Love and the White Wolf - Boo...

By SJSmith56

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The continuing memoir of Gail Barnes, wife of Avenger James (Bucky) Barnes, aka White Wolf, formerly known as... More

1. Try Try Again (Brief sexual content)
2. Requiem (Sexual content)
3. Watched
4. Downtime
5. Neighbours, Spring, and New Beginnings (Sexual content)
6. They Grow Up So Fast (Sexual content)
7. Burning Love (Sexual content)
8. I Trust You (Sexual content)
9. Encounters in Paris
10. Carousel of Time
11. Incursions
12. Summer Doldrums - Winter Miracles (Sexual content)
13. Respite Time (Sexual content)
14. A Year in Review
15. The 110 Year Old Father
17. Old Problems New Beginnings
18. Fourth Time is the Charm
19. Ghost Ships
20. A Year Flies By (Sexual content)
21. First Cut is the Deepest (Violence warning)
22. Transition to Training
23. The Mission Begins (Sexual content)
24. Surveillance (Violence causing death)
25. Confrontation and Resolution

16. Live Like It's Your Last Day (Sexual content)

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By SJSmith56

After Edmonton we drove to Jasper National Park and stayed for four days. For a late birthday present James chartered a private helicopter to take us on a tour of the area. When the pilot found out that James had his helicopter pilot's license he turned over the controls so the boys could see their dad flying. Of course Steve said he wanted to fly helicopters as well. Sam echoed that desire. It truly was a good time but was called short by James being called in on an urgent classified mission. He placed the special phone call and arranged for the emergency portal for himself while our flight was changed for the boys and myself to leave earlier. He couldn't tell me where he was going or how long he would be but promised to call or text when he could. Then he kissed all three of us and watched us go through security before he reported to the information desk. We got home late but Sarah met us at the airport and we followed her to their home to stay overnight. Sam had also been called in for the mission.

Two days after James left he texted to watch the evening news. The top story was of a fishing boat that strayed too close to North Korean waters. The boat had been seized and the crew taken into custody. The Avengers weren't mentioned as a diplomatic solution was being sought. It did mention that a rescue mission was a possibility. For another four days there was no word then suddenly it was announced that the Avengers had launched a covert rescue operation and had successfully rescued all the prisoners plus a couple they hadn't known about. James video called from the military base in Japan before the transport left. He looked tired and admitted he hadn't slept in almost 48 hours. It would be a day before they landed at our airport. He said he would call a ride share.

"Like hell you will," I told him.

I picked him up with the kids and it was the best tonic for both him and Sam, who also got hugs galore from the boys. James was still jet lagged so I drove home. He talked a bit after checking the boys were asleep on the ride home.

"The North Koreans put a bounty on me, on all of us," he said. "Claimed they had a way to resurrect the Winter Soldier that couldn't be broken. One of the extra people we rescued was a disgraced general. He said it was true. HYDRA left a back door to my psyche. I have to go to Wakanda next week for a full evaluation."

I squeezed his hand as I could tell he was quite upset by it. So many years after breaking free the threat was still there.

"Do you want us to come?" I asked.

He sighed. "Normally, I would say yes but this is going to be a deep evaluation," he said worriedly. "I would rather you and the boys didn't see me in such a fragile state. It'll be hard for both of us but I think it's for the best."

I understood. Steve looked up to James but even he was sensitive to James moods. If the evaluation was as extensive as he was expecting it could be very distressing for all of us. That night we caught up on our sex life but he was distracted. I had never seen him this worried when he wasn't injured.

Shuri arranged for a site to site portal so there was no jet lag as it would affect the evaluation. He wasn't going to call either although Shuri indicated she would on his behalf.  Two days after he left she made the call via Friday.

"The general gave us all the information he had and we did find something," she said reluctantly. "I blame myself. It should have been obvious to me at the time we first deprogrammed him."

"You can fix it, right?" I asked.

"Gail, we've put him back into cryosleep," she admitted. "We have to be very careful and precise or we risk reactivating him. I wish I had better news but I don't."

The following day I received a call from a woman I had never seen. She identified herself as the former HYDRA graduate of the Winter Soldier program that been found the year before. She was still in Wakanda undergoing treatment. Like James had done she was living a quiet life in a village before returning to society. She was even contemplating joining the Avengers once she felt up to it.

"I just wanted you to know that your husband saved me," she said emotionally. "I pray for him, that he comes through this totally and completely free of the dark one. He is a good man, a strong man."

I thanked her, glad that she was healing. On the fourth day of his stay in Wakanda Shuri video called to say they were going to do the procedure the following day. It could take days and they had two different teams that would alternate if it came to that. Steve already knew something was up and he would try to comfort me. I poured my energies into being as upbeat as possible during the day but at night I cried myself to sleep. On the morning of the seventh day James video called.

"Hello beautiful," he said softly. "They got him, he's gone for good. I'll never be reactivated again."

I burst into tears, unable to speak. "Oh baby, please don't cry. Not when I can't put my arms around you and hold you. They're doing a full physical on me today, then I'll be home tonight. I'm coming home baby. I promise."

"James," I whispered, still crying, "I love you."

"I know, I love you, too," he whispered back, holding back his tears. "Keep it warm for me. Kiss the boys and tell them they'll see me tomorrow but tonight you're all mine. I have to go now."

That evening I gave the boys their bath, read them each their favourite story then put them to bed. Like I had done every night I gave them a kiss from me and a kiss from their dad. When I kissed Steve he looked me.

"You're happy," he said. "Is Dad okay? Is he coming home?"

"Yes, sweetie, he'll be home by morning," I smiled. "Your dad's coming home and he's all better now."

Steve smiled and snuggled down with his stuffie. Then I had turned out the lights and went downstairs to let the dogs out before bed. Surprisingly they were already out so I went out on the terrace to call them in when I saw and heard them. They were barking and laughing in the way dogs do when they're playing and having fun. Out in the moonlight I could see someone playing with them and realized it was James. I ran down the steps from the terrace and called to him. In the moonlight I ran across the grassy field, my robe trailing out behind me, my house slippers falling off and my feet becoming wet in the damp grass after the light rain we had. But I didn't care, I just wanted him. He ran to me and picked me up in his arms raising me to the sky before bringing my face to his. Even though we were both crying we smothered each other in kisses. There were no words, just kissing. Then he carried me back to the house, calling the dogs in as he strode across the grass with me in his arms. He didn't put me down until we were at the top of the terrace. With his arm around my shoulder he looked out over the property then down at me.

Everything looks better," he said. "Like I'm seeing it with a new perspective."

We locked up and walked up the stairs to our bedroom and closed the door.

"Come here," he said softly.

I walked to him and he enveloped me in strong muscular arms, bending over he gave me that long slow sweet kiss that I had always loved. Effortlessly he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He kissed that spot on my neck below my ear that always turned me into putty in his hands. Then he offered his soft spot, the same place but the opposite side and I nuzzled into it and felt him visibly relax.

"No rough stuff tonight," he said softly, "just us pleasing each other. My beautiful Gail, I love you so much."

"Take me to bed then," I said, "and I'll show you how much I love you, my handsome man."

We laid together, still clothed, and began to kiss. Slowly we undressed and caressed each other until we were down to our underwear. There had been no grinding, or touching below the waist but we were both very aroused. He sat up on his knees and faced me. Reaching behind my back he undid my bra and lowered it off of my body. Caressing my breasts he kissed them gently before nuzzling them firmly and burying his face in them. Then he moved his hands down to my panties and pulled them down. I laid back so he could pull them down my legs and he stroked my legs, before gently caressing that which he desired. As his kisses moved all around my thighs I started running my hands through his hair and guiding his head into me. Gently he buried his face into me, his tongue separating the folds until he found my clitoris. Moaning I lifted myself into him and he inserted two fingers into me curling them into my G spot as he continued stimulating me. His free hand was reaching for my body, grasping and groping as he brought me to the edge. It was intense as he continued licking, tonguing and fingering me until I came with a loud cry. The intensity of it was so strong I pushed his head away and curled my legs up to my chest as the waves pounded through my core. He stroked my arms and legs to help dissipate the intensity. Then he stroked my head and watched me intently. Taking one hand I kissed it and then started to uncurl.

"What the fuck was that?" I croaked. "Why have you never done it before?"

He smiled and held me. "They uncovered some more young Bucky memories," he said softly. "Apparently, he never took this all the way because of the intensity. He used it briefly as a warmup to see how responsive a girl was. The kid had skills even I had forgotten. I take it you liked it."

I pulled his mouth to mine and kissed him passionately. "Fuck yeah," I said. "But not too often, it's very intense."

"I remembered something more about Dottie," he said. "It wasn't just the Venus painting that ended us. I was such an asshole when I was 20. I wanted her to sleep with Steve. You can't have me anymore but my best friend would be happy to sleep with you. No wonder she set her brothers on me. It was a well deserved beating."

"What else do you remember?" I asked.

"Dottie could smell me," he admitted. "That's why we lasted as long as we did even though we were really not compatible. Shuri thought she might have been meant for a brother. It's possible my mother miscarried and Dottie was meant for him. That information from Kate about all the Barnes men having the smell, and being wild in their youth led them to look at other parts of my DNA. She said there's years of research there."

They uncovered many memories, long buried after years of mind manipulation. Family trips, school memories, and the realization that girls wanted him. The worst memory was falling off the train, seeing the horror of Steve's face.

"How do you feel about all of this?" I asked.

"Honestly, it's fitting missing pieces into my memories," he replied. "It's helped me make sense of some things. Shuri thinks I will recall other things in the future. I'm sorry I interrupted our reunion but I wanted to tell you some of this right away. I'm worried I will forget it again, in a normal way, through aging."

I could see how important this was to him and he didn't seem bothered that his pleasure was interrupted. We did get back to him and it was very pleasurable for us both. We managed a few hours of sleep and were awakened by a polite knock on the door. Quickly throwing some clothes on I said to come in.

"Daddy!" yelled both boys.

They both ran and jumped on the bed covering James in hugs and kisses which he returned tenfold. Smiling at me he picked them both up in his arms.

"I'll get them started on breakfast while you clean up," he said.

I could hear both boys talking a mile a minute as he took them downstairs. The baby kicked and I patted my belly.

"Your dad's home, baby girl," I said softly, then stopped. "Are you a girl? Are you Rebecca?"

The baby moved, a long slow move, and I knew in my heart this was our daughter. We had missed our medical ultrasound due to holidays, the mission, and James being in Wakanda. I stepped into the shower talking to her and then James was in there with me.

"You talking to the baby?" he asked as he caressed my belly from behind.

"I'm talking to Rebecca," I said. "Tell your dad your name is Rebecca."

She stretched again and James could feel her response. He kneeled in front of me with the water streaming down and put his face close to her.

"Hi baby girl, it's Dada," he said softly. "I love you."

She moved towards his voice. He kissed my belly then stood up and embraced me.

"We're going to have a little girl," he laughed.

When it was confirmed in the ultrasound a few days later the boys were excited. They would take turns talking to her through my belly. She was their Becca from the start.

Through July and August, I grew bigger than I ever had with the boys but Dr. Hunt and the midwife, Barb Bellecourt both assured me that she was just positioned differently. Dr. Hunt asked to be present at the birth, wanting to see for himself what the painless birth looked like. On September 26, James gave me a sapphire ring to commemorate Sam's birth.

Just after dinner on October 2, with Sam, Sarah, Marcus and their kids helping clean up the table my water broke. It was somewhat gross to the kids but Sarah chewed them out saying it was the most natural thing on earth. As she helped me up the stairs, James called Dr. Hunt and Barb, knowing it wouldn't be long. Then he asked Sam and Marcus to look after the boys and he ran upstairs to be with me. My first contraction didn't hurt but it was very strong. As James prepared the bed, Sarah timed my contractions. Dr. Hunt arrived first as my contractions were three and a half minutes apart. He checked me and said I was almost fully dilated. Marcus knocked on the door to say Barb had car trouble and Sam flew to get her. A minute later she ran in through the door breathless. I asked Sarah to stay and she sat on one side of me as James supported me from behind. Barb was busy scrubbing up when Dr. Hunt yelled the baby was crowning. She stepped out drying her hands, slipped on her latex gloves and gently massaged the perineum so the head slowly emerged. She suctioned out the nose and mouth, asked for a little push for the first shoulder and arm, then the next.

"Mark the time please, Dr. Hunt," she said politely. "Okay, Gail, let's meet your little girl, one last push."

Rebecca Jane Barnes slid out, Barb put her on my belly. James was weeping.

"She's a redhead!" he cried. "She's so beautiful."

He kissed me on the mouth but I knew he was smitten by another female, Rebecca. It didn't matter because I was, too. Sarah was just stunned.

"You felt no pain, nothing?" she asked not believing what she had seen.

"Barb thinks the baby sends out natural endorphins when the the labor starts," I said. "I still feel the pressure and it still wears me out."

"If all women were like this we would all have a dozen babies," she said finally.

James cut the cord, Dr. Hunt did the Apgar, helped with the weighing and measuring, then she was mine to feed. Like her brothers she was voracious and strong. I could also smell her, a strong scent of wildflowers. Dr. Hunt thanked us for allowing him to be there. He and Sarah left to announce the news to the others. We asked for 30 minutes before her brothers came up. Barb entered the information. 8 lbs 8 oz, 21 inches long, born October 2, 9:03 pm.

James was enjoying his skin on skin time with Rebecca when he suddenly looked at me.

"I can smell flowers," he said.  "It's the same as your perfume."

"I don't wear perfume," I said, looking intently at him.  "But as I nursed Rebecca I was aware of a strong scent of wildflowers."

"That's it," he said.  "That's what I smell.  It has to be related to the serum."

"I'm going to put that in my notes for Shuri," said Barb who heard our exchange.  "Interesting that your sense of smell is so attuned to the baby."

After I delivered the afterbirth we heard a polite knock on the door.  Barb let the boys in and they made a beeline for their dad and the baby. Steve told Sam all about new babies liking skin, and how they came out wet. James was making puzzled faces at me and I shrugged. Barb said she heard variations from every sibling at every birth. Both boys wanted their skin on skin time with her.

"Where's her penis?" asked Steve, noticing as she was placed on his chest that she didn't have have one.

James looked alarmed at me.

"Girls don't have penises," I said. "They have vaginas. It goes into their bodies where penises go out."

"Do they have to know that now?" he asked.

Barb and I both looked at him and started laughing. "It's basic biology," I said. "It won't be such a mystery when they're teenagers."

James shook his head and decided it was time to share Rebecca with the world. He put her in a diaper, wrapped her up and put a cap on her then he and the boys went downstairs with her. Barb bathed me, changed the bedding then helped me back to bed. Sam came back holding Rebecca as James put the boys to bed, and talked quietly with me about family. I could tell he was wanting his own family but could offer him no comfort as to why his up and down relationship with my friend didn't progress to something more.

When we had her naming ceremony on our property a month later we asked Sam, Sarah and Marcus to be her godparents. It was such a warm day and the trees were glorious in their fall colours. I thought we were heading for such a good holiday season.

Then just a few weeks later we received the devastating news that Kyle Simmons, his wife Laurel and little girl Abigail had all been killed in a car accident on their way to Brooklyn to spend Thanksgiving with their extended family. A drunk driver had crossed the line and hit them head on. They never had a chance. Two valued members of the Avengers support team and their child gone in an instant. They had a memorial service at HQ. James dressed in his military uniform and led the honour detail. He presented the folded flags to both sets of parents.   Reminiscing about encouraging Kyle to be more confident and expand his skills brought him to tears.  A week after the service I heard him get up to feed Rebecca her 2 am feeding. He didn't come back and I found him sitting in the dark with her in her room crying over the deaths. He couldn't understand why someone would put others in jeopardy by drinking and driving. If affected him so much he contacted his former therapist Dr. Raynor for counselling. Impressed that he reached out to her she came to HQ and offered her services to anyone needing to talk. She did a lot of good for people that holiday season. The New Years Eve dance was cancelled out of respect for the lost couple. We stayed home and had a quiet Christmas and New Years.

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