𝕾. 𝕸𝖆𝖓𝖏𝖎𝖗𝖔 {𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖞...

By IVBfanfics

207K 11.4K 4.3K

(Only certain parts of this follow the original storyline!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 14

3.9K 249 119
By IVBfanfics

Please leave a vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter, any and all support means so much to me<3

2 weeks had passed by quickly.

And Takemichi was actually prepared this time.

His plan was basically bulletproof.

"You ready Akkun?" Takemichi asked as Akkun began stretching "I've got this, looks like our crybaby hero is about to save another person" he mused as he walked ahead with a black mask covering his face.

Yup, this plan was bulletproof.

Y/N's POV-

I was exhausted and didn't want to go to school at all but Hinata would kill me so I got up and got ready for the day ahead of me.

I placed my uniform on and styled my hair before slinging my bag over my shoulder and walking out of my house. I was halfway towards the school when I noticed that I didn't have my phone on me causing me to groan. "Damn it" I mumbled as I stopped walking "If I go back then I'll be late but if I don't go back then I'll be bored" I whispered as I looked over and saw an alley that led towards the back of my neighborhood.

I smirked before walking through the alleyway to get to my house quicker.

Something felt off though.

Maybe I was starting to overthink too much but being around Mikey all the time can do that to you.

I sneezed and suddenly the alleyway got really quiet, I no longer heard any birds in the area and I didn't hear anything else at all. I rubbed my nose as I continued to walk down the alleyway.

Suddenly I felt my mouth being covered as my eyes widened and I began struggling "Stop moving" a boy had been forcing his voice to become deeper causing me to raise a brow but he quickly pulled me back as another boy in a black mask came over.

"Sorry" he mumbled before placing something over my mouth and I felt my eyes growing heavy as my body shut down completely.

Takemichi's POV-

I kidnapped her.

Well I wasn't really going to hold her hostage-......actually, yes I was, she gets into way too much trouble.

"Uh isn't Mikey going to wonder where she is?" Akkun asked and I shook my head "Nah, he won't go crazy if she doesn't see him for a day" I said as I waved it off.

"Actually we should probably kidnap Mikey too" I said quietly and Akkun's jaw dropped "Right and have Toman after us? you've lost your damn mind" he said and I sighed "Well we have to do something, we have to get rid of Hanma" I declared and Akkun facepalmed "We don't stand a chance man" he said as he looked down at Y/N's sleeping face.

"She looks adorable when she's sleeping" Akkun said and I chuckled "Careful! That is Mikey's girl after all" I said and he rubbed the back of his head "I know but still, she's cute" He said and I chuckled as I looked back down to see that she was snoring softly.

"What are we supposed to tell her when she wakes up?" I asked and Akkun gave me a blank stare "Why the hell are you asking me.....it was your idea to kidnap her" he said and I tensed up "Oh right....I guess I could try and explain the situation" I said as I rubbed the back of my head and Akkun stared at me.

"....Y/N is going to kill us both and then Mikey is going to bring us back from the dead and kill us again once he finds out" he said and I nodded "Yeah that might happen" I said with certainty laced in my voice.

Akkun ran a hand over his face "At least she should be knocked out for another two hours or so...." He drifted before turning to me "Uh how did you even know that Hanma was going to show up?" He asked and I froze "Call it a hunch" I answered quickly and he raised a brow but didn't question it anymore.

"So are we just going to keep her in your room or....." he drifted and I shrugged "Where else could we put her?" Akkun asked and my eyes lit up "I just came up with the greatest plan ever" I said and he raised a brow before smiling "Ok! Let's hear it then" he said and I smirked "We'll just bring Y/N back to her house and when she wakes up, she won't even know what happened and she'll probably think that it was all a dream!" I said and he raised a brow "But wouldn't she leave the house?" He asked and I shrugged "We could jam her door shut" I suggested and I heard a grunt.

Me and Akkun slowly turned around as we saw Y/N glaring at us "I'm going to kick both of your asses" she seethed as I put my hands up in defense "Y/N it wa-"

In between the legs.

She kicked me in between my legs.

I hunched over and fell to the floor.

"Ah Geez! Y/N, we really are sorry" Akkun said as he took a step back and I felt Y/N step on my back causing me to groan in pain "YOU GUYS FUCKING KIDNAPPED ME AND ALL YOU CAN SAY IS SORRY" she exclaimed and Akkun rubbed the back of his head.

"Would it make you feel better if we said that we were just protecting you?" He asked and Y/N smiled sweetly "Oh yeah! That changes fucking everything" she said before her fist connected with Akkun's face.

He fell back on the floor and blood began trickling down his nose as he glared at me "I'm never following one of your stupid plans again Takemichi" he said and I groaned "Me either" I mumbled as I winced in pain.

"You two are idiots, now I'm late for school" she said as she began walking towards the exit "No wait!" I said and she stopped "What?" She questioned harshly and I frowned "I'm really sorry but please don't go to school" I said and she raised a brow "Why not?" She asked and I stood up slowly "Hanma will be there, so please just stay away from the school" I said and her eyes widened slightly "Again.....?" She asked and I gave a short nod as she sighed and sat down.

"Ok.....but if you two idiots ever pull some shit like this again then I'll fucking end you both" she snapped and we both bowed our heads "Sorry Y/N!" We said at the same time and she sighed "Yeah whatever" she said as she yawned and closed her eyes.

"I'm pretty tired now" she mumbled as I smiled "You can sleep on my bed" I said and she hummed as she got up and laid down on my mattress.

She fell asleep in mere seconds.

"She must've been exhausted" Akkun said and I gave a short nod "Also if Mikey calls....don't answer" I said and he rolled his eyes "Obviously"

We may have had a stupid plan but we definitely didn't have a freaking death wish.

Y/N's POV-

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around at the familiar room.

I sat up and looked over to see Takemichi on his laptop "How long have I been asleep?" I asked and he turned "Oh! Around 3 hours, Akkun went home" he said and I hummed "I see, can I go now?" I asked as I got up and began walking to the door but he quickly caught me.

"Can you just stay the night.....or stay until midnight" he said and I started at him blankly "You expect me to just go home in the middle of the night?" I asked and he smiled "Well you can have the bed!" He said and I rolled my eyes "Can't I just stay home?" I asked and he shook his head "Hanma might search there next, Hina already told me that he showed up at the school" he said and I hummed "She's ok, right?" I asked and he nodded "Yeah! She's good" he said and I smiled "Well then that's good" I said and he nodded as I sat down.

"Oh I don't have my phone though" I said and he raised a brow "Where is it?" He asked and I sighed "I left it at my house" I said and he frowned "I don't think it's a good idea to go and get it" he said and I rolled my eyes "Then can I use your phone?" I asked and he tilted his head to the side "For what?" He asked and I groaned "To call Mikey" I said and his eyes widened as he quickly shook his head "No no no no! Mikey can't know that you're here" he said and I raised a brow "Uh why not?" I asked and he frowned "Because he'll be super mad!" He said and I tilted my head to the side.

Mad about what?

"Mad about you kidnapping me?" I asked and he shook his head "I haven't told him about that....please keep it a secret" he begged and I sighed "Yeah yeah, then why would he be mad?" I questioned and he sighed "Just....please don't call Mikey" he said and I crossed my arms "So I'm just supposed to hang out with you for the next....10 hours?" I asked and he gave me a sympathetic look "actually I have a date with Hina.....so I'll be gone until 7" he said and I frowned "So I'm just supposed to stay here all alone?" I asked and he got on his knees "Please please please-"

"Ok just shut the hell up"

He stood up and smiled "Great! I have to get going now, see you!" He said and I hummed as he left his home and went off to his date.

I could just sneak out.

But Takemichi is definitely physic or.....something so what if he saw my damn death?

I let out a frustrated groan and fell back onto his bed "Back to sleep....I guess" I mumbled as I shut my eyes and forced myself to sleep.

A/N- If you enjoyed this chapter then please leave a vote and comment, any and all support means a lot<3

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