Emotional Connection

By CosmicPsych

87.2K 2.4K 90

Ashley-Rae accompanies her father around the world as he writes his own guides and research papers on magical... More

sleeping in
eighteen hours
the argument
what if
until October
this is goodbye
it's fine
come home
easy ride
a dragon tamer's heart
conspiracies over coffee
chaos and mania
not quite
just a tad overdramatic
shared coffee
still figuring things out
honeymoon phase
process the impossible
into perspective
a distinct lack of organisational skills present
the Battle of Hogwarts
last time
Hi :)

The Epilogue

1.6K 34 5
By CosmicPsych

Ashley- Rae knew statistically that if one's parents got divorced or had an abusive relationship, then the child would be more likely to end up in the same type of relationship or their relationship would not last. And after learning the truth about what had really happened between her parents, she thought perhaps that statistic had increased for her. But she didn't care. She was going to marry Charlie, and the two of them would beat the statistics together.

"Oh, my!" Molly exclaimed, fluffing out the tulle skirt on the dress. Ashley stood in front of the mirror that had been hung up for the specific day.

She was not very adept at fashion, especially when it came to things like... well, this, so Jace and James had been the ones to drag her to a bridal boutique and met Molly, Hermione, Ginny, and Fleur there. They had chosen multiple dresses for her to try and it seemed as though they would never find the one. When she had gone home that day, her aunt had met her with a big package.

'It was your mother's. She was always ahead of her time when it came to fashion.' Her aunt had told her. Although her feet were killing her from the constant walking around that day, she felt a small burst of energy when she'd heard about her mother. The crew and Ashley had all agreed that it was the perfect dress.

"It's very beautiful!" Fleur gushed. She had done Ashley's make up, insisting upon helping.

"I agree, you make a lovely bride," Ginny stated and Hermione nodded in agreement.

"Thank you." Ashley politely replied, blushing under the foundation. She wasn't quite used to all the attention, even after all of the speeches as head of the hospital and essentially being the point of call for everything at the sanctuary now.

"I still can't believe you're getting married! After the whole time of you denying your love and those towel affairs of getting Charlie to man up, James and I thought we'd have to do the proposal for you two!" Jace teased, adjusting her veil as he spoke.

"Well, when you think you're going to die any minute, you tend to not have time to overthink and say 'no'. Besides, I expect many more of those towel acts. Especially when he forgets our anniversary." Ashley responded, lightly chuckling.

"Ah, you're right. Okay, kids and Mrs Weasley, let's get this ceremony going. Now you all know your places-"

"Yes!" The group of women interrupted.

"Jace, you've only gone over it a hundred times," Ginny exclaimed, "You're almost worse than my mum!"

"Well, excuse me for caring about my son's wedding!" Mrs Weasley waltzed out of the room before assuring Ashley she looked amazing and couldn't wait for her to join the family.

"Well, fine, if you're sure you all know what you're doing, get to it!" Jace recovered before walking over to Ashley who had begun to stare at the mirror, fidgeting her hands nervously, twisting the necklace Charlie had given her years ago. "You doing okay, Ash?"

"Hmm? Yeah, fine." She replied quickly in a slightly higher tone than before.

"Ash, it's normal to get the wedding jitters. Everyone gets cold feet. It's ok if you-"

"It's not me I'm worried about. I love Charlie, I know I do. He says he loves me and I believe him. But what if, what if he changes his mind?" She turned to him, a look of panic in her eyes that the makeup couldn't cover. "I mean you are right, we've only been dating a short time and we are young and-"

"Ok, I'm going to stop you right there. I know your parents... in a way, and their story was no fairytale. And the 'what if's, everyone says what if. Life is full of them. But it's you get to choose which 'what if' you want. What if Charlie changes his mind about loving you? Ok, I mean, you're right, he could. Ten years down the line he could despise you."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Jace." Ashley sighed.

"But what if he doesn't?" He stepped closer, trying to force her to look at him. "What if you walk down that aisle, say your vows, and spend the rest of your lives together with your little dragon babies, falling more and more in love each day? You get to choose which 'what if' you take here. And now, Ashley- Rae," He wiped a stray tear off her smiling face, "now, you get to choose. Which 'what if' is it going to be?"

She paused, leaning into his hand, before turning around and fixing her makeup, grateful that Fleur had used waterproof mascara and eyeliner. "I choose life. And love. I choose Charlie." And it was as though a switch flipped in her head, where she could see their future laid out before them. It wouldn't be easy. Hell, it hadn't been easy getting to the point where they were at now, but that's what life is. It didn't have to be a fairytale packed all neat and tidy on the shelf gathering dust. It just had to be theirs to face. Together.

"Atta girl. Now, let's pop a smile and wipe those tear streaks away, and let's go say 'I do'." The two shared a smile before he helped her slip on her heels.

She laughed, "you are aware that our vows don't actually say the words 'I do' right?"

He nodded, before standing and offering his arm. "I know your vows better than you do. So if you forget, I'll be there with them."

Ashley laughed, "maybe you should be marrying Charlie! But seriously, thank you, for giving me away. Merlin knows what would have happened if I'd have asked my father."

"Punching may have been involved if he'd even shown up." Jace tried to brush away the anger that always surfaced when he thought of Michael.

"It just- It means a lot to me, that you're doing this for me." Ashley rambled, relieved that she didn't have to deal with her father on such a special day. She never sent him an invitation - not that anyone other than Charlie knew. They didn't have to know.

"It's my pleasure, Ashley. But don't call me daddy, I don't swing that way." He winked at her, drawing a laugh from the bride to be. The two hooked arms again, and began to walk to the doors that would reveal the tunnel towards the tent where the wedding was to be.

It was a see-through tent so the nearby dragons could be a part of the wedding. Specifically Rose and Peaches, the two new dragons Charlie and Ashley-Rae had begun to look after in the dragon nursery.

"I see a light, Ashley- Rae. You sure you want this?" Jace said dramatically.

"After the whole 'what if ' speech, you're asking now if I have any doubts?" Ashley asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, do you?"

"No. No, I do not. Charlie and I are going to beat the stupid statistics, the horrible 'what if's, and have our dragon babies and happily ever after." Ashley's declaration might as well have been set in stone with how determined she was.

"See? My speeches do work!" Jace exclaimed.

Shaking her head, Ashley focused on just getting down the aisle without tripping on the dress in her heels. Her bridesmaids and the groomsmen were in line, waiting for Jace to give the cue, which he did by pulling a blue towel out and snapping the air with it - what was it with him and towels?

The wedding had begun.

Walking down the aisle after her bridesmaids, Ashley could hardly breathe, her eyes fixed on the back of Charlie's head. She wasn't sure whether she wanted him to turn around or if that would just make her heart stop completely.
Jace could feel her anxiety, so began relaying her own vows back to her, slowing her breathing down as she reached the middle, giving her back some control in the middle of the minor chaos that had taken over.

Charlie turned, as Bill told him it was now or never, eyes landing on Ashley-Rae, who looked as perfect to him then as she had always done. Flooded with emotions, he could hardly stop his eyes welling up, something he knew she wouldn't ever let go, but right then, all he could think was 'I get to spend the rest of my life with her. I get to call her my wife.'

And suddenly they were stood together, in front of all of their friends and family, in front of so many people and dragons flying overhead, reciting their vows to one another.

"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way into darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine." Charlie couldn't stop smiling as he slipped the ring onto her finger, not wanting their hands to ever break apart.

Ashley turned to Jace, who handed her the ring. She smiled, a warm buzz rushing through her as she took his hand in hers, saying, "With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I shall be your wine." She met his gaze, eyes shining, hardly believing that she was lucky enough to be marrying Charlie-freaking-Weasley. And with the feeling of his hand in hers, the way he looked at her, all of her previous doubts flew out of her mind. This felt right, this felt like everything she had ever wanted. "With this candle, I will light your way into darkness. With this ring," taking a breath, she slipped the ring onto his finger before looking back up at him, "I ask you to be mine."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. you may now kiss."

Charlie could barely contain his happiness, but managed to contain it enough to lean in and cement their marriage with a kiss. "I love you forever, Ashley-Rae Weasley."

"I should bloody hope so, Charl!" Ashley giggled, and they walked hand-in-hand back down the aisle a mess of happiness and euphoria. The guests all gathered outside, congratulating the newly-weds, making small talk while the groomsmen transformed the inside of the tent for the reception.

"Ashley-Rae!" Winnie weaved through the crowds. Of course Ashley had invited her aunt, her only biological family she was on speaking terms with. "Oh, congratulations! If only your mother could see you now!" She embraced the both of them with tears in her eyes, evidently ecstatic for them. "Thank you for inviting me to be a part of this."

"It's our pleasure! You're welcome here anytime, Winnie!" Ashley smiled, squeezing Charlie's hand. "You're my family, of course I wanted you here with me today."

Charlie agreed, offering her a place in the sanctuary whenever she wanted before the guests all filtered back through into the tent. The two hung back a little, wanting to go and say hello to the dragons who had patiently waited far enough off to not scare the more reserved guests.

"This is going to be one hell of an adventure." Charlie grinned, greeting Rose as she got impatient and ran towards the two. "Hi, girl, you being good out here?"

Ashley smiled, watching Peaches walking over, a little more patient than her younger sister. "You're damn right there Charlie. I still can't believe I get to do it with you."

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