The perfect role

By Silverfox_17

1.2K 80 6

After the cast of Suicide squad was announced Margot was over the moon. New friends, new opportunities and po... More

- Five -
- Six -
- Seven -
- Eight -
- Nine -
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- Eleven -
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- Thirteen -
- Fourteen -
- Fifteen -
- Sixteen -
- Seventeen -
- Eighteen -
- Nineteen -

- Twenty -

86 5 0
By Silverfox_17

A cold breeze hit me in the face and I moaned, as I sat up in bed. Turing to my side, Jared was laid peacefully next to me.

I got up, throwing the blanket to the side, as I made my way to the window. Leaning against the glass, I just took in the silence, as I watched the raindrops trickle down the glass.

I have had such an amazing couple of days with this man. I never knew how beautiful Italy was and honestly I'm just as in love with this place as Jared is. The views, the culture, the weather. I'm so glad that we worked things out because I honestly couldn't see myself with anyone else.

The silence continued when I suddenly felt a cold pair of arms round my waist.

"Morning" he spoke.

"Hey" I smiled, gazing at our reflection on the glass.

"Ready to go home?" He asked, resting his head on my shoulder.

"No, I don't even live in Toronto anyway" I smirked. "Although the squad are a little family"

"Yeah" he sighed. "So what do you think?"

"Of..of what?"

He chuckled "Italy"

"You know what" I slowly turned to face him, arms circling his neck. "I love it" I whispered.

He smiled widely, sweetly kissing my lips.

"Good because If you date me, you date Italy too" he smirked. "Come on, we have to leave in an hour"

He broke away and he went into the shower, as I decided to start on my suitcase. We both finished packing and eventually made our way to the airport.

We got out, thankfully there was no paparazzi, and we got through security, taking a seat.

"Attention all traveler's, the 09:26 flight to Toronto, gate 013, has been delayed two hours. Sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause"

I sighed, resting my head on Jared's shoulder.
"Well, it looks like we're gonna be here for a while"

We both sat in silence, watching everyone go by, as we were both incredibly tired. I started falling asleep when a stabbing pain started in my groin, causing me to moan.

Jared glanced over at me in confusion. "Are you ok?" He asked and I shook my head in discomfort, as I placed my arms over my crotch, in attempt to stop the pain.

He grabbed my arm, gently pulling it, eventually pulling me into his lap. I placed my arms loosely around his neck, resting my head on his chest. "I'll get you some painkillers when we land, ok?" He whispered, Planting a kiss on my head.

Time went by and our plane eventually got here. We got up and quickly got on the plane, sinking into our seats.

The plane took off and we both scrolled through some movies.

"Fight club?" I asked and he glanced over at me, with a look that spoke for itself. "What? You're hot in that film" i whined, causing him to smirk slightly, but he wasn't budging. "Fine"


The plane landed and we both got off, making our way though security surprisingly quick.

We both turned the corner, to the entrance of the airport when i stopped.

"What's wrong?" He asked, stopping next to me.

"Paparazzi" I muttered, as I stared at the large group of paparazzi waiting outside. There had to been at least 50.

"Still getting used to the whole famous thing huh?" He smirked.

"Well this is only my second big movie role"

"You'll be fine, just stay by me" he pulled me towards him, his hand around my waist.

I just smiled lightly as he gave me a kiss. We began walking and we're suddenly surrounded by camera flashes.

"Jared, Jared over here! So are you two really official? Margot is it true that you still love Tom?"

And at that last comment, Jared pulled me closer, an annoyed look on his face, as he directed us both to the car.

He opened the door, wanting me to get in first, and quickly shut the door behind him.

The car left and I pushed my hair back, slightly stressed. I never really minded the paparazzi but some of them were straight up invasive and rude.

Jared saw my stressed face and pulled me to him, letting me rest my head on his shoulder.

We eventually made it to a coffee shop and the car stopped, as we got out.

We both got in pretty easily, with no paparazzi for a change and I could tell he was happy about that.

Strolling in, Jared started talking to a guy that seemed to work there.

"Hey, um is Shannon in?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'll go get him right now" he said, walking to the back.

We both took a seat at a booth and waited for the man to come out. Eventually a man approached our table and Jared stood to greet him.

"Hey Shan, this is Margot" he smiled as he gestured over to me.

"Hey" he shook my hand and took a seat opposite us.

They both started talking for a while about their music and Shannon's business, I think.

"Hey, while your here, are you guys hungry?" Shannon asked.

Jared looked over at me, as-if to ask me.

" I'm good for now" I lied, not wanting to be a burden.

"Babe you need to eat, we skipped breakfast"
They both stood up, walking to the back room.

I just sighed, gazing out of the window while Jared did whatever he was doing. After a while he came back, passing me some pasta and an iced coffee along with some pain killers.

"Oh, thanks" I smiled, sipping my coffee. "How'd you know I like iced coffee?" I smirked, intrigued.

"The first day you walked on set you had an iced coffee, plus I've seen them in the bin at your trailer" he smirked back, clearly impressed with himself. Wow he pays that much attention to me, even before we were dating?

I smiled as I began looking over my Instagram, sipping on my coffee. My eyes started to get heavy and even the coffee wasn't working.

I yawned and Jared put his arm around me.
"Tired?" He asked, rubbing my back.

"A little yeah, jet lag"

"You wanna go to the hotel, lay down for a bit?"

"Can we?" I asked and Jared got up, going over to the counter.

"We'll finish the project later Shan, I've gotta go" he yelled to him and I heard an echoed 'ok' back. "Come on" he signalled at me.

We both got in the car and made our way back to the hotel, as I tried not to fall asleep.

Eventually we made it to the room and I immediately laid down on the bed.

"What are you gonna do while I'm asleep?" He took a seat beside me, wrapping his arm over my shoulder.

"Well I have some work to finish later, but I think I'll join you for a bit"

I just smiled as I laid down, resting my head on his chest.

Jared's POV

She snuggled into my chest, as she started to fall asleep. I just laid there in silence and stared up at the ceiling, getting lost in my thoughts.

I was eventually brought out of my trance as she shuffled lightly next to me, changing position. After she got comfy again, I slowly slipped out of the cuddle and picked up my laptop.

I started answering some emails and after a couple hours, I noticed her groaning next to me, quickly shuffling around. She started to panic and I quickly shut my laptop, shuffling closer to her side.

Her arms quickly found me, and she clung onto my body as-if she'd been searching for me the whole time. She quickly calmed down, as I began stroking her hair and soon went back to sleep.

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