Beautiful Nightmare

By heersiddique

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Kakashi x reader (den namikaze) moon Kakashi x readerx itachi Story takes place in konoha ( hidden leaf) re... More

Chapter 1 Family
Chapter 2, A Friend My Sun
Chapter 3 Training In The Woods
Chapter 4.. Gifted Genins
Chapter 5, Pain With Sharingan
Chapter 6: Unclear Feelings
Chapter 7.. The Pervert
Chapter 8.. Nine tails Attack
Chapter 9.. You Are My Family
Chapter 10: Foundation Attack
Chapter 11 Chunin Exam
Chapter 12: Final Fight
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 The Promotion
Chapter 17 Anbu First Day
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 The Unavoidable Mission
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 Combine Mission
Chapter 28 And 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Last Announcement

Chapter 39

220 9 0
By heersiddique

Chapter 39

Den's perspective :

It's been a week.. I use to go to inn every day to sing and learn about the people around... And gather as much Intel as I can...

I saw itachi came to inn too well I sense his Chakra here every day but today he decided to show up...

... Come on raiden what are you waiting for... Hidan said shouting from his table...

That idiot...

I saw itachi was looking at me too

So now I can sing...

Two years and you still look the same
Wide blinking eyes look at me the same way
Do my lips take you back to June?
Do my lips make you miss me too?

Tell me if the years are all gone
Is the moon still in love  with the sun?
Do you still keep counting my sins?
Will your heart ever forgive my skin?

How many more first kisses?
Are you gonna watch me pick up the pieces
I know you miss the furrow in my brows
And I could be in your arms now

Tell me if the years are all gone
Is the moon still in love  with the sun?
Do you still keep counting my sins?
Will your heart ever forgive my skin?

Tell me if the years are all gone
Is the moon still in love  with the sun?
Do you still keep counting my sins?

And how do I win?
To the first boy who lit me a flame
Does your heart still remember my name?

I looked at him he was just looking at me without blinking..

... Hey Raiden... Why don't we try our very first kiss today... Hidan said with a grin...

No hidan I kinda have a lover already...

But he doesn't have to know about me... He winked at me..

Let's get going ... It's almost time.. I said

Oh yeah!!! It will be fun I can find someone for jashin...

We all start walking.. Outside the village where they were going to kidnap the villager with their genjutsu...

They were all rogue Shinobi so powerful...

We start fighting...

Hidan just injured a ninja's arm a little making him Bleeding...

It wasn't good enough hidan... I said

OH you think so.?

He swallowed the blood and made a diagram on the ground..

His body color changed in black and white

He Thn stabbed himself in the arm.. Does it hurts.. He said laughing his lunatic laugh..

The ninja scream in pain who's blood he swallowed

I was stunned..

Thn he stabbed himself on his leg.

But that ninja fell down

Thn he stabbed himself in the heart

And the other man died..

Who else wanna die for jashin... He said playfully...

I was standing blank there when a shuriken came to my direction , I was about to dodge it but itachi blocked it...

Focus on your own fight moon no one is here to fight your fight .. He said making the susanoo

He killed almost 30 ninja at onces

The other ninja set land mines too when Itachi's susanoo moved the land explode...

Tachi gave me a look.. I nodded...

Lightning style.. Million Lightning bolts of thunder God...

The whole area covered with lightning... I injured almost every ninja ...

Not bad.. Not bad at all, you are crazy, a girlfriend material... hidan said looking at me with his beautiful idiotic face...

She is good should we take her with us... Kisame asked to tachi..

No.. tachi simply said..

Thn kisame used water style a whole big water ball appeared covered a kilometer he summon sharks in it... Almost every ninja was in that and his shark ate them..

He broke the jutsu...

When a few ninja appeared again

There was water every where... I used my lighting style again.... Boom they died..

One ninja regenerated his body he was like hidan... Kisame asked him if he wants to join he refused he said he is gonna kill every single one of us and Thn take every one from The village to make more money....

İtachi used his totsuka sword (sealing) that was in his susanoo...

And sealed him away...

After that he coughed a little blood

And his chakara weakened...

I ran towards him... Tachi... He refused to take my help...
Listen you are in no condition to argue  let me help please tachi, I can't see you like this... I said, kisame and hidan was looking at me confused...

I sit down healing him... First I thought it was because of over use of his Chakra but it's not like that... He.. He is sick.. I start healing him.. he was in my lap

It's because of his Mangekiyo sharingan it's decreasing his life span...

I am okay now he tried to get up but was still weak..
Tachi let me heal you completely atleast.... I said holding his hand...

I am fine he said again..

Stop being so stubborn already, you know, why are you always like this I am asking nothing much.. So stay still or I am gonna puch you right on your pretty face....

He lookes at me for a momentvand
He set down again and I healed him completely... Actually I wanted to know more about his illness...

.. After his chest.. I put my hands on his eyes to heal.. It's already so damaged...

What now, I am fine you healed me ...

Who is doctor here... Don't tell me my job genius..I said closing his eyes again...

I healed his eyes a little it won't hurt him and drain his Chakra for few times now...

After that I quickly kissed his forehead...

do you want me to kill you right now .. He said bluntly

Like I care about dying, I rolled my eyes...

So you two know each other... Kisame asked

İtachi looked at me...

Yes we used to live together...he said

How together, you mean like sharing you are doing now... Hidan asked in shock

Yes... itachi replied
Man you shared a room with my girl... Hidan said
Hidan I am not your girl you know.. I said standing up

So is she the same girl  you stabbed on heart.... Kisame asked

He looked at me again...

Can you believe it kisame sanpaiiii he stabbed me.. And I didn't die how cool right...

Yes... But unfortunately she didn't die last time I was certain she is dead ... He said without any expression...

Better luck next time itachi.. Said kisame... But I think she is useful to use...

What??? you stabbed a fine girl like her, who shared a room with you... You are a fool itachi no sense of romance, you know men only get hot girls like her in dreams ... Hidan said his mouth hanging open...

Raiden come with me I will treat you better.. He said with a wink

Mmm that's enough what's done is done our mission is complete so we have to inform Mr akifumi and go to our respective homes... I said looking at tachi if he still wanna come with me...

Sure... Kisame said walking ahead with hidan...

Leaving me and itachi behind...

Tachi come home with me.. I said hoping he will understand...

There is no home and I don't consider that village my home

Tachi there are still people who loves you..
Come back...

I couldn't care less, and what makes you think that I won't kill ya again..

Why did you do that... With sasuke..

He was silent...
I asked again...

Stop being stupid already how many times I do have to say same thing moon.. you makes my head hurt ... I am regreting not to finished you off that time ...

OH yeah I know I know, itw regreted that too once... I said still smiling at him...

We went to inform and he asked us to stay for the night... But I insisted to go home now since there is no need to stay when I can't change his mind now but I will try again ...

Hey Raiden... Stay with me tonight.. Hidan said

Sorry hidan someone is waiting for me home I gotta go ... I said  looking at tachi and kissing hidan's cheek..

Well that was sweet... hidan said

I shook  hand with kisame..

And I just looked at itachi... He knew why I didn't say anything... We still don't need words to understand each other...

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