chaos and mania

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Today had to be completely perfect for Abigale, it all had to go exactly to plan. She'd had her outfit picked out for a week, and her words chosen for hours, and of course, she'd prepared a whole speech to convince Charlie that Ashley-bloody-Rae really didn't like him after her shift that day Taylor had accidentally given her the idea. Really, she was surprised Charlie didn't know already that Ashley didn't like him back by the way she constantly treated him - or, more accurately, didn't treat him. Abi just didn't know why he let her do that to him, it wasn't fair on her or Charlie. 'Her' of course being Abigale.
She really couldn't care less for Ashley, and she hadn't failed to notice either how Ashley hadn't scheduled them to ever work together. And even then, it was a little obvious that Ashley was avoiding her on shift anyway, considering she was hardly ever out the front when Abi turned up, and if she was, she let James or Jace hand over rather than doing it herself, walking to the office and shutting herself in until the end of her shift, or even just leaving early through the back. Abi didn't know what to do about that, though she didn't want to do anything it might look bad if she didn't at least try just once to figure out what her issue with Abi was.

Abi dressed, making sure her hair and makeup were perfect, before grabbing some toast for brunch. She loved having two days off. They weren't consecutive, but she couldn't complain really, considering she got to lie in more after working the 11 pm-7 am shift. And seeing as she shared one of her days off with Charlie, she really couldn't complain, even if she didn't spend as much time - if any - with him as she'd like. She blamed Ashley.

She checked the time, knowing Charlie would probably be out with the new baby dragon he'd adopted, so she made double sure her makeup was perfect before stepping out, locking her door and breathing in the cold air. she didn't feel the cold, not really, considering she was used to dressing in crop tops and leggings half the time. It's what she felt comfortable in, so really, why not? But she was definitely grateful for the denim jacket.

Finding Charlie wasn't difficult, considering she knew his routine inside and out by now, but even then all she really had to do was follow the noise of him yelling at the dragon that was probably misbehaving or hurting him again - both were highly probable given the amount of time Charlie had to go to the hospital because of injuries from the baby dragons. She didn't know why he did it when they always hurt him, and there was no way she was ever going to let them do that to her, but if he liked them then she couldn't do much about that.


Abi took a breath, going over it all one more time before catching up and grabbing Charlie's attention. "Hey! Are they behaving today?" She smiled at him, making sure he couldn't escape the conversation before she told him how she felt about him.

Charlie smiled, though it was more out of politeness than anything. "Kiwi is behaving, Loco, not so much."

She giggled a little, though didn't really know how to respond to that; dragons weren't entirely her strong suit. "I was wondering if we could talk?"

Charlie shrugged, "sure, walk with me."

Relieved that he hadn't shut her down, she fell into step beside him, almost too close to him, but making sure the two baby dragons - that were the height of her waist now, so could hardly be classed as babies - kept well away from her. "I was wondering if you were doing anything later today? Like this evening maybe?"

Charlie shrugged again. "Not really, just taking care of these two." He watched them running off before calling them back when they went too far.

"Well, would you like to go for dinner somewhere? My treat."
Abi could immediately see his surprise, the way he paused, mid-step, before carrying on, though his eyes hid no secrets. She wasn't particularly surprised he hadn't realised she liked him, though a little annoyed at his complete fixation on Ashley.

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