Clepsydra | A Jean x Diluc Fa...

By FyreOnAmber

1.6K 46 74

[Future AU] (Make sure to read decsription) Years has passed since Diluc left to deal with affairs abroad, wi... More

Jeans, Literally
A Child's Troublesome Wonder
Someone We Miss Dearly
Worthy of a Hero
Pure Coincidence...Right?
A Spar of Passion

The Descendant(s) of Ragnvindr Clan

500 11 7
By FyreOnAmber

As the mature blondie guides the little kid, the Mondstadt citizens looked at them like a mysterious person. The elegant adult didn't mind, as they only look to see how cute the offspring is. "Wow, what is this place called again, mommy?" A young child spoke when they arrived in front of a tall building, with her hands intertwining with her mother. "It's the Knights of Favonius HQ, Elise. This is where your mom Jean works in." As she lets Elise open the door (Elise suggested to do it herself because she self-proclaimed that she is strong;), Jean showed off the headquarters of the association, while her young daughter shows a face with extreme happiness and in awe. As they entered Jean's office, Elise saw something that caught her eye. "That's daddy, right?" The young child points at the picture frame on the desk, simultaneously looking at Jean. The mature blondie responded, with a sad smile displayed on her face. "Yes indeed, my sweet child. I wish I could see him right now."

Jean remembers very well when Diluc departed from the Dawn Winery Manor, with his luggage being carried and their little child sleeping safe and sound on her arms. The redhead had a sad smile as he cupped their daughter's cheeks by the mansion's door, and spoke his last words before heading off to the farthest regions in Teyvat. "You sweet little baby, I wish I could see you giggle and laugh more, and see you develop and improve on your mind and actions. But daddy has to go do work somewhere afar, and all is done for the tiny, cute Elise." The Acting Grandmaster remembers very well that her child was just 2 years old or less back then.

Diluc looked up at his elegant wife, Jean, who is also displaying a sad smile as if it's the last time they'll see each other. Jean hesitantly waved goodbye at Diluc, hoping to see him once again as her husband distances from them.

The sad part of it for the present time is that, Diluc missed their child's birthday 3 times. Leading to being 3 years apart.

"Why is mommy sad?" Elise questions, making Jean snap back to reality. "I apologize, I was thinking of how pretty your father is." Elise had a pouty face, with her head tilted downward facing the floor. "Aw, I wished I could see daddy in person! I never got to hug him..." Jean felt extremely sad for the young child on not being able to feel Diluc's love for her. Or at least, she doesn't remember, she did get embraced by Diluc when younger anyways. Jean realized that she almost forgot her purpose to bring Elise here, and it was to babysit the child via the Spark Knight and the Chief Alchemist of Mondstadt.

The once-small elf knight of Mondstadt is now close to being a teen, with her incoming birthday welcoming her to teen hood soon. Klee is now a calm, happy and diligent Spark Knight and has definitely improved in the knowledge about bombs and their hazards. Of course, Alice is absolutely proud.

The young Chief Alchemist, the big brother of Klee is now nothing but a handsome young adult. Albedo at this age, has mastered all types of techniques and experiment method variations in alchemy, and recently learned to even twist time itself.

Jean entered the bubbling and always-busy laboratory of the siblings, and slowly revealed her child. "Hello Klee, Albedo." She greets, with her hands holding firmly of her child's shoulders. Klee, after putting a drop of the Flaming Flower Stamen's essence inside a ball, turned around to see who spoke, though is obvious on who greeted them. "Wow, Jean! It has been forever since I have seen you. What happened?" She started the conversation as her hand gestures freely.

"I'd like to introduce to you Elise, my sweet little child." Jean boasted about the cuteness of her offspring, the one and only proof of how strong Diluc and her love are for each other, and had a small smile on her face. Klee walked close to the young child fast, checking the facial details. Her hair being blazing and bright in the red color, her glimmering blue-green eyes inherited from her mother, and her short blue dress with a bow on her chest compliments her looks very well.

"Such a beauty," Klee mutters as she squats down to Elise's height. Hearing her statement gained Albedo's curiosity, so he decided to stop his tasks for a moment and headed towards the child. "Mommy, who's that tall guy?" Jean giggled at the little confusion her daughter had, and decided to tell her. "That guy is Albedo, big brother of Klee and Chief Alchemist of Knights of Favonius." Come to think of it, she only knows about Klee. It's Jean's fault on not educating the child much.

"Now I've introduced everyone to each other, I'll leave Elise to the two of you, okay? I've got other businesses and all the staff back at the Dawn Winery have taken a leave. Please bear with me on this one." Jean stated her reason, as she slowly walks to the door of the laboratory. She waited there until she sees validation that they listened. Klee, who was kind enough to answer, nodded at her while picking up Elise.

"Goodbye sweetie," Jean whispers to Elise, "See you soon, mommy. Mwah!"

As soon as Jean left to do other tasks and duties, Klee carried Elise on her arms and shoulders, which almost caused her to be unbalanced and almost fell over. "This place is too dangerous for such a cute child to wonder in! How about we go to my room, Elise?" Klee suggested, as she eye-signals Albedo to follow along. The chief alchemist picked up the cue, thankfully, and followed the two girls to the room.

The siblings and Elise have entered Klee's bedroom, with every corner or place you look at having a clover displayed. Elise ran around and jumped up and down on the bed. "How do you handle a child like her, Albedo onee-san?" Klee kindly asked her brother for advice, as he had taken care of Klee for almost her whole life. "Elise has a personality similar to you, energetic and happy. Try giving her some toys or play a game with her.", Albedo suggests as he crossed his arms and looked at Elise. "Hm, okay. Thanks, Albedo!"

Klee opened the big chest in the corner of her room, and opened it to reveal her old dolls and play things. "Want to play with my old toys? I'm sure you'll like them!" Klee tries to attract Elise to come close to her and stop jumping on the bed like a silly monkey. Fortunately, it worked. "Can I have the dolls...please!" Elise begged. Klee giggled at the cute situation, and can't say no to the puppy eyes.


After some time of playing, Elise became exhausted and her eyes started closing. She dropped her borrowed dolls on the floor by accident and started drooling on the ground. Albedo saw this situation, and chuckled seeing how funny and cute it is, reminding him of Klee when she was younger. He carried Elise to Klee's bed and gave a kiss on a forehead, and talked to Klee who was crafting something on the floor. "The child is asleep now," Albedo spoke, "We should try collecting resources, I'll be at the lab."

Klee followed her big brother right after he exits the room, and the silence had taken over the space.

Klee and Albedo had a playful fight on who should go outside to collect their resources in the wilderness, as their shouts and argues can be heard outside of the laboratory-workshop. They both ended up on agreeing to take their own resources like normal, just to be fair. "Fine, we will get the resources we both need, but if you spot iron chunks then give them to me, I'll need it for my new invention." Albedo orders.

After the siblings went downstairs, Elise woke up, and saw that she's alone and deserted in the bedroom. If she remembered well, Klee and Albedo should be at the lab on ground floor, and she decided to try scare them. She went downstairs on her tippy-toes, her eyes being squinted and a face displayed with smug. "Boo-" Elise stops, and realized that the lab is deserted like the bedroom. She headed further inside the empty room, and there she sees a weird-looking remote with a note and text on it. Elise still doesn't know how to read properly yet so she ignored it. She pressed and pressed random buttons thinking it's a stress-reliever item. But when she pressed the red button, something shocking happened. She felt so...dizzy, woozy, everything is spinning around her. Until she blacked out.


After a few hours, she woke up after a sudden painful ache, her hair becoming a bit messy and her clothes now dirtied and wrinkled. Elise observed her environment, and right beyond the vineyards around her, she saw the Dawn Winery manor. The young child was confused how she got there, but all she knows is that her home is safe it will always be. "Home!", Elise shouted, as she ran towards the big mansion's door. She didn't mind about how old-fashioned the mansion still looked, all that matters is that it's Dawn Winery manor and it will always be her family's mansion.

As Elise finally arrived at the door, she knocked rhythmically, Hillie and Moco happen to be nearby and greeted her. "Hello, there! What may be your name, young child?" Hillie spoke, with both of her hands holding each other at waist level. "Oh, I'm Elise! And I'm here to meet mom!" Elise cutely and simply stated her reason to come here, and the two maids giggled at it, thinking it's all just wholesome response and not serious. Moco thought that maybe the child is pretending, thinking that the Dawn Winery manor is her home. Before Moco could speak, the door knob moved, and the handsome redhead revealed himself--Diluc Ragnvindr.

"Good afternoon, Master Diluc." The maids greeted while bowing down. "Hello, greetings. And... who is this child?" Diluc looked at the youngling, his curiosity taking over. Why does she have red hair the same as his? "Daddy!!" Elise shouted. ...What? Diluc became more confused than ever, hearing the child self-proclaiming him as her father. "What do you mean, 'daddy'?" Diluc quotes, his face forming the classic confused expression. The older redhead can't take it anymore, and decided to pull Elise through the mansion's door. "Daddy, you look younger! Why's that?" Diluc looked at her, and has a dead-eye face displayed. "Sit first. Pick any seat, and order any dish you'd like to eat." Elise followed what Diluc said, knowing that her 'father' is being a bit grumpy. "I'd like to have Cat's Tail's pizza!" Diluc heard the young redhead shout with happiness, as she claps her hands and swings her legs while sitting. "How odd," Diluc whispers to himself, he's very sure not everyone else likes pizza, or perhaps, only Jean. Maybe this person doesn't go outside much?

After some time, the food Elise asked for has finally arrived at the long dinner table. She smiled ear-to-ear and started eating the pizza. "Tell me about yourself, your age and origin." Diluc started a conversation, wanting more intel about the child. Elise looked at Diluc while eating the pizza messily, with red smudges at the bottom of her lips. "I thought you know me, daddy," she replied, "But anyways, I'm Elise! I'm 5 years old, don't know how to read well." She paused for a second, what does he mean by 'origin'? Diluc read the mind of the young child, and spoke: "Origin means your race, kind or from what clan."

Elise still had no idea of what it actually means, but she tries her best to answer correctly. "Uh, um...Wag-de-bender? I don't know how to say well..." she pouted looking down at her messy pizza dish. Diluc was shocked to hear the child's response, his name being her origin of kind? "But I'm the only descendant of the Ragnvindr clan." Diluc answers. "I have the weird long name because you're my daddy!"

"Stop with the roleplay."
"Roleplay? Is daddy mad-?"
"...I said stop."

Diluc can't take it anymore, and decided to lead the child to the mansion's door once again. "Where are we going, daddy?" Elise asks, her hand being dragged swiftly. "Stop calling me that. I'm not even your father. And I'm bringing you to the Knights of Favonius."


2114 words


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