Chapter Fourteen:

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Hey hey hey this lil story finally is getting a plot.


Jerome's POV:

I looked around my room; well, I think it's my room. All my posters are here, but Mitch's side is blank, like he never lived here. Was he moved without me knowing? I sit up from my bed, getting a better look. The wall where his bed was supposed to be had no scuff marks, from when Ty dropped it. This was worrying.

Heading to my door, I opened it to yell out at the other guys. My heart dropped to my stomach when I looked around. I was in a forest now. The sun glittered through the tree tops. I started to panic, hoping that I wasn't losing it.

'Ok, breath Jerome. You're obviously in a dream,' I heard a nagging voice in the back of my head, 'you're still in bed sleeping. Mitch is next to you. And you're not in a forest.'

I still decided to look around, then to wake myself. Jordan and Taylor want us to go to the mall in the afternoon today. All I could know it's 1 in the morning.

But something kept nagging at me. I remember waking up. I remember giving a little kiss to Mitch before we got up for breakfast. Eating cereal before making plans with Jordan on going to the mall. I even remember leaving. Was it a dream in a dream?

Walking around more in this dream forest, I came across a door attached to a tree. Now's my chance to escape. I opened the door, expecting myself to wake up and repeat the day.

That's not what happened. I ended up being in a white hallway, almost blinding. I had to compose myself before stepping in more, letting things clear up. I could see people walking around, also wearing white. I suddenly realized that I'm in a hospital, and nurses were sprinting past me.

"I heard ones in a coma," I over heard a nurse whispering to another, "another is barely holding on."

"I heard they're orphans," the nurse whispered back, almost disgusted, "no one will miss em."

I almost fainted right there. Was I... Dead?

"Not quite." I turned to see a patient in a wheelchair. She had long blonde hair that went past her shoulders. Her eyes didn't have pupils or color. "Welcome to limbo."

Omg it's so short but the next chapter will be a long one. Promise.

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