Crisis Of War

By shiaraxo

1.1M 23.4K 78.4K


{ I }
{ II }
{ III }
{ IV }
{ V }
{ VI }
{ VII }
{ VIII }
{ IX }
{ X }
{ XI }
{ XII }
{ XIII }
{ XIV }
{ XV }
{ XVI }
{ XVII }
{ XIX }
{ XXI }
{ XXII }
{ XXIV }
{ XXV }
{ XXVI }
{ XXIX }
{ XXX }
{ XXXI }
{ XXXV }
{ XL }
{ XLI }
{ XLII }
{ XLIV }
{ XLV }
{ XLVI }
{ XLIX }
{ L }
{ LI }
{ LII }
{ LIII }
{ LIV }
{ LV }
{ LVI }
{ LVII }
{ LIX }
{ LX }
{ LXI }
{ LXII }
{ LXIV }
{ LXV }
{ LXVI }
{ LXIX }
{ LXX }
{ LXXI }
{ LXXV }
{ LXXX }
{ Bonus Chapter 1 }
{ Bonus Chapter 2 }

{ XX }

16.3K 294 1.1K
By shiaraxo

'You two are up early.' I don't have to turn around to see who it is. Noah rolls his eyes and waits for me to strike first. 

But so far, every time I did that, he shoved me to the ground. So now I'm waiting for him to strike first. 

'It seems like you have an audience, Ley.' He jokes, making me roll my eyes. 'Let's see if that will make you perform better.' 

He talks too much. 

'Hit me.' I know what he's trying to do, and it's almost working. But I won't cave in just yet. 

'You first.' I can hear Hunter chuckle as he circles around the mat we're on. 

Noah throws his fist my way and I block it, barely in time before it would've hit my shoulder, and kick him down, making sure that he stays on the ground by shoving him as hard as I can. 

He groans and sweeps his leg around, almost making me drop with him.

I can feel Hunter circling and try to keep him in eyesight while making sure I know what Noah is doing. 

'You learned.' 'Of course.' I chime, keeping my eyes on him. 

The last time he tried to distract me with words, he beat the shit out of me and wouldn't stop complaining about my defense. So I worked on it. 

'Taken two yet?' Hunter asks from the sidelines. 

I hate that he continues to do this. 

Messing with me while I'm working on myself, while I'm trying to get better at all of this. 

He's always around to meddle with me or mess me up. And I hate him for it. 

'We tried that and she managed.' I also hate that they're talking about me like I'm not even here. 

Noah jumps back on his feet and circles around me, waiting for me to strike first again. 

I ball my fist and go, throwing my fists at him with all I have, hitting him in the right spots, trying to move past his defense, striking fist after fist, kicking him down again, and hearing him groan. 

Hunter grunts behind me and suddenly, I'm lifted in the air, thrown across the mat. 

All the air leaves my lungs, and I groan as I roll on my back, looking at the bright lights on the ceiling. 

'Never stop checking your surroundings.' Hunter chimes as he helps Noah up first. Piece of shit. 

I sit up straight and rub my back, groaning because of the pain. I just got rid of all the other bruises and now this? 

'Keep your eyes open at all times and don't expect to have just one opponent.' He continues as he heads over to me, lending me his hand to help me up. 

I look at him and roll my eyes as I climb up without his help. He chuckles and looks at Noah. 'You want to train with her?' Noah asks, making me shake my head. 

Hunter nods and starts smiling. 'Yes please.' 'No thank you.' 

I've been avoiding him again. Ever since that talk that night. Ever since we got to England. 

Which has been ten days. 

Ten fucking days of more training, hanging out with Isabelle and reading some of the books in the library in this big house. 

It's my safe space, where no one else comes to bother me. 

Not even Hunter, who has been trying to talk to me for the past ten days. 

It's getting annoying, and here he is. Acting like nothing even happened. 

And for some reason, I expected the others, especially Noah, to push me to talk to him. But none of them did. 

'Why not? Afraid you haven't learned enough?' Hunter jokes as I step towards the little steps off the mat. 'Little Bee-'

'I told you to stop calling me that and maybe you should stop talking to me at all.' I say as I grab my towel and wipe the sweat off my face. 

My back still hurts, but I think a warm shower might help. I hope it does. 

'What's up with her?' Hunter asks Noah as if he's supposed to know. 

I roll my eyes and ignore their little talk, as I head to the fridge to grab some water. 

'Any news on Nadora?' Nadora? Noah looks at Hunter, waiting for a reaction, but he simply glances at me before shaking his head. 'Not yet. He still wants the money and you know I can't give it to him.' 

'Well, we need those guns.' I want to ask, but I feel like that would go against what I just said. So I guess I'll just listen? 'I know. Maybe Martin could lend us some.' 

'You want to ask your evil uncle if he's willing to lend some guns?'

Hunter nods and quickly looks at me. I don't even look away as our eyes lock for a second, and simply frown when he stares at me for too long. 

'Eavesdropping much?' He says jokingly, even though it's not a joke. 'It's not like you are trying to keep it a secret.' I say, taking a sip of the bottle of water I've been holding for a while now. 

'You want to know about Nadora, don't you?' He asks, taking a step towards me. 

I hate that he's bigger than me. All of the men I've met since we met the Curzio's have been. 

'So what if I do?' I ask, crossing my arms as he looks me up and down again. 'Stop staring at me like that.' 

I shouldn't even be talking to him, but I want to know more about this Nadora guy. 

'All you have to do is ask, little bee.' Maybe I should stab him again? 

Maybe then he'll stop with this bullshit. Maybe. 

'He's the one who sent Thomas to get you.' Noah says, huffing as he walks over to me. He's done with Hunter's shit as well. 

'Why?' I ask, following him to the door. Training is done. 

'We haven't found out yet. That's why Hunter won't buy the guns we need yet.' Oh? 

'So far,' Hunter runs after us and smiles as he realizes I'm curious now, 'we only know he's the one who made sure you were at the auction. The guy at table ten was supposed to get you.' 

'He sent someone to buy me?' I ask, a little confused. 

They both nod and continue walking towards the big hallway leading to all our rooms. 'The guy at table ten.' 

I dig in my memories, trying to remember those filthy faces. The guy at table ten was old. Not as old as all the other men that were there, but at least ten years older than Hunter. 

He was willing to pay four million for me. 

And then Hunter paid five million. 

'Did you actually pay five million?' The question slips out of my mouth before I even realize it. 

He stops in front of my room and smiles, before nodding. 'Yes. I don't want to owe Justine anything.' 

'Even though we owe her the club since you let go of all her girls and killed almost every man that worked for her.' Noah says, patting him on the back, before heading to his own room. 

He did that. 

Because he wanted to get me out. 

'We'll manage.' He wants to stay here and talk to me again, but I want to shower and hide in the library again. And I thank god for the fact that his phone starts ringing. 

Hunter stays put and keeps his eyes on me again. 'Pick up your phone.' I say as I enter my room and close the door behind me, locking it, before I look at the already made-up bed. 

Just like every time I get back from training. 

The room is big, a kingsized bed with a golden frame and cream-colored satin bedding that sleeps amazingly. 

There's a vanity on the right wall, next to the bathroom, and a small dresser on the left side. 

And the view, it's amazing. 

My room is the farthest away from all the others and has a view of the fields and the forest beyond. 

Because this house is in the middle of fucking nowhere, surrounded by shades of green as far as the eyes can see. 

I must admit, the garden is amazing. The only problem is the rain, it has been raining the entire time. 

Even at the end of May. 

Noah said that it's usually like this. And he can't stop complaining about it either. He really misses the tropical climate of the island. 

I kind of do too, but not enough to go back. 

And Noah desperately wants to go back. 

I take a quick shower, looking at my back through the mirror on the wall, and notice that it's a little red. 

Not as bad as the bruise I had last time. When Noah was tired of me not blocking enough. 

My entire arm looked like it got run over by a truck and beaten by a bat. But it was just Noah who was sick of my lack of interest. 

At least that's what he called it. 

I just didn't know how to properly block everything he was throwing my way because he used new techniques than before. 

But I feel like I know more now. We're far from done, I can tell, but we're getting closer. 

So maybe I can leave soon. 


It's either that, or I'll ask Hunter if I can use his phone to call my mom and Neveah. Just to let them know I'm okay. 

My eyes roam to the black ink staining my skin. 

The fucking tattoo... 

All of that just to leave me with Hunter. 

Fucking asshole... 

I know Leon came up with the idea, but Rafael could've said no. He's the one who went through with it. 

Because he's a piece of fucking shit. 

And now it will stay with me forever. 

I mean, I could get rid of it if I really wanted to, but at the same time, I don't want to. 

It reminds me of everything that has happened so far. 

I grab some pants and a cream-colored sweater and put those on, before pulling my hair into a ponytail and heading back to the bedroom. 

'You're quicker than I expected.' Noah chimes, who's apparently sitting on my bed. 

I'm not shocked at all. 

He actually reminds me of Leon. He used to do that as well, if he wasn't busy hanging around Neveah of course. 

'Why are you in here?' He showered as well. I can tell because his hair is wet. 

'Hunter wanted me to get you.' I frown, not knowing why, and jump on the bed, stretching a bit. 

I'm absolutely exhausted. 

Isabelle and I walked around the garden last night, so I didn't get that much sleep. 

That, and I was thinking about my mom and Neveah. Even Celine and Brandon were on my mind for a while. 

I just wonder how they're doing. 

Secretly still hoping that they're looking for me. 

Not that I'll rely on them to get the fuck out of here, of course. It's just... I don't even know. 

'What for?' I ask, sighing as he smiles at me. 'Tired?' 

'Exhausted,' I sit up straight and look at him, 'but what does Hunter want now?' 

The thing is. Life with Hunter Steel hasn't been that bad.

I mean, it's not ideal. But I feel like it could be worse. 

That doesn't mean I want to stay. 

Sure, I like Isabelle and Noah, but that's it. The others are too closed off, and Hunter tortured Neveah so I don't think I'll ever look at him normally. 

'It's Thursday.' He says as if I'm supposed to know what that means. 


'You'll meet Martin today.' Oh fuck... 

They did say I was going to meet another Steel on Thursday, but I entirely forgot that that was today. 

'If you want to stay here, I could ask Hunter if that's okay?' 

I can stay in. I can stay in and rest, go for a walk, read some more, and just get my shit together. 

But I feel like I'll be missing out. Like they'll keep important information from me if I'm not around or something. 

'Also, Hunter wanted to talk to you about Nadora a bit more. But I'll tell him to come here afterward if you're not feeling like meeting Martin.' 

Noah is too kind, way too kind to be involved with people like Hunter Steel. 

'He knows more?' He shrugs and walks to the door. 'He wouldn't say. Something about you being the first to know or something.' 

I groan, jump off the bed, and follow him down the hall. 

Noah heads through the front door, walking to the side of the house where there's some kind of stable or something. 

I heard horses there once, but I didn't actually look at this side of the house yet. 

'What are you doing?' I ask as I follow him towards the stables. There indeed are horses in here. Because it fucking stinks. 

There's a brown horse in one of the stables and he moves around a lot, making me stay by the door. 

Not because I don't trust the horse, I don't like the smell. 

'Hunt!' Hunter jumps up out of nowhere, smiling at us before patting another black horse. 

'I thought you would be out riding a little longer, but we should probably go. Martin doesn't like to be kept waiting.' Noah chimes, heading back to the front door. 

I want to follow him, but a horse is standing in the doorway I wanted to go through, and I freeze. 

'She won't bite, little bee.' I roll my eyes and walk through the same door Noah did, hearing Hunter chuckle behind me as he runs to keep up with me. 

'You stink.' I say, making him laugh a bit harder. 'It happens when you take care of a horse.' 

'And ride it apparently.' I can see him frowning in the corner of my eyes and quickly head to the car parked in front of the house. 

'Does that surprise you?' Yes. I shrug though, not wanting him to think about it for too long, but I can tell I did the wrong thing. Because he starts smiling widely. 'I guess I should say that I'm full of surprises.' 

'You're also full of yourself.' I say, opening the car door and hopping in. 

Noah's sitting behind the wheel and Hunter climbs in next to me, leaving the front spot open. Maybe I should sit there? 

Before I can even ask, Noah starts driving. 

'Noah said you wanted to tell me about Nadora.' I say immediately. 

I didn't come here to bullshit. 

'Ah, yes. He will give me what I want and tell me why he wants you, if I give you to him.' 

I stare at him for a second, debating if he's going through with it or not. 

He said he wouldn't earlier, right? 

So why do I feel like he might? Because I don't trust him... 

'So why don't you?' Worry flashes through his eyes before he starts frowning at me. 'You think that I went through all that shit just to hand you over to Nadora out of all people?' 

'Why are you talking about him like I should know who he is?' It's bothering me more than anything else. 

'You don't know who Jayson Nadora is?' Jayson? I think about it for a second. 

I do know a Jayson, but I don't think his last name was Nadora. It was something like Wood or something. 

'No. Again, why should I?' Hunter looks at Noah, before looking back at me. 'He basically owns Brazil and loves to trade with the higher-ups.' 

Brazil? I've never been to Brazil. 

'He worked with Rafael a lot.' He did? I keep a straight face on, because I don't think they know that I know absolutely nothing about any of this. 

All because the Curzio's didn't tell us shit. 

'Why go through more shit if you could just hand me to him?' I ask, trying to see why he's keeping me again. 

He could easily hand me over, he wouldn't have to risk shit and he would get his stupid guns. Yet he doesn't. 

'Because you don't want to be with someone like Nadora and I made a promise to let you go if the threat was gone.' Those promises. He's trying to keep them. 

For now. 

Because I honestly don't believe that he will if I continue to treat him like shit. 

So maybe I should stop doing that as well? 

No. Because he tortured Neveah. 

'And when will that be?' I ask, tilting my head a little. 'Probably when my uncle gets back from his trip.' 

Isabelle said that Martin would be gone for a month. 

'A month?' He nods and smiles at my shocked face. 'You said-' 'Time will fly by, little bee. Plus, we have that party next month so it won't be that inconvenient.' 

The party where I'll meet Federico for the first time. 

I don't even know why I want to go. 

I mean, it's definitely not to get to know him. It's to show him that I'm good. Without him. 

Petty, I know. But I honestly don't care. 

I want to rub it in his face. 

Mom and I survived without him. 

'So you got everything set for the party?' He nods and smiles at me. 'I told you I would, didn't I?' 


'Enough about next month. How about you tell her about Martin.' Noah says, driving up an empty road. 

'Right. Martin can be very... Scary?' I turn back to Hunter and frown. 'You might know him as Skull.' What? 

That name. 

That's the guy that basically wanted Celine before she got involved in all this shit, right? 

That's also the guy that killed all those people here, the one the Curzio's were searching for. 

He's a Steel... 

'And since he'll be going on a trip to Dubai to get some shit straight with some people, we'll be watching his house and his daughter, Jade.' 

He has a daughter... 

I could ask Isabelle what she knows about all of this because she's the one who told me about all their stories so far. 

Except for this one. 

'Their house is bigger than the one we're currently in, so you know what that means.' Noah chimes, smiling at me through the rearview mirror. 

'Enough space to not see any of you for the entire day?' His smile turns into a frown and I hear Hunter chuckle as he fixes his hair. 

It's still a mess and I actually want to fix it for him, but then I remind myself of what he did. 

'I mean, that too, but also a lot more miles to run.' Training... 

I mean, I want to train so that I'll be independent, but I honestly don't think I can run a lot more than we already do. 

Noah decided that it's a good idea to run around the grounds every morning. 

He stops in front of a small gate, with walls surrounding whatever it is that we're going to. 

Apparently a huge house. 

But the walls make it seem like we're going to some castle or something. 

'Since Hunter can't stop drooling, I'll be the one to give you tips.' I nod and look out of the window. 

The trees are perfectly lined up, almost all the same heights as well. 

'Don't talk the way you talk to us, he'll kill you.' Great. 'Also, don't ignore him the way you're ignoring Hunter. Don't respond to the way he talks to his family, stay out of that shit or he'll kill you. And look at him when he's talking to you, even if he's too intense.' 

'That's a lot of rules for an uncle.' And a mystery murderer that the Curzio's have been searching for for years. 

'You'll be fine.' Hunter says as the car comes to a stop. 

Without saying another word, they both climb out of the car, leaving me to myself. 

For some reason, my heart starts racing. 

Is it strange that I'm a little scared to meet Skull? 

I mean, the Curzio's have been searching for him for months. He killed a lot of people. 

But then again, I think all of them have. 

I suck it up and get out of the car, gasping for air at the huge castle in front of me. 

Noah wasn't lying when he said that this house would be bigger. 

It looks like a freaking castle, with towers and everything, and I can already imagine the space I'll have to myself. Without any of them to annoy me. 

'Ready to go?' Noah asks, waiting at the end of the steps leading to the door. 

Hunter is already at the top of the stairs, reaching for the door, which is huge by the way. 

I nod and follow behind, taking one look around before I step inside. 

The drive up to the house looks long as hell, even though it didn't feel like it. 

I try keeping up with Noah as I look around. Inside and out, both feel like I'm in some castle. 

Some type of carpet covers most of the floor and candles lit the halls as if they don't know about electricity yet, and paintings. A lot of paintings. 

'Keep up, Ley.' I have to run after Noah and barely make it in time for the big door to shut. I can already tell that it's heavy. 

We enter a big hall with a big, dark table in the middle. And someone sitting on the other side, in a chair against the wall on the other side of the room. 

'Took you long enough, nephew.' His voice is dark and very rusty as if he smokes five packs of cigarettes every day, he has a thick British accent, and he has broad shoulders and silver hair. 

'Of course, Martin. I had to finish some stuff at the manor.' Hunter says, smiling at the man on the other side. Even though he's not even looking at me. 

I wonder how long he's been sitting there. 

'And I can see you brought a guest.' He slowly stands up, showing his tall features. He's at least 6'2. Not as tall as Hunter, but tall. 

His eyes lock with mine and something cold creeps inside of me, somehow darkening my entire body from the inside, making me shiver. 

It's him. 

The man from my dream. 

The man that made me choose in my dream. 

His eyes are as blue as ice again, freezing me from the inside out. 'Come closer so I can look at you.' 

Noah looks at me, waiting for me to move, but I can't. It's as if I'm nailed to the ground. 

Martin looks at me for another second, before stepping closer a little annoyed. Shit. 

He gets close enough to touch me. And he does. He grabs my face and lifts it to meet his gaze. 

I fight the urge to push him away and feel Noah move behind me. As if he's trying to grab my hand. 

'Aren't you the girl that stayed with Rafael Curzio?' Martin asks as he inspects my face for a second. 

I don't step away or blink at all. Because I'm scared of what he'll do if I do. 

There's nothing in particular, but Martin Steel is absolutely terrifying. 

He just carries this atmosphere, it's absolutely terrifying. 

Martin turns to Hunter and waits for him to answer his question, but Hunter looks at us as if he's ready to kill. 

And for a second, I wonder if it's me he wants to kill or his uncle. But I guess he wants to kill me for not answering his uncle when he's asking me such a simple question. 

'Yes. But she's not with them anymore, right Cataleya?' They all turn to me, making me wish I could just disappear into thin air. 

All I can do is nod, unable to even think of words to say. Even though it's simple. Yes. 

I used to stay with Rio, but not anymore. 

And I don't think I'll ever get back to him. 

Not that I want it. 

I want to get back to Neveah. And Leon and Celine and Brandon and Marco. But not Rio. 

'Shouldn't you be leaving for your meeting with your client?' Hunter asks, stepping a little closer to us. 

Skull chuckles darkly and shakes his head as he keeps his eyes on me. 'I wanted to say goodbye to my daughter first.' 

'Where is she anyway?' Noah asks, stepping closer as well. I can feel his hand on mine and hold on for dear life, making him inhale sharply as I squeeze the shit out of his hand. 

'Why are you asking me?' Because it's your daughter? 

They told me to not interfere with any family business, but how can he talk about his daughter like that? Like she's nothing to him?

'Because she's your daughter.' Hunter says, moving to my right side. 

It's like both Noah and Hunter are trying to shield me from Martin, even if he's already close enough to kill me if he wanted. 

And I would be too stunned to even blink. 

'She's your cousin, how about you go and get her?' Martin asks, his tone harsh and cold. 

'Noah, go get Jade please.' I squeeze a bit harder before he pulls his hand away and slowly backs away. 

It's like he was my radiator because as soon as he steps away, it gets even colder. 

'Why won't you both go?' I hate Hunter for bringing me here. I hate myself for deciding to come with them. I should've stayed at the manor and read some more books, not this. 

'And leave you alone with her? No way.' Hunter says, pulling me away from his uncle. 

I feel the tension between them and realize something. He didn't want to kill me earlier. He wanted to kill his uncle. 

'Afraid I'll damage her before you can have her?' Have me? As much as his words anger me, his eyes still freeze me to death. 'She's not a thing, she's a person. And you'll never have her uncle.' 

I move my gaze towards the man holding me. 

Hunter Steel. 

The guy that acted as if he owned me ten days ago because I was dancing with a bunch of guys. 

And here he is, defending me against his uncle for that exact same reason. 

'I heard you bought her from Justine and left her club a mess.' Martin says, knowing a little too much for my liking. 'I did, but that does not mean-' 'So she's your property.' 

'I'm no one's property.' Finally. I finally open my fucking mouth. 

But I don't think I've ever regretted something this much in my entire life. 

Because the look in Martin's eyes makes me want to kill myself. 'Say that again.' He says, a little intrigued. 

Every word leaves my mind, making me feel like some two-year-old who barely knows how to speak. It's a wonder I'm still standing because I feel like my knees are about to give in any second now. 

'She's no one's property.' Hunter repeats, keeping his eyes on his uncle. 

If looks could kill, I don't know who would've died first. Because they both look at each other with the angriest look I've ever seen in my entire life. 

'You bought her, right?' Hunter shakes his head and takes a little step forward, making sure to step right in front of me. 'I bought her freedom.' 

'So you're telling me that you risked your status with Justine and probably a war with most of her regular customers, over a girl you don't even want?' 

The fact that Martin seems shocked by it, makes my skin crawl. 

'That's right.' Hunter answers bitterly. 

'You're a fool.' Martin says, finally stepping back to his seat, 'Just like your father.' 

Hunter chuckles and turns back to me, looking at me as if he needs reassurance. I nod and take a deep breath, before hearing the door open behind me. 

We both turn to the door and see a little girl run in. She's at least four years old, maybe five, and reminds me of my little cousin. 

She has light brown hair and blue eyes. The same blue eyes as her father. 

'Hunty!' She runs up to Hunter and jumps into his arms. 

I watch as he throws her into the air and catches her, just to hug her tightly. 'Hello, little devil!' 

'You are back already!' She has the cutest British accent I've ever heard and can't stop smiling as she looks at Hunter. 

They look so much alike. 

To be honest, if I didn't know they were cousins, I would've thought she was his daughter. 

'Yes. We're here to babysit you for a while.' She turns to her father and smiles, making him sigh deeply. 

It's weird to see Hunter care more about her than her own father. 

'You better behave, because if you don't, so help me god, you-' 'We'll be fine. You should go, don't want to miss your flight.' Hunter chimes, stepping back to me. 

I take my eyes off Martin and look at the little girl in his arms. She looks at me with wide eyes and doesn't know what to say. 

Martin mumbles something about me as he walks out of the room, but I don't want to know what it is he said, and try focusing on the adorable girl in front of me. 

'Who is she?' She finally asks, making me giggle as she starts blushing. 'Ask her.' Hunter puts her back on the ground and gently nudges her forward. 

She looks up at me and smiles. She never stops smiling. 

'Hello, who are you?' She's the cutest thing ever... 'I'm Cataleya, who are you?' 

'I'm Jade. Hunty's favorite girl in the world!' She exclaims, looking back at Hunter. 

He shakes his head with a smile and looks back at me. 'We should have a little talk.' 

Noah clears his throat. All this time he was awkwardly standing by the door. 

'Come one Jade, let's give them some privacy.' 

'Pri-va... But I want to play with Cat!' She turns to me and puts on the cutest face ever, 'Do you want to play with me?' Oh my god... 

'You can play with her later, I have to talk with her first.' Hunter says, bowing down to her. She crosses her arms and starts pouting a bit. 'Let's make a deal.' 

Hunter whispers something into her ear, making her eyes widen and jump out of joy, before rushing out with Noah behind her. 

'Ice cream always works.' Hunter says smiling a bit as he takes a seat in one of the chairs. 

I follow him to the table and take a seat in a chair a little further away from him. 

He stood up for me not too long ago, but I still don't want to be close to him for some reason. 

'I know you hate me.' Is the first thing he says, startling me a bit. 'I don't hate you.' I admit. 

Because I don't. 

'But I should.' I continue, making him frown. 

'Why?' I wish he wouldn't be so ignorant. Because I feel like I have to repeat myself time and time again with him. 

'Because you kidnapped and tortured Neveah.' He sighs deeply, annoyed that I'm bringing it up again, but what did he expect?

'I-' 'And you killed her family.' I continue, looking at him. But he's not looking at me. 

He looks at the table between us, staring at his hands before taking another deep breath. 'Got nothing to say?' 

'You don't believe me when I say I had nothing to do with her family's murder?' 

I shake my head because he's finally looking at me again. 'Why?' 

'You expect me to believe that? After you tortured her?'

'I tortured her just to get to Leonardo.' He says as if it's nothing. 

'And that's fair to you?' 

'It wasn't fair when they did it to my mother. But they ended up killing her, Cataleya. I didn't kill Neveah.' 

They killed his mother. 

I can't imagine what that must be like. 

Losing my mother. Fuck. 

But Neveah had nothing to do with any of that shit. 

'You almost did though.' He shakes his head and chuckles. 'I wasn't really going to kill her, I couldn't do that to her.' But you could torture her... 

'And her family?' He frowns again, acting like he has no clue what I'm talking about, 'Why did you kill them?' 

'I didn't kill them. My father did.' I can hear the pain in his voice, but I'm a bit uncertain if he's lying to me right now. 'I did see the footage of what happened and I did say some hurtful stuff to Neveah when she was here, but I wanted her to hurt.' 

My skin crawls and I catch a glimmer of Martin's coldness when I look at Hunter. 

'And that's bad. I know. And I don't think you'll ever forgive me for it, but I just wish... Nevermind.' Piece of shit...  

'You just wish what?' I ask, despite my intention of not showing any interest at all. 

Here I am, asking him a bunch of questions, asking him what he's wishing for. 

'I just wish you didn't care.' I scoff at his whisper and watch as frustration fills his eyes. He's different now. 


And he doesn't like being vulnerable. 

Even though I have been vulnerable my entire stay because I had no other place to go. I was, and still am, dependent on him. 

And I hate it. 

'You expect me to forgive and forget?' 

'I wish you would forget. And maybe in time, forgive.' He looks into my eyes again, a little calmer now, and I notice his lips curling up a bit. 

I bet he wanted to have this conversation for a while now. 

'And I wish you would just give me a chance...' A chance? 'In what?' I ask a little hesitantly. 

If he wants me to fall in love with him, he's insane. 'In friendship.' 


He wants to be friends? 

'Why?' He shrugs and leans back in his chair, looking at his hands again. 'Because I like having you around. It's... Refreshing.' 

Did he really just- 'I know it won't be easy to earn your trust, but I'm willing to try. Whatever it takes.' 

'Again, why?' I know he said he wanted to be my friend, but that's a little too much. Even for him. 

Because he doesn't know me. Or he didn't, not before he took me away from the Curzio's. 

Sure, he knew who I was, the whole world does apparently, but he didn't know me. 

'Because I want to give you the world.' My heart skips a beat, and I don't like it. Not one second. 

'Not in a romantic way.' He quickly adds when he realizes he's startling me a bit, 'I just want to give you the world. Everything you want. A house, to be with your mother, a job, all the money you could ever wish for. Happiness.

Just like earlier today, my mouth won't open. 

I have so much to say, so much to ask, but I stay silent. 

'And I know it's a lot to take in, but it's the truth.' 

He wants to give me the world, everything I've ever wished for. But why? 

'What's in it for you?' I finally manage to ask. He looks me in the eyes again, sending something through me. 

I don't know if it's fear or happiness, because the look in his eyes says it all. He means every word. 

But I still don't fully trust it. 

Even after everything he did for me. 

'I just want you to be yourself around me, without you wanting to kill me every second of the day.' He admits, smiling a bit, 'A genuine friendship with you. That's what I want.' Friendship. 

There's no way in hell he's doing all of this just for friendship... 

But I could earn his trust, maybe get deeper into his shit and get him from the inside? 

It would be risky, but it's the only way I'll somewhat get revenge for what he did to Neveah, right? 

Even if it's not my place, I won't forgive him for what he did to her. 


'I'll think about it.' I finally say, making his eyes widen a bit. He didn't expect me to say yes immediately, but he didn't expect me to say that I'll think about it as well. 

So I guess he expected a no?

'Really?' He asks a little hesitant. 'Yes, really. But I do have a thing I wanted to ask you first.' 

'Ask away.' 

'Can I use a phone to call my mom?' Let's see if he trusts me yet... 

He thinks about it for a second, calculating every possible outcome, and takes a deep breath. 

'I really want to, but...' Great... That idea flushes down the drain... He doesn't trust me yet. At least not enough to make a phone call, 'there would be a risk of people tracking the call since some already know you're with me.' Oh. 

'I get that you want to talk to her, but calling won't be the safest way to do it. Maybe write her a letter?' What? He's willing to let me talk to my mother? 

'I'll make sure it makes it to her safely, without anyone following. And maybe I could arrange a work trip for her, just to get out of the country for a while.' He taps his chin as he thinks for another second. 'Where does she want to go?' 

'You would do that?' I ask a little shocked that he would go that far. 'She means a lot to you, and I want you to be happy.' 

'Can you get her here as well?' The question flows out before I can even think about it. I know that won't be possible. I shouldn't want her near any of this shit, but I want her close to me. 

I want to apologize for everything that happened and I just want to hug her again. 

'It would be a risky thing to do, but I'm willing to try if you want.' 

Risky... I don't want to risk her life if that's what he's talking about. 

So no. Let's not do that. 

'Spain.' He looks at me with a raised brow, 'What?' 

'She always wanted to go back to Spain and live there.' I explain, smiling a little. 

When I was little she always talked about moving back to Spain when she would get older. 

She wanted to watch me grow first. Get my education, get married, have kids, and afterward, she would move back to Sevilla. 

'I'll see what I can do to arrange that.' He jumps to his feet, grabs his phone, and heads to the door. I follow him and barely manage to keep up. 'Hunter!' 

He stops in his tracks and turns around, his phone already at his ear. 

'Thank you.' 

I just hope it won't be too soon to say it and that he'll actually do as he says. 

'No, thank you for giving me a chance.' He says, before walking away and leaving me in the empty hall. 

I can hear him move away because the creaky sound coming from the floor with each step he takes slowly fades away. 

He's bad. He's bad. He's bad. 

I feel like I have to repeat that to myself time and time again, before I start liking him as a friend. 

He tortured Neveah, his family slaughtered hers, he was going to kill her.

Well, actually... He said he wasn't... But that's what he said. 

I don't know what might've happened if we didn't show up in time. 

And Hunter said I could write letters to my mom. Maybe I can write letters to Neveah? To let her know I'm okay?

I should. 

Because knowing Neveah, she's probably freaking the fuck out. 

I decide to write her a letter but stay in the hall. 

I have no idea where the fuck I'm supposed to go. 

They really left me alone in this gigantic place... 

There should be some paper around here somewhere. So I start my search to find some so that I can write that letter to Neveah and maybe even my mother. 

Just as I make my way back to the entrance hall, after twenty fucking minutes, I stumble upon Noah running after Jade. 

'Cataleya! Ready to play!' She asks with the brightest smile ever again. 'I have to do something else first.' 'Okay, then I'll play with Noah now! Catch me if you can!' She runs off again, leaving me with Noah. 

'Hunter left already?' Noah asks, giving Jade a headstart. 'Yes. I wanted to ask if you know if there's an office I could use?' 

'There are at least five offices, three upstairs, two down. Both on the right side of the house.' 

And I've been searching on the left... 

'Also, you don't have to behave anymore. Martin left already and everyone else will get here soon.' Everyone else probably means Isabelle, Adam, Ben, Damian, and Jordan. 'Besides Jordan, the house should be empty.'

Jordan. He's already here.  

I nod and decide to head up the stairs, watching as Noah starts running after Jade again, before heading to the right side of the house. To find an office. 

I open the first door to my right and peek inside, seeing a bedroom. A children's bedroom. 

No office. I step back into the hall and see Jordan standing in front of me. 

'What are you doing?' He asks a little salty. Scratch a little, he's just salty. 

He has been ever since we met. 

'I'm searching for an office, Hunter said I could write to my mother.' I don't get why I'm explaining why I'm looking for an office, but I just wish he'll take it and let me be without annoying me too much. 

'Of course, he did.' He groans, stepping a bit closer. 'What's your problem with me?' 

He smiles and looks me up and down, before staring at his watch for a second. 'I don't trust you.' 

'I don't trust you either.' I say, stepping around him. He follows me to a new door and steps in front of me before I can reach for the doorknob. 

'Good thing I didn't ask, now listen.' I turn around, push him away, and cross my arms. He rolls his eyes, stumbles back, but stays close enough to stop me from entering that room. 'You better start treating us like people instead of subjects.' 

'I don't do that.' He chuckles and steps back again. 'Hunter doesn't deserve your shit.' 

'Why do you care anyway?' The answer is clear, but Isabelle said that Jordan has been acting a little more possessive over Hunter ever since I got here. 'Because he's my boss and you treat him like shit.' 

'He tortured Neveah, so I feel like he deserves some of it.' He looks like he's ready to murder me any second now. 

But I think I'll be able to fight him off. 

'And he saved you multiple times, so be grateful.' And without leaving me any time to respond, he leaves, leaving me alone in this long hall. 

'Asshole.' I turn back around and look at all the doors. There are at least twenty. And I'm only talking about the right side of the house. 

I have to find an office... 

When I finally find one, I take in the old furniture and big windows on the other side of the room. There's a beautiful view of the garden, which is smaller than I expected. Still bigger than the garden at the other house, but still. 

Most of the plants look like they've been growing for years. Without being looked after. They just grew all over the place. 

I take a seat behind the desk and wonder how this room isn't dusty at all. It looks like no one has been in here for years. 

But there's barely any dust. 

I search for some paper and find a pen on the desk, and instantly start writing. 

𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘕𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘢𝘩,


A/N: A really deep conversation with Hunter... Be honest, do some of you like him yet? Sure he tortured Neveah, but I feel kind of bad for him (even though I'm the one writing). 

Anyways, thank you guys for all the love! AAAHHHH! I love you guys so much and I really appreciate your patience and kindness and love and AAHHHHHH! 

Don't forget to vote and comment on your favorite part and let me know what you think will happen in the next chapter? 

I hope you have a great day and I'll see you in the next chapter! <3

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