Nyctophilia (KamiDeku)

By Disaintgucci

48.1K 1.7K 916

TW- Major Character Death! ._. Nah I'm just kidding. Just a bunch of fluff, really. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 9

2.5K 81 116
By Disaintgucci

Izuku stretched out in the mattress like a cat. He yawned and curled back onto his side, his eyes feeling heavy again. His body sunk into the mattress in the most delicious way. He was in absolute contentment. He smiled to himself as he started to drift back to sleep.

Kaminari stood outside the door to Izuku's room, contemplating. 

What would he see inside? What if Izuku was getting dressed? What if he was sleeping? 

A sleeping Izuku was an opportunity he couldn't miss out on. He carefully opened the unlocked door, making sure it didn't creak.

It was eerily quiet. 

He poked his head in through the hall and saw the formless lump underneath the sheets. 

He was still asleep. Kaminari internally thanked Almight for this. 

He tip-toed over to the bed, kneeled down and shamelessly watched the sleeping Deku, a small stream of saliva dripping down his open mouth. He snored softly and gripped the pillow between his arms.

Kaminari made a very important mental note.  

Izuku's nose twitched in his sleep, drawing attention to his full, freckled cheeks. Kaminari held back the urge to poke his cheeks.

Up close, his lashes looked longer than Kaminari last remembered. 

The blonde could stare at Izuku's sleeping form for the rest of the day but he had a reason for coming to his room so early on a weekend. 

Kaminari reluctantly stood up, stepping back a few feet from the bed before running forward and jumping onto the bed.

He landed squarely on Izuku's chest, knocking the wind out of the sleeping boy and causing him to jolt awake in panic. 

"No! Not today. I'm drawing the line." Izuku breathed out, trying to shove Kaminari off of him. The blonde trapped his arm between both of his and pulled it close. 

"You wake me up everyday for school and I put up with it but this is where I draw the line." Izuku pointed his free hand in the air to gesture at the drawing of a line. "I sleep in on weekends."

"Yeahhh, you might've done that before you met me." Kaminari had a smug smirk on his face. He pulled Izuku into a sitting position. 


"C'mon! We're going to the beach! You know, waves, blue skies, fresh air!"

"Hmph." Izuku pouted, his cheeks puffing out in the cutest way. His hair flopped around his face as he turned his head sharply away from the stubborn blonde. Kaminari temporarily forgot how to breathe. 

"...I'll get you a new stuffed animal."  

"Alright let's go."

Izuku had a look of longing on his face as he stared out at the ocean. The cold waves splashed around his feet and the wind whipped his hair around his face. 

He wore basic blue swim shorts and a white, open button-up shirt that blew in the wind around his frame. 

Kaminari was back on the shore with his knees tucked up close to his chest, staring at Izuku in mesmerization. 

Kirishima stood nearby with his hands on his hips, staring back and forth between Izuku and Kaminari.

"These useless gays." He muttered under his breath.

"C'mon Kiri, let's go look at fish and shit." Bakugo called for him from the shoreline. 

"Coming!" Kirishima was quick to respond, quickly making his way towards the blonde who looked less irritated than normal today. 

Kaminari laid his chin on his knees. 

Izuku was splashing his feet around in the water. Kaminari stared without shame at the pale, freckled skin that was exposed as the white shirt blew around Izuku in the wind. Izuku looked up and glanced around the beach. When his eyes fell on Kaminari, he smiled.

Kaminari bit at his lip and looked away, his heart doing aerobatics in his chest.

"Not today gay thoughts." He whispered to himself, curling in on his side and laying down in the sand.

He fell into an almost peaceful sleep.

"Is he ok?"

"He looks dead."

"He's not waking up."

"I'll get him to wake up." Bakugo cracked his knuckles, a pool of sweat already forming on his palms due to the heat of the sun. 

"Kacchan, no-"

"Shut up, Deku."

"Make me."

"I will!"

There was a loud commotion and Kaminari shifted awake. He rubbed at his eyes and stretched out on the sand. 

He opened his eyes too quickly and recoiled. "Ah! The sun!" He swatted at the air. 

He sat up and felt an arm around his shoulder. He squinted his eyes open and saw green emeralds. His heart felt happy. 

"Izu." He cooed. 

He attempted to smile when he felt pain.

"What's on my face?" He asked cautiously, bringing his fingertips up to his cheeks. They stung. "Ow."

Izuku grimaced. "Sunburn. Come on, let's take you back home."

Izuku pulled on Kaminari's arm, lifting him up into a standing position. The blonde swayed, still feeling drowsy and hot. He bowed his head against Izuku's chest and was suddenly wide awake.

"Yeah I'm ready to go-" Bakugo started. 

"You guys go without us." Kirishima interjected, pulling on Bakugo's arm and shaking his head at him. 

"You sure?" Izuku questioned. 

"Yeah, go on." 

Bakugo looked back and forth between the two. His shoulders slumped and he muttered, "Yeah, whatever." 

Kaminari, oblivious to the conversation, stared down at a faint outline of bulging material in Izuku's swim shorts. He wondered what would happen if he reached out and grabbed it. 

Izuku gave a small nod and held Kaminari by the elbow, pulling him away from his chest. He didn't see the blonde frown or hear the way he whined in frustration due to being moved. He had a good, close-up view of Izuku's slightly tanned body. 

The school was empty when they arrived, which Kaminari was thankful for. He didn't want anyone to see him right now. Except for Izuku. He could stay.

Kaminari purposefully swayed as he walked, his body making contact with Izuku's. Thankfully, the green haired boy didn't seem to mind. 

"Can we go to your dorm?" Kaminari asked, looking up at the boy next to him. 

He could've sworn he saw the corner of Izuku's lips twitch upward. He nodded. 

The walk was short and Izuku opened his door, still attached to the blonde who had a firm grip on his scarred arm, and led him towards his bed. 

Izuku had to shake off Kaminari's arm in order to peel back the covers and carefully help him into bed. 

Kaminari watched as Izuku dug around his room until he found a small container, walking back to his side and opening it to reveal a white cream. He dug two fingers into the substance and spread it slowly over Kaminari's cheeks and nose. It was cold and instantly made his burns feel better. 

Izuku closed the container and placed it on his nightstand. 

"You hungry?"

"A little." Kaminari patted at his flat stomach. 

"I'll be right back."

"I'll be here."

Kaminari counted the boards on Izuku's ceiling while he waited. He got to 345 when the door opened again and Izuku walked in with a bowl of hot food, the steam rising above it.

"Oh that smells good!" Kaminari sat up in the bed and reached his hands out. 

He greedily took the bowl from Izuku's hands and took a quick bite. He moaned around the fork.

"Like it?" Izuku moved his desk chair next to the bed and sat in it. 

"Mhm!" He stuffed his face with another bite.

"Glad you like my cooking."

"You cooked this?" Kaminari gaped at Izuku. 

"Mhm." Izuku smiled, his cheeks a dusted pink color. 

"You're amazing." Kaminari meant it full-heartedly, and not just for the food. 

Izuku's phone buzzed. He unlocked it and read a message on the screen while Kaminari continued eating, sending him silent praises with every bite. 

"Oh! I have to go."

"Where to?"

"I'm supposed to hang out with Todoroki and Shinsou today." Izuku offered him a nervous smile.

Kaminari froze. He had forgotten Izuku had other friends besides just him. 

"Ah ok. I'll just stay here then. If that's ok?"

"Yeah yeah of course make yourself at home." 

Izuku waved a dismissive hand at him and buttoned up his shirt, drawing Kaminari's attention to his moving fingers and exposed torso. Suddenly the food wasn't the only hot thing in the room. 

When Izuku left, Kaminari felt uncharacteristically lonely. The room was too big, too quiet, and he was too cold. 

He grabbed a stuffed animal, inhaling its peppermint scent and decided to take a quick nap in order to pass the time. 

When he finally woke up, the sun was beginning to set outside and he was feeling energized. His face didn't feel as tight or warm anymore either. 

He laid there, fiddling with the stuffed animal in his hands when he spotted a notebook on Izuku's desk. 
Curiosity got the better of him and he kicked off the covers, standing upright and making his way towards the small book.  

He opened the first page of the book.

His brown eyes widened. 

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