Love & Leather | A Draco Malf...

By Tuulavintage

97 4 15

Adeline DuPont was a third year transfer to Hogwarts from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. After a tragic accide... More



42 2 12
By Tuulavintage

I'll never forget the day I found out my parents had died.

It was a Tuesday around 11am during my potions class. That morning was like any other; I had grabbed my breakfast, my hair and clothes were tidy and in their place, and there wasn't a wrinkle in sight. Halfway through my studies, a knock on the door paused the demonstration. That's when I knew something was wrong. The look of horror that had crossed my professor's eyes caused my heart to drop, and when she had locked eyes with me it was like my feet were suddenly made of cement. I could see her lips moving, but no sound was coming out of them. All I could hear was my rhythmic heart beat.

Ba bump. Ba bump. Ba bump.

They were gone. Of course I didn't know it yet, but once I was ushered out of my class, the Headmistress with my things, the news had finally registered.

I was an orphan. Death Eaters had killed my parents.

Thinking about it still sends a shiver down my spine and tears well up behind my eyes. I can't remember ever crying as much as I did that day. I hid out in the Headmistress's office for the rest of the evening, crying and thinking about what my life was to become now that my love and support from my family was gone. I remember wallowing and crying, and these five words is what pulled me out of my hysteric atmosphere.

"You're being transferred to Hogwarts." Headmistress Olympe Maxime locked eyes with me and behind her I noticed Minerva standing wearily with two others whom I hadn't recognized. I now know them to be Headmaster Albus Dumbledore and the Minister of Magic. Glancing back at Headmistress Maxime, I shook my head slowly.

"I-I can't, I have to stay here. My life is at Beauxbatons, I can't leave especially at a time like this," I said. I could tell Headmistress agreed with me, and she looked behind her almost like she was looking for support.

"Unfortunately this isn't your decision to make," said the Minister of Magic. "We believe your parents died in a terrorist attack." My confusion must have shown on my face, because after a brief pause he further explained. "We believe they were killed by Death Eaters. And we have strong reason to believe they're after you too." Words couldn't describe what I was feeling in those moments. My memory fogged, words jumbled together, and the people standing before me now looked like painted blobs of color as tears once again came to my eyes.

Minerva came close and hugged me, although I was unable to hug her back.

"You'll be safe at Hogwarts, we can protect you." She promised me.

And now, two weeks later I finally arrived to Scotland to attend the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Scotland was so much colder than what I'm used to. I had on my best coat and thick stockings to prepare myself for the autumn breeze. The semester had just started and yet the trees were already beginning to turn a lovely shade of brown.

Minerva walked with me to the Headmaster's officer where I would be attending a private sorting.

"How will I be sorted? Is there a test?" I asked Minerva curiously.

She smiled and shook her head. "At Hogwarts we have a Sorting Hat that can read your true characteristics. It's never wrong, and there is never a wrong house."

As Beauxbatons, I was apart of the Papillonlisse. My artistic nature, kindness, and rationality makes me a perfect fit. I've never done research on Hogwarts Houses, but I know there are four houses instead of three, like at Beauxbatons.

As we walk, Minerva gave me a brief explanation on the houses. Gryffindor: bravery, amity, and chivalry. Ravenclaw: intelligence, knowledge, and wit. Hufflepuff: hardworking, loyal, and fair. Slytherin: ambitious, cunning, and resourcefulness.

After hearing what each house values, I knew I'd be sorted into Hufflepuff. Minerva also seemed to think so, as she talked a lot about Professor Sprout who is the Head of Hufflepuff House.

"Adeline," Headmaster Dumbledore greeted me as we finally stepped into his office. There stood the four Head Professors of each house. "Once you are sorted, you'll be taken into the hands of your House's Professor, and you'll be taken to your dormitory. Now, please have a seat."

Hardly any nerves were running through my body as I was confident that Hufflepuff would be the words coming out of the Sorting Hats mouth. I was so confident, that I neglected to listen to him talk until I heard,


Minerva's face dropped slightly, and Professor Sprout exchanged a quick glance with Headmaster Dumbledore. My attention was turned to the dark figure who was previously looming quietly in the corner, as he emerged into the light. "How peculiar," he mused, his voice low and curious as the hat was taken off my head and I was promoted to stand up.

"I'm sorry, Headmaster, but-"

"Professor Dumbledore is fine," he corrected me.

I nodded briefly. "Professor Dumbledore, I don't possess any of the qualities of Slytherin. This must be a mistake."

"There are no mistakes," the looming figure interjected. "Now, please come with me. I am Professor Snape and you will address me as so. I'll be your potions Professor this year, and every year." He paused to look at Dumbledore whom suppressed a smile. Professor Snape mumbled something incoherent under his breath and began heading out of the office.

I had no choice now but to follow him as the decision was final and couldn't be changed.

Hogwarts was so much different from Beauxbatons. Beauxbatons was a grand castle, with glass, crystals, and art all over. Hogwarts felt like a medieval castle that hadn't been dusted in the last century. It felt ancient, yet held character. I was expecting the dormitory to be somewhere light and airy, but as Professor Snape lead me down to the dungeons, the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach only grew.

"Pure blood," he mumbled into a painting. How odd.

I wasn't expecting the painting to swing open and display a gorgeous decorated common room. Emerald green lined the walls, with dark wood accents as supports. There were lush velvet curtains draping from the ceiling that looked so regal and elegant. The furniture was leather in the richest shade of black I've ever seen. Silver accented the room in various forms, and I was surprised to see how empty it all was.

"Your classes will begin Monday morning," today was Thursday. "Dumbledore felt like you needed time to... adjust." He seemed like he had a snake in his throat that caused him to speak so slowly and strained. I tried not to notice too much, but he seemed to catch me staring funny. "You best keep your thoughts to yourself," he snapped. "We won't want any hiccups on the first day, will we DuPont?."

My jaw dropped slightly and I watched as he rushed to the door, not daring to look at me before spewing more arrogant words in my direction. "Your bags are by your bed, girls dormitory is on the right, boys on the left. Lunch begins in an hour. I suggest you change and go eat." Before I could even say thank you, he was out the door.

This must have been a mistake. There's no way I'd belong in Slytherin. I found my way up to my room and noticed three other beds were taken. The lack of sunlight in the dorms made it hard to see, but after turning on a light I noticed the actual amount of delicate detail work that had gone into the bed frame, wardrobe, and other accent pieces to the room.

I looked at the green robe set in front of me and I sighed softly. The wool was thicker, and would keep me warm in the cold castle, but it was nothing in comparison to my silk uniform from Beauxbatons. I changed, fixed my hair, and looked at myself in the mirror. I'd need to get a new hairstyle if I can no longer wear my hat. Brushing my hair straight, I parted it in the center and tucked the front pieces behind my ears for a clean, polished look. I'm sure lunch would be approaching soon, and as I haven't met any students yet, I wanted to make a good first impression.

Beauxbatons encourages well put together young witches and wizards, therefore my appearance is very important to me. I always want to look my best. I touched up my makeup and paid extra attention to the slight puffiness of my eyes. After concealing some redness, fixing my lipgloss, and reapplying my waterproof mascara ( which was a necessity ever since my most recent waterworks display ), I felt ready to go to the dining hall.


I'm glad I left the common room early because I ended up getting lost. This castle was a maze and the ever-changing stairs just gave me a headache. I eventually found my way to the dining hall, late, with hardly any room left at the tables. Loud chatter filled my ears and the heat of the room warmed my cold skin. I sighed and looked amongst the tables. Yellow, blue, red, and green; the houses! Glancing back at my robes, I made my way towards the Slytherin table.

Silent hushes caught my attention, but I kept my gaze forward and chin high. No one knew me here. This could be a fresh start.

I looked around and finally found a seat next to a dark-haired boy. He glanced at me and looked back at his food, before turning to face me. "I'm Blaise," he said, reaching out his hand. A handshake?

"Adeline DuPont," I replied, gently grasping his hand and shaking it. The food in front of me made my stomach growl, and I began to assemble my plate.

"Oh- you might want to move seats before you start grabbing food," He looked around, and as if on cue, three boys dressed in Slytherin robes, and a girl with long brown hair strolled in towards us.

"Why?" I asked, grabbing a roll.

I drew my eyes back to my plate and took a nimble bite, preparing myself for whatever was coming next. Stay calm and poised, Adeline, I reminded myself. I took a sip of the pumpkin juice and grimaced a bit. It's not exactly what I was expecting.

"Who's this?" Someone said behind me. Brushing my hair behind my shoulders, I put the roll down and wiped my hands. I straightened my robes and turned to look at him, standing up with a straight back.

"Adeline DuPont," I held out my hand much as Blaise had done earlier. A few eyes were locked on this encounter, but I kept mine on him. The chatter of the dining hall filled the silence as he looked at me up and down.

"I've never heard of you before," he spat, crossing his arms. His face skewed into one of discomfort or annoyance. I lowered my hand. "Are you a first year or something?"

I shook my head and placed my hands behind my back in a light hold. "I'm a recent transfer from Beauxbatons," I explained. When he said nothing I continued. "I'm a third year, now in Slytherin."

"Oi, she's in the same year as us," one boy said. "But she looks like a first year. Look at her," their eyes wandered my body and it took everything in me not to cover myself up in disgust.

He scoffed and the two boys behind him chuckled lightly. "You don't look like a Slytherin," one said. He was shorter and more round but seemed kind of quiet and shy. The taller boy had nodded in agreement.

"Well, DuPont, you're in my seat," The silver-haired boy gestured to where I was sitting and before I could say anything, the girl had swept in like a fox and sat down at my seat. She grabbed the roll I had already bitten into and took a large bite.

"Not anymore," she purred, smiling slyly. "It's all yours Draco, we'll save room and I can sit on your lap," she sent him a wink but he didn't respond. So his name was Draco then. Why did that sound familiar?

Instead, Draco shoved her aside and sat took her place while the two other boys sat across from them. I looked at the remaining empty tables and sighed, there wasn't an open space over here anymore.

"Go on, find yourself a seat somewhere else, and let us eat in peace," Draco turned and began to pile food on his plate. The two other boys nodded in agreement and began to have a whole new conversation as if I wasn't standing there. Everything I've ever learned from Bauxbatons taught me how to be a poised and respectful young witch. The anger and embarrassment bubbling up inside of me was something that I don't experience often towards my classmates. Just as I was about to say something, someone spoke up.

"Would you like to sit with me?" I turned my attention to an awkward-looking girl with pale skin and tightly braided hair. Draco scoffed and I shot him a quick glance before grabbing my wand off the table and heading to sit with the girl. I walked around the table and sat across from her, in my line of sight Draco was sitting to my right and he glanced my way before looking at me in disgust. "He's cruel," the girl piped up.

"I'm slowly finding that out," I replied, filling my plate once more and making sure I avoid the pumpkin juice this time. "Who are they anyway?"

She smiled warily and took a quick glance. "Well you've met Draco, there's not a lot to say on him other than the fact that it's a shame he's so mean," she paused and looked back towards me. "He's kinda cute. The girl is Pansy, she follows them a lot but I don't think Draco cares much for her. Their parents are all friends. And the two boys are Crabbe and Goyle. They don't talk much, in fact, Draco talks for them most of the time." She shrugged and glanced back towards them one last time before sighing.

I folded my napkin on my lap and grabbed my utensils to finally start eating. "I don't think he's rather cute," I paused and looked at the girl in front of me. "How rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Adeline DuPont," I held out a hand and smiled.

She smiled back wearily and grasped my hand in a soft shake. "Rita, like Rita Skeeter only not." We went back to eating and chatting for the remainder of lunch. As the lunch hour began to dwindle, I finished my plate and began to wash it down with the remaining water in my goblet. As soon as the liquid touched the top of my tongue I grimaced and set down the cup. Pumpkin juice?

"Heard it was your favorite," Draco piped up as he and his friends laughed once more before rising from the table and walked off snickering to themselves. I sighed and looked at my water, not turned into pumpkin juice by yours truly.

Rita pursed her lips and gave me a tight smile. "Welcome to Hogwarts."

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