Team Crafted High School AU

By Sitting_in_my_Ships

18.6K 748 299

Mitch has been moved around a lot and has finally found a home equal to him, maybe. Ty knows damn well if his... More

Chapter one:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five
Chapter Six:
Chapter Eight:
Serious A/N please read
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Ten:
Chapter Eleven:
Chapter Twelve:
Chapter Thirteen:
Chapter Fourteen:
So many a/ns damn...
Chapter Fifteen:
Chapter Sixteen:
Chapter Seventeen:
Ending One (Chapter Eighteen)
Ending Two (Chapter Nineteen)
A/n: ask book
A/n: Revision?

Chapter Seven:

881 42 4
By Sitting_in_my_Ships

Due to plot purposes (yes there's one) I'm gonna have to mostly be with the team. Next chapter is Bodil!!
Although. I keep forgetting to say but punkish Quentin OwO
Sky's POV:

It's been one week. One week into this month and all of us are in a panic.

The house was mostly clean, Ian and Quentin went to put everything on external hard drives from the computers to hid them in their rooms. Jason was helping Ty with the kitchen while Jerome and Mitch cleaned the upstairs. I was straightening out the living room and checking the garage.

After each first week hell itself comes to the house. She was like the main inspectors of foster homes, to make sure the kids are well, fit, and not, I repeat not, having 'incest' relations.

I groaned silently, thinking back to the first time Jordan and Taylor were with us. She nearly had a fit when finding out they shared a bed. They weren't blood related, they just shared me. Why should it matter?

"Mom she's here," Ty called out, breaking up my thoughts. I looked up to see her car parked in the driveway. 'Here we go'

"Mr. Dalhburg (did I spell his name wrong oh god)," I heard her sneer as she walked through the door.

"Miss," I mumbled, closing the door. Ty came into the room, panic escaping his face to a blank stare.

"Hello Tyler. Are you feeling better," she had this fake care tone. Ty didn't want to deal with her so he pretended to have a contagious cough.

"Yes I am. Thank you for asking," I could also tell Ty had this strained fake politeness. When it was just us, she flirted constantly with me, and I'd turn her down. Ty was an extreme jealous type I learned.

"And Jason. Is his legs any better," she continued, pulling out a clipboard and scratching notes down. I gritted my teeth, silently hoping we were fine still.

"Yes. He said they don't hurt as much," I mentally slapped myself as her lips tightened more into a frown.

"Uh huh."

Suddenly, Jerome and Mitch came running downstairs in a panic. Suddenly seeing her got them to stop dead in their tracks. She looked at them, eyes turning to slits.

"Is something wrong?"

Jerome cleared his throat, putting his hands behind his back, "no mam."

She walked over to them, heels clicking. She got right in Mitch's face, as if studying prey.

"You weren't able to go through my care. You should address me as only mam or miss. No other names are tolerated. Am I clear?"

Mitch looked petrified, looking at me as if I had the answer. I nodded, letting him know to listen to her.

"Yes... Mam," he finally said. She pulled back and wrote more down.

"And the others? Are they well and fine?"

"Yes. Do you want me to call them in," I questioned. She gave a quick nod before looking in her notes.

"Ian, Quentin, Jordan, Taylor. Living room," I half yelled, knowing well enough in the tense silence they'll here me. Ian came out with Quentin on his heels, keeping his hands in his pockets. Oh god they have the drives still...

"And how are you two," She asked. Ian shifted his weight on his feet as Quentin narrowed his eyes.

"Fine," Quentin finally spoke up. She looked at me, sending me into a panic mode.

"Does he have a new... Scarring piercing," she was staining her voice from yelling. I looked over at Quentin. Oh right... He got another ear...

"He paid for it himself." Dammit Ian keep quiet. She turned to Ian, glaring directly at him.

"Excuse me?"

Ian shut his mouth, freaking out now. Quentin stepped in front of him slightly, glaring back.

"It was professional. It was my money. And was given permission," Quentin kept his voice steady. I would be on his side if she wasn't here. She didn't say anything, but wrote on the clipboard.

--Time Skip--

After three hours... Three hours she finally left. I got the papers, but I wouldn't let anyone see them. Each time she came she gave a score. Each time we barely made it. Each time I wouldn't tell them. She was strict, and I don't think that was illegal. Her rules I guess.

I sat in my room, filing it away. Eight kids now, if there's anymore I'm going to lose my mind. I heard a knock at my door.

"It's me," Ty's voice was over a whisper. I told in to come in and turned to put the papers away. He opened the door and closed it behind him.

"You can tell me right," he asked, coming up behind me and laying on my shoulders. I shook my head. I heard him sigh slightly.

"Was it Quentin again?"

"It's her," I said bitterly. Ty laughed softly and buried his face into my neck.

"She's a bitch."

"Tell me about it."

"I sometimes wonder if you really are 23," he scoffed, "since you act 17."

"Maybe cause I'm surrounded by teens."

Ty laughed again and pulled himself off, swinging my chair to face him.

"You've been stressed a lot. Is it cause there's right of us now?"

"I wonder if you're the mom here," I joked. He rolled his eyes slightly.

"Come on now. We all worry about you," he pressed on, "we should take the spring break as an early camping trip. We go in the summer yes but I think we all need it."

God he sounded more like a mom. Although he was right about camping. It would be nice.

"I'll tell the others later," I went to turn around but he grabbed my seat again. He leaned in and kissed me before walking out of my room.

I care for him deeply, more than I sound but sometimes I wish he looked in his own high school. Seeing him with someone else though got on my nerve. Huh, guess we both get jealous easily.

Aaah didn't know what to write after her. Early update due to spring break. I will not update next week but will after break.
Again Bodil is next but after him who do you guys want next?

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