"I hate you, Iwaizumi Hajime."

By not_katherinee

21 1 9

(I don't know what to put here but yeah. Its an Iwaoi Angst Book.) More

"I hate you, Iwaizumi Hajime."

18 1 9
By not_katherinee

Iwaizumi's POV:

"I hate Iwaizumi Hajime."

Those were the last words he said after overhearing him with Sugawara. I wish I could reverse what I've done. Too late to go back now. He moved on and fell in love with Sugawara Koushi. I shouldn't have been with Kiyoko..



"Oi shittykawa you can let go now."

Hajime's voice was gruff and Oikawa could sense the other was holding back his own emotions. Tooru had spent the majority of the day wiping roughly at the tears that stained his cheeks, attempting to keep his messy sniffling to a minimum with every box the two of them had brought up into the small dorm that would belong to Hajime.

Now, his arms were wrapped around the raven-haired male. Despite Oikawa being taller than Hajime, the other made up for it in bulkiness. Strong biceps returned his embrace until Oikawa, not trusting his voice, for once didn't make a snide remark nor whine at the other's words.

Arms falling to his side as he stepped away, turning his head away, chin angled up as he attempted to blink back the blurriness of tears.

"It's not forever Tooru, We'll meet back up at your place in a month yeah?"

Oikawa recalled their promise to another, every month he would travel back home from Tokyo for a weekend, they would visit the guys back at Aobajohsai and catch up on all the extraterrestrial documentaries he would find to share with Iwaizumi.

Oikawa watched as Hajime studied his face with a look of mild concern, his firm lips remaining fixed in a straight line.

If Tooru didn't know Hajime well enough, he would have gotten the impression that the other was simply being polite and couldn't wait to escape his company.

That was the catch though, he knew Hajime, more than he even knew himself. Oikawa noted that the other was battling the same feelings as him, even if he was much better at controlling it.

This would be the first year they would live away from each other. They would not wake up before daybreak for a light jog before morning practice, nor take the same route from evening practice where Iwaizumi would make sure that Oikawa got home and didn't stay behind drilling plays into his brain.

Hajime would be staying in their hometown and going to university there, while Oikawa followed his scholarship to play volleyball at the UNI in Tokyo.

When he had been told about the offer, Tooru was overwhelmed with excitement, until Iwaizumi admitted that he didn't have the same dreams anymore.

Hajime told him he loved Volleyball but his career ended in his third year, Oikawa was a different story.

Iwaizumi nearly beat him into accepting his scholarship, emphasizing that Oikawa was an incredible player and he would be lost without playing.

Despite being able to chase his dreams, Oikawa couldn't thwart the constant ache in his chest whenever he thought of Hajime being hours and miles away from him.

He didn't know how he was going to manage even stepping into a class without expecting Iwaizumi there, ready to reprimand him for being late or even smacking him in the back of the head when he chatted too long instead of paying attention to the lecture.

"Earth to Oikawa, hello? You better not overwork yourself staying up late watching volleyball clips or practicing after hours, your knee is healed but it isn't invincible don't screw up this opportunity by being an idiot," Hajimes words pulled him out of his cloud of doom.

"Iwa-Chan, there you go again being my mom," his voice was light and the corner of his lips twitched with a threat of a smile at the sight of Hajime rolling his eyes.

"Call me if you need me and I mean it, but if you call me at three in the morning complaining of being lonely or that you're afraid of the dark because you stayed up watching your stupid sci-fi movies I will drive straight to Tokyo and I will kill you."

Oikawa noticed the softness in Hajime's threat, a bubble of laughter leaving his lips before nodding his head, "Understood Captain."

Hajime scoffed, pulling him in once more for another embrace, the force behind it forcing the breath out of Oikawa's lungs.

"Don't make me worry shitty-kawa, I want to be able to study." Hajime's words were a whisper against his neck, and the warm breath that tickled his skin led Oikawa to shut his eyes.

He allowed himself to indulge in the moment and count to ten to keep his heart from exploding from his chest.

In all the years that Oikawa had been friends with the other male, he could never understand the flutter in his chest whenever Hajime was near.

Jealousy blinded him if anyone ever looked at Iwaizumi as more than just a friend, and he remembered acting passive-aggressive about any confessions Hajime got from girls at their school despite dating many himself.

He had always felt a bit selfish for acting that way.

Growing up, thoughts like that never pestered him. It was getting into middle school that had changed the entire situation, even if he tried convincing himself that he was just afraid of being replaced.

Hajime was his best friend, he would remind himself and Oikawa just didn't want to become second string to some random girl.

Finally, in their third year, Oikawa allowed himself to admit that it was deeper than that.

He pushed those thoughts away once again as Hajime stepped out of their second embrace that day.

At this rate, Oikawa would be lucky if he didn't combust by a mere high five from the other.

"When does your train leave?" Hajime asked, the question caught Oikawa off guard, which left him to meet Iwaizumi's gaze with a blank expression until the words registered.

"Oh! My train! It leaves at noon," laughing at himself as he ran a hand through his soft chocolate hair.

Hajime glanced at the leather banded watch that occupied his russet wrist, it had been a gift from Oikawa.

"Shit! Tooru you have to go now! You're going to miss your damn train, you idiot!"

Tooru frowned at his friend's exclamation and checked his phone confirming that his train would be leaving in half an hour.

Oikawa scrambled for his backpack since the rest of his belongings were already back in his empty dorm in Tokyo.

Heading towards the door, the light steps of the other confirmed that Hajime was following right behind to walk him out.

The crowded hall that housed Iwaizumi's form was filled with even more bodies than it was this morning. He turned to face Hajime, who stood between the wooden door panels. Oikawa offered up a small smile, holding his breath so he wouldn't cry.

"See you soon then," he said, turning quickly to escape the other students and Hajimes heavy gaze.

He would wait to cry once he was out of the building, he had cried enough in front of the other today.

"Let me know when you arrive," Hajime called after him, and looking over his shoulder Tooru allowed himself to take in the sight of the other leaning against his open door, broad russet arms crossed over their old practice t-shirt.

"Mm, Iwa-Chan don't worry so much, you'll get wrinkles!" Oikawa's voice rang through the hallway, and he winked, giving Hajime his usual sly grin.

Tooru mentally played over how the others' cheeks had flushed at his words.

Exiting out into the vast bright morning, he convinced himself that he wasn't leaving half of himself behind in that damn room with Hajime Iwaizumi.

His train ride went fairly smooth, he had been seated by himself not having to sit between anyone or beside them. Not that he would have been bothered by it, Oikawa enjoyed making small talk with others.

Once the train had arrived and left him at his desired station, Tooru allowed himself a moment to take it all in.

Here he was in the city, he would be playing on a national team, and he would have to work his ass off to become a starting setter.

All his thoughts about Hajime and feelings would have to be put on the back burner for now.

Tooru had arrived at the UNI about an hour after he had been left at the station, stepping onto the freshly updated sidewalk, his eyes taking in the scenery.

Students shuffled by, some invested in their electronics or books, others were sprawled out on the lush green grass chatting away.

He felt a pang of loneliness as he took in couples and friends, huddled together or laughing.

Oikawa decided he wouldn't dwell on such trivial feelings at the moment. Walking further into campus, he came across the Founder's statue and grinned to himself. Fishing his phone out of his pocket, Tooru stopped another student who was walking past.

Introducing himself, he politely asked the friendly face to take a photo of him.

Oikawa stood in front of the statue and held up his signature peace sign with an infectious grin.

His phone had been handed back to him, and Tooru made sure to thank the other for taking the photo.

Once he was alone, he found an empty bench below a blossoming sakura tree.

Scrolling through his contacts, he found Iwaizumi and sent the photo to him first before sending it to the rest of his teammates from Seijoh, paired with a small heart emoticon.

As soon as the message was sent, messages began whirling in and Oikawa opened the group chat between him, Hanamaki, Iwaizumi, and Matsukawa first.

Oikawa is Trash King

Makki-Poo <3 : look at my son! I'm so proud ;(

MatsuMatsu : Five minutes at UNI, and ur forcing the student body to take photos of u

MatsuMatsu : typical tooru

Makki-Poo <3 : u look like such a dork tho

AliENLoVer3000 : There was no force

AliENLoVer3000 : my new friend was very willing

Makki-Poo <3 : I'm sure they were (; don't get a college beau & forgot about daddy

AliENLoVer3000 : GASP>.< never love uuu

MatsuMatsu : There goes my breakfast

Makki-Poo <3 : Don't get jelly SuSu, ur the only one for me uwu

AliENLoVer3000 : barely gone 24 hrs & ur cheating on me

MatsuMatsu : -_-


Out of the group chat, he saw a message come in from Iwaizumi,

GodZillaiskING : glad u got there safe, call tonite?

AliENLoVer3000 : Yes sir

Taking a slow deep breath, Oikawa slipped his phone back inside his pocket before standing to his feet. "Alright, let's do this."

Oikawa followed the path he used the last time when locating his dorm room the first time around, his dorm was located in building three which was a good walk from the courtyard but close to the cafeteria.

He knew he had a roommate, but he hadn't met him yet.

He had come a couple of days back with his parents and Hajime to drop off his belongings, the entire time they spent organizing his room there had been no sign of his roommate.

Hajime had commented that maybe Oikawa had gotten lucky and his roommate decided that he wouldn't come to UNI after all.

Tooru hadn't been convinced, the roommates in the raven's nest had been placed together because they would be a part of the team.

His academic counselor had mentioned it to him at orientation, the idea belonged to their coach and the rest of the athletic department.

She had explained that this was a way to be considerate of the other students who wouldn't have late or early practices to attend, they had gotten many complaints the past years.

No one wanted to be bothered by their roommates going in and out at such odd times.

She had also pointed out that it was a good way for the newcomers on the team to bond and Oikawa couldn't argue with that theory. Upon reaching his front door, Oikawa was surprised to hear music blasting from the closed door.

No roommate? Yeah right, Hajime.

Tooru could make out that whoever was on the other side of the door had been blasting K-POP, BTS to be exact.

At least they had good taste in music, opening the cherry wood door he had walked in on an intense game of Call of Duty.

The sound of gunshots were much easier to make out but the music threatened to drown it out entirely.

A red velvet couch that hadn't been there before, was occupied by two males.

They were hunched over, yelling at one another as the one with striped hair shoved the other who had raven locks that were even more insanely spiked than Iwachan's.

Oikawa didn't know which one was his roommate but he came to the confirmation that whoever it was, they were both quite lively.

He could handle lively, what he couldn't handle was quiet little sociopaths.

Setting his backpack down on his bed, Tooru crossed from his side of the room to the desk opposite of his and pressed pause on the small pill-shaped speaker.

"Hey who—" stripes turned to look at Oikawa and arched a single brow, punching his dark-haired friend in the arm.

Oikawa noted that the other could have passed for a horned owl.

"Bro don't hit me like that," the dark-haired one turned to look behind him, his golden cat-like gaze settling on Oikawa before offering up a tight grin before standing to his feet.

"Sorry to interrupt but I wanted to introduce myself, I'm—"

"Oikawa Tooru the great king" The dark-haired males smile had become something feline as he interrupted Oikawa.

Tooru had been caught by surprise, he hadn't expected the male to know who he was or the name his high school volleyball career had given him.

Though, Oikawa couldn't shake the sense that he had seen both of these males before.

Owl boy was next to stand on his feet, his movements were slow and precise.

Oikawa took note of the other's height and how incredibly thick the male was, everywhere.

The guy had biceps the size of Oikawa's own head and according to Iwaizumi, he had a big ass head.

"Oya," laughter rumbled out of the large male before he spoke, "well this is going to be an interesting year, I'm Bokuto I was one of Tokyo's top four Aces in the High School division. It's nice to meet you."

Oikawa simply nodded, turning to the dark-haired male that had been studying him, "I'm Kuroo, your roommate."

Nekoma was the first word that filled his mind when he heard the other offer up his name.

No wonder the two of them had seemed so familiar.

"It's nice to meet you both." Tooru had been at a loss for words for the first time in his life, here he was talking to two amazingly talented volleyball players and one of them was his roommate.

The silence settled in the room like weight and Oikawa was grateful to Bokuto for breaking it, "Oi, Kuroo that party is about to start we should get going."

Bokuto reached for his shoes as Kuroo sauntered over to Oikawa.

He had become so used to towering over others that looking up at the other male had been just a bit intimidating.

Not that he would ever admit that, Tooru gave the other a lazy grin as those cat-like eyes ran their calculations.

"Right, Well Great King. Now that you're here, how about you join us?"

Tooru noticed that Kuroos' smile changed, instead of looking like a panther about to pounce on its cowering prey, he reminded Oikawa of a laid-back house cat ready to sneak out into the night.

"It would be a pleasure to call me Oikawa or Tooru," Oikawa replied, which caught a friendly smile out of Bokuto but Kuroo had been the one to speak.

"Tooru-Chan it is."

Oikawa opened his mouth to protest but Bokuto had silenced him by dragging him from the cramped dorm room and out into the hall.

He heard a familiar chime come from his pants, indicating that he had a message from Hajime.

Tooru supposed it could wait.

Makki-Poo<3 : hey r u not coming home this month?

AliENLoVer3000 : cnt, coach is picking starters. Kuroo thinks I have a chance.

Makki-Poo<3 : miss u

MatsuMatsu : u dont miss me? @ makki

Makki-Poo<3 : always miss u dear

AliENLoVer3000 : u guys are weird, gtg practice

GodZillaiskING : saw the gc, star wars marathon cancelled?

AliENLoVer3000 : Skype? I can't come home.

GodZillaiskING : k. skype is good

GodZillaiskING : be safe, dnt overdo it shittykawa

AliENLoVer3000 : 0: never. Ttyl

GodZillaiskING : K.

Iwaizumi shouldn't have been bothered by it, but fuck was he annoyed. He knew this would happen eventually, once training was over and the season came rolling in. Maybe he just wasn't prepared for it. The last time he had seen Tooru in the flesh was a month ago, and now it would be another before the other was supposed to come home.

If he didn't have another reason to stay behind.

Hajime felt the anger swell up in the pit of his stomach, and he realized that most of it were at himself for having such selfish thoughts. This is what happened after High School, your friends got their shit together and you would meet up every ten years to brag about accomplishments or the lack of.

He just never imagined that would be them.

Oikawa and him? They were a package deal. Always had been since they were kids, and he had convinced himself that miles wouldn't fuck that up. But here he was, scowling at his textbook in the silence of the library at the thought of his best friend bails on their planned weekend.

"Excuse me?"

The dark-haired male raised his head, sea-green eyes settling on a girl who now stood beside the toffee wood table he occupied with himself and a pile of books. He didn't know why she looked so familiar.

Raven's locks pulled back into an easy ponytail, sapphire eyes shielded by the lenses of her glasses.


She was silent for a moment after he had replied, "Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude on your studying. We're in the same world history class, and I wanted to ask if you wouldn't mind studying together. I'm barely making it through, and from what I observed your grade must be incredible. Do you think you can help me out?'

Iwaizumi watched her as she spoke, respectfully listening until she stopped. The eraser end of his pencil tapped against the open text, he wasn't sure if he wanted to study with someone else.

He usually did everything on his own, and if he had to study with anyone it was usually Tooru. Lips turned down in a frown at the thought of the other male.

Would it hurt though? Oikawa had adjusted to his new life in Tokyo and had made new friends. Iwaizumi was fully aware of them all due to the others' constant uploads to his social media.

Which wasn't anything new, just the faces in the photos with the brunet were. Hajime's stomach rolled at the thought, and he let out a soft sigh.

"Yeah, sure that would be great. Should we set updates? Also, I should introduce myself,"

The male had been caught off by the female, who took the empty seat across from him with a smile now decorating her simple yet elegant features.

"Hajime Iwaizumi, I know. I'm Kiyoko Shimizu," She said and the name sounded painfully familiar.

He just couldn't remember, then he recalled. Kiyoko had been Karasuno's manager the previous year, that's why he had felt as if he had seen her before; he had.

"You were Karasuno's manager right?" The other nodded once, and he grinned.

Not sure why, but it felt nice to know someone here who knew him as Hajime Iwaizumi, who had been Aoba Seijoh's Ace. When Oikawa Tooru had been his setter, not Tokyo's.

"That's amazing, never imagined I'd run into any of the third years in this UNI."

"You won't, Daichi and Sugawara went off to Tokyo. Didn't Oikawa go there as well?" Kiyoko tilted her head, eyes filled with curiosity, and Iwaizumi confirmed her question with a simple nod.

"Why didn't you go? I imagined you two would follow one another all the way to the National teams."

Hajime had imagined that too, since middle school onward. He knew Oikawa had thought that as well because the shock that registered on his friend's face still haunted him.

He didn't know when that dream had changed. It was probably after Oikawa's injury when he had spent hours in the tight space of the hospital's waiting room. When they both thought that was it, the end of Tooru's volleyball career.

Iwaizumi had comforted the other as he cried, screamed until his throat was raw and couldn't talk at all.

He had sat through all of Oikawa's physical therapy. Some appointments went better than others, he would let himself in at Tooru's home at late hours, knowing that he would find Oikawa in front of the screen in a completely dark room. Eyes glued to the glow of endless matches.

Hajime would nag him into bed, and he would wait until the others breathing evened out. Finally resting.

He remembered cycling through frigid weather, tossing his bike against the panels of the gymnasium to find Tooru repeatedly going through drills.

His injured knee was swollen from the pressure he had been putting on. It wasn't long until he along with Oikawa's mother insisted that he see a therapist.

After two visits, Oikawa had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Explaining the manic episodes that the other would go through, he didn't like the medication.

He complained that it made his thoughts muddy, and Iwaizumi remembered staying up countless nights trying to find a better solution.

Six months prior to their second year of high school, Tooru had been approved for ACL surgery, and together with the other parents, they scheduled the earliest appointment.

Recovery was quick, but with the added pressure of their upcoming season and Oikawa struggling with his mental health, naturally, they had setbacks.

Hajime decided then, once Oikawa fully recovered he would not follow volleyball into college.

He would make sure Tooru did, and he would study sports medicine and psychology so he could help other athletes like his best friend.

"Making the National team isn't something I wanted anymore."

Kiyoko blinked, and he could tell she knew there was more. But he wasn't about to spill all his thoughts at the moment, and he was grateful she didn't talk about it again.

"Well," She breathed looking over the other books in front of her, "I'm lucky because my current grade is terrible and you wouldn't be able to help me from all the way out in Tokyo now, would you?"

Laughing he shook his head, "I guess not."

Hajime sighed around the lid of his coffee, eyes scanning the incoming traffic flooding the mall entrance when a voice coming from behind startled him.

Rough hands came down to squeeze his shoulders, catching the sight of pink hair and a mischievous smile from the corner of his eye.

"You would think that you'd ease up with Oikawa gone, yet you're still a brooding old mom," Makki commented as he slid into the seat across from Iwaizumi.

"And you're still an obnoxious child, where's matsu?" Hajime's question was nonchalant as he sipped his cooled coffee, Hanamaki leaning forward as those restless fingers began their anxious drum against the table between them.

It had been a month since he had seen the other in person, their school schedules overlapping and now with Hajime dating Kiyoko he was attempting to be a decent boyfriend.

Which hadn't been that hard lately, with Tooru bailing on every plan they made.

Shaking his head he observed his friend, he seemed too thin. Makki had never been on the large side but he had that slender muscular build to him, now he just looked ragged.

Red rimmed those unusually rose gold eyes, his cheekbones jutted out and Hajime figured the other hadn't been sleeping well.

"He can't hang out today, but I come with news from our long lost princess. There's a huge fraternity party at TU and Oikawa wants us there, well he wants us to stay the weekend. He got special permission."

The other words caught Iwaizumi off guard. One because Oikawa had contacted Makki before him, two being that shit head had the nerve to think after nearly three months of not seeing one another and a sea of cancelled plans Hajime would drop everything to go into Tokyo.

He hated how fucking right Tooru was.

Despite knowing he would go, he shook his head which only caught a raised eyebrow from Makki.

"I don't know man, I can't just disappear on Kiyoko for an entire weekend to get shit faced at some frat party with our shit best friend who's been dodging us for months."

Takahiro had the nerve to laugh which only made Hajime glare at him.

"You don't have to disappear on her, tell her you're going to have a guy's weekend. Kiyoko is a chill girl, shit invite her if you want. Also don't be such an ass, you're the one who convinced Tooru to take up the scholarship. Did you really think he would be able to come every month?"

Yes, he promised after all.

Hajime's conscience was a warring force the past couple months, he was truly happy for Oikawa. This was exactly what he had wanted for the other, and he was glad that Oikawa wasn't over working himself.

When he had called Iwaizumi with the news about becoming a starter he couldn't deny the pride that had swelled in his chest, despite the constant thrum of pain of not being there with Tooru himself.

As much as he wanted to be happy for his best friend, he felt forgotten. Lonely even, and it made him feel ungrateful.

Iwaizumi had good friends, school was going great, and he had an amazing girlfriend yet it wasn't enough. His lips dipped down in his usual scowl and Makki interrupted his inner turmoil.

"So are we going?"

Iwaizumi brought his coffee up to his lips, sipping the lukewarm beverage before setting it down, "Yeah- I guess we are."

Hanamaki's face split into an excited grin, and he couldn't help the ghost of the other expression pulling at his own lips.

"Holy shit!" Makki exclaimed, his long lean arms spread wide. His suit case halted to a stop from where he had let go, to do whatever the fuck he was doing in the middle of the court yard of TU.

Hajime took in the large campus a bit overwhelmed, he moved to the side letting a group of friends chattering pass between him and Matsu.

"This school is fucking gigantic, it's like something out of the movies!" Matsu passed Iwaizumi and closed his hands around Makki's wrist pulling the widened arms down.

"Please stop making a spectacle of yourself Hana."

The bubble gum haired male flushed, and Hajime brows rose at the interaction. He had come to the conclusion that something had shifted between his two friends, but he didn't like being that obnoxiously nosy ass friend.

That was Oikawa's job.

"Darling!? Is that you?!"

Speaking of the devil, Iwaizumi turned at the soft exclamation coming from behind him. His eyes found his best friend who stood there now.

His chest ached with a strange sense of longing; Iwaizumi never imagined he'd miss this dumb ass as much as he had.

Tooru stood there grinning stupidly beneath the setting sun, his chocolate strands illuminated by the strands of light.

He looked good, healthy. Rested, and well-kept as if Iwaizumi had been here taking care of him.

Hajime wasn't sure what he was expecting, but he never imagined that Oikawa would be okay without him around to make sure he kept it together.

He wasn't exactly upset; it was relieving but it filled him with this irritating sadness as if he wasn't needed anymore.

Makki broke his thoughts by flinging himself across the space, jumping Tooru, legs wrapping around the tall males' waist who laughed hoisting Makki up and spinning.

They were so fucking weird.

"MY LOVE! MY HEART WAS MISSING YOU!" Matsu laughed as Makki peppered Tooru's face in kisses, and Hajime watched Oikawa's nose scrunch up in that adorable way it did.

Clenching his jaw, he forced his eyes away waiting until Makki finished up his welcoming.

Another male approached their little group. He was even taller than Oikawa and Iwaizumi had to tilt his head back farther to find those honey colored feline eyes.

Hajime figured this was his friends' roommate from the photos and he had heard of Kuroo plenty of times in high school.

"Didn't know you had a partner Oikawa," the raven-haired males' voice was gruff but teasing and Tooru set Makki down only to have Matsu wrap his arm around the pink haired males' slender frame.

"Actually, Hana's mine, I just allow Tooru to not feel so lonely," Matsu chimed in and the seriousness behind it caught Hajime off guard.


Oikawa's expression remained open, not the least caught off guard as he was, which made him realize that Tooru knew.

How the hell did he know? Hanamaki and Matsu spent more time with him than the other.

Hajime felt as if he was standing with strangers, how much had he been left out of?

"Iwa-chan you look like you've seen a ghost." Oikawa grinned, Hajime's grin- the one that was always reserved for him only.

"I- no, I just didn't know about Makki and Matsu so I was just surprised for a moment."

He saw Kuroo raise a brow at that, and Matsu winced.

"Sorry Haji, we meant to tell you, but you've been busy and with Kiyoko always around there wasn't a good time."

It was Oikawa's turn to look puzzled, those long elegant arms crossing over his chest.

"Kiyoko? Like manager Kiyoko?"

"Woah, Karasuno Kiyoko?" Kuroo chimed in, and Hajime's glanced away from them all sheepishly.

He had been hoping to tell Tooru about her alone, but it was too late for that now.

Oikawa's smile was gone all too fast, replaced with a pout and furrowed brows.

"Uh, yeah, I meant to tell you. Was going to tell you later today."

Iwaizumi felt scrutinized under everyone's gaze, and he felt his anger boiling up especially at Oikawa.

Why did it matter? Tooru had dated a million girls!? He never complained about it or got pissed.

How come it was so surprising for someone to show interest in him?

"Huh, that's cool."

Oikawa's tone was cold, and the click of his tongue made Hajime ball his fists.

This was not how he wanted to tell the others, this is not how he wanted to be welcomed by Tooru either.

He expected that obnoxious hyperactive behavior and a bone crushing hug.

Tooru didn't even move near him.

After almost three months of cancelled plans and crap texts he expected to be showered in the other affections.

Why the hell was he even expecting that? He wasn't dating Oikawa.

"Ah, now I get it," it was Kuroo who broke the silence. Laughter bubbling out of the male as he turned on his heel to head towards the campus's building.

"Come on, Tooru-san, let's show your friends our room."

Room was an understatement; the dorm room should have been considered an overstocked prison cell.

He expected that TU would have a way better dormitory space than his, having way better funds than his but Iwaizumi realized his dorm was a suite compared to this.

His emerald eyes scanned over the contents that occupied the room.

Bunk beds were shoved off to one side of the room, from the glance of small alien emoticons on the bottom bunk he knew belonged to Oikawa.

A large velvet couch blocked the middle of the room, just placed there awkwardly. The randomness of its placement makes him grimace. There was no organization.

Two desks were pushed up against the other wall, and two laptops sat there– surrounded by stacks of texts and scattered papers. A flat screen tv hung off the wall, and Hajime wondered where the hell they planned on sleeping.

"Welcome to the Kurtooru Suite," Oikawa beamed, telling that he had brought himself out his sour mood from the news of Kiyoko already.

His arms were out spread as if this chaotic shit hole was a penthouse suite and the gesture made Hajime's heart squeeze with fondness.

Months could pass between them, and things could change but he could always count on Oikawa to be a complete dork.

Makki wasn't very far behind Oikawa with being easily pleased, his eyes were wide in awe and Matsu stood off with their bags thinking exactly as Iwaizumi thought at the first impression of the dorm followed by a sappy heart eye at Makki.

They're dating.

How had he never noticed? He spent more time with the two of them than anyone else and yet it took them to admit to it, for them to point it out to notice it.

Though, Hajime could admit a lot of things made much more sense.

"No offense, but where exactly do you plan on sticking us Oikawa?" Matsu's voice brought him out of his own thoughts, and he glanced at Oikawa as well for an answer.

"I won't be staying here this weekend; my partner will be flying in this afternoon, so we got a hotel– which means my bunk is empty and from the looks of it. Makki? Matsu? Hopefully got your names right, I'm sure you don't mind sharing a bed and Oikawa has his. Iwaizumi? The couch is super comfortable."

Kuroo's answer brought out a frown from Hajime. Why was he being tossed to the couch? He didn't even get an option, but Makki let out a little yelp of victory and tossed his bag onto the top bunk without hesitation.

Matsu followed right behind and slipped into the bunk that belonged to Tooru. Kuroo gave Oikawa a mock salute before slipping from the room.

"We can always cuddle up together Iwa-chan," He hadn't even noticed the other male cross the space of the small room, his breath tickling the back of his neck.

Turning his head, his eyes finding those warm and inviting chocolate ones. Oikawa simply smiled, and Iwaizumi didn't breathe so much. The air around them is tight, and stifling.

He never had such strong reactions to the idiots teasing before, but he assumed the space and time away from one another had worked its way to leave Iwaizumi off his game at handling the other man.

"Don't be an idiot," his words came out breathier than he intended. Head tilted back along with his shoulders, Oikawa leaned in– and he attempted to fight for some space between them.

"Being an idiot is my job, you never complained about it before."

The arch of Oikawa's brow was mocking, what a smug son of a bitch. Bringing his hand up, he flicked Tooru in the middle of the forehead which broke the spell that Tooru had been casting in his favor.

"Cruel Haji," a mere breath passed between them before Oikawa added on, "I missed you."

Iwaizumi let out a soft sigh and shook his head as he stepped out of the other's cage and that only made Tooru smile wider.

This was normal, this was them. Oikawa being a shit head and Hajime acting indifferent to the other actions, but the softness of his emerald eyes said it all.

Tooru knew he missed him too.

Hajime almost regretted agreeing to this at all – almost – he hated parties because he hated the people who attended them but, he didn't mind the company he attended them with.

Eyes scanning over their assembled group he found himself smiling fondly. It had been awhile since he found himself with the others in this way.

Tooru ran a hand down over Makki's bubble gum hair that had already been freshly groomed, he had to admit Makki cleaned up nicely.

Even better when he dressed as himself, Iwaizumi had always known that Makki had never shown his true self in high school.

There had always been another layer tucked away, one he only got a glimpse at occasionally when Hana felt comfortable.

He wore tight fitted jeans, paired with a vibrant floral printed button down. Makki had left the shirt nearly completely unbuttoned and glitter was visible against that soft golden hue of skin, matching the bit that lined his eyes.

Matsu seemed taken with this version of Makki, yet not surprised as if he had always known this was the real him and he adored it.

Iwaizumi and Matsu had gone with simple attire, jeans and ironed button-downs. Matsu's being a sapphire shade whereas his own was onyx black.

Hajime had rolled the sleeves up, right above the elbows so that he wasn't too warm.

Oikawa on the other hand— wanted to be the star of tonight which wasn't surprising.

The other had found his way beside Hajime, their pace matching as they traveled across the fields of the Uni towards the Frat house that would be hosting the party they were meant to attend.

Hajime could tell they were getting closer, the pounding of music pushing towards them.

"So, Kiyoko huh?"

The male didn't so much as breathe too quickly, not wanting to encourage Oikawa's exaggeration on the topic.

"Honestly Tooru, it's not a big deal. I didn't come so we can gossip about my girlfriend." Something flashed across those chocolate eyes that were lined with the deepest black along the water lid.

The color made everything Oikawa did sharper, and Hajime couldn't stop his eyes from wandering down to take in the others' outfit again for the second time that night.

The shirt he wore was so tight that it made Iwaizumi breathless, sure that if Oikawa moved a certain way the skin molding fabric would tear.

The collar was high, wrapping around the thickness of the other long, elegant neck. At the shoulders it showed glimpses of skin through the fishnet pattern and Oikawa had paired it with high waisted, faded blue cuffed jeans.

He looked incredible, but Iwaizumi knew that he couldn't just admit that to the others. That would just be completely odd.

"I'm sorry, it's just you didn't mention her to me. We're supposed to be best friends."

The words fell from Oikawa's lips softly, and there was no malice behind them, but he could sense the doubt–– the question on rather that's what they still were.

Of course, we are. There is no one in this world that could fill this human sized hole you have carved into my very existence. Stupid Tooru how can you not see that?

Yet, he couldn't say those words aloud. Instead he grunted, his eyes rolling. "You've been busy, me having a girlfriend is minimal compared to becoming a starting setter in only a couple of months."

Tooru blew out a bit of air, his head tilting back, and Hajime watched the other Adam's apple bob, "I suppose that's true. Still, what Iwa-chan has going on in his life is still important."

Their steps halted as they approached the crowded sidewalk surrounding the looming Frat house that was illuminated indoors and out with multicolored lights.

Hajime felt himself pushing Kiyoko to the back of his mind, he wanted to enjoy the little time he had to spend with Oikawa.

"Do you love her?" The question was heavy, which was an odd thing to think but to Iwaizumi it felt as if the other had thrown a pile of stones at him and expected him to carry it all to the peak of a mountain.

Did he love Kiyoko?

No, probably not. It had only been a couple months, but he had never believed there was a time limit to when or how you fell in love. It just happened, and he was more than positive it hadn't happened with Kiyoko.

Not yet. That wasn't to say he didn't care for her, he did. He enjoyed spending time with her.

The comfortable silence that would pass between them when they studied, being in the same room was enough to satisfy their senses.

He liked the way her body curved into his side when they watched movies, or the flush on her cheeks when he pressed a kiss to her soft cheek.

There was so much he appreciated about her, so many things he could say he missed whenever she wasn't around.

Yet it wasn't more than how he missed the way Makki laughed or Matsu arching a brow before saying something extremely inappropriate.

Nothing ached in him for her, not in the same way it did when Oikawa had sobbed through the night. Believing that his volleyball career was over before it had even started.

Or when he would come into the others house, finding him curled up in the middle of the floor running through match after match.

He would force Oikawa into bed and stay until he heard the others breathing even out in the lull of sleep.

Everything that happened to Oikawa happened to Hajime, and he felt like something was missing when he attended classes and couldn't find the other beside him.

"I don't know, but she's great. Now shut up shittykawa, let's go in. I need a drink."

It was safe to say that one drink turned into multiple paired shots here and there. Hajime had never been one to be influenced by peer pressure but tried looking Tetsuro Kuroo in the eye and denying a drink he insisted on tasting.

His veins hummed with the slow bubbles of alcohol. Everything seemed easier, chatting and interacting with others didn't feel so bothersome.

Honestly, he couldn't stop talking, and the way Oikawa watched him from a spot directly across from him made him giddy. His smile came easily, and he couldn't care less about making a fool of himself on the dance floor surrounded by his friends – old and new –

"How long have you been together!?"

He was speaking to Kuroo whose cat-like eyes were fixed on an ombre blonde who was dancing between Oikawa and Makki.

Hajime noticed Matsu was missing from the equation, he figured that he had gone off to find water for Makki who way beyond his limit in cups was barely able to stand let alone dance.

"Since second year! Well, their second year– my third year."

Hajime nodded, sipping from the cup he had parted with since he had entered the cluttered house.

Though he was fairly sure he had just been given multiple cups that looked the same. He doubted he could keep up with the same cup the entire night.

"That's so nice, you must really love them."

Kuroo had turned then, his head tilted in a gesture that seemed even more cat-like.

That feline smile carving its way across his lips, "Yeah, I do, Kenma has been there when I felt completely alone. I don't think there's a day where I won't adore them. It's like you and Tooru."

The comparison had caught Hajime off guard, and Kuroo knew it would. He guessed precisely the reason he said it.

"I'm just saying, whatever you are afraid of ruining? Not knowing is going to ruin you anyway."

Kuroo slipped away from his side, finding his way through the crowd of bodies. He watched as the raven-haired male pulled Kenma from his spot between the boys, their smiles vibrant— easy as they slipped their arms up and around Kuroo's neck.

He leaned forward, down so that his lips pressed a light kiss to their nose. It made Iwaizumi frown, and his heart thundered through his alcohol numbed senses

"What's that look for?"

Hajime nearly jumped out of his skin; he hadn't even noticed Oikawa approaching. He had to tilt his head back slightly, chin raised so he could find the others' eyes. It used to bother him, their height difference but it didn't matter much now.

"Nothing, just Kuroo and Kenma are disgustingly cute." Tooru laughed at that, taking his cup and sipping from it before placing it back into Hajime's hands.

His emerald eyes fixed on the cup, his thoughts running over the indirect kiss.

What the hell.

He had shared countless drinks with the other, even a toothbrush once when they were younger. Why was he even considering an indirect kiss, they weren't in middle school? They were adults.

"Tell me about it, does it remind you of your lovely Kiyoko?" Hajime knew the other was teasing, but the accusation stung, nonetheless.

He wasn't sure rather it was due to the alcohol loosening his thoughts or Kuroo's words, maybe a mixture of both but he said,

"No. More like you and me."

There was something satisfying about the flush that crept across his friend's cheek, and he couldn't stop the laughter that bubbled out at him.

Oikawa responded with a smile, before grabbing for his hand encasing it on his own as he leaned into the little space between them.

"Dance with me."

There was a sense of belonging in the world. Hajime had only felt that three times in his entire life. The first being when he had found himself out on the court, Oikawa tossing to him. He could still visualize the way his limbs bent, his toes curving forward as he readied himself to fly. Feeling himself defy gravity as his outstretched arm swung towards the ball that had stopped directly in sight of his gaze. His fingers curved, and he pushed himself into that ball when he served it across the net. He felt the sting, welcoming it as a roar from his team filled the surrounding air once the ball had slammed into the wooden floors on the enemy's line.

Second being when he found himself enraptured by the idea of helping other athletes like Oikawa that suffered from injuries or mental illnesses. Hajime felt as if he had been placed in this lifetime to make a difference and he had found it.

Third being right now, in the middle of the makeshift dance floor. Perspiring bodies, howls of laughter and smiles that were nearly as blinding as the strobes. He felt alive, a part of something more and the way that his limbs entangled themselves with Oikawa's felt right. It felt as if a puzzle slowly came together after so long. His hands wandered over the fabric of his best friends' shirt, feeling those lines of muscle– the body he knew as well as his own. Kuroo was right, they made more sense this way than any other way.

Leaning forward, Oikawa leaned down to press his forehead against his own. Hajime found his hands on either side of that familiar face, he wondered what it would feel like to feel those long thick lashes brush against his own skin if they kissed.

Kiss, god he wanted to kiss Oikawa so badly. As if his very life depended on it, and from the way Tooru had straightened, dragging him across the room to an empty area.

He knew Oikawa wanted to kiss him too.

Hajime leaned back into the wall, and for only a moment he realized the wrongness of this position. Hands settling on Tooru's slim waist, he turned them, so he now pushed Oikawa back into the hideous beige of the wall.

Their eyes locked, lips parted and breaths uneven. This is what it meant to love someone wasn't it? To feel completely helpless to control your thoughts or actions, his nose bumped against Oikawa's and their lips were so close now. Hajime could nearly taste him, the sweetness of his best friend mixed with alcohol.

His lips quivered, every hair standing as he meant to close the space between them and cross the boundary of their friendship into something more.


"I– can't" Hajime's words were a croak between them.

"What?" Oikawa's words were hushed, the shadows eating them up and obscuring them from the view of others. Hajime's knee was nestled between the other legs, his waist pressing into Tooru's.

His head was tilted back, emerald eyes settling on the other chocolate ones. From this close Iwaizumi could make out the gold flecks and it took every ounce of control not to lean into Tooru's hands that had found their way to either side of his face.

"That— you're drunk." He felt his hands coming up to cover Oikawa's and pull them away from his face. It wasn't exactly fair to pull the drunk card, since he wasn't sober himself, but he needed to put some space between them.

The other scoffed, his hands falling to his sides— long neck exposed as he tilted his head back. Iwaizumi frowned at the clear disappointment on his friends' face, not sure he understood what was happening between the two of them.

"Is the thought of me repulsive? Your precious Kiyoko has just captivated you, completely hasn't she?"

His brows furrowed, and he stepped back. The strobe lights made it where Hajime could make out the anger in the tightness of Oikawa's jaw. What the hell was his problem? It had nothing to do with being repulsed, it had to do with the fact that it wasn't fair to Kiyoko. He couldn't kiss Oikawa while being hers.

"Kiyoko is my girlfriend, you're my best friend. I don't get why you're comparing yourself to her or why she's the issue here."

Tooru looked as if he had been slapped, and he shook his head to move away from Hajime completely. He didn't understand how they had gotten here.

It wasn't rare for them to argue or not agree on something. There were plenty of times Iwaizumi hated whoever Oikawa entangled himself with, but Kiyoko was different.

"Wait! Hold up, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have let that happen, but it's not fair you are throwing Kiyoko's name around when you don't even know her. What is your issue with her!?" Hajime's words came out louder than he had intended, his hand catching the taller male's wrist pulling him back.

Tooru looked down, straight down his stupidly perfect nose and his gaze seemed to burn right through Iwaizumi. He felt his cheeks flushing with color without his consent, "You are truly dense Hajime— let me go."

Oikawa roughly pulled himself away from Hajime, disappearing into the sea of bodies that filled the music filled walls around them leaving him behind.


Oikawa felt himself being snagged back, his attention snapping up to the perpetrator. He was met by the familiar golden hue of Bokuto's gaze, the male had been intent on getting as far from Iwaizumi as he could that he hadn't paid any attention to his surroundings.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?"

Tooru glanced away from the other males' sharp gaze. His arm slipped from the strong grasp that had caught him in the midst of the crowd. He couldn't face that look of concern, not when he wanted the ground to open up beneath him and swallow him whole. Hajime's heavy-lidded eyes paired with those wandering hands turned into a mocking movie playing repeatedly, so Oikawa needed to leave.

"No, nothing happened. I just had too much to drink, so I'm ready to go back to the dormitory."

Bokuto seemed reluctant to let him go and he could catch the familiar site of raven locks approaching. If Akaashi got here before he escaped, the others would know for sure something was up. Tooru set a hand on his friend's shoulder and flashed him his usual cheeky smile.

"Man, I'm good alright? I just need to lay down. I'll text you as soon as I get back to the dorm, let Kuroo and Kenma know too, yeah?"

The other didn't seem satisfied but he simply nodded, he knew he couldn't force Oikawa to stay if he had already made up his mind. "Fine, but you better text me." The brunet almost sighed in relief but held it in as he wormed past Bokuto and a couple of others. He had nearly made it to the door when he felt an arm loop around his, the familiar scent of lavender bringing a smile to his lips.

"You didn't really think we would let you walk out of this house by yourself did you?"

"Suga, it's always a pleasure."

Sugawara smiled softly and glanced over at Oikawa; the male finally let himself relax as he leaned a bit onto his friend. In high school, Tooru had always been intrigued by the silver-haired setter. Finally thanks to Uni, he had been given the chance to truly get to know the other. Kuroo had been the one Oikawa had grown the closest with, of course, they were roommates after all. Yet Sugawara was the one he could truly be himself with.

"Isn't Iwaizumi-san here? Why are you leaving so early alone?"

They made it out of the suffocating frat house, passing masses of couples and friend groups laughing, smoking, even some vomiting into the bushes as they took the trail back to the dorms. Oikawa was grateful for the low illumination due to the night and shitty lamp posts on campus, it hid his flushed cheeks from the others.

"Just a small disagreement is all, Iwa-Chan is dating Kiyoko did you know?"

Oikawa looked at the male who walked beside him. He wanted to witness his reaction to the news, but Sugawara's face remained open and kind as usual. The only hint of surprise had been his raised brows.

"I did not know but that is wonderful, Kiyoko is a very kind girl and Iwaizumi-san is a good fit for her I believe."

Tooru scoffed at his gaze wandering to the familiar hedges near their dormitory. He hadn't been fond of the idea of Hajime dating another from the moment he had found out. Of course, that was selfish of him because truly it was his fault for not acting on his feelings sooner even so what the hell was that back at the party? Iwaizumi had made it seem like he wanted Oikawa just as badly, then he just pushed him off. He rejected him, humiliated him, and didn't even come to look for him.

"Is there a reason why Iwaizumi-san and Kiyoko shouldn't be together with Tooru?"

They had reached the dorms without Oikawa even realizing, the question seemed to form a weight on his chest. What was he supposed to say? No? No Hajime Iwaizumi couldn't date because he belonged to him? Because he was the only one who truly understood him? Because he had loved Hajime for years but now it was too late? He had no right to even think that. Although he did not speak it Sugawara must have already known. Oikawa felt himself stumble slightly as tears flooded his line of vision.

Sugawara caught Oikawa as he fell into his arms. For the first time, Oikawa allowed himself to cry in front of someone who wasn't Hajime. He wasn't sure if it was because he trusted Sugawara more than the others or if it was because he was drunk, but he allowed himself to cling to the others' warmth.

"I know," Suga breathed into his friends' ear, leading him into the dorm where the two of them crumpled to the floor as one. Sugawara held Oikawa tightly, soothing his back with gentle strokes.

"He was never mine," breathed Oikawa.

"I know."

"WHERE'S KAWA?" Makki leaned heavily against Matsukawa. The dark-haired male gripped his partner firmly around the waist as the other male slurred the question directed towards Iwaizumi. He had grown pale, body slick with perspiration thinking over the moment he had shared with Tooru. His breaths were a bit shallow and he blinked repeatedly as if clearing his vision after breaking the surface in a body of water.

Why hadn't he gone after him? Why couldn't he move?

"Dude, are you okay?"

Matsukawa had come closer, somehow still supporting Hana as his gaze found Iwaizumi's. "Tooru..." Makki seemed to perk up at the mention of their friend as if Hajime would finally answer his question about Oikawa's whereabouts but that was not the case. Iwaizumi murmured Oikawa's name once more before he doubled over, hurling the contents of his earlier meal all over Matsukawa's shoes


Iwaizumi vaguely recalled how they made it back to the dorms, he remembered Kuroo coming over to them once he had vomited all over Matsukawa. The male apologized repeatedly to his friend who was trying to his credit not to vomit himself, Kenma doing their best to urge Hana away from the other. This sent their pink-haired friend into a frenzy of tears; he swore that something had happened to Tooru and now Matsukawa was sick.

Drinking this much had been a terrible idea.

Despite his murky recollection, they had made it back to the dorm thanks to Kuroo and Kenma who patiently assisted the three of them. Kuroo, Hajime could tell, was pissed at Oikawa for leaving the three of them alone. Iwaizumi insisted that it had been his fault. When they entered the dorm it was silent, Oikawa had left the lamp on for them to be able to see once getting back. Hajime could make out the silhouette of his childhood friend on the bottom bunk yet the other did not stir no matter how much noise the group made.

"Alright this is where I leave you, Matsu you might want to shower first you reek, man," Kuroo spoke to the other as he dumped Iwaizumi on the couch carefully. Matsukawa frowned at that, "I would've never noticed." Makki, who had been clinging to Kenma, looked from them to his lover, "Are you okay?" The male sniffled, still unconvinced that Matsu and Tooru were okay even after all the assurance from both Kenma and Kuroo.

"I'm fine love, just sit tight while I shower." Matsukawa went towards the bathroom, careful not to track the vomit on the dorm's carpet. "I'm sorry!" Iwaizumi yelled out to his friend and Tooru for the first time since they had entered the room and made a single noise which was a harsh "Shh!" Oikawa must have regretted alerting the group he had been roused, because Hana turned towards the sound of his familiar voice, "Kawa! You're okay!" He threw himself onto the bottom bunk with the half-asleep male who grunted from the weight pressed onto him, "Of course I'm okay. Makki you're heavy!"

Tooru complained for a few more minutes before he adjusted himself so their friend could slip under the covers with him, Hana pressing his face to Oikawa's bare chest. Hajime could make out that honeyed skin even in the dimness of the room. Makki passed out immediately against the warmth of the chocolate haired male.

"I'm leaving now," Kuroo stated, "Oikawa maybe take your friends with you when you decide to leave? Iwaizumi would have never made it back if I wasn't paying attention to them."

"Iwa-chan is grown. He would have been fine plus Bokuto was supposed to tell you," Oikawa murmured back to his roommate as Kuroo turned to leave with Kenma. "Thank you," Hajime repeated once again to the raven-haired male as he left the room, now turning his attention back to where Tooru was glaring at him.

"What happened?"

Hajime let out an unamused laugh at his friend, the other had no right being angry with him for getting sick, he had left the three of them all alone in an unfamiliar setting.

"You left like a child as you do, and I got sick."

Oikawa's anger only seemed to grow from Iwaizumi's retort, "I am not a child, I left because you embarrassed me." Hajime frowned looking away from the other before he replied, "I'm sorry it's so hard for you to stomach rejection, newsflash not everyone wants to stick their tongue down your throat."

Oikawa was silent, his silence had become deafening to Hajime. "You don't get to say that. You don't get to make me feel like I created some false fantasy back in that party, you said those words first not me. You made me hopeful. You are cruel Haji, not me."

"I'm clean. Iwa you can go ahead," Matsukawa said, interrupting their conversation.

Matsukawa had a knack for good timing, Iwaizumi felt his eyes burning with the threat of tears from those words. He couldn't reply, there was nothing more to say to Oikawa because for once the other was absolutely correct. He was cruel.

"Thanks," He stood and made way to the bathroom himself.

"Are you guys okay?" Matsukawa waited for Hajime to close himself in the bathroom before he spoke and Oikawa nodded his head silently, "We're fine. Here you can take the bottom bunk. It will be hard for Makki to get up there tonight, he's already out." Tooru climbed out of the bed feeling Matsukawa's lingering gaze burning into him.

"We're fine," he repeated, and Matsukawa shook his head in that judgmental way of his. "Next time don't just leave us. Even if you are pissed. If it wasn't for Kuroo there would've been no way for me to manage getting both of them back here on my own. I know it's been a while since we've all been together, and it might not be as it once was between the four of us. We are still your friends too and you invited us here."

Oikawa didn't know what to say as he watched Matsukawa slip into the bottom bunk with Hana. "Nothing is different. You three are still my best friends, just because I'm here doesn't mean that has changed," he finally said.

Matsukawa sighed, "Right. Goodnight Oikawa."

The words were a dismissal, the chocolate haired male stood there for a handful of minutes trying to collect how it had been possible for him to make them feel as if anything had changed between the four of them. Perhaps a lot had changed between the four of them but naively Oikawa had wanted to deny it because if he denied it that helped that constant ache in his chest.

Without another word, Tooru climbed to the top bunk that belonged to Kuroo. He buried himself in the scent of his friend as he listened to the steady water of the shower. He fell asleep thinking over Matsukawa's words, and when he slept, he dreamt of a volleyball court. On one side he stood alone, on the other the three of his friends walked away from him. Oikawa's usual spot now occupied by Kiyoko clinging to Iwaizumi's side.

Sunlight poured into the cramped dorm room, stirring Hajime from his spot on the pullout couch. Even after his shower last night he hadn't felt well enough to remove the cushions and lug the bed out from the pullout. He had instead tossed his clothes into a plastic bag and converted his stocky build to the firmness of the old couch, one leg dangled off the side while the other rested on the shoulder of it. Now as his lashes fluttered, attempting to bat off the invading sun Hajime regretted that decision. His muscles were taunted with an ache from the position and his head was pounding; that being a side effect of how much he had to drink last night.

The room was silent aside from the distinct sound of breathing coming from the bunk bed to the right of him, he looked over expecting to find Oikawa claiming his bottom bunk once more and their friends on the floor, but no. Matsukawa and Hana remained intertwined with one another in Oikawa's bunk and Kuroo's was empty. The bastard had already left the room without bothering to wake any of them. Hajime groaned his annoyance as he tossed aside the fleece blanket, he used to cover himself and sat upright, running a hand through the tufts of his hair.

Standing he recalled the night before; the dance he had shared with Oikawa, the almost kiss, and the harshness of his friend's words mixed with the look of betrayal. Somewhere Iwaizumi had crossed a line that two of them must have forged years ago. He sighed; this had never happened before. He was used to their closeness, what happened last night wasn't even surprising, Tooru was always friendly when he was drunk, and Hajime was used to it. The difference now was Kiyoko, he couldn't participate in Tooru's games anymore and he seriously didn't want to be a recipient of the other male's attention; simply because he was taken now.

Iwaizumi turned to search the couch for his phone. He had to text Kiyoko and find Oikawa so they could talk about last night. He didn't want this to ruin their weekend, Hajime missed his best friend and he wanted to take advantage of the time they had left. Finding his phone, he unlocked it and checked his messages. He had two messages, both from Kiyoko wishing him a good weekend and then a photo of her coffee from their favorite café. He replied with a thank you and sent a gif from some romance movie of a couple hugging.

"Is that Tooru?"

Hajime inhaled abruptly, startled by the softness of Maki's sleep-heavy voice, "Holy shit man... you scared me." He tossed his phone on the couch and reached for his backpack taking out an old Godzilla t-shirt, Maki had slipped out a soft apology as Iwaizumi pulled the shirt over his bare chest. "It's fine, I didn't mean to wake you but no. It was just Kiyoko. I forgot to text her when we got in last night from the party, so I was letting her know I'm still breathing." The Sakura-haired male smiled softly at his friend, resting his chin on the russet arm of his sleeping lover as he listened to Hajime.

"You're fine, the sun was waking me not you. Do you plan on meeting Tooru? I heard him leave early this morning, and it sounded like he was going to practice. He left in gym clothes. I really hope he isn't pushing himself... he seemed okay for the most part at least, and his friends are really great, but you know Tooru. He's good at hiding how he's really managing, and he seemed a bit crazed this morning."

Iwaizumi chewed at his bottom lip now as Hana spoke about Oikawa. He was right, for the most part, the other seemed perfect but that was Tooru's specialty. He's good at making them believe he's fine and he had let himself be ruled by his pride from the moment Oikawa had invited him here. Hajime had come out of spite because he was still pissed that the other hadn't made good on their monthly promise to see each other and seeing him with Kuroo, it had stirred a bit of jealousy. Perhaps that had been the reasoning for his lack of caution last night. Iwaizumi felt ashamed.

"Well, if he is practicing, it will be quick to find him. Once I do, I'll send you two a text. We can get lunch and then figure out what else to do before we head home tomorrow."

Hana yawned, nodding his head to Hajime's words.

"Sounds like a plan, we'll be ready."

Oikawa had fled the suffocation of his dorm early that same morning; the sun hadn't even broken over the horizon when he walked out into the dewy early morning. He hadn't slept more than a couple of hours, and even those had been fitful before he decided to get dressed in practice clothes and leave. His friends remained sleeping, Tooru avoided the slightest glance over to Iwaizumi on the way out.

He'd run a mile before he felt a sharp pain gathering in the base of his knee, a reminder that he needed to take it easy. Tooru couldn't afford any kind of injury nor set back with his condition right before the season began, he inhaled deeply his chocolate gaze now being met by the low glow of the rising sun. Oikawa decided he would go to the coffee shop before heading back to the dorm to wake the others. He didn't really know what he would say once he went back to the dorm, the previous night was fresh in his mind and Oikawa didn't know how to face Iwaizumi.

Oikawa had tried to rid himself of the remembrance of his best friends' hands on him, the way they had knowingly navigated the entirety of him on the dance floor. The combination of their heavy breaths and longing stares. His brain was set on replaying the quiver of Hajime's lips as if in anticipation for Oikawa to break the distance between them, and yet when he had Iwaizumi had rejected him.

Perhaps it had been for the best, the last thing Oikawa needed was sending the other back unfaithful to the lovely Kiyoko, despite his irritation, Hajime had been right about one thing last night – Kiyoko did not deserve his hatred. Tooru had always found her to be kind, and when he had left Hajime behind, she had stepped in, Kiyoko had brought a warm glow to Iwaizumi. Something pure, wholesome, and long deserving.

Arriving at the campus' coffee shop his thoughts had been pushed down, the male clapped his hands together as if in prayer, mumbling a thank you for the small line. Usually, at this time, he would be waiting nearly an hour to be served. Opening the door, Oikawa was welcomed with the scent of freshly ground coffee beans and the coolness of air conditioning. Approaching the counter, he grinned at the barista greeting her with a good morning before reciting his order, "a large passion fruit refresher please with cut strawberries and extra ice."

"Also add a small vanilla bean latte iced to that." Oikawa turned, a brush of shoulders paired with the softness of his request belonged to Sugawara, who held out his debit card to the barista. Bewildered, Tooru mumbled "Suga, I can pay for my own drink you know."

"And I can also pay for my own drink, yours just happened to be included." Sugawara turned on his Mr. refreshing smile and Tooru found himself rolling his eyes, and a flush biting at his cheeks. Embarrassment was an understatement to how Oikawa felt about his sob fest last night, and how was the universe orchestrating such awful confrontations back-to-back?

"About last night, I apologize for being such a mess, I got drunk and well I can be a very emotional drunk."

Tooru felt himself stumbling through his excuse and Sugawara watched him, those silver hues fixed entirely on the other. Oikawa hated how attentive Sugawara could be.

"There's no need to apologize, honestly. I promise I didn't hunt you down to tease you about your feelings, which I might add are completely valid." Sugawara looked around, then his words were light and curious, "Where are your friends by the way? Don't tell me you're already being a poor host."

Oikawa laughed, with a shake to his head moving to stand off to the side as they awaited their drinks, he couldn't find an excuse for why he wasn't with the others, at least not a decent one. "I'm not being a poor host, they were still resting, Iwa-chan isn't used to partying like that. I'm surprised he even allowed himself to get that drunk."

Sugawara's brows rose and a subtle nod was telling that he didn't believe Oikawa's excuse. The brunet scoffed and was thankful that his own drink was called out to him, he reached for it grabbing a straw. He didn't want to discuss anything more with Sugawara, especially when the other had just claimed he had not been on a search for Oikawa due to last night.

"Thank you Suga, I'll see you at practice." Sugawara shifted slightly, the movement blocking Tooru's exit. It was clear that he was not getting out of here without talking.

"Have the two of you ever truly spoken about your feelings?"

Oikawa scoffed, his jaw flexing in habit, revealing that he grew restless and irritated. "Don't bring something up you know nothing about," he snapped. Sugawara rolled his eyes at the failed intimidation, "Actually I know quite a bit about your situation and I'm warning you to stop while you're ahead Tooru. He's with someone now, you have to respect that, and you can't be angry with him for finding happiness no matter how much it hurts."

"And who is to say I'm angry? You can't just spew that bullshit at eight in the morning."

"It's quite clear that you are angry, and your anger will get the best of you if you let it. I was with you last night, remember?"

"Vividly, also I remember the claim that you didn't come here looking to bring this up."

"I said I wouldn't bring up your state of vulnerability nor tease you for it, I never promised I wouldn't bring up the reason."

Tooru ran his tongue over his bottom lip, he didn't want to have this conversation not now, not with the sterling grey male. He didn't understand, Sugawara didn't know the bond he shared with Hajime. Even as he thought this, guilt began to eat at him. He shouldn't have put Iwaizumi in that uncomfortable situation at the party. Hajime hadn't been deserving of that nor for his hostility the minute Oikawa had found out about Kiyoko. Who was he to deprive Hajime of happiness? They had never been more than friends; Oikawa couldn't even imagine Iwaizumi looking at him as more than a friend or any man in that manner. Last night was an exception.

"All I'm saying is don't allow something that has never been there to ruin the relationship the two of you have had since childhood. Unfortunately, not everyone we love loves us in return. And when we become fixated on that misfortune, we can miss out on something glorious with another."

"Well all I know is that I hate Iwaizumi Hajime", Tooru said with a bit of anger still left.

"Small vanilla bean!"

Sugawara moved away then, taking his drink and thanking the barista with that smile of his. Oikawa avoided that expression at all costs until he felt a hand settle on the top of his head, the touch filled with endearment.

"I'm not going to tell you what to do though, but it's just advice. Friend to a friend. I'll see you at practice, okay?"

Tooru stood there, drink in hand, letting Sugawara's annoyingly wise advice settle in as he watched the others leave the café. What an ass. Grumbling inaudibly, Oikawa came to the realization Sugawara was right. He would not lose Hajime's friendship due to his feelings and even more, he would not be the source of Hajime's misery either.

As he left the café, heading back to the dormitory, he found himself thinking about how pleasant it felt to be touched by Sugawara. 

End. <3

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