Teasers for future Infinite S...

By DerTrap

563 22 11

Just small teasers for Stories that I'm thinking about writing More



43 3 2
By DerTrap

In a research Facility near San Francisco we see Ichika and his Harem breaking into the Facility because ISA was asked to go after some rumours about the Company that is running this Facility. The rumours are basically from Human Experiments over illegal IS activities up to assassinating journalists that were researching about their activities via "accidents". So they are trying to find evidences for these rumours. Pretty suspicious right?

Ichika: Yes we made it to the Main Laboratory on the 4th floor. But dammit it is locked.

Kanzashi: Leave it to me I will hack the system.

Houki: Good tell us when you are done while we watch out for Guards.

Rin: Yeah so that we get out of here as soon as possible because this Place just makes me feel uncomfortable.

While they are doing that we see the Lab on the 3rd Floor were we see a 16 year old boy who recently lost his father. His Dad was a journalist who was investigating the rumours and one day he suddenly went missing and the police found his corpse in an alleyway brutally slaughtered. Now he was searching for evidences as well to prove his claim that the company killed him.

Y/N: Nice seems like they didn't change their Codes. Ok time to find some evidences and then for the Main Lab.

3 Minutes later with Ichikas Group

Kanzashi: It's open

Ichika: Then let's get in there.

In the Lab

Ichika: Let's swarm out and find out what is really going on here.

All of them nooded

2 Minutes later they found some kind of safe which was quickly hacked by Kanzashi

Inside was just a strange capsule with some kind of black liquid

Ichika was looking at it from all angles like a scientist but then suddenly he saw at it again and it looked like the fluid was moving weirdly. He suddenly saw something in it that looked like an eye and out of surprise dropped it. It shattered on the floor. Suddenly a loud screech was heard and the fluid jumped on Ichikas Face and quickly spread over his whole body effectively covering his entire body.

The Girls: ICHIKA!

The strange creature was moving and screaming wildly until it destroyed a desk, which sudeenly  triggered some kind of device which created a high frequency. The creature now cut itself from his body. As it quickly escaped through the ventilation while the Alarm was now activated.

Tatenashi: Shit we need to get out of here quickly

Houki and Kanzashi were now carrying the weaked Ichika while they were running out of the Facility

At the same time with Y/N

Y/N: Ok now for the 4th Floor.

Now he heard the Alarm too and he was running through the building to get to the parking loot to get out of there with his Bike. But while he was running the black fluid was dropping out of the ventilation and dropped on Y/N's shoulder. He didn't notice that because he was too busy with running as it quickly moved into his body.

A few minutes later he arrived at the parking lit and he got out of there. One minute later  the IS Group arrived and activated their IS's to bring Ichika to a Hospital. While still thinking about this strange black creature and what happened to it. It definetly was quite scary especially because it was attacking Ichika.


Y/N: Finally home.

He was parking his bike and after that he went into the residential complex where he lives. He was taking the elevator to the loft where his apartment was. He can pay it because he has a lot of money from the fortune his Dad left for him combined with his dad's life insurance. Speaking of it:

Music starts at: 0:54

???: Rent!

Y/N: Yes Mr. Ditkovich

Mr. Ditkovich: Thank you my boy.

Music ends

Y/N walked into his apartment until he suddenly felt sick as he heard a monster like voice in his head calling his name.

???: Y/N

He ran into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror.

Y/N: Who's there?

???: Y/N

Y/N: What do you want from me?

???: Nothing and don't worry I won't harm you. It is just part of the process.

Y/N: What kind of process?

???: You will see.

Y/N: Perfect (sarcastic)

???: You definetly look far more interesting than the loser with the blue hair.

Y/N: Thanks?

???: You hate them just like me right?

Y/N: Who do you mean?

???: The company that killed your father. The same Company where you broke in to gather evidences against them.

Y/N: Yes I hate them. But why do you hate them?

???: Because they were doing experiments on me. Oh and I think you are about the get unconscious.

Y/N: Interesting. Ok last question. What are you?

???: I am Venom

Y/N fell unconscious

Teaser End

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