Loki And Sylvie One shots

By Myth_theFangirl

19.3K 508 436

Ok, confession time. I have never, ever, in all the years I've written, actually wrote humans. Much less hum... More

Are you trying to Enchant me!?
A Singing Loki
I'll take care of You
Love is a Dagger
For all time, always
It's.... You (Pt1)
Merry.... Christmas?
Loki's Christmas Gift
It's... You (Pt2)
She's.... dead?
I'll get to You (Pt1)
He's- What now?
Together on the Timeline
I'll get to You (Pt2)
You Pathetic Worm
Please, Dont be Sad
Jealous, are we?
The Scarlet Witch

New York

1K 28 16
By Myth_theFangirl


"Oh gods! Loki slow down!"

Loki most certainly did not slow down. He seemed oblivious to Sylvie's comment, actually. He continued to run carelessly, pushing through the crowds of people they saw. But she never did get lost, he held her hand tightly.

"Oh look and here is where the portal was at!" They were practically under the Stark tower, and Loki pointed to the piece of sky above it.

"If you're going me a tour of the shit you've done here, we're going going be here all day." Sylvie said once he had finally stopped running.

"Well I suppose I did do quite the damage."

"Quite the damage?" Sylvie echoed, raising an eyebrow, amused. "You nearly destroyed the entire city."

"Well..." Loki thought for a moment as the crowds of people passed them. "I won't do it again..?" He said, then whispered, "Probably."

"Very convincing."

Loki smirked.

He then looked up, squinting at the sun before using his free hand to block his eyes from it. "On second thought, we should get out of here love. The avengers are right above us."

"And yet, you lead us right to thier base." She pointed out briskly, "Really this is the worst place for us to be in. There are dozens of other nice places on Midgard."

"You did say you had never been to New York, well when it wasn't in impending doom that is." Loki said, he started to walk again, and so, Sylvie did too. "And let me just say, it's one of the best destinations to conquer."

Sylvie smiled. "Well, I suppose you know nothing of that. Since you did fail in doing so."

"That was uncalled for." Loki pointed out, his pride clearly wounded.

Sylvie gave him a laugh, causing his wounded look to instantly turn into a smile. She leaned forward, tilting her head up to kiss him. It was brief, but they were in the center of New York after all.

"Well," Loki smiled as they pulled away, his hand on her chin and his lips brushing hers as he spoke. "I suppose I can let your comment go, my enchantress."

"My enchantress," Sylvie echoed with a small laugh. "You're so wierd."

"Right. I'm sorry who's the one that calls me a magician again?" He asked sarcastically, lacing his hands with hers. "Plus, you know you love it."

Sylvie only shook her head, wearing a smile. Like hel she was going to admit that. "Come on, let's get moving. The farther we're from this damned tower the better."

"Where do you think we should go next?" Loki asked casually as they walked through the city of New York, holding her hand. "I know this lovley, reckless planet that would be fun. Fun to kill the one who runs it anyways."

"Let me guess, and then take his throne?"

Loki shook his head. "No, just kill him. He was kind of an ass. We could just go over to the next planet. Cause a little... mischief there."

Sylvie smiled and shook her head.

"What?" He asked innocently, though his sly smile didn't leave his face.

"I just-"

Sylvie was cut off by a scream. It was one of panic, making the two gods, along with everyone else around them, turning thier heads. Sylvie saw a woman, normal Midgardian, staring at them with fearful eyes. No, not them, Loki.

"You!" She screamed, and actually pointed at him, making everyone turn to look at them. The people in the crowd stirred, for Loki's actions on New York were most certainly not forgotten. But how they had gotten his face, she didn't know.

"He was here.." One Midgardian said and the rest of the people around him started whispering too.

"Nearly destroyed.... I remember..."

"The avengers... Stark!"


"Thor's brother..

"...but who's that..?"

"Avengers! We should call them.. right?"

The people in the crowd started to panic, a few actually spoting Loki in the process. Thankfully for the gods, Midgardians were remarkably slow to act.

Loki looked around. "Ah shit."

"Run!" Sylvie said before she grabbed and Loki's hand.

They broke into a run. Both of them being Asgardian gods, they ran faster than your average Midgardian. But there was no need for that, no one was chasing them anyway. Yet.

They ran, far, far from the panicking people. They pushed through the crowds and Loki even pushed a few away with his magic, but they were going too far for the people of New York to notice it was him. They did notice the car that Loki made fly though the air at one point though. Once they were far enough away, they stopped in an alley, catching thier breath.

It wasn't completely deserted, there were windows looking into the alley, but no one was poking their head out and, currently, no one walked though there. Sylvie and Loki leaned on the same wall, side by side, trying to catch their breath after running so fast.

Sylvie chuckled. "Uh, Loki? You can let go of my hand now."

"Oh right." Loki said, letting of her hand. "Sorry."

"Do you think anyone chased after us?" She asked him. She risked taking a peak out of the alley.

"No way." He said rakishly as humans passed them, but the crowds barely noticed them. "Trust me on this, the people of Midgard are incredibly slow."

"Well, let's hope you're right."

"I always am."

Sylvie snorted. She would disagree but she didn't have the energy for it at the moment. The goddess slid down into the ground, they were pretty far from the Stark tower and therefore had traveled quite the distance.

"You couldn't have enchant them to forget they saw me, darling?" Loki asked, sliding down on the ground next to her.

"And miss seeing you run?"

"Oh you.." Loki said as he chuckled and shook his head, making his black hair move.

Sylvie smiled. "I thought of it, but it was too many people. Although, Midgardian minds are simple."

"We could have done it, together."

She nodded. "You're right-"

"Did you just agree with me?" Loki said, looking jokingly flattered.


"Darling! I never thought I would see the day-"

She punched his arm. "Oh shut up."

Loki chuckled, smiling a smile that made Sylvie smile too.

"Plus, you have to admit, it was pretty funny how they all panicked when I made that wheeled thing fly in the air." Loki said proudly.

"Car," Sylvie corrected. "But yeah it was. They'll probably show it on their television."

"Damn. We really should get out of here then." Loki said, "Someone might see us."

"No shit Sherlock." She fired back sarcastically. "With our luck, they recorded us too."

"OK, how's this?" Loki proposed. "We get out of this alley and do one more fun thing here before we leave."

"Sounds much too risky." She said uncertainly. "Loki, we've already been spotted once. What are you thinking will happen when they spot us again?"

"Just one thing then we leave." He said as he jumped to his feet. He held out his hand, "Come on,"

Sylvie sighed and took his hand. "Fine. But I get to pick what we do."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He said as he lifted her up.

They exited the alley and walked through the streets again. Sylvie was reasonably worried, but no humans noticed them. So she looked around for a final destination.

"What do you want to do darling?" Loki asked.

"Have you never tried ice cream?" She asked him, she wasn't sure how many times he had been to earth.

"No, not exactly."

"Exactly or at all?"

"At all." He admitted sheepishly.

"Well now we know what to do." She said simply. They walked through the streets of New York, getting more and more lost by the minute. But they didn't care, as long as they had the Tempad, they would be fine.

Eventually, they walked pass what they were looking for. Sylvie spotted it first, she pointed it out to Loki. They went inside, only to find a line.

"Have you ever seen Midgardian money?" He asked while they were inside. "I might be able to conjure-"

Sylvie let out that green magic from her fingertips, enchanting everyone in the room. They all froze at the same time, standing eerily still.

"Or we could do that," Loki said the green glow also comming from him but it was instead pointing at the glass door and windows.

"What are you doing?"

"Casting an illusion so it looks like it's closed to everyone outside." Loki explained. Once he seemed to be done with the illusion, people outside walked, a few didn't even look at the shop.

Sylvie and Loki walked behind the counter, only to see a number of ice cream flavors.

"So this is ice cream?" Loki asked curiously.

"Yep. What do you want?" Sylvie said as she looked over the options. But she already knew what she wanted.

"I'll have whatever you're having." He said finally.

Sylvie nodded and grabbed ahold of the Midgardian that was working there. It was easy, and she was able to get him to serve them two cones of ice cream. Once he was done, Sylvie let him go back to that frozen state. She would let him go once they were gone.

The gods sat down at a empty table, beside a family that was ofcourse, frozen in place. They would be very confused and disappointed when they saw their ice cream had melted. She passed a cone to Loki, who took it and inspected it like he had never seen it before.

"Do you like it?" Sylvie asked, sitting cross legged on her chair. "I hear it's supposed to be cold, but obviously, it doesn't work on us."

"Right." Loki said before actually trying the treat in his hand. "Hmm, it tastes... funny."

"Its chocolate. Ever tried it?"

Loki only shook his head, but seemed to enjoy it nonetheless. He was right, it did taste strange. It wasn't cold to them, but it wasn't exactly warm either, it was something inbetween. Chill maybe, though the word didn't seem right, too cold still. Maybe they would come up with something better later.

They sat in comfortable silence for a few seconds. Sylvie's eyes wandered through the shop. Her eyes finally landed on the family next to them, there was a couple, their cheery smiles frozen, just like their kids.

"What would you do if someone told you that you would be here, doing this?" Loki asked, his big mouth ruining the silence, as it always did.

"What eating ice cream?" She asked, amused and she turned away from the family.

"No," Loki said seriously. "Just if someone were to ask you let's say, 100 years ago, what you thought your future was going to look like, what would you say?"

"Hmm," Sylvie was in deep thought for a moment. "I.. I don't know. For sure that I had destroyed the TVA, but after that..?"

"You didn't have anything planned for after?" He asked, a little surprised.

She shook her head. "How about you, if someone asked you where you saw yourself?"

"Id sat that I would be ruling Midgard or the nine relms, one of those." He said instantly, so certain.

"That checks out."

"What about you? Would you believe it if someone told you that you would fall for a very handsome Variant of yourself?" He asked with a cheeky grin.

Sylvie laughed."No, no, no you fell for me. Not the other way around."

"Hmm no, you fell for me." He insisted stubbornly.

"Hmm." She said doubtfully, leaning back in her chair and eating her ice cream again.

"Or, just hear me out, we both fell for each other?"

"Impossible!" Sylvie said sarcastically, she laughed again which Only made him laugh too.

"Attenion. Everyone, we have breaking news-!"

The gods heads turned, their attention to the television on the wall. It had been on but they had ignored it for the past few minutes. But this didn't seem something that they should miss.

The man on the screen dressed in a suit as he looked at the camera. "We have spotted some potentially- no, some dangerous individuals, right here in New york!" There was footage of whar she guessed was Loki's attack on New York in 2012. "Loki Laufeyson, a dangerous individual from another planet that attacked New York, is back and we have footage of him, from today, along with another individual who we have yet to identify."

They watched as the screen changed to footage of Loki and Sylvie in the center of New York. It was taken when someone first recognized them. So it was just them standing pointlessly. But they had gotten a clear view of their faces.

"If any of you see them, please..." The man on the screen kept going, looking worried but neither of them paid anymore attention to him.

"We have to go, now." Sylvie said, standing up.

"Damn." Loki said, disappointed. "I really wanted to stay longer."

"You want to stay here forever while you're at it?" She said sarcastically as he stood up too. "We'll be imprisoned here, or better yet, they'll kill us on the spot."

"We could take them." Loki pointed out. He took the Tempad out of his pocket.

"Too big of a mess." She pointed out. "I don't think it would be too wise."

"Where to next?"

"That planet you were talking about, I haven't any other ideas." Sylvie said, he nodded and opened a portal only a second later. He released the illusion and Sylvie let the Midgardians in the shop go, they looked around confused.

"You first," Loki said, giving the customers a hostile look, although they couldn't do a thing.

She stepped through first, only to be followed a second later by Loki. They were in an enormous, empty throne room. The portal close behind them, and in that moment, they were out of danger.

Loki put his hands on his hips. "Well that was fun."

Technically, this chapter is before the chapter 'Mischief' but, I'm going going leave it like that.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed! I had fun writing this one. If you have an idea for a chapter or a prompt you want to see, comment it! I'm open to suggestions!

Also, the music usually goes with the chapter, so I suggest listening to it. Be sure to comment, I love the feedback!

Until next time,

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