Silhouette Simpson

By AutisticChristian

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Bart Simpson, Classic Bad Boy and Prankster Offspring, Was having the Crack of his life until something he we... More

When He Crys, He Flows
Bart The Parent
Bart The Trooper
Making Amends With Mom
The Secondary Therapy Session Part 1
The Secondary Therapy Session Part 2
The Secondary Therapy Session Part 3
The Secondary Therapy Session Part 4
The Secondary Therapy Session Part 5
Bart On The Run Pt 1
Bart On The Run Pt 2
Bart On The Run Pt 3
Bart On The Run Pt 4
Making Amends With Mary
The Choice Of One Love Or All Of The Love
The More The Merrier/Homer's Second Chance/2-20 Years Later

Dr. Samantha Bufixila

276 3 0
By AutisticChristian

*At Night, Marge just finished kissing Bart Goodnight, after a full minute of pretending he was asleep, What The other Simpsons didn't know was that Bart wrote down everything and every Prank he did... If he wants this Therapist in getting to him, he or she will need some advice and information, he slowly got out the window carefully climb down the tree and roster grabbed his bike and bike down to the address the calling card said*


*Bart Simpson just arrived at the therapist place, He went inside*

Man at Front Desk: Can I help you?

Bart: Simpson, Bart?

*the man looks through his list and sure enough he found his name at the 10:00 spot*

Man At Front Desk: Sure enough, please have a seat we'll notify the therapist.

Bart: Thanks.

*3 Minutes Later*

???: Bart Simpson?

*Bart's name was then called, bart stood up and was shocked by her figure, then he slapped his own face to get him to focus on the task*

Bart: Yep, That's Me, Ma'am.

???: Walk with me. *sure enough he does, they come to a small room on the right, with a punching bag on the left, a small desk, two chairs, one that seems to be a regular comfy chair, and the other seems to be a therapy bed* Have a seat there. My Name Is Dr. Samantha Bufixila (Bu-fix-eye-la)...

Bart: Let me help you out a bit... *Takes A Regular Size Journal, Hands it to her, She looks it over as she is getting somewhere* by the way I'm sorry you had to see me slap my own face it's just I'm completely shocked by your figure...
Please don't kill me.

Dr. Bufixila: Bart, lots of boys feel that way around hourglass figure women, it's okay, you're not the very first one to tell me that.

Bart: it's probably best for me not to ask about the first.

Dr. Bufixila: You seem pretty comfortable coming here, why?

Bart: I don't know, 33 and 1/10 of a series going on... and I have only been being hated, broken-hearted, sarcastic, feel lots of the will to prank people, and I feel like I just get along better with my family  anywhere else other than Springfield.

Dr. Bufixila: 32 Complete Seasons... 1/10 of a new season... Am I getting this right?

Bart: Yes Ma'am

Dr. Bufixila: I'm just going to ask you just maybe somewhere between 10 to 15 questions... and hopefully you don't mind.

Bart: Thank God, I came here on Friday night, Also, I may be concerned if I fall asleep during the session.

Dr. Bufixila: I got 5 Hour Energy, Right here... but it is not meant so people can run around and ignore what I'm saying.

Bart: I'll be sure to drink it at the proper time and not at a time where I feel the need to... because then I feel greedy.

Dr. Bufixila: OK. *Writes that Down* So, tell me about your family.

Bart: *Lies down on the bed to help him think* I have a drunk abusive father, a very caring grumbly mother, an overachieving sister, and another sister who is addicted to a pacifier, mostly because she is a baby.

*Dr. Bufixila writes that down*

Dr. Bufixila: Alright, how in what order do you want me to ask questions about your family?

Bart: Any order would be great just put my dad, Last.

*Dr. Bufixila writes that down*

Dr. Bufixila: alright something I want to ask next, are there any people in school giving you problems?

Bart: Well Milhouse is my best friend, but as far as I know he still has this crush on my sister, which who tends to ignore him all the time, to tell the truth it is getting really annoying, I wish they just be boyfriend and girlfriend and get it over with. With Nelson, he's okay, but as far as the bullying or amount of times he has, it feels like his only weak spot is his dad leaving him... I did manage to find him and he's cut down the bullying less I almost thought that he was stopping for good thanks to his dabbing found but I guess life doesn't work that way. The girls in school I'm not really much of a fan unless it fits someone I actually fall in love with at first sight, I've had kind of a not so good streak of dating girls at or near my age. The Bullies In School, "Dolph," "Kearney," and "Jimbo" often pick on Nurse such as Martin Prince, Milhouse, and Other kinds of nerds they tend to also pick on me at times as well... but it's kind of rare, there was this one thing I remember from them is that I did a dare of theirs that landed me in the hospital.

Dr. Bufixila: May I ask what kind of dare it was?

Bart: it was a dare to drop off the dam, and land at the bottom of echo canyon. I did that dare, But then it landed me just short of the water. Which to tell the truth would have been a lot better than landing on the concrete.

Dr. Bufixila: I see, those bullies of yours, In your eyes, Are no joke.

Bart: Yeah.

Dr. Bufixila: now you said something about Nelson being a bully too, is he part of the gang at too?

Bart: Sometimes, yes, but as far as I know, he kind of flies solo mostly... so maybe yes and no?

Dr. Bufixila: I can accept that. *Writes it down* now, tell me about the girls you used to (as you say) Date.

*to spare my fingers from tiring out I'm going to be sending pictures of information about when Bart used to date each girl to help with the info, I might put down more info than what I take a picture of it'll only be for a few of them*

Bart: Well... First there was Jessica Lovejoy...

As Far as I Know, Jessica Lovejoy, If there was something i would say about her, Is She Can Be A Higher Class Rebel But A Christian In Disguise... quite badass if you ask me. Then There was Greta Wolfcastle, she's totally not worse than Jessica, but she isn't any better either, But this time, I was the reason the relationship did not last... thanks to my high-class instincts of being a rebel and a bad boy, our relationship just didn't make it but then Mill has had to jump in because Greta wanted to get back at me... who could blame her... i only blame myself.

As far as I know I'm glad my thoughts of her haven't came back yet because I knew what she was going to do next after me and Milhouse fought that day.
Gina Vendetti, there's not really much I can say about her, she's basically just someone who just turned off and on, again and again, we were in juvie together once we escaped then well, they were about to arrest me but Gina stepped in and saved my life... but when I came back to visit her she... hasn't really thought of me as much, just slammed the cell door on me.

*Bart starts to cry, because he knows which one is next and it gets really rough, The Doctor took comfort to the boy's heartbroken habit.* Mary Spuckler, the closest of all the girlfriends I've ever had... She Changed me... As Far As I Know, I was all into her I did everything I could, I may have made a mistake when I brought a bull to Mary, which I did not know that was a gift of proposal... but then she had to move away to the city, which was for the best then... later I get to see her in New York, she changed, a little taller and prettier, I really loved her with all my heart I feel Cletus came and ruined our moment so she had to go back and move away again, for us to stay together I had to keep my secret with her very quietly... but then came a time when she came to visit but I was so focused on the video game is that and I just couldn't hold it together he then wrote a song about my bad choices which made me so sad, I tried to earn her heart back but this new Spanish kid kind of took that away from me... I just couldn't give in anymore... I knew something was important that day was that I need to keep my eyes on the girl not on something else other than the girl. * after getting Mary spuckler off his chest Bart was sobbing to the floor, His body buried in the therapist's arms, that therapist could help a wonder "wow, I wonder what happened"*

*Bart then shivered on the next one he was going to mention* Darcy, there was one time when I dated an older girl she was one of them, after I saved the city from burning with racing fire extinguishers, the mayor promised me a driver's license, that was when everything changed I then met Darcy that day, we started going to the movies we started going on dates, and then she briefly tells me that she's pregnant, unfortunately the state that we live in now I couldn't marry her in that state so we decided to go to Utah and get married there unfortunately my mom had to spoil it, I was able to see her again but then she just totally forgot about me like it's "nothing zilch nada." Then I saw why I guess Jimbo had a chance on her and she kind of learn from Jimbo about bart... In return She said "Drop Dead!" And that's when it was over. *The therapist then thought maybe he's having trouble finding the right girls all he's finding are girls that are as bad as an angry badger.*

*the next one, bart then cried again... is this was the second closest of girlfriends he had* as I accidentally shown in the previous photo about Darcy the next girl is Jenny Jenkins, she was really nice and as far as I know she was getting picked on by bullies and I had to make my mark there... once I protected her from the bullies, she began to like me a little more.. but that was the time when Milhouse was injured, I promised I'd never left his side but then when she came I had to hide my bad side just to swipe her off her feet... my sister kind of made a bad impression to meet her when she was going through serious problems and my mom had to put a drug on her which made her feel so weird and happy... I then explained everything to MilHouse but then he took it kind of agitatingly, I then got between the two and hopefully I thought it was going to get better when I explain to her what happened, but then she broke up with me... but then when I saw her again it was no better she said my catchphrase right back at me, now I know how it feels to have someone say that phrase back at me. That was rough ride...

*The Next One, Bart Didn't cry nor shiver, instead he just stood up giving a look like this girl didn't mean anything to him at all* Nikki Mckenna, as far as i remember from her, she repeats the on and off addiction, kinda like Vendetti... but she uses it more often... when I fell off the building she tended CPR, after that I was no connection but when I saw her again she just used that joke again and again. Nothing good ever came from her, at least she's not worse than Jessica.

*The Next One, Bart just laid back down and just didn't show any emotion for the next girl.* Melody Juniper, I'll say this, this time I didn't actually fall in love with her due to the fact that she's a grade below me, she's totally obsessed with me but as far as I know I am not the same way to her, I guess I didn't really show some love for her, but I was strong-armed or forced by Principal Skinner while he dates her mother I'm supposed to date her daughter, to keep it going I guess as far as I know I'm not really much like... those other relationships... I'm just really glad to be out of the strong arm now that he's over her mother.

and my last but certainly not the best nor worst, was Shauna Chalmers, she's kind of a rough customer and hangs around the bullies as much, call her classy at times but for real, she may have a weak spot, I just haven't found it yet, but as much as she'd want a bad boy like me, I'm just reconsidering my option, because of the last time I dated an older girl... and that's pretty much it.
*here are a few more love interests that I did not mention*

Dr. Bufixila: Wow, Bart you seem to have quite a lot of experience with bad dates.

Bart: Yes, It is... if you could give me some advice on girls and what they like I can go all in with that advice.

Dr. Bufixila: I'm pretty sure you will bart but that depends if you're willing to listen also that is going to have to wait for another session... Not that our session ends now, But we still need to go over how you feel around everyone of your family.

Bart: I may need some of that 5-hour Energy.

*Dr. Bufixila give him a small cup with the 5-hour Energy in it, he drank it he did feel a little discussed by the bitterness in it, but then his eyes shot wide open when the effect hit*

Dr. Bufixila: Alright now to get down to business with your family... We'll start off nice and easy. What is your relationship with the baby?

Bart: when not at you said easy that's definitely easy because as far as I know she is probably just a baby but she did however save me and homer which I consider dad but I rather say him as his first name... from being shot by a government agent by dropping a rock on his head... she's definitely the closest I have as family, she might not talk much, But her actions are good enough for me.

Dr. Bufixila: What is it like, You and Your Mother?

Bart: Well, Mom and I, we seem to have an on-and-off idea, like other days we just get along surprisingly and we are like any mom and son... but for real on most days I'm just a crackpot, she's just being her, What can I Say? I got along with her better than I get along with Homer. There are some other times when she would embarrass me whenever I'm dating a girl or didn't want to get embarrassed by bullies, she does however try to protect me from Sideshow Bob at times... I caught this guy named Sideshow Bob who is trying to look like krusty and rob a store, he has tried numerous times to kill me to get back at me for what i done to his career.

Dr. Bufixila: that's funny, is he your arch-nemesis?

Bart: Oh Absolutely, because he has numerous variations of plain and each one of them fails because I always know what he's going to do...

Dr. Bufixila: You are A Tough Kid. Back to the Subject, Your Grandpa, You have on this sheet here.

Bart: Well for the most part, Grandpa is pretty boring with his stories, but as far as I know there was one time or more, when his stories are true and they turn into an adventure, I guess sometimes the reason of my sarcasm and uninterest is i get bored easily.

Dr. Bufixila: Hmm... ok. Tell me about your... other sister.

Bart: Oh Lisa, she's just the worst... and I'm not talking about worse for no reason I got plenty of reasons why she is worse, she is a brainiac she causes stand-ups when no one else could, and our parents loved her more than they love me and they have her continue on the path to Victory while I rot in the path of defeat. I hate her! The reason of my depression and anger is all because of her and her over-accomplishing tasks.

Dr. Bufixila: Wow, I don't know where what you're going to say about your father is worse than what you said about your sister... but I guess I'm about to find out, Go Ahead.

Bart: oh my dad, couldn't be any worse, he is not really a really good figure as far as a father... I say one Honest thing that only makes sense to me, Prank him, Did what i was not supposed to and He Strangles me 24/7. The main reason I call him homework is that he looks like a bad father ever since I was a baby... when I had to look at that Flanders he look like a better father and I wanted to be with him... if I was his son, then I wouldn't be where I am right now instead I will be a really honest kind caring kid..  Not like Rod and Todd but better. I guess when I was born to The Simpsons I was born for a reason, I am not a guy who wants to be the next devil... I'm a guy just wanting to be in a different family so that I can be better than I ever was... instead I'm stuck with a family that likes the child born after me better than me, if we were treated equally then that would be great, But i guess that didn't happen. the school I attend is bad, my house is garbage and everyone blames me, and even church I go to is bad. I. AM. MISERABLE. *He lies there on the Therapy bed, his hands over his eyes a tear shows below his hands showing he's crying, The Therapist, Couldn't bare to see him go through so much. *She brought him into her arms again, and Bart just sobbed it all out*

Dr. Bufixila: Just let it out... Just let it all out... I'm really sorry you had to go through so much... Here is what I'm gonna do... I have to call the aurhorities and another city's police, I'm afraid as far as I can tell Chief Wiggum is not so "cheif" at being a police... anyway I'm going to have them arrest your father... Child abuse is Illegal. *Bart silently Nods, like he is on board with the idea* also on our next session I'm going to drive you to your ex-girlfriend's houses I will help you talk to them about what happened, and hopefully they will still be friends with you, who knows maybe some of them might want to date you again.

Bart: Yes Please... Please... anyting to make me get out of this abusive, depressed, agitating, life. What time is it?

Dr. Bufixila: It's 1:19am... if I were you I remember what you said to me and keep that realization, it might make you tougher than you think, you'll see... if I were you I'd rather sleep a little longer, and I will call the school and tell them you need sleep, they will send over your homework.

Bart: Okay... Thank You. When is the next session?

Dr. Bufixila: That's up to you.

Bart: Next Week?

Dr. Bufixila: 6pm?

Bart: Deal. *The Therapist and depressed child shake hands, Bart left for home, He opened the door, but was found by his parents giving him a look, he'd never flinched or looked nervous instead he gave them a mean look, making them give in*

Homer: Boy, Springfield is dangerous at night someone could have Robbed or kill you!

Bart "Angrily": Oh, so now you act like a dad to me??

Marge: Bart, Do-


*Marge was taken back by such volume and anger*

Homer: That's no way to talk to your mother!

Bart: Says the drunk fatty who plays favorites with Lisa so much! I'm going to bed. Such Disgrace to parenting, I'm disappointed in you, Homer. *and with that Bart walks up the stairs get his pajamas on and falls asleep on the bed, Marge was shocked about how Bart stood up to his father, Homer was twitching his eye and faking a smile trying not to blow*


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