He had every intention of calling up Jane and telling her how sorry he was that he had broken contact with her so suddenly and so severely and how he was so very excited to meet her and hear her voice again.

He ignored the message notifications and called her number immediately. The call didn't go through.

He frowned and tried again.

It didn't connect.

That was weird.

He slipped off his bag from his shoulder, removed his shoes and his shirt and decided to go through the messages.

Day 1
Okay. I hope you have a great time. Take care.

Do let me know when you get back.

He smiled. I'm back. I'm back now. He wanted to tell her. 

He went through the next few messages.

Day 3
Hey. Hope you're doing okay. Was bored...

Day 6
I'm wondering what you're upto....

Day 7
Just many days is a few days? It's usually less than a week. The week got over today. Why didn't you tell me exactly how long you'd be gone for??

He gulped. He should have told her how long he'd be gone for. He should have told her! He rebuked himself.

He continued reading.

Day 8
I heard a really funny joke today....

You know what...never mind.

Day 9
I miss you Edmond. Please come back soon.

Day 13
Seriously Edmond! Where the hell are you??? I waited patiently for soo many days. It's been 13 days already. When are you coming back???

Day 14
Been two weeks now buddy. Do I need to worry about you?

You know I really wanted to go to the courtyard today just hoping that maybe..maybe I'll see you there..

You know what..I'm being dumb. Ignore my last message.

He was filled with more and more guilt as he read through her messages. He felt everything that she had been going through and just how much he had hurt her. He detested being the reason why she felt so miserable.

He forced himself to continue reading.

Day 17
Edmond did I do something wrong? Why would you leave me so suddenly without even giving me a proper reason??

Day 18
Are we even friends anymore?

How many weeks of no contact make you a stranger with your best friend?

Day 19
I wish there was some way in which I could find you even if you push me away after that. I just need to know that you're alive and well.

Day 20
Edmond, tomorrow it will be three weeks since I last spoke to you. I don't like being away from you like this.

I know I'm making myself incredibly vulnerable saying all this to you. But at this point I hardly think I care.

I would give anything for a single response from you.

Day 21
3 weeks done.

If you have to come back please oh please let it be today. I can't take it anymore!!


You promised me you'd never hurt me.

Just so you're hurting me.

Cole covered his mouth with his hands and allowed the tears that had been threatening to fall for a while, to fall through freely. He breathed deeply.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He mumbled to the phone. "I'm so so sorry Jane. I never meant to hurt you. I'm sorry!"

"Where are you, Jane? Why won't you pick up my calls?? I'll come meet you. I'll make it up to you. I promise!! I'm sorry!" He whispered again through his tears.

He frantically began reading her last text for some clue about where to find her.

Day 21
Edmond, I care about you a lot and I always will. But I don't know if you're ever coming back. And I can't keep waiting around for you to so I'm getting rid of this phone. I hope that you have a fantastic life ahead and have the very best of everything. Take care. ~Jane.

No! No! No! No! No!!! No!!!!

"Jane, don't go! You don't have to go! I'm back! And I'm sorry! I'm back! Please don't leave me like this!" He whispered to his phone hopelessly.

He tried dialing her number again. It didn't go through.

As tears streaked down his cheek and he leaned back on the sofa with the thought that he had lost her forever, in that moment, he realised....

He liked her.

The thought sounded foreign to his own mind. But it was true. He wanted her. He wanted her in a much stronger way than as a friend. He wanted her to be his.

He couldn't believe it. After all of his resolve to never get attached to someone that way, to never like someone again that way, Jane had managed to push through all his defences and make him feel that way for her. He wasn't scared anymore.

He was ready.

He gulped as he picked up his normal phone, finally took the advice of his friend and began putting his connections to use.


It had taken him almost a week to track her down. But he finally had. He finally knew who she was. But more importantly he knew where she was and he was going to meet her without his mask.

He had absolutely no clue about how she was going to react. He knew that he was breaking all the pacts of their friendship but he needed to get her back, he needed to apologise and he needed to tell her how he felt. And for that, he was willing to do it all.

Since he was going to a public place without his mask, he didn't have a choice but to travel with his driver and his two bodyguards in an Audi.

She was in a Starbucks café at the centre of the city.

As he entered the café, he felt his heart beating rapidly in his chest. He instantly began hearing the murmur around him of all the people who recognised him, or atleast were in the process to. He was glad he had bought his two bodyguards.

He knew people here wouldn't blatantly walk up to him for an autograph, but there was no way to stop the gossip from spreading. He didn't care much though as he scanned the café for Jane.

He spotted her seated on one of the sofas at the far side of the café, her head bent writing something.

As he walked through, multiple heads turned and many began to whisper. He saw her lift her head on account of the murmur to see what was going on. She glanced at him. Her eyes stayed on him for a few moments before she went back to what she was doing.


Now I have no clue which way this is gonna go but I'm super super happy that Edmond finally realised that he likes her.

What did you guys think of the chapter? Does Edmond's pain make you sad or are we still hanging in there?

Do you think Jane will recognise him and be happy that he's back?

Let me know in the comments! And don't forget to vote if you liked it. Thanks!😁❤️

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