The werecoyote with anger iss...

By luvm0rley

251 0 0

Malia has a sister named Blake but they don't know they are siblings until the Deadpool. They both killed the... More

Blakes backstory
The dark moon
The benefactor
Dark family

Full moon

20 0 0
By luvm0rley

Kira picks me up from stiles first then goes and get Liam I get into the back while Liam is in the passenger seat. It has been silent the whole time and the music is starting to hurt my ears. I can tell it is to Liam too.

Kira says " it's Lydia Martin's lake house. Actually, it's her grandmother's lake house." Kira voice is not helping right now. Kira says " but she's dead, so it's okay. I mean, it's not okay that she's dead. Unless she was in pain." I am starting to breath heavy and so is Liam.

Liam says " can you turn the music down?" I nod my head then all a sudden it goes down and not as loud.

Kira says " you want me to turn the music up?" Kira turns the music up a little. Liam phone vibrates and me and him jump.

Liam looks at kira and says " who'd you say was coming to this party?" Kira looks at him then back to the road.

Kira says " um... everyone." After that it goes silent again.

Me and Liam are breathing really heavy and Kira is looking at us both. We get to the lake house and get out of the car.

Liam says " where is everyone?" We walk towards the front door.

Kira says " they're here. It's a small party." She turn towards us and walk backwards.

Liam says " you said everyone was coming." Liam looks back then back in front of him.

Kira says " they are. They're late." She comes up and grabs liams arm as Liam grabs mine. Kira says " we're early. So we better hurry." Kira pulls Liam and Liam pulls me. Kira says " yay! Party." As we go to the front door.

Liam opens the door as we walk in we see Scott, Lydia, Malia, and stiles. Stiles puts his hand up and waves then puts his hand down. Kira shuts the door then looks it as Liam goes to leave. Kira says " sorry." Liam looks back towards the others.

Liam says " what the hell is this." As Kira moves behind him.

Stiles says " think of it like an intervention. You have a problem, Liam." I look at stiles then to liam.

Scott steps forward and says " and we're the only ones that can help." I look at Scott then back to Liam then to the floor.

Liam says " werewolf?" While looking at Scott. He looks at me and malia says " werecoyote." Me and Malia nod. He looks at Lydia and say " banshee." She pointes at him. He turns to kira and says " fox?" I look over to kira.

Kira says " kitsune. But fox works." Liam turns to stiles.

Liam says s" what are you?" I turn to stiles.

Stiles says " uh, for a little while, I was possessed by an evil spirit. It was very evil." Everyone nods as Liam nods not believing us.

Liam says " what are you now?" I look at Liam then to stiles.

Stiles says " better. Um..." stiles looks over to Malia. Liam looks over to the two sets of chain for me and Malia.

Liam says " are those for me?" I step up beside him.

I say " no." I look towards Malia.

Malia says " they're for us." Me and Malia glow our blue eyes. Liam looks scared and steps back from me. I look down sadly I hear "come here" with my hearing. I look up and see Malia looking at me. I go to her and she pulls me in a hug.

Liam says " how did you guys do that?" Sacredly. I pull away but still being by Malia side.

Scott looks at me with sadness but then says " you'll learn. But first, you need to get through the full moon." I look at Liam to see what he says.

Liam says " the moon's already out." Angrily

Scott says " and you're starting to fell some thing, aren't you?" Scott nods when he says that.

Liam says " I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of psychotic nutjobs. You guys are out of your freaking minds. I don't know how you guys did that eye thing and I don't care. I'm walking out the door right now! If any of you try to stop me, I swear to god, i'm gonna..." I start to hear things I put my hand on my ears and growl. Liam does the same out he screams.

Malia grabs me and try to talk to me but I can't hear her with all this noise and my growling. I hear her say " what's wrong Blake." I look at her with my eyes glowing.

I say " you don't hear that." Maila listens and looks at Scott as he listens. I drop to floor as Malia grabs me and holds me but she backs away when I growl at her.

Lydia says to Malia " get her off the floor!" Cause my nails are growing in. I growl loudly at her. I see Scott look back to me. He grabs my chains and hand them to me.

Scott says " go to the boathouse now! I will bring Liam there soon, go now!" I grab the chains and run to the boathouse. I chain my self to the support beam and try to clam down. I close my eyes and see my family's faces i opens my eyes back up. I hear there screams I try to cover my ears but I can't my chains are stoping me.

I start to cry and say " I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." It stops and I stop crying then I get more angry and start to try to get out. I see Liam, Scott, and Kira and I start to get real angry and start to get out. They trying to chain Liam up but he keep trying to get away.

I keep trying to get out of my chains. Scott says " I got him. Get his hands." Kira goes and grabs his hands but he breaks free and gets on top of Scott. And growls and snap at him. Liam goes to claw Scott throat out but Kira Knocks him out. They go to Liam to see if he is still breathing.

Kira says " oh, god I didn't kill Kim, did I?" Scott looks at Liam and see he is breathing.

Scott says " no. He's out cold." They breathing heavy.

Kira says " I hope stiles is having better luck." They turn to me when they hear a big roar. I am trying to get out of my chains.

Scott says " Blake you have to find your anchor." He comes up to me. I keep growl and snapping at him.

I say " I can't, I never had anyone to care for me." I start to growl and snap again. Scott looks back to kira and Kira and Scott look at each other sadly. I say " Kira you have to knock me out or I am going to get out and kill you guys and I want to do bad." Kira looks at me.

Kira says " no bla-" I roar at her and she nods and grabs the paddle that she used and says " I'm so sorry blake." I growl one more time time I am meet with darknesses.


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